I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 450

Like a desperate madman.

It's like a historical torrent that no one can control!

"Han Minzi!"

Xia Juan grinned and looked at the sky above her head, which suddenly soared up.

"I don't care what the price is!"

"The cave is for you!"

"The Xuanwu scale armor is for you!"

"I give you everything, I want you to give me the strength..."

Xia Juan didn't finish her sentence.


Throughout the world, there was another loud noise from under the sky!



Xia Juan's voice stopped abruptly, and he froze for a moment.

The sparkle in the eye sockets could not be controlled for a while because of this.

It turned into two tear stains and fell down.

Xia Juan's ferocious face suddenly became surprised.

Bewildered and surprised.

She froze for a while.

Then slowly raised his head.

Among the electric snakes under the sky.

The body of King Liuyue Furong was lifted up high, resisting Ye Ning's head.


"Ye Ning!?"

He is still alive!

Chapter 467 Breakthrough

Xia Juan's eyes widened suddenly, and his whole body trembled.

Ye Ning...

It turned out that he actually used the body of King Liu Yue Furong to block the catastrophe for himself? !


It turned out that the reason why he grabbed the opponent desperately and held him back.

Not just for killing him!

This guy……


How could this guy be so smart...

How could he be sent to death for no reason! !

There was a forced smile on his face that seemed to have seen through all of this a long time ago.

Xia Juan pursed her lips, but the corners of her mouth raised slightly uncontrollably.

It turned out that he had already thought about it!

Intercept King Liuyue Furong.

Then use the opponent's body as a shield to resist the bombing of the catastrophe.

In this way, he can be less affected by some catastrophes.

Share it on each other!

He... has always been so smart!

He's always been smart!

It's like saving myself that time in the Qing Chang's Mansion.

He has always been smart and can't die!

Xia Juan smiled slightly, looked up at the sweeping mid-air, and the raging power was spreading in all directions.

Among the thick electric snakes.

Ye Ning lowered his head slightly, holding the body of King Liuyue Furong.

He trembled and moved slowly, as if he was saving something.

till the end.

Suddenly, there was a huge roar that seemed to be heard throughout the continent.

In an instant, Xia Juan only felt the ground was turbulent, and began to tremble again.

Those gravels on the ground floated strangely one by one.

It was as if he had encountered some powerful force, and he couldn't help being pulled by it.

Even because of this, the environment of the entire continent has been distorted and changed!

"Eight wastes are peaceful, the art of suppressing the ancients!"

The heart-piercing roar seemed to have cut the throat severely with a knife.

Ye Ning let out a cry.

Suddenly, a ray of light burst out from all over his body!

The light enveloped his body.

It was like an illusory figure with his back arched and protecting him in his arms.

That power keeps increasing, keeps surging, and becomes even louder and more domineering!

At the end.

The hunched phantom finally raised its head completely, and held its head high in an instant.

The moment he straightened his chest, an overwhelming force broke through all the barriers.

It seems that there is a steady stream of magic power permeating the boundless.

Like a stone falling into the water, it caused ripples to come out!


The phantom shook and propped up with both hands.

Suddenly, Xia Juan saw the phantom of Pan Gu.

Like the great achievements of standing upright and opening up chaos.

Ye Ning's whole body was filled with radiance that permeated Changhong, floating in the sky.

The sky is full of clouds and rosy clouds.

All the rays of light are constantly condensing and uniting on his back.

Finally merged into one more indestructible.

An even bigger and more menacing phantom clone!

Only the masters of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm can refine the doppelgänger from outside the birth!

Otherwise, unless the ancestor of the corpse mountain of the ghost gate walks the evil way.

Defeat other immortal cultivators, and then refine them into a living puppet!

Otherwise, even a cultivator at the peak of the Condensation Realm.

It is absolutely impossible to divide one's body into two!

This is like a golden pill.

As long as it doesn't reach the Heavenly Tribulation Realm.

No matter what elixir you swallowed or what peerless magic weapon you took.

What kind of cultivation method has been practiced to open up the world.

As long as you haven't reached the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, it is absolutely impossible to refine the golden elixir!

At most it is a fake pill!

It's as if a person doesn't have any basis and understanding for a thing.

Then no matter how hard he tries, he will know nothing, and his efforts will be in vain!

The avatar outside the body can only be cultivated in the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, dividing the body and soul into two!

But at this moment, the phantom that Ye Ning transformed in front of him seems to be...

Xia Juan squinted her eyes and stood quietly at the bottom, watching Ye Ning fight against the sky!

To cross the heavenly tribulation, if others help, it will basically be in vain.

Just now Xia Juan was also afraid that something would happen to Ye Ning.

So in a hurry, he prepared to use Han Minzi's power to save Ye Ning.

But now it seems...

It seems that there is no need...


I was slightly taken aback, and then raised my hand in confusion.

Xia Juan frowned, lowered his eyes thoughtfully.

"Just now..."

"What the hell is going on with me?!"

"At that moment, I almost lost control?"

The last tear that had been lingering in the eye sockets for a long time slipped down when the words just fell.

Xia Juan was worried.

But there was a blank in my mind, and I was extremely confused.

Just now... what happened to me? !


Why do I care so much about Ye's life...?

I'm such a heartless, selfish, obnoxious fellow!

How could I...

How can you care about others? !

He choked on the snot in his nasal cavity.

Xia Juan quickly wiped away the tears on her face and rubbed her red eyes.

She smiled awkwardly.

It's like looking for a step down for yourself.

It seems to be afraid, afraid of something.

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