I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 429

I also don't want to become Qi Changping.

So Xia Juan set the rules.

We only recruit people who have a local household registration in the capital and have a normal background and excellent background.

Xia Juan never wanted anything to happen to his subordinates.

As a result, he ruined his business and reputation!

The capital has a large population, many powerful people, and many ordinary people.

So it's only a few days.

Xia Juan has already recruited more than 20 people who he thinks are pretty good as the initial staff transfer.

Everything is developing in an orderly manner.

Although Xia Juan is opening a shop for the first time.

But it can be regarded as well-organized and not flustered.

And it's worth mentioning that Ye Ning helped her purchase the store except at the beginning.

For the rest, she was really busy alone.

Maybe it's because she grew up in the Xia family.

Under the influence of ears and eyes, some business talent and overall planning ability.

After one month, Xia Juan has lost a lot of weight and matured a lot.

When looking at the bronze mirror, you can even see a faint black circle around your eye sockets.

But obviously, it's all worth it!

When Xia Juan stood in front of his shop again.

When looking at the fruits of my hard work for more than a month.

For the first time, she actually had the urge to be moved to the point of crying.

Long drought meets nectar, first bitter and then sweet.

Since entering Beijing, I have been constantly encountering setbacks and facing failures.

But this time, it was Xia Juan who felt the sense of accomplishment that he hadn't felt for a long time.

From now on, there will be a place of its own in the capital!

Take a deep breath.

Xia Juan stretched her aching muscles and bones recently.

As soon as she turned her head, there was a crisp and violent sound on her neck.

at the same time.

She also saw someone standing at the end of the street at some point.

The fourth prince Qi Chengwang, whom he had not seen for a long time.

Chapter 447 Puppet (800 Monthly Pass Plus Changes)

"Qi Chengwang?!"

Xia Juan narrowed her eyes subconsciously and turned around.

On the opposite side, Qi Chengwang smiled awkwardly and patted the back of his head.

After hesitating for a while, he finally hesitated, moving forward bit by bit like convulsions.

"What... what is he doing here?"

It has been more than a month since Xia Juan opened the shop.

It seemed inevitable that it would reach Qi Chengwang's ears.


Seeing Qi Chengwang now, Xia Juan can only say that his heart is a little complicated.

It was different from Qi Changping's betrayal.

Between myself and Qi Chengwang... a bit complicated.

It's just that this guy already believes that I'm a man now, why is he looking for me again? !

He straightened his body and suppressed the waves in his heart.

Xia Juan regained his expressionless indifference, watching Qi Chengwang approach step by step.

"What are you doing here?"

Xia Juan pretended to be nonchalant and looked at the shop behind her.

It seems to be checking which places still need to be repaired.

"I... I heard that you opened a shop in Dongcheng, so..."

"Stop by and have a look."

"Well... let's see."

Xia Juan nodded, and continued to work on something that he didn't know what he was busy with.

"I'm good!"

Nodding his head, he looked around awkwardly for a while.

After hesitating for a long time, Qi Chengwang swallowed a mouthful of saliva before speaking again.

"It was Mo Muqing's birthday... I saw you."


The movement of the hands stopped abruptly.

Xia Juan turned around quickly and glanced at Qi Cheng.

"You passed that day too? But I seem to..."

"I didn't go in, I... have no face to see you..."

Saying that, Qi Chengwang lowered his head in shame, a trace of remorse flashed across his expression.

"If that's the case, what are you doing now?!"

Xia Juan raised her eyebrows and looked at Qi Chengwang aggressively.

For Qi Chengwang.

From the night he happened to find out that he was a woman and tried to rape him.

The two will never be able to cooperate again.

Even though Qi Chengwang believes that he is a man now, the doubts and surprises from the past have taken root.

If I can assist him again.

One day, he will definitely suddenly think of this matter, and then...

Xia Juan wants to prevent any such thing from happening.

"I...I figured out something, Xia Juan!"

Clenching his fists, he finally made up his mind.

Qi Chengwang raised his head, pursed his mouth and struggled for a while, then nodded heavily.

"Xia Juan, are you coming back?"

"What did you say?!"

With a cold glance, Xia Juan frowned, and stared at Qi Chengwang displeased and fiercely.

"Qi Chengwang, don't think that you can keep your mouth dirty just because you are a prince! Be careful of me..."

"Sorry, I meant..."

With his head down, his eyes dare not meet Xia Juan's.

Qi Chengwang shook his head, revealing a bitter smile.

"I know this is a bit... absurd, and it may not be understandable to you."


"Xia Juan, we can give it a try... I am willing to give up fighting for the throne! As long as you..."

"I will kill you!"

With no expression on his face, he said a cruel word without any surprise.

Xia Juan didn't expect Qi Chengwang to still think about pestering herself.

This guy... what is in his head?

Shaking his head, Xia Juan closed the shop door, turned and left.

"Qi Chengwang, the matter between you and me is over long ago."

"Now I am assisting the prince, and have nothing to do with you."

Waving casually, Xia Juan turned and left.

Over-the-shoulder perspective.

Behind him, Qi Chengwang stared, and raised his head little by little.

"Xia Juan! Wait!"

"Qi Chengwang, what exactly do you want?!"

Xia Juan was really annoyed by these capital nobles, princes and the like.

Are these guys really so keen on cultivating male pets? !

Xia Juan's face was embarrassing, and he hardly had any patience.

"Xia Juan, let me ask you...!"

"Don't you hate the wind of Longyang?"

"In this case, why do you live with that Ye Ning?!"

"And that night... I stood outside Mo Muqing's mansion and saw with my own eyes that the two of you are extremely close!"

"Xia Juan, you lied to me?!"

"Qi Chengwang, you..."

He was dumbfounded for a moment, and took a step back.

Xia Juan frowned, looking at each other with a pair of big eyes in disbelief.

"You...you are following me?!!"

"It's not tracking, it's protection!"

Qi Chengwang shook his head, resolutely.

"You are straight-tempered and easy to offend others. I'm afraid you'll be in danger!"

"I only ask you! Qi Chengwang, are you following me?!"

Xia Juan was thoughtful.

At this moment, she actually felt a little creepy.

This guy, when exactly...

Then his every move, isn't it...? !

Shivering for a while, Xia Juan glared at Qi Chengwang and grinned.

"Xia Juan, don't be angry, you really misunderstood!"

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