I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 45

After all, this younger sister of mine... has always had this personality since she was a child. No matter who you are, there is no way to change her stubbornness.

"Go home?"

As soon as she remembered that she had to face her parents again and kept covering up, Xia Juan felt a splitting headache and closed her eyes helplessly.

"Why Juan? Do you still want to continue playing?"

Xia Lingqiu raised her eyebrows.

"However, after leaving the Tiangu Sect, after the matter is completed, Sanjie and I have to quickly return to the sect. Sanjie's master is still waiting for Sanjie to go back and spread the word."

"No." As soon as the words finished, Xia Juan shook his head, "I just miss my parents a little bit."

Seeing the strange color in Xia Juan's pupils, Xia Lingqiu felt a little uncomfortable.

She wanted to hug her dear sister, but there were so many people present, and she couldn't openly care about her.

"A Juan, let's get back to our seats, we'll go home tomorrow."

A smile appeared on Xia Lingqiu's face, and she squeezed into the crowd with Xia Juan, ready to return to her seat.

But suddenly, there was a loud noise behind him.

"There are assassins!"


Accompanied by a sudden scream, Xia Juan and Xia Lingqiu hurriedly turned their heads away.

But on the high platform, something seemed to explode, and fell into a burst of flying dust, and the smoke was hazy.

Chapter 64 The Assassin

"what's going on?!"

Whether it's Xia Juan, or Xia Lingqiu and Li Chengye.

The three of them were rushing towards the crowd, preparing to return to their positions.

But suddenly there was an earth-shattering explosion behind him.

The three of them spoke in unison in an instant, and quickly turned around.

However, whether it was the three of them or others, they still responded to what happened.

In an instant, a series of explosions continued one after another.


Xia Juan didn't have time to see clearly what happened.

Suddenly, there were explosions from all directions in the whole scene, and bursts of smoke flew up, carrying a pungent and violent breath.

In an instant, she felt as if something was stuck in her throat, making her feel powerless!

"Not good! There is poison in this smoke..."

Xia Juan's expression changed, and he hastily stretched out his hands to pinch his throat and nose, preventing himself from inhaling these things any more.

Xia Juan didn't know whether it was the deadly poisonous gas or just the unconscious drug.

But no matter which one, if you smoke it, you will be completely slaughtered!

A scorching heat gradually spread all over her body, and she felt a little dizzy in an instant.

"Ajuan...Ah...cough cough!"

The smoke was getting bigger and bigger, and the entire Tiangu Gate was completely covered by the smoke, and it was impossible to see anything clearly.

The sky was full of khaki dust, and the air was pungent and unpleasant. One by one, screaming people fell down and fell unconscious.

The table that had been neatly arranged just now had already been overturned into a mess, and there were fallen bodies and broken dishes all over the floor.

Those hot and delicious dishes turned into dirty and muddy stains trampled underfoot.

Xia Lingqiu felt a strange change in her body, and immediately wanted to reach out, relying on her previous memory to grab Xia Juan's hand.

But Xia Juan was already dizzy and ran around, but Xia Lingqiu could only escape.

"Ah Juan...!"

Xia Lingqiu wanted to find her sister, fearing that something might happen to Xia Juan.

But she was getting weaker and weaker all over her body, and her footsteps were getting weaker and weaker. In the end, she seemed to be unable to support herself and almost fell down.

Xia Lingqiu coughed, and finally couldn't hold on any longer, and fell into the crowd.

The explosion came suddenly.Xia Juan instantly stopped his facial features, not allowing himself to inhale too much poisonous gas.

But the poisonous gas had been inhaled long ago, and it was only a matter of time before he passed out.

Exactly... what happened? ! !

Xia Juan looked confused.She didn't expect that it was still so lively and noisy just now, and it turned into such a "deadly littered field" in a blink of an eye!

"Third Sister?! Xia Lingqiu?!! Li Chengye?! Damn... what happened? Cough cough... cough cough!!!"

It seems that circles of stars can already be seen going back and forth in front of my eyes.

Xia Juan stumbled and staggered, and finally couldn't hold on anymore. He fell down all of a sudden, bumped into something hard, and leaned against it.

"I can't die...I can't die..."

Xia Juan forced herself to open her eyes.

Because she knew that if she fell asleep, she might face a massacre!

I must find Third Sister as soon as possible, and then leave... Absolutely!Absolutely not... Absolutely not here!

But... But my body has completely lost strength, and I really can't stand up anymore...!

A kind of unwillingness, pain, grief, humiliation...

These inexplicable emotions made Xia Juan hate her own incompetence and uselessness even more!

If I react quickly, if I have enough strength, if I...

If he is really like his parents, the three sisters expect him to stand upright!It is simply impossible for such a thing to happen!

The dizziness in front of his eyes was getting more and more dizzy, and his body was getting weaker and weaker.

Xia Juan finally gave up resistance completely and leaned against the stone in a daze.

Suddenly, the khaki smoke in front of him dispersed slightly, revealing a figure from behind.

"This back... just now?! That back just now?!"

Xia Juan seemed to have discovered something, realized something, and widened his eyes, trying to wake himself up.

But it turned out that this was just helplessness, she couldn't get up at all, she was just dying.

"They are...they came to assassinate Tiangu Sect's Shanling Tianzun?! How could it be..."

Although Xia Juan is not familiar with Shanling Tianzun, but if he can become the master of a sect, a giant, or even the future leader of the martial arts, his strength will definitely not be low!

But now, someone was able to assassinate him! !

Although it may have something to do with the sudden explosion and the poisonous gas all around, but this is too absurd!

Or to put it another way... How far is this assassin's martial arts? !

On the high platform, there are dozens of weapons piercing through the back of Shanling Tianzun's chest at the same time, which are uneven.

But exactly the same, every weapon stabbed at the dead point, pierced through the deadly organs, blood dripping slowly from the tip of the sword, so terrifying! ! !

That figure... who is it? !

The eyelids became heavier and heavier, and Xia Juan became dizzy for a while, and even felt that her breathing was about to stop.

"I fought with you!!"

A disciple of the Tiangu sect who had just stood beside Shanling Tianzun dragged his dying body and instinctively charged towards him.

The figure turned around, revealing his face, facing Xia Juan.


The "back figure" dodged and dodged, and with a light bump on his shoulder, the disciple of the Gu family flew out uncontrollably that day.

But that day when the disciple of the Gu family fell down, he instinctively opened his teeth and claws, trying to catch something.

Unintentionally, he grabbed the veil covering the face of the "back figure", and pulled it off in an instant.

A face as handsome as a ghost's ax and ax was looming in the khaki smoke.

Xia Juan only felt that the person in front of her was extremely familiar, but she couldn't remember it for a moment.

Strength, consciousness... have gradually disappeared.

Xia Juan's tightly clenched fist loosened slightly.

The last scene in front of me was that person raising his head.

He seemed to have noticed himself in an instant, showing a slightly astonished and surprised expression, staying where he was, hesitating for a while.

After that, Xia Juan felt as if he was in chaos, and his surroundings were all sticky.

She doesn't know anything anymore.Forget nothing.

She seemed to have returned to the mother's body, returned to the mother's womb, and became the fetus that was still in the amniotic fluid.

She felt like she had just broken through the ninth level of the Nine Heavens Xuanming Energy, feeling that she was in a hazy state, losing all consciousness, only numbness remained.

Am I... dead? !

Chapter 65


When I opened my eyes, I saw the white clouds and the vast sky.

The tip of the nose is a fresh and natural breath, which makes my hesitant and uncomfortable breathing suddenly become much more transparent.

"I'm not dead...?"

Xia Juan's voice was a little hoarse.

She sat up in confusion, only to find that she was lying alone outside Tiangu's gate.

"Why... why am I here?!"

Could it be... Could it be that I was strong-willed before I passed out, and then crawled here abruptly? !

Or...or did someone move me here? !

But everyone present couldn't protect themselves, so how could it be possible? !

If someone moved me, it could only be...

"Those assassins?!"

Xia Juan frowned slightly and sat up.

She felt dizzy and aching in her head.

Patting Xie Xie on the head, Xia Juan coughed and became thoughtful.

"In my memory, the face from the back is too familiar..."

"But... but where have I seen him before? He is so strange, but he always feels a little familiar..."

In my mind, the face of that person who was pulled off the veil was instantly conjured up.

look familiar!It looks familiar!


"Wait?! No!!!"

Wei Wei stretched out her trembling hand, although she didn't know what her intention was, but Xia Juan suddenly stretched out her hand to cover the lower half of her face.

In my mind, that handsome face put on the veil again in an instant, only revealing a pair of energetic and sharp eyes!

Those eyes... Where have I seen them before?

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