I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 813

He shook his head bitterly, and walked towards Xia Juan.

This time, Xia Juan didn't retreat, but looked at Jian Feiyu while wiping his own tears, a little puzzled.

"This kind of thing is a unique poisonous mist that can confuse the eyes."

"After a long time, it can even completely blind people's eyes, and they can't see anything."

"Fortunately, the antidote to this poisonous mist is also mist."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid you will never let me get close to you, and you will be blind by then..."

Smile coldly.

Jian Feiyu walked up to Xia Juan and looked down.

The hazy mist has dissipated bit by bit under the gust of wind.

Xia Juan walked out step by step.

The long eyelashes became thicker because of the tears flowing down, and they were faintly smudged, shining with a beautiful luster.

Xia Juan "cries" until the pear blossoms bring rain.

She wiped her tears, her nose slightly flushed.

In the dark night of the forest, it brings a sudden touch of pink.

Jian Feiyu took it for granted, but suddenly froze unnaturally, then shook his head and came back to his senses.

He blinked, as if his eyes were not feeling well, he lowered his head and rubbed his eyes quickly.

Just bow your head for a moment.

Subconsciously, he still looked towards Xia Juan and remained silent for a while.

"Why are you here?"

There was a brief silence.

Xia Juan's eyes no longer shed tears.

Only then did he finally sigh, feeling that his appearance must be ugly.

The macho is crying...

I couldn't help scolding myself a few times in my heart.

Xia Juan just raised his head, and was about to continue asking Jian Feiyu why he suddenly appeared.

But in the distance, an explosion has been spreading continuously, making it impossible for her not to pay attention!

"That's right! It's Ruoxi and the faceless man!"

"It happened!"

The doubts about the reunion of old friends were all forgotten by Xia Juan in an instant.

What's more, Xia Juan doesn't think Jian Feiyu is his friend.

So almost instantly, Xia Juan threw Jian Feiyu on the spot, and rushed towards the explosion by himself.

On the opposite side, Jian Feiyu was about to speak.

He raised his head, but Xia Juan had long since disappeared, leaving only the back of a shooting star chasing the moon!


With a scream, another big tree fell to the ground.

The long sword in Ruoxi's hand was already full of gaps, it was not in shape.

Her arm was also directly shocked to burst out blood.

The body broke the big tree, and then slipped down little by little.


Ruoxi panted heavily, and felt her immobile body fall to the ground.

"I said long ago that you are not my opponent."

"You ambitious girl!"

"The duke raised you for 18 years, but you actually did such a treacherous thing?!"

The voice kept approaching step by step.

The long sword stuck in the ground with mottled gaps was gently pulled out by the faceless man and held in his hand.


"You said that I abolished your martial arts first, and then took you to see Duke Du."

"Or break your tendons first, and then send you back to Dongchang?"


The treacherous and creepy smile spread all around unconsciously.

Between these words, the faceless man walked up to Ruoxi step by step, looking down at him from above.

Ruoxi gritted her teeth and raised her head with difficulty.

But now, let alone resist.

She didn't even have the strength to refute or curse a word.

Weak eyes.

Then he lifted it up, and stared vaguely at the tall figure of the faceless man in front of him.

He was raising the long sword that belonged to him in his hand, blocking the moonlight behind him.

Just like the one who killed his parents 14 years ago and then brought himself into Dongchang.

This is the fate that I cannot escape...

With a faint smile, his face was already relieved.

While shaking her head, Ruoxi slowly closed her eyes, ready to face the faceless man's punishment.

It's just that the pupils were just about to close.

under the moonlight.

The whip stabbed one after another, and suddenly a flower of blood bloomed on the faceless man's chest...

Chapter 790 Sudden Change




The magic whip that passed behind him was pulled out forcefully when the faceless man turned his head.

The faceless man staggered, clutching his pierced chest, and fell to the ground in an instant, panting.

Ruoxi held the long sword in his hand, supporting his body.

The faceless man raised his head in a panic.

When he saw Xia Juan in front of him, he finally couldn't hold back, squinted his eyes, and roared.

"It's you……?!"

"Hmph! That's right! I've taught that black and white impermanence."

"Faceless man, it's your turn now."

With a flick of the magic whip in his hand, the blood stains turned into an arc and fell on the ground in an instant.

Xia Juan raised his whip and faced the Faceless Man.

Suddenly, he took out a elixir and threw it to Ruoxi.

"If you don't want to die, eat it."

His face was pale and filled with unbelievable surprise.

Ruoxi's lips trembled a few times, and she raised her head to look at Xia Juan dumbfounded.

But soon, she reacted.

Without even thinking about it, he swallowed Xia Juan's elixir.


From the corner of his eye, he noticed that Ruoxi had swallowed his elixir.

Xia Juan snorted coldly, nodded and looked at the Faceless Man again.

"Hey ugly monster! Hand over my Taiyue Liuli cut!"

"Hmph! What Taiyue glass scissors? I don't know."

The chest was already a frightening blood red.

The Faceless Man straightened up little by little amidst the sound of coughing.

He laughed loudly, and the flute behind him was pinched in the palm of his hand with the movement of his fingers.

"I didn't expect you kid to be a woman. I really misjudged you at the beginning."

"And... your strength has improved so quickly in such a short period of time?"

"Not bad!"

"But do you really think that this little injury can make me lose?"

"I'm not those two wastes of black and white impermanence."

"Since you want to save the two traitors Ruoxi and Tongyan."

"That's just right, I also took you back together."

"And then sew the donkey's job on your body..."


"I want you to become something like us who is neither male nor female!"

"And even more perverted, even more..."


The laughing face stopped abruptly in an instant.


The slurred words were completely covered by the gushing blood.

On the blank face of the faceless man, there was a bloody opening at this time, and the blood continued to flow out.

"how is this possible……"


"Behind me..."


"No... but... ah!!"

With a clean and sharp sword, he flicked it lightly again, and retracted it.

The Faceless Man let out a growl and let out a roar.

But the power of that sword had completely shattered his internal organs.

He could only bark his teeth and claws wildly.

Then he fell to the ground hard, spasming.

"Oh? It's you again?"

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