I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 379

What does it mean? !

He raised his head and looked at Xia Lingqiu's puzzled expression.

Xia Juan was very anxious, but suddenly couldn't believe it, like a lightning strike.

"Huh?! Ah Juan, haven't you heard what your parents told you?!"

Xia Lingqiu frowned slightly and shrugged her shoulders.

"Third sister, tell me quickly! What's going on?!"

I can't help but feel a little anxious and flustered.

Xia Juan suddenly recalled the time when he went from Taiping City to the capital to say goodbye in his mind.

Mrs. Zhou seems to have said...

You said something like I want to marry into Taixue City...

At that time, it was because of Mrs. Zhou's interruption.

In addition to the tight schedule, Xia Juan didn't pay too much attention to it.

Now after what Xia Lingqiu said.

For a moment, Xia Juan felt that everything was not that simple, which made her feel terrified.

Taixue City, Ye family, me? !

The relationship between these three is...

With a ferocious face, Xia Juan's longing eyes fell on Xia Lingqiu.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you."

Xia Lingqiu smiled helplessly.

Then he spoke unhurriedly.

Chapter 403

"Back then, father and the head of the Ye family."

"That's Ye Ning's father, Uncle Ye Ditian."

"There was a verbal agreement between the two of them."

"I was young at the time, so I didn't know. It was my eldest sister who told me later."

"It seems that at that time Ye Ning had just been born, and Mother had just conceived you."


With a slight smile, Xia Lingqiu played tricks on purpose.

After seeing Xia Juan's expressionless face, she looked at herself quietly.

A murderous posture and courage.

Xia Lingqiu shook his head helplessly and continued.

"Anyway, Father and Uncle Ye took advantage of the drunkenness of the full moon wine, and got married once with their fingertips!"

"If you are a girl, Ah Juan, you and Ye Ning..."

Raising his eyebrows, Xia Lingqiu stretched out his left and right thumbs and touched them.

In return, Xia Juan looked almost murderous.

And the twitching mouth corners.


So there is such a thing? !

how come……

The person surnamed Ye and I even had a so-called...

The so-called finger pulp for marriage? !

Xia Juan's face was ferocious, and it turned sallow.

"But... why didn't parents tell me?!"

Xia Juan couldn't help trembling and opened his mouth.

"Because A Juan, you were a boy when you were born."

While chatting and laughing, Xia Lingqiu leaned against Xia Juan, snuggling up.

The "flirting" of a good sister.

"So the matter is over."

"Originally, Father and Uncle Ye seemed to be planning to let the two of you become sworn brothers when they were together."

"But then, Ajuan, you were assassinated..."

Having said that, Xia Lingqiu stopped abruptly, as if he was talking about something sensitive.

Xia Juan's accident.

It has always been a pain that the Xia family dare not touch.

A trace of unnaturalness and self-blame flashed across his face.

Shaking her head, Xia Lingqiu hurriedly laughed, relieving the heavy atmosphere she brought.

"Anyway, that's it."

"Now that so many years have passed, everyone basically doesn't mention it anymore."

Yawning, Xia Lingqiu looked at Xia Juan.

"I just remembered it all of a sudden."

"So...so that's the case...?"

He nodded stiffly.

Xia Juan smiled awkwardly but reluctantly.

But a little absent-minded and restless.

This matter...why hasn't anyone told me since I was a child? !

That is to say...

If I was born a girl, wouldn't I have to marry that idiot? !

With eyebrows raised and lowered, Xia Juan was in a complicated mood, and even she couldn't express it for a while.

And, even if I'm not a woman.

If not for that assassination.

Then I...now with Yeoning...

Is he already a brother of worship? !

Husband... or brother? !

These two words were inexplicably applied to Ye Ning.

It made Xia Juan feel breathless for a while.


Luckily I'm a man...


wrong! ! !

I now……

So what am I now? !

I am now a woman!

If parents know...

Clenching his fists for a moment, Xia Juan lifted his heart into his throat.


Fortunately, I haven't told my parents about my turning into a woman so far...

If parents know.

With the personalities of the two old men, I'm afraid they will marry themselves out directly!

Luckily... fortunately...

Patting his chest, Xia Juan breathed a sigh of relief.

But when she raised her head, she saw Xia Lingqiu with strange eyes.

and many more……

The third sister and the second sister know that I am a woman now? ! !

Big sister over there...

Although he didn't say it clearly, he still left some information in case others used his affairs to plot against her.

That is to say...

The eldest sister, the second sister and the third sister.

The three older sisters now all know that I am a woman!

As long as they casually tell their parents, then...

Then don't I...

In an instant, his face turned ashen, and Xia Juan became flustered.

Who is Xia Yuanpo? !

Once a word is spoken, it is hard to follow, a person who keeps his promise!

And Ye Ning's father, Ye Ditian Xia Juan, although he had never seen him before.

But it's rumored.

He is also an extremely decent man who sticks to his word and keeps promises!

That is to say...

As long as one's identity is revealed...

Then myself and the person surnamed Ye must...? !

Thinking of this, Xia Juan's mind suddenly went blank.

The only thing left is to repeat the cycle of swallowing saliva again and again.

"Ah Juan, what's wrong with you?! Why do you look so bad?!"

Xia Juan's strangeness has long been noticed.

Xia Lingqiu frowned and touched Xia Juan's forehead.

"It seems a little hot..."

"I'm fine, third sister, it's just..."

Xia Juan twitched his face a few times, shaking his head.

Immediately, she looked at Xia Lingqiu sharply.

"Third sister, I became a woman...you didn't tell anyone?!"

"Are you talking about this?!"

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