I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 688

No, Tong Wei's voice was rougher, like a rhinoceros.

Tian Feng?

No, Tian Feng's voice was dry and lacking such majesty.

Zhao Tiancheng?

It is also impossible, Zhao Tiancheng's voice Xia Juan is impressive, definitely not the case.



Suddenly, a figure appeared in his mind.

It was also at the same time that Xia Juan raised his head.

The man who had been turning his back to the two of them finally turned around, showing a wild smile.

"Xu Fengzhi!"

That's right!

This person who is hiding in the back mountain and practicing the art of the underworld is none other than Xu Fengzhi!

I guessed it was right!

This person has a gentle appearance and a personable demeanor.

Actually, Xu Fengzhi's wolfish ambition has other plans.

He actually wanted to kill the suzerain of the Sun Sect, Magpie Nest Jiuzhan? !

And he just mentioned Pluto? ?

Why Pluto again? !

When I was in the Eye of the Underworld.

I accidentally heard a lot about the underworld preparing to open the gate of the two worlds.

A conspiracy to bring the armies of the underworld into the world.

It seems now.

It seems that Pluto's strategy is not only in the Xian Dynasty.

He also wants to share in the general trend of the world!

Breathing evenly, constantly feeling the oncoming cold wind beating.

Xia Juan blinked.

Before she raised her head, she heard Xu Fengzhi's voice again.

"But...then Hades just wanted to use me?!"

"Does he really think I don't know?"

Grabbing with five fingers, suddenly there was a bang in the air, and a paw print appeared!

"It's wishful thinking to use me, Xu Fengzhi!"

"Look! Pluto, when I find a chance, I will kill you too! I will get the endless rare treasures in your underworld!"

"At that time, I, Xu Fengzhi, will be number one in the world, no one can match me!"

"How can a small Sun Sect enter my Dharma Eye?!"

Smile coldly.

In private, Xu Fengzhi surpassed the sky, and when he spoke, he was lawless and crazy!

Even Xia Juan knew that he was very arrogant.

But he didn't dare to boast about Haikou, thinking of becoming the so-called number one in the world!

But Xu Fengzhi, he not only wants to occupy the Sun Sect.

He actually wants to turn against the Pluto army, occupy the underworld, and become the supreme master of the underworld and the human world? !

This person's ambition really made Xia Juan speechless for a while!

Chapter 676 Hard

"This Xu Fengzhi is really..."

Opened slightly in a low voice.

But the words were not spoken yet.

Seeing Xu Fengzhi turn around and walk over, Xia Juan quickly shut her mouth.

He held his breath and concentrated, not revealing his aura.

For a moment.

Xu Fengzhi didn't seem to notice that she and Ye Ning hurriedly left the back mountain and disappeared.

"It seems that Xu Fengzhi must have reached some kind of deal with the underworld, so he hid in the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain to practice underworld."

Looking at the back of Xu Fengzhi who disappeared without a trace.

Xia Juan hesitated for a moment before speaking slowly, expressing his thoughts.

"Then Pluto, what exactly does he want to do? He even stretched out his hands towards Da Feng Chao."

"I'm afraid it's not just Xian Chao and Da Feng."

shook his head.

Beside Ye Ning, there was a trace of worry and fear in Ye Ning's eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

"Nowadays, the forces of all parties are staring at each other. I am afraid that the underworld wants to gather the strength of all parties and defeat the Xian Dynasty in one fell swoop!"


While speaking, he stopped abruptly.

Xia Juan turned her head and looked at Ye Ning for a while.

"Ye, you mean..."

"Pluto wants to use the benefits of various temptations to use the power of other forces to defeat the Xian Dynasty."

"Then... defeat them one by one and rule the entire human world?!"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

Nodding his head, Ye Ning's brows were furrowed even more, and he turned pale for a while.

"It's just that... I'm even more strange."

"Xia Juan, you said such a simple reason and strategy, even you and I can perceive it in an instant."

"Then if what we say is true."

"Then why do these big winds, the heads of the powers of the Tianxuan Domain, the Southern Marquis kingdoms, and the powerful princes agree?!"


Stretching out his hand, he was at a loss in his mind for a moment, unable to find a clue.

Xia Juan touched his chin, took a deep breath and let it out.

"Perhaps, like this Xu Fengzhi, he wants to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger, and only come out to enjoy the success when everyone loses?!"

"Similarly, this possibility is not ruled out."

Withdrawing his eyes, Ye Ning looked up at the hazy moonlight above his head.

"But anyway."

"Xia Juan, I'm afraid you must step up your efforts to break through the Heavenly Tribulation Realm."

"We can only return to the capital as soon as possible!"

"That's right."

Xia Juan nodded in agreement.

"But it's strange...the crown prince...how could he be silent, without any movement? It seems..."

I couldn't find any other adjectives for a while.

Xia Juan touched his nose.

I just feel that the current situation has become so complicated that it is difficult for her to understand and distinguish.

"If you want to know everything, you can only ask Xiu Nian in person when the time comes."

Ye Ning could only shake his head and sigh.

He stood up and waved his arm.

"Okay Xia Juan, it's almost dawn, you and I have to hurry up."

He hesitated to come back to his senses.

After looking at Ye Ning, Xia Juan nodded.

Pinch your fingers again to sense the location of Dao Jinxian's ruins.

"Come with me."

Holding a decision in his hand.

Xia Juan stepped on the thin layer of white snow unhurriedly, and walked towards the place he sensed lightly.

Both he and Ye Ning used the technique of concealment.

Therefore, no footprints will be left on the snow to be discovered.

They didn't speak all the way.

Seeing that the sky is almost hazy and bright.

Xia Juan finally stepped into a forest covered in snow.

In the middle of the forest, there is an old well as big as a vat!

"It should be it!"

Xia Juan narrowed his eyes, and when his eyes fell on Lao Jing, he hurried over.

But only a few steps.

Xia Juan suddenly stopped and opened his hands.

"Ye, wait!"


Ye Ning, who had just started walking, stopped abruptly.

In an instant, he also saw the flow of power around him.

"Is it a formation?!"

Ye Ning's complexion changed, and his flustered and worried eyes fell on Xia Juan.

"Xia Juan, be careful!"

"I know."

Nodding his head, he lowered his open hands.

Xia Juan raised his head, and backed away unhurriedly.

With the flow of mana, the pupils contracted again and again, and finally turned red.

Under the gaze of Xia Juan's red pupils.

Just one step away from where Xia Juan stopped just now!

It is a net that covers the sky and the sun.

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