I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 557

Xia Huaimu looked pensive, but soon smiled.

"Who can tell what will happen in the future?!"

"Juan'er, you have always been smart, like a genius!"

"Calculating others and giving advice to others are not all your strengths?"

"How come now that it's your turn, you've become like a headless chicken instead?!"

While talking, Xia Huaimu reached out and stroked Xia Juan's hair.

"I remember the last time I touched your hair like this, your head reached my stomach."

"But now... you're almost as tall as me."

Between talking freely.

Hearing the second sister's words, Xia Juan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Especially at this time under the setting sun.

It also sets off a feeling of desolation and loneliness when people go to cool tea and go to empty buildings.

She nodded, licking her parched lips.

In my mind, I repeated every word Xia Huaimu said just now.

In fact, the second sister was right.

The future... no one can tell.

So now, I am struggling again, what am I worrying about? !

Instead of complaining here, ask for sorrow.

It's better to do it simply, and think of a way in the future!

Now that the fact that I am a daughter has been exposed, it is destined to be irreparable.

And what I can do is to temporarily accept the identity given to me by the outside world.

Women's clothing?

good!I just wear it!

Pretend to be a very normal daughter who has accepted her current identity in front of her parents?

it is good……

I have no problem either!

As long as I remember who I am.

Don't forget your original intention, that's it!

Just like I thought before.

People who practice martial arts don't care about trifles!

Opening his eyes, there was a bright light in his eyes.

Xia Juan seemed to understand something in an instant, and unknowingly regained his spirit.

"Second sister, I understand."

Nodding, Xia Juan smiled.

"Actually, I don't need to say anything at all."

Xia Huaimu shook his head.

"Juan'er, there are some things you already understand, even more thoroughly than I do."

"But the authorities are obsessed, Second Sister can see your difficulties."

"You don't want to disappoint your parents, and you are also afraid that someone will slander the Xia family and bring disaster to the family."

"But you, yourself, can't accept your body for a while, and you are confused."

"So Juaner... you can actually do it."

"Just keep being yourself and stop thinking about it."

"That's enough!"

Continue to be yourself, don't think about it...


In an instant, everyone had returned to the mansion.

Xia Juan looked at Madam Zhou and Xia Lingqiu in front of him, then turned to Xia Huaimu and nodded again.

"Second sister, thank you..."

"That's right, it's the same for me as a boy or a girl."

"Even if I become a woman!"

"But as long as I am strong enough and bold enough! Then I will be more manly than all men!"

"And it doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman."

"I'm still Xia Juan, I don't need anything to restrain me!"

"Because even if I become a woman, I can achieve great things, build great achievements, and be famous in history!!!"

Clenching his fists tightly, Xia Juan looked determined to win.

"Second sister, my future cannot be hindered by gender!"


But my own wife can hinder it...

"Come on! Juan'er, sit down!"

Standing behind Xia Juan, looking at the reflection in the bronze mirror.

Madam Zhou smiled dotingly, and took out a box of rouge and gouache from her bosom.

"Juan'er, before eating."

"Today, mother will take good care of you!"

Xia Juan: "..."

Chapter 563 Rouge Gouache (add more)

I thought that after spending a whole day shopping around with my old mother, she was finally willing to forgive me.

Then Xia Juan never thought about it.

Back home is the beginning of the real nightmare.

"Juan'er, close your eyes, mother promises to paint you beautifully!"

Mrs. Zhou was ecstatic, dancing like a child finding an interesting toy.

She opened the rouge box, put her fingers in and shook it, and it was stained on her fingers.

"Mom, will you spare me today?!"

Said helplessly.

Xia Juan's shoulders were pressed by Xia Lingqiu, so he could only sit on the chair obediently.

In front of her is a small bronze mirror Mrs. Zhou bought on the side of the road during the day.

In that hazy reflection.

Xia Juan sees a stunning beauty who can overwhelm the country and the city.

So...is that what he looks like now? !

Xia Juan shook her head, she would not admit that the face in her pupils was embarrassing and pale.

But the girl who looks like a beautiful girl is me!

"You child, what are you talking about!"

With a tut, Mrs. Zhou patted Xia Juan on the shoulder coquettishly.

She raised her hand, and gently wiped Xia Juan's face with her rouge-stained fingers.

"Mother... I've been busy all day, I'm already exhausted, just let me rest quietly!"

The tip of the nose smelled the fragrance from the rouge.

The rouge chosen by Xia Lingqiu and Mrs. Zhou is naturally the best quality and most expensive boutique.

For ordinary women, this is simply a treasure!

But for Xia Juan, who is a woman and a man...

The taste is good, but...

But is it really necessary? !


Raising his elbow, he stretched out his arm and wiped off the lightly smeared rouge on his face.

Xia Juan was about to stand up just now.

Immediately, he felt a force from Xia Lingqiu's arm.

Xia Juan could only be pushed down uncontrollably, and sat down.

"A Juan, don't try to escape!"

Xia Lingqiu raised her eyebrows, and almost took out a rope to tie Xia Juan up.

"Juan'er, every girl must learn how to dress up."

"Naturally, Mother didn't want you to wear heavy makeup."

"However, as the daughter of the Xia family, Miss Fourth, your appearance and makeup are extremely important when you are away from home."

"Juan'er, you have learned etiquette, you should understand, don't embarrass our family!"

Pursing his lips and smiling, he looked at Xia Juan in the bronze mirror again.

Madam Zhou moved her head closer and smiled at Xia Juan.

"Look at you, your hair is messy, like a wild girl!"

In the next second, Mrs. Zhou grabbed Xia Juan's hair tie.

Xia Juan just reacted and was about to stop the other party.

But the moment she spoke.

Mrs. Zhou stretched her arms and took off Xia Juan's hair tie.

A head of long black hair fluttered and scattered on the shoulders and back.

"Mother, it's not like you don't know that I used to be a man!"

"It's fine to wear women's clothes, and now let me do my makeup and apply rouge..."

"Besides, Dad also said, let me get used to it slowly! I can't become fat if I eat one bite!"

Xia Juan stretched out his hand to touch his long hair hanging behind him.

The hair spread out messily and fell on the neck and collarbone, making Xia Juan feel itchy inexplicably.

Xia Juan couldn't help fiddled with it, pushed her hair behind her back, so as not to let herself feel the looming discomfort.

The strands of hair were wrapped around the fingers, coiled up, and wrapped around the roots behind the ears.

Xia Juan turned around and saw Mrs. Zhou pouting, as if she was getting upset again.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?!"

Facing Mrs. Zhou, an old naughty boy, Xia Juan really had no choice.

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