I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 782


"Sister Xia, it's me!"

this sound...

Almost without thinking, Xia Juan reacted instantly and nodded.

"Zhaodi, what do you want from me?"

While talking, Xia Juan opened the door generously, and sure enough, she saw Zhaodi and Nannan standing at the door.

"Sister Xia, Mr. Ye said that the food in the kitchen is ready, so he asked you to go there quickly."

"Well, I see."

"Exactly, I am indeed a little hungry."

"Then let's go, lest those delicious things be eaten by that guy surnamed Ye!"

Waving his hand, Xia Juan stroked a small head with one hand.

With a slight smile, he turned and left.

The shadow of the moon is dim, through the doors and windows, slightly splashing into the house.

In the quiet moonlight.

A package of intact envelopes is sleeping quietly...

Chapter 761 Mrs. Ye

until the next night.

Xia Juan then handed the envelope to the matchmaker, and settled a stone in his heart.

Xia Juan originally thought that he would be anxiously waiting for the arrival in seven days.

But oddly enough.

When she handed the envelope with Ye Ning's portrait and introduction to the matchmaker.

Her first reaction.

But I hope that time will pass slowly.

Even unknowingly forget the passage of time.

Xia Juan didn't understand why he suddenly had so many inexplicable complications in his heart.

She explained herself as cranky.

But Xia Juan didn't dare to delve into whether it was just random thoughts or not.

She didn't want to touch that inner beast that she didn't want to face.

That would make her panic.

In short, after handing the envelope to the matchmaker.

Xia Juan's life returned to normal again without any change.

The new year is almost here.

In the streets and alleys, you can see shop assistants, servants and maids standing on wooden ladders everywhere.

There are lights and festoons everywhere, ready to welcome the arrival of the new year.

Thanks to the coming of the new year.

It also benefits from the fact that the people in the capital now live and work in peace and contentment.

Coupled with Yin Bo and his painstaking efforts in the past month.

Mr. Xia's takeaway, unknowingly, can achieve better and better results every day.

Xia Juan calculated carefully.

Maybe when he was in his twenties, he could become a little rich man.

It seems that, at least after being around for so long, he finally has some fame.

It won't embarrass my parents and three sisters.

As for Qi Xiunian.

Although that Tibetan Qing came over last time and told Prince Ye Ning that Qi Xiunian was going back to Beijing.

But at least until now, it seems that no news has been heard.

There was no sign of Qi Xiunian either.

It seems that after he disappeared that time, he disappeared from the world and never appeared again.


So Xia Juan didn't have to face Qi Xiunian, and lived a leisurely life.

Xia Juan's current life can be said to be almost the same as that of an ordinary young lady.

She gets up every day and washes up.

In order to pretend to cover up, she can only let Zhaodi and Nannan dress up beautifully and beautifully.

Then after eating, I went to the shop for a walk and looked around.

Then, he returned to the house.

Read a book, or play the piano, and practice calligraphy.

Over time.

Xia Juan found that her impetuous heart had gradually calmed down in the past year.

Life is almost so simple and simple, contented.

If you have to say something big happened.

That is probably the house that Ye Ning discussed with Xia Juan before.

Before he knew it, Ye Ning actually bought it.

Xia Juan was also taken by Ye Ning as a reason to show everyone, and accompanied him to the "new house" to watch.

According to Ye Ning's meaning.

Probably after the decoration of the house was finished, the two of them moved in here, and there was a real space for them.

After all, the current house is good.

But in the end, it was still Qi Xiunian's property.

Xia Juan wanted to refuse.

But one, she is now Ye Ning's wife on the surface.

Second, I am not necessarily Qi Xiunian now, after all, I am now...


In short, one to two to such a calculation.

Xia Juan thought it made sense.

Anyway, I am no longer Qi Xiunian's person now, and it's really ridiculous to live in the house with the cheek.

As for living in Ye Ning's house...

Xia Juan's money was invested in the business, so naturally he couldn't buy a whole house like Ye Ning.

Besides, the two are now a loving couple in front of the public.

Separation, obviously, will also arouse suspicion from others.

Anyway, no matter what, at least I am the wife of that surname Ye right now, right?

It is only natural to live in his house, without any burden.

After all, Xia Juan thought.

It's just that he can call himself his wife in front of outsiders.

Ye Ning already took advantage of it.

The time for the house was quickly put on the agenda under Ye Ning's vigorous and vigorous plan.

The house is nice, spacious enough, and has all kinds of facilities.

If you live here, it should be quite comfortable.

Of course, Xia Juan himself was thinking about his future.

After all, if he divorced after a year, then he would naturally not be able to continue living.

From this point of view, I really should really plan well.

Buy a property of your own.

But the land in the capital is so expensive, how can it be so simple!

Yin Bo has been in the capital for more than half a year, and he still lives in the shop until now.

So all of this still has to be considered in the long run.

Anyway, the distance and distance...although it's not far away.

But at least, there are still a few months.

During this period of time, it was enough for him to find ways to make a fortune.

Big deal, let’s go to the Eye of the Underworld to take a look...

Life goes by day by day.

After eating every day, Ye Ning went out quickly.

In Xia Juan's words, he just didn't know what he was going to entertain, he was busy.

But now Xia Juan is no longer a politician, so naturally he has no interest.

She goes out every day now.

The place to go is naturally my own Mr. Xia's takeaway.

"Mrs. Ye, yes!"

"Madam Ye, are you here to inspect the shop again today?"

"Miss Xia! You..."

"Mrs. Ye, I don't have time to come out tomorrow, can your store deliver some for me..."

"Miss Xia..."

"Madam Ye..."

The merchants along the way greeted Xia Juan.

A few of them looked a little strange today, and they didn't dare to look at themselves.

But Xia Juan didn't care.

She kept the stiff smile she was used to.

While walking, he nodded his head to the oncoming people who greeted him one by one.

After all, these are all potential customers.

Now that I am a businessman, I have to be kind to everyone in order to make a lot of money.

As for that Madam Ye...

At the beginning, Xia Juan still felt particularly awkward, embarrassed, and helpless.

Even several times, she almost lost her temper and clenched her fists.

But after all...

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