I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 567


"Kill...Xia Juan?"

The absent-minded pupils turned their heads with a little bit of stiffness.

Suddenly, Qi Chengwang seemed to recall something again.

His body suddenly shivered, and the purple light in his eyes disappeared in an instant.

"Uh... poof!"

Panting heavily, a mouthful of blood rushed up from his throat.

Qi Chengwang finally came to his senses.

He shook his head, which was a little confused between the real and the fake.

"Strange, I was..."

Squinting his eyes in pain, he rubbed his sore temples.

Qi Chengwang stretched out his hand to support the wall, coughed violently a few times, and then straightened up tremblingly.

He turned around, and his eyes fell on the servant girl who had been standing beside him.

"Fourth...fourth master...!"

I felt Qi Chengwang's gaze.

In an instant, the accumulated fear and fear finally overwhelmed the maidservant's last limit.

She quickly knelt down.

Trembling all over, he knelt in front of the fourth prince who had been talking to himself inexplicably since just now.

"Fourth Master, please let me go! I..."

"Don't be afraid, I won't kill you."

The pale face was raised proudly, looking down at the maidservant in front of her.

Qi Chengwang took a deep breath and finally nodded.

"You, go and help you prepare the clothes for entering the palace."

"There is one thing..."

"I must agree with the emperor..."

Chapter 572 Xia Feiyan's Vigilance

The palace near winter looks even more icy and biting.

A pilgrimage sedan chair with a carved phoenix slowly moved forward in the wide alleyway of the palace.

The eunuchs looked weak, but they carried the heavy sedan chair smoothly without shaking at all.

beside the sedan chair.

The accompanying maid looked at the curtain beside her from time to time, ready to serve the nobleman in the sedan chair at any time.

A gust of wind blew past, gently blowing the curtain in front of the sedan chair.

Xia Feiyan sat quietly in the sedan chair.

Smiling lazily, she leaned against the soft fur of the sedan chair.

"It seems... Now, Juan'er has become a big celebrity."

Gently put down the family letter in his hand, and read it back and forth several times.

Xia Feiyan couldn't help covering her mouth with a smile, and then touched her stomach.

In a blink of an eye, he already had some thoughts about entering the palace.

Back then, I was still a little girl who knew nothing.

She even followed her beloved to a faraway place in an attempt to elope...

That's all, it's all old stuff.

After the new year, Jin'er is four years old.

What's more, now that I...

He lowered his head and looked at his stomach.

Although it is still flat.

But Xia Feiyan knew that now there was a new life in her stomach.

For some reason, she forced a bitter smile.

Xia Feiyan rubbed her stomach, then looked at the family letter in her hand again.

Having been in the palace for many years, she has long been used to this kind of lonely and deserted life.

Fortunately, parents know that they are boring in the palace.

I often send letters home, but also added some ideas.

Just like what happened with Juan this time...

After reading the contents of the family letter again, Xia Feiyan couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled.

"With Juan'er's personality, I'm afraid he is looking for life and death now."

"However, I also heard from my father-in-law who was traveling, that Juan'er looks beautiful now, but he is the favorite of many nobles and talented people in the world."

"It seems..."

He stretched out his hand and couldn't help touching the family letter in his hand.

Xia Feiyan sighed and couldn't help raising her head.

"It seems Juan'er, you will have a lot of emotional troubles in the future..."

With a slight smile, he came back to his senses.


Xia Feiyan lifted the curtain of the sedan chair, and handed the family letter to the accompanying palace maid.

The palace maid named Yue'er agreed in an instant, and put away Xia Feiyan's family letter.

When she returned to the palace, she would neatly put the letter in Xia Feiyan's special drawer for family letters.


Seeing the maid put away the family book, Xia Feiyan nodded.

She had just lowered the curtain.

Out of the corner of my eye, a somewhat familiar figure suddenly flashed by.


"That person just now was..."

Xia Feiyan lowered the curtain, her arms froze in mid-air, and she frowned slightly.

She rolled her eyes.

Then he heard the respectful "Four Princes" from the eunuch carrying the sedan chair and the accompanying maid.

Suddenly, Xia Feiyan understood.

"Is it the Fourth Prince Qi Chengwang?"

Hesitate thoughtfully.

Xia Feiyan didn't pay much attention to it, so she lowered her arms and sat down again.

The sedan chair began to move forward little by little, breaking through in the cold wind.

Obviously nothing happened.

Why do I always feel like...

A woman's sixth sense.

And Xia Feiyan always felt restless and absent-minded because of her keenness in the palace for many years.


"Why did Qi Chengwang suddenly enter the palace?"

"The place he went to...does he want to see the emperor?"

"What...need to meet the emperor?!"

A pair of beautiful eyes stared closely at the maroon color of the curtain in front of her.

Xia Feiyan narrowed her eyes suspiciously, frowned, and thought for a while.

When she turned her head and saw Yue'er accompanying her, she suddenly thought of what was written in the letter from home.

"not good!"

The complexion suddenly changed, Xia Feiyan raised her head.

"Juan'er seems to have done something under Qi Chengwang's hands."

"And I've heard from spies in the market that Qi Chengwang seems to be interested in Juan'er..."

"With extraordinary feelings!"

"Now that the fact that Juan'er is a daughter has been exposed...then the fourth prince, Qi Chengwang, suddenly entered the palace to face the saint..."

"Could he be thinking..."

The hesitant thoughts made Xia Feiyan's mouth unable to close.

She froze in place, thinking of one thing after another in her mind, and pieced it together.

With Juan'er's personality...she absolutely couldn't accept it!

What's more...

As a noble concubine in the palace, Xia Feiyan couldn't understand the tragic end of marrying these royal children.

They are like a thrush trapped in a cage.

I can only look up longingly at the freedom outside the cage.

The dangers and dangers in the royal family, she...



Suddenly regaining consciousness, Xia Feiyan stretched out her hand and patted the sedan chair.

"My lady! What's wrong!"

Thinking that something happened, the maid's complexion changed, and she quickly asked the eunuchs to stop.

She lifted the curtain, and hurriedly looked at Xia Feiyan.


Xia Feiyan in the sedan chair looked very good, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with her.


The court lady Yue'er was puzzled and looked at Xia Feiyan.

"Yue'er, turn around! I want to see the emperor!"

"Use the fastest speed! Be sure to hurry!"

"Your Majesty, has the emperor issued a decree to let you rest assured that you can raise your baby and not go around..."

"Don't talk about anything else! You let the father-in-laws speed up, and when things are done, there will be rewards!"

"But empress, if the speed is too fast, it will inevitably bump, and I'm afraid it will hurt the empress' belly..."

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