I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 41

But that empty place had been filled with another exercise book at some point, Xia Juan had nowhere to fill it up, and in the end he could only leave a row of desperate paw prints on the bookshelf in despair.

"How could this be...? What kind of martial arts is this?!"

Xia Juan fell to the ground, staring blankly at the body enhancement technique in his hand, as if he had completely let go and was sluggish.

She opened her small cherry mouth wide, her eyes were dull, and she quietly looked at the three big words on the cover in front of her.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly.Xia Juan was almost on the verge of collapse!

This thing is even more unreliable than the previous Yin shrinking skill, right? ! !

Who is the owner of this Ice Profound Cave Mansion?It's so... so vulgar.

On this bookshelf, there is such an inexplicable and messy martial art!

Xia Juan looked at the body enhancement technique in his hand fiercely, threw it on the ground and stomped it hard a few times.

Feeling overwhelmed, she twisted hard again.

But until her anger subsided, she could only pick it up obediently.


Xia Juan grimaced, stammering, not knowing how to express herself.

Now that she calmed down, she remembered her previous conjecture.

Because if that's the case, if I don't practice this body enhancement technique...I'm afraid that I won't be able to do any of these exercises in the future.

But... But how could I practice? !

This kind of... this kind of thing is probably only practiced by those ladies who stay at home all day and study all kinds of mess, right? !

In short... let's put it away first...

Xia Juan only felt that he had been put together by this Ice Profound Cave Mansion inexplicably.

After waiting for more than a month, what I waited for was this kind of thing? !

If there are many other exercises like this in the books on this bookshelf...


Xia Juan shuddered, and didn't dare to think about it, so she could only silently put away the body enhancement technique.

"No matter what, I will never practice this kind of indecent exercise."

"My Xia family's ancestors can't afford to lose this person for generations!!!"


Early the next morning, Xia Lingqiu and Li Chengye arrived at Xia Juan's door.

"Juan?! Juan?!!"

Xia Lingqiu lay on the door of Xia Juan's room and patted her ears hard.

"A Juan, get ready, the birthday party is about to start, we have to go there quickly."

"it is good!"

Waking up from the Bingxuan Cave Mansion, Xia Juan took a deep breath, and softly agreed to Xia Lingqiu.

"It seems that I misunderstood it. It turns out that this body-enhancing technique is infinitely mysterious. I wonder if it's so simple on the outside!"

Chapter 59 Fried Rice

Yes, in the end Xia Juan couldn't resist the curiosity in his heart, and the temptation of countless exercises on the bookshelf.

Tossing and turning in the middle of the night, unable to sleep no matter what, Xia Juan finally woke up and entered the Bingxuan Cave Mansion again.

Body augmentation.

Xia Juan was really helpless because of this unreliable skill just from its name.

What a pity? !I can only practice!

It doesn't matter this practice.

At first, Xia Juan was careless, looking through the contents casually, even feeling a little ashamed and shy.

I feel sorry for the ancestors and ancestors, and let them lose their face.

She felt even more disgusted that a big man would look at this kind of exercise.

But seeing later, Xia Juan became more and more involved!

Even at the end, Xia Juan read it carefully again, imprinted all the body enhancement technique in his mind, and then completely covered it!


It turns out that this body enhancement technique is more than just superficial body enhancement!

Although according to the said.The deeper the practitioner's realm, the higher the level of breakthrough, the body will become more and more complete, and finally reach a suffocating perfect proportion.

Even cultivated to the extreme.Practitioners will remove all impurities.

At that time, even the sweat on my body was fragrant!

To put it crudely, if Xia Juan practiced the body-enhancing technique to the point of proficiency.

Even if she spit out a mouthful of phlegm casually, pulled a...

They are also fragrant!No pollution!No need to refrigerate, just open the bag and eat!

But body augmentation is not as simple as it appears on the surface.

Fat body does not only refer to the figure, but also includes muscles, bones, pores...

As the body enhancement technique becomes more and more sophisticated, the practitioner's body will undergo earth-shaking changes.

To put it simply, the physical body of a practitioner will become more and more terrifying!Can't even hit the shells!

There are two types of cultivation, one is traditional, and the cultivation is the physical body.

The other is to use the aura of heaven and earth as an aid, and what is cultivated is "law", that is, mana.

It is rumored that in ancient times, a strong man could smash an entire mountain with a single punch!

It's a pity that today, few people practice the physical body.

Because it is too hard, and if the physical body has not reached a certain level, anyone with mana can easily defeat you.

This is why there are almost no people in the entire continent who regard the physical body as their main practice.

Most people basically just use the physical body as a means of defense, so powerful that they can be invulnerable!

However, it is no longer possible to push a mountain with a punch and push a river with a palm like in ancient times.

And the body-enhancing technique in Xia Juan's hands was written by a female casual cultivator in ancient times!

This person is a genius, and there is an air of aloofness and coldness between the lines.

It is precisely because this person has the same temperament and personality as Xia Juan that Xia Juan accepted the body enlargement technique.

But the only problem right now is...

Cultivating the physical body is definitely a good thing!Especially flesh body secret techniques like this from the ancient times.

Entire continents are hard to find!

But... But if you want your physical body to enter a certain realm, you have to practice hard, and your body will naturally grow as your strength increases...

Xia Juan was troubled for a while.

Now her body seems to have just developed, and her breasts and buttocks are not too big.

If you hide it well, you'll still look like a man.

However, over the past month or so, Xia Juan clearly felt that she was "growing".

I don't know when this kind of growth will last!If I practice some body-enhancing technique at this time...

Then how should I disguise myself and keep pretending? ! !

What's more... what's more, Xia Juan actually refused in his heart.

If these aspects are not so prominent and not so noticeable, then Xia Juan can pretend not to see them on purpose and ignore them!

Still think of yourself as a man!

But if these aspects are compact and plump... then Xia Juan will definitely pay attention if she doesn't want to.

At that time...

Xia Juan felt that she might collapse...!

But is there any other way? !

And for the books on the bookshelf, Xia Juan had no choice but to bite the bullet and do it!

So after half a night of practice like this.

When Xia Lingqiu's knocking on the door and shouting startled her, Xia Juan felt as if she had left from Bingxuandongfu.

"my body……"

Xia Juan stretched out his hand slightly, and the bones all over his body made a crisp sound.

"My physical body seems to be a little harder! But..."

My figure... seems to have changed a little bit.

How much Xia Juan wished he could not observe.

It's a pity that what she cultivates is mana, and she can clearly feel any changes in her body.


For example... Sitting on the bed now, I feel that the bones under the buttocks have been squeezed down softly, and it seems to be much firmer and plump...

Xia Juan shook her head, bared her teeth as if going crazy, and roared silently.


Exhaling a breath of turbid air, Xia Juan sank to his dantian, allowing his body and mind to recover.

"Okay, from now on, don't think about those things that are there or not."

His face suddenly pulled down.

Xia Juan changed back to that lofty, withdrawn, cold face.

She got up, straightened her clothes, and put on her boots.

Pushing open the door, he saw Li Chengye and Xia Lingqiu waiting for him.

And in the corridor outside the door, there are already many people ready to go.

One by one, they handed the invitation cards distributed yesterday to the disciples of Tiangu Sect, and entered the place where the birthday banquet was held.

"A Juan, you finally came out. What's the matter, is there something wrong with your body?!"

Xia Juan didn't sleep all day last night, and she was frightened by the body enlargement technique, so Xia Juan's complexion was a little pale.

Seeing Xia Juan's tired face, Xia Lingqiu thought that Xia Juan had been thinking about yesterday's events all night, and started thinking wildly.

For a moment, Xia Lingqiu felt that he was really sorry for this younger brother, and hugged Xia Juan with self-blame and worry.

"Sister...don't be like this...there are so many people..."

In the corridor where people come and go, a person casts a surprised look.

They were first infected by Xia Lingqiu's beauty, and showed a slight smile.

But when they saw Xia Juan, they shook their heads for an instant, unable to understand how Xia Lingqiu would hug such a thin, short, feminine man.

For a moment, everyone felt that a flower was stuck on the cow dung.

Xia Juan could only feel the strange, hostile, and disgusted eyes from all directions.

But after so many days, hehe... She has gotten used to it.

After all... I definitely hate myself a lot more than they do.

"Okay... just as long as you're fine." Xia Lingqiu raised her head, "Ajuan, if you have anything to say, you must tell Third Sister, don't hold it in your heart."

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