I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 407

It seems that I finally figured it out.

Zhaodi and Nannai looked at each other and nodded.

"Actually, Mr. Xia, it was Mr. Ye's idea to prepare so many things tonight."

"Ah—? The surname Ye?!"

Xia Juan grimaced, looked at the lantern above his head, and frowned.

"What is he doing with these things?!"

"Mr. Ye said that he and Mr. Xia are both Taiping people."

Nannan put down the rag and started talking.

"He said tonight is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Both of you are in a foreign land, so let the two of us prepare some food and some decorations! Say yes..."

"I said that I want to spend a good Mid-Autumn Festival with you, Mr. Xia, so that Mr. Xia will not miss his relatives in his hometown too much..."


The words in his throat seemed to be stuck, unable to speak.

Xia Juan pointed at himself.

Looking at the innocent faces of Nannan and Zhaodi, she didn't know what to say for a while.

This surname is Ye, he...

He was afraid that I would be lonely and bored in this capital city and miss my hometown, so he thought...

Moon Festival……

I almost forgot!

Blinking her eyes, Xia Juan swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

After hesitating for a while, she stammered again.

"So...the one surnamed Ye is back?!"

"Also... what the hell is going on with these meals?! I don't think they have been touched at all!"

"Master Xia, Mr. Ye has just returned to his room."

Zhaodi pointed to the other side of the [-]th parallel.

Xia Juan looked over subconsciously, but all he saw was darkness.

he has slept? !

Xia Juan thought casually, shook her head, and was called back by Zhaodi's voice.

"As for the meals..."

Zhaodi looked at the table full of dishes.

"Young master Ye said that the banquet will not start until you come back, Mr. Xia."

"But wait and wait, Mr. Xia, you still haven't come back."

"Ye Gongzi sat here alone, waiting all night."


The girl next to her was also nodding her head like pounding garlic.

"Master Xia! It's the first time I've seen Mr. Ye's face look so bad! How fierce!"

"And he was sitting there alone, not doing anything, not talking, just sitting there all the time!"

"Everyone is afraid to speak!"


Zhaodi nodded.

"Seeing that the weather is getting cold, let Mr. Ye go to the house to rest first, and come out after you come back, Mr. Xia."

"But he's just been sitting quietly, occasionally letting us warm up the meal, and then..."

"Then just now, Mr. Ye asked us to pack up our things. We didn't eat, so we went back to our room to rest..."

After Zhaodi finished speaking, she and Nannan looked at Xia Juan together.

Xia Juan's mind had been blank for a long time, and he pursed his lips, not knowing what expression to make.

Her eyes dodged from Zhao Di Nan Nan as if she was afraid.

Then he lowered his head hastily.


I felt my mouth was dry for a while, as if there was a mouthful of phlegm stuck in my throat.

After a long time, Xia Juan finally raised his head.

Thoughtful, trembling eyes looked at the house that had been turned off...

Chapter 428 Guilty?

The clarity in the eyes.

After staring at it for a long time, it finally became blurred, foggy, faintly visible.

Xia Juan blinked her eyes, even forgot about her own existence, and stood quietly where she was.

"Master Xia."

"Master Xia??!"

Called several times in a row.

Until something suddenly closed in Xia Juan's head.

Immediately afterwards, she finally heard the confused and curious voices of Nannuan and Zhaodi.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

With a strange look on his face.

Xia Juan touched her heart, then lowered her eyes in desolation, and then looked at the two little girls.


Xia Juan asked absent-mindedly, but couldn't help but glance at Ye Ning's room.

This was the first time Xia Juan felt this way.


It's like accidentally ruining my sister's clothes when I was a child...

That...that kind of feeling is a bit uncomfortable.

I can't lift my spirits...

Xia Juan shook his head and sighed.

Let yourself try not to be disturbed by those mood swings.

"Master Xia, where are you going today?! Why did you come back so late?!"

Seeing Xia Juan regaining consciousness, Zhaodi nodded her chin with her finger and looked at Xia Juan curiously.


Xia Juan paused for a while.

After thinking for a long time, she suddenly smiled.

"I'm just out to do some things..."

"Okay, it's getting late, I'm going back to rest."

"You guys pack up and go back to the house to rest!"

"Yes! Mr. Xia!"

Nodding his head, he saw that the house was full of people up and down.

The servants and maids are dismantling all the good things.

When I came in just now, there were lanterns all over the sky.

At this moment, there are only a few scattered lamps left.

Xia Juan stood there thoughtfully and watched everyone busy.

Until Zhaodi and the others cleaned it up, they found that Xia Juan was still standing there, asking Xia Juan suspiciously.

Xia Juan came to his senses again, and returned to his room unhurriedly.

There were injuries on his body, but Xia Juan was not too anxious to treat them.

After returning to the room.

She lit a small lamp, prepared the pen and ink for herself, and sat in front of the desk.

"Father, mother... how are you all..."

"I'm in the capital..."

He muttered softly in his mouth.

Xia Juan outlines the cute characters like her real face stroke by stroke.

It wasn't until the home letter was finished that she blew on the ink on the paper and smiled slightly.

When I raised my head, the full moon outside the window ran out of the clouds again.


The night was indeed very deep.

There was no sound in the whole house.

It is so quiet that you can hear a needle drop on the ground clearly!

Xia Juan dried up the family letter and sealed it, preparing to order someone to send it out tomorrow.

Just didn't expect it.

Inexplicably, I really felt a little sad.

Is it really because I miss my loved ones? !

still is……

Because of what else? !

Xia Juan shook his head in confusion, and could only enter the Bingxuan Cave Mansion again.

Healing and practice began.

When I opened my eyes again, it was already high in the sun.

Xia Juan yawned and rubbed his shoulders, feeling a little sore in his body.

Look at your body.

It is still difficult to return to the original appearance for the time being.

Xia Juan finished washing, stretched his muscles and bones, and went to eat.

But this time, she still didn't see Ye Ning's figure.

Only by myself.

Xia Juan chewed the food in his mouth unhurriedly.

After a while, she frowned, hesitated for a while, and then stopped the servant who was walking past.

"Hey, that you..."


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