I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 806


Will this...

Is it the method Cao Minghun wants to use against himself?

Eyes squinted, thoughtful.

After a while, Xia Juan hesitated and spoke slowly.

Chapter 783

"How to help?"

Silence for a long time.

Xia Juan finally raised his head and looked at Tong Yan in front of him.

"It's simple."

Tong Yan shrugged her shoulders, shook her head and smiled.

"kill me."

"Kill you?"

He frowned, and his face was even more unbelievable, full of surprise and amazement.

Xia Juan gasped.

Shaking his head, he asked again.

"Since you want to die, why do you insist on me taking action? Isn't it easy for you to find anyone?"

"No, you are different."

Tong Yan smiled desolately, looked up at the moonlight above her head, and seemed to be thinking about something.

"I'm from Dongchang, and I'm in the Condensation Realm."

"You think, if I die at the hands of a penniless beggar."

"Or at the hands of a homeless drunk, would anyone believe it?"

"Then what do you mean..." Xia Juan frowned, signaling Tong Yan to continue.

"You are the most suitable candidate."

"Xia Juan, I believe you understand that you have already been on the East Factory's death list."

"Me and Ruoxi were ordered to hunt down those fish that slipped through the net, and they are still alive today."

"You're the only one left."

"It's no secret that Ruoxi and I have fought and failed repeatedly."

"Death at your hands is also a matter of desperation. It should be taken for granted. No one will doubt it."

"Because you have enough strength and enough motivation."

He stared at Xia Juan intently.

Tong Yan suddenly stretched out her hand and took out her East Factory token from her waist.

"As long as my token is shattered, the people in Dongchang will know that I am afraid that I have fallen and are in danger."

"Xia Juan, I need you to help me fake the illusion that I am dead."

"I want you to help me escape from Dongchang's control."

"Help me feign death!"

The red sakura under the token crackled and fell on the clothes with the oncoming gust of wind.

Xia Juan looked at Tong Yan quietly, thinking carefully about every word the other party said just now.


If he killed Tong Yan, or Ruoxi.

For the people in Dongchang, that was not something surprising.

They can completely think that when Tong Yan assassinated him, he turned his back and directly defeated him.

As for himself, he had already formed a relationship with Dongchang.

The enmity between the two parties is not short of such a life.

It can be said that if this busyness is real.

It wasn't easy, but it wasn't too difficult either.



Xia Juan finally nodded suspiciously, and looked at Tong Yan.

"May I ask, why did you leave Dongchang?"


With a faint smile on his face, he repeated Xia Juan's words.

Tong Yan seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world, and laughed out loud.

The smile was harsh, but then stopped abruptly.

"because this……"

The smile on his face suddenly turned into unreconciled grief and indignation.

Tongyan Killer tore open his sleeve.

The body hidden under the clothes is full of bruises, which are so densely packed that they don't look good!

Xia Juan looked down carefully.

It was found under the delicate face of this childlike face.

They were all bruised and bruised.

The wounds were layer upon layer, as if the old wounds had not healed, and new wounds were added.

Her body seemed to be rotten, it was shocking, and she was speechless for a moment!

"This is the factory rule of the East Factory. As long as the task fails once, it will be severely punished by the Nilong whip."

"Where the Nilong whipped, the wound will never heal."

"And if you are whipped by the Nilong whip next time."

"The pain will be multiplied tenfold! Even a hundredfold!"

"You won't understand, that pain is not just physical pain..."

The sleeves were covered little by little between words.

Tong Yan took a deep breath and slowly closed her eyes.

"Dongchang... is more terrifying than anyone thought, depressing and unbearable."

"But... what can we do?"

"We have no way to resist, and we have no way to refuse..."

"But I don't want to go on like this."

"I once heard the Dugong say by chance that my biological parents are farmers in a small town on the border."

"I've saved a lot of savings over the years."

"I want to leave Dongchang, take my parents away, escape from the Xian Dynasty forever, and escape from the control of Dongchang..."

"And all this..."

"Xia Juan, only you can help me."

"In other words, you are the only one who is willing to offend Dongchang and help me arrange the suspended animation!"

It seems to be getting more and more excited.

Tong Yan stretched out her hand angrily, and tightly grasped Xia Juan's hands.

His eyes were bloodshot, as if he was struggling, roaring, yet powerlessly quiet.

This look reminded Xia Juan of himself back then.

Embarrassing memories rushed into my heart for a moment, and Xia Juan couldn't help closing her eyes and sighing.

"Just because... you have something to do with me?"

For a moment.

Xia Juan shook his head and came back to his senses.

"It's just Tong Yan, you seem to have forgotten one thing."

"No matter what kind of handle you have on me."

"Or you promise me."

"But if you are the only one who knows about this..."

"I'm sorry, because only the dead... can't speak."

Open your eyes slowly.

The power of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm has been permeating in an instant.

Xia Juan clenched her fists slightly, causing Tong Yan's hands to loosen quickly, feeling hot for a while.

"Tong Yan, I don't like people threatening me."

"you you……"

Seeing that Xia Juan seemed to be about to make a move.

Tong Yan's face suddenly changed, and he backed up again and again, and then bumped into a tree.

"Xia Juan, you can't kill me! I didn't tell anyone about this!"

"Although I also sympathize with your experience, I hate Dongchang and Cao Minghun even more."

Shaking his head, he ignored Tong Yan's voice.

As Xia Juan approached, his fingers had condensed into a group of shining blades, emitting a white mist.

"But Tong Yan... this matter involves too many lives and deaths... I really have no choice..."

Fingers, slowly raised while talking.

As soon as the words fell suddenly, Xia Juan pointed at Tongyan Killer and went away through the air.

But that finger, but I don't know why.

After all, following Xia Juan's eyes flashing, she stopped abruptly.

myself this is...

A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he didn't understand why he stopped suddenly.

But Xia Juan looked at Tong Yan's familiar eyes.

But he was really unable to make a move, and stopped in place, clenched into fists.

"Xia Juan, I know that I have put you in trouble many times before, and I am definitely not a good person..."

He stretched out his hand to resist, but he didn't feel Xia Juan's oncoming attack for a long time.

Tong Yan opened her eyes, only to realize that Xia Juan had retracted her arm, and couldn't help but smile.

She stood up, smiling, but with some bitterness and sighing.

"It's just Xia Juan... I really don't want to stay in that ghostly place anymore."

"I just want to go back and see my parents who have never met..."

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