I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 777

Just feed them something yourself before they go off and add fuel to the fire.

Tut tut...

The one surnamed Ye is really taking advantage of you.

Anyway, as long as Li Ruoshui has a good impression of Ye Ning at that time.

Then you will add fuel to the flames...

With Li Ruoshui.

According to the personality and temper of this surname Ye, he should decide to take good care of Li Ruoshui.

At that time, I can be free!

Thinking of his treacherous schemes in his heart.

Xia Juan pursed her lips and smiled, only to hear the matchmaker beside her start to speak.

"Young master, this... we have no way to know about this."

"However, with a big butt, it's good to have a son!"

"I've seen Miss Li Ruoshui before. She's protruding forward and backward. She will definitely continue the incense for the young master's younger brother!"

"Bring a son? That's okay..."

After a moment of hesitation, Xia Juan nodded.

"If this Li Ruoshui gave birth to a son, then the person surnamed Ye must be firmly bound by him..."

"Not bad……"

Mouth whispered.

Finally, Xia Juan slapped the table, and the sticky beard almost fell off.

"Okay, that's it!"

Xia Juan touched his beard with one hand, and pressed it again to prevent it from falling off.

He took out another piece of gold and threw it on the table.

"Matchmaker, when can you invite the two of them to meet?!"

"Young master! Don't worry! Soon! Soon!"

The matchmaker held the gold with a smile, like a hot potato, back and forth, almost sticking out her tongue to lick it.

"Soon? How fast is it?"

Xia Juan didn't have the time and patience to wait.

She had to settle this matter earlier!

In this way, she can feel at ease.


After Xia Juan said this, the matchmaker's actions stopped abruptly and came to a halt.

She smiled and put away the gold.

Rolling his eyes, he was silent for a while.

Only then nodded suddenly.

"In that case, it will be seven days later."

"Seven days? So long?!"

Xia Juan frowned subconsciously, feeling a little impatient.

"This... Young Master! It takes time for the two newcomers to meet, doesn't it?"

"What's more, it will take a while for Miss Li Ruoshui to convince her!"

"It's still good luck, because Miss Li Ruoshui has been practicing outside for a few years, and she just came back these few days,"

"However, I believe that Young Master's younger brother will be able to succeed in no time!"

"Well... then..."

There was no other thought for a while.

Seven days say whether it is fast or not, and whether it is slow or not.

For now, that's the only way.

Cursing his lips, Xia Juan could only wave his hand.

"Alright then, it's settled, I'll contact you later."

After speaking, Xia Juan was about to get up and leave.

Behind him, the matchmaker called him to stop again.

"Young master, wait!"

Being stopped by the matchmaker, Xia Juan could only turn around again and look at her suspiciously.

"What? Isn't my gold enough?"

"Enough is enough! Sure enough!"

He tightened his grip on the gold, as if afraid of being snatched away.

The matchmaker smiled and walked to Xia Juan's side.

"My lord, you haven't given me your brother's portrait and information yet!"

"Portrait—? Information—?"

Xia Juan raised and lowered her brows, and glanced at the matchmaker beside her.

That's right... When a matchmaker introduces, it seems that there should be a portrait and an introduction.

But I don't have Ye Ning's portrait on hand...

There was a moment of silence.

Xia Juan touched his nose, but it was impossible to give up directly.

"Master? Master?"

Seeing Xia Juan lowered his head and was silent, he didn't say a word.

The matchmaker waved a hand back and forth in front of Xia Juan's eyes a few times.

Only then did the opponent come back to his senses.

"My lord, should you bring the portrait to me now, or I'll send someone over later..."

Seeing Xia Juan come back to his senses.

The matchmaker breathed a sigh of relief, but she had to serve this big client comfortably.

But now, where did Xia Juan get the portrait from?


Since there is no portrait.

Is that... I can find someone and draw a portrait of him? !

His eyes rolled, and suddenly there was a flash of inspiration.

After a while, Xia Juan finally raised his eyes and smiled evilly at the matchmaker.


"Do you know where there is an excellent painter in the capital?"

Chapter 757 Buying a House

It was dusk when Xia Juan returned to the house.

With a nod from the guard at the door.

Xia Juan's figure casually walked into the house from outside.

She glanced up and down.

In the end, it seemed that he finally saw the person he had always wanted to see.


Seeing Zhaodi carrying the barrel, she didn't know where she was going.

Xia Juan grinned, and behind him was an old man who looked quite temperamental.

Then he walked towards Zhaodi with strides.

"Hey! Sister Xia!"

He looked up suspiciously.

At this time, Zhaodi's forehead was covered with sweat, and she was very busy.

As soon as he saw that it was Xia Juan approaching him.

Immediately, she first smiled.

Then, he seemed to remember something, and spoke hastily.

"Sister Xia, Mr. Ye said he was..."

"Zhaodi, that person surnamed Ye is now..."

Ok? !

At the same time, the two spoke together, but they seemed to be saying the same thing.

The two stopped abruptly in an instant, and fell silent with each other.

Xia Juan rolled his eyes.

After a moment of hesitation, he crouched beside Zhaodi.

"Zhaodi... Ye... Ye Ning looking for me?"


Zhaodi kept nodding her head like pounding garlic, and her beautiful short black hair was crackling.

"Young master Ye reminded me to wait for sister Xia to come back."

"I'll let you find him in the study."

"It seems that there is something important... I don't know the specific move."

"important things……?!"

stand up.

While frowning, Xia Juan touched his chin.

Suspicious, she turned her eyes little by little, and scanned the study room covered by doors and windows.

"I didn't expect that when I was looking for him, he also wanted to look for me...?"

"That's right!"

Nodded, smiled slightly.

Xia Juan stretched out her hand and rubbed Zhaodi's little head.

Only then did they take the little old man behind them, and the two of them walked to the study again unhurriedly.

Although the house is big, there is not such a detour.

So soon, Xia Juan walked to the door of the study, only to find that the door of the study was closed.


"Huh? It doesn't seem to be locked?"

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