I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 585

Business blows up each other.

"Hey! Brother Xia is being modest!"

"Brother Xia, the four daughters you gave birth to are all beautiful and beautiful."

"Especially the fourth girl, Xia Juan, in the past month, she has been so beautiful, she has stole the limelight!!!"

Shame on the whole world!

His face flushed a bit.

Xia Juan rolled his eyes, feeling helpless.

"What are the parents surnamed Ye doing here?!"

"These big and small boxes..."

"This guy, do you want his parents to propose marriage for him?!"

He couldn't help biting his teeth for a moment, and made a clicking sound.

Xia Juan's eyes widened, and a trace of strangeness flashed across.

"This guy, thought... thought that night..."

"Kiss...kissed me that night..."

"Am I going to marry him?!"

"Hmph! I'm not one of those ladies who would hang themselves if someone touches them!"

"Bah! This guy surnamed Ye is really shameless!"

Cursing in the mouth.

Cursing that Ye Ning gave birth to a son without sex.

Xia Juan snorted coldly, then looked up again.

"Father...don't agree..."

"I... don't want to marry anyone!"

Suddenly, it felt like a stone was pressing down on my heart.

Xia Juan was a little out of breath.

In fact, even without Ye Ning.

There will be other men after all...

I can never run away.


In the absent pupil.

Like a reflection on the surface of the water, take the picture on the opposite side into your eyes and play it out.

"So Brother Xia!"

Lifting his head and pursing his lips into a smile, Ye Ditian cleared his throat.

"This time, it's..."

"I want to come here for an event among young people."

"Brother Ye means...?"

Frowning, Xia Yuanpo nodded.

"Ye Ning and the little girl...?"

"Haha, brother Xia is really smart!"

With a laugh, Ye Ditian nodded his head.

"That's right, brother Xia, I came here this time just for my dog's marriage."

"Now Ye Ning is also nineteen years old. The son of a family of the same age has already married and established a business."

"But my son is like a piece of wood, he only cares about his career."

"Brother Xia, as a parent, I believe you should understand my painstaking efforts."

Lowering his head, Ye Ditian and Ye Mu looked at each other.

Mother Ye rolled her eyes, and the moment Ye Ditian finished speaking, she quickly picked it up.

"Yes yes yes! Patriarch Xia, Mrs. Zhou."

"Now that Xia Juan has not left the cabinet, how about we marry a son and daughter?!"


Covering her mouth with the handkerchief in her hand, Mother Ye squinted her eyes thoughtfully and smiled.

"Patriarch Xia, Mrs. Zhou, do you still remember?"

"There seems to be a verbal engagement between Ning'er and Xia Juan?!"

What? ! !

The absent-minded pupils suddenly re-condensed because of this sentence.

The fingers resting on the window sill couldn't be controlled for an instant, and tightly pinched the edge of the window sill.

It almost crushed the window sill!

Xia Juan bared her teeth and was speechless for a while.

Some listened absently to the voice coming from the wind, bitter and speechless.



What I was most worried about finally came.

Damn finger pulp for marriage...!

Damn Ye Ning...!

Damn it... Hehe, I should be damned too!

I'm alive, but I'm just making trouble for my parents and myself!

Might as well be dead!

Oral engagement?

Dad, will you... really agree?

Taking a deep breath, he sat down on the ground like a duck that had already collapsed.

Xia Juan rested her chin on the window sill.

His eyes turned to Xia Yuanpo who was facing him.

Waiting for the other party's opening.

Chapter 588: Father Ye and Mother Ye (100 votes)

"Oh...? Mrs. Ye said..."

With a sound of doubt, he raised his eyes, as if he was thinking.

Xia Yuanpo suddenly lowered his head and looked at Mrs. Zhou.

It dawned on him in an instant, and he nodded thoughtfully.

"Brother Ye, what are you referring to... the agreement between you and me when Ye Ning was born?!"


Nodding his head, Ye Ditian smiled slightly.

"Although I don't understand why Xia Juan has been disguised as a man..."

"But I believe Brother Xia, you have your own difficulties."

"But now that the child has grown up, Brother Xia..."

"As parents, shouldn't we...?"

The sound stopped abruptly.

Ye Ditian didn't finish his words, he looked at Xia Yuanpo and Madam Zhou with a smile.

"Oh, yes... I just remembered."

"When Juan'er was still in my womb, she was indeed married to Ye Ning's child...!"

Beside her, Mrs. Zhou also touched the back of her head and remembered it all at once.

This past event, which has been dusty for many years, was silent at the beginning because Xia Juan was born as a boy.

And now.

But because Xia Juan became a daughter.

And it was mentioned again and put on the agenda.


Marriage refers to the marriage between his daughter and Ye Ditian's son.

But Juan Er has been a man for the past 18 years, but now she has just become a woman.

So this matter is a bit complicated when it comes to talking about it.

After all, Xia Yuanpo himself did not expect such a thing to happen.

Back then, he had only one simple idea.

If Mrs. Zhou gave birth to a boy, she would let go of the matter of marriage with her fingertips.

Mrs. Ruo Zhou gave birth to a girl.

So they let Xia Ye's two families marry, and let the two heirs become husband and wife.


Now Xia Juan is male first and then female.

This...how should I calculate it? !

It seems... life really never goes the way you expect it to.

Even if you have thought about all the options within a reasonable range.

But in the end.

There will still be an unexpected and surprising result!

Touched his beard.

Xia Yuanpo sighed, he already knew it in his heart.

To be a human being, you must keep your word and keep your word.

Especially for businessmen like Xia Yuanpo, honesty is the most important thing.


Xia Juan is her daughter after all.

and was...

This child will be separated from himself and be assassinated by an assassin.

Xia Yuanpo squeezed his fist for a while, thought for a while, and finally nodded.

"Brother Ye, I'm afraid..."

"Brother Xia, you...could it be...?"

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