I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 85

"Second Miss is back?!"

Hearing the sound, a large group of servants and guards hurriedly surrounded him.

While everyone was curious about the sudden white crane, they looked around and saw Xia Juan and Xia Huaimu sitting one behind the other.

Immediately, the entire mansion was almost boiling.All of them looked at the white crane they were riding with curious eyes, showing doubts.

The second sister is really majestic...

Xia Juan lowered his head to look at the white crane riding on him, thinking about it for a moment.

I don't know when, I can also have my own mount.


Xia Juan remembered only after she slapped her thigh.

What about the egg that I put in the Ice Profound Cave...!

Chapter 115

Xia Huaimu's return was like a meteorite, causing long-lost boiling and explosion in Xia's family.

Up and down, of course, is very happy!

Xia Huaimu was taken away by immortal cultivators since he was a child. At that time, I heard that it was Xia Yuan who made the decision. Mrs. Zhou was so angry that she didn't eat for several days.

Afterwards, Xia Huaimu rarely came back.

At the beginning, I came back once a year, and stayed for about three or four days each time.

But as her practice deepened, Xia Huaimu kept going away with her so-called immortal master.

The later Xia Huaimu only came back once in several years.

For example, it has been four years since Xia Huaimu came back this time.

The last time Xia Huaimu came back, Xia Juan was still a 14-year-old child, very ill and seemed to be dying.

Like other relatives in the Xia family, Xia Huaimu is also very worried about Xia Juan.

In fact, Xia Huaimu obtained many panaceas from her immortal master.

Xia Juan's ability to survive until the end of the Nine Heavens Xuanming Jin practice, and to have a certain degree of martial arts talent, maybe it is also due to Xia Huaimu's "elixir".

Xia Huaimu's immortal master Xia Juan had never met before.

Do not pass through thirteen catastrophes...

What is this concept? !

You know, even the suzerains of many sects have only survived seven or eight catastrophes.

But they are already the top masters of the Xian Dynasty!The existence of the aloof!

Thirteen Heavenly Tribulations...

It's too amazing...

I didn't have any thoughts just now, but thinking about it now, Xia Juan only felt extremely shocked, and couldn't help but nod in praise.

I don't know the future, can I survive the catastrophe? !

It was recorded in the book that at the time of the catastrophe, ten thousand thunders tilted and the situation changed.

The most evil thing in this world will tear apart the purgatory because of the unseal of the immortal world, beheading all immortal cultivators who try to survive the catastrophe.

At that time, the world was like a purgatory on earth.

All you have is a little boat trying to ride the long rough waters.

Thoughtfully, he got off Bai He's body, shook his head, and put these unrealistic things behind him first.

Soon, Mrs. Zhou and Xia Yuanpo also hurried out after hearing the servant's report.

Xia Yuan stood with his hands behind his back, smiling slightly, standing at the door and watching quietly.

Mrs. Zhou was almost crying, hugging Xia Huaimu, talking and touching.

Xia Huaimu was also quite embarrassed.

Under the full moon, an indifferent girl is pulled by her mother, should she continue to be handsome?Or should I quickly change my face and crouch?

In the end, it was Xia Juan who made the rescue, pulling and dragging Mrs. Zhou into the lobby.

Although it was late at night, Xia's house was brightly lit.

Because of Xia Huaimu's return, everyone in the Xia family, who was supposed to go to bed early, was alive and well, and they were all cleaning up for Xia Huaimu.

After drinking for three rounds, Xia Huaimu smiled gratifiedly and patted Xia Juan's head beside him.

"When I came back this time, what I am most gratified about is that A Juan actually broke through the ninth level of the Nine Heavens Xuanming Energy, was reborn from the cocoon, and regained his health."

In front of her parents, Xia Huaimu called Xia Juan A Juan, not Juan Er.

The person involved, Xia Juan, smiled awkwardly, nodding, and not nodding.

Thousands of words, finally gathered into a glass of wine, drink it up!

"Juan'er, drink less! Your health is just right..."

Seeing Xia Juan eating and drinking like this, Mrs. Zhou became a little worried.

Xia Yuanpo also nodded with a serious face.

"Today is because your second sister came back and everyone was happy, so Dad allowed you to drink. Ah Juan, don't forget the past."

"Father, it's all... It's all about Chen Zhima's rotten millet,"

Embarrassment flashed across Xia Juan's face, and a slight blush emerged.

No, in fact, there is no need to fill in another red cloud because of embarrassment.

Xia Juan seldom drank alcohol in the first place, so his drinking capacity was naturally not much better.

After two or three glasses of wine, Xia Juan's face turned rosy, and he felt lazy.

On weekdays, Xia Juan was never like this.

But today, she seemed to be a little more active and smiled a lot.

For Mrs. Zhou, seeing Xia Juan like this, and her second daughter coming back, is simply joy on top of joy, as happy as a child.

"But Ah Juan, how is your practice recently? Have you made any progress?"

In this joyful atmosphere, Xia Huaimu smiled and looked at Xia Juan.

"Second Sister, although I, Xia Juan, am not as good as you, but...err..."

After drinking a lot of wine, Xia Juan was a little confused.

Shaking his head, feeling dizzy in front of his eyes, Xia Juan yawned and showed a smirk that he had never seen before.

"But your brother... your brother, I am the number one son of Taiping City! Lin Nanqi, Wu Changyu, Ye... Ye Ning... are not my opponents!"

"Is it?"

Xia Huaimu smiled and patted Xia Juan's head.

"When I was passing through a place before, I saw that Ye Ning fighting with someone. It seems... this person doesn't seem to be a simple person."

"Second sister!"

For some reason, Xia Juan's expression suddenly changed, and he slapped the table.

"Juan'er! Don't be presumptuous!"

Mrs. Zhou took a look at Xia Yuanpo, her expression changed, and she ran over to grab Xia Juan.


"Mom... I was wrong..."

Xia Juan hesitated for a while, then shook his head, as if he was about to kneel down.

"Juan'er, what are you doing?!"

Mrs. Zhou didn't expect Xia Juan to be exactly the same as when she was a child when she was drunk, and she immediately went into a drunken madness.

"Father! Mother! My son is sorry for you... My son has lost all your face, my son even..."

can i say !

I can't say...

Choking and twitching a few times, Xia Juan only felt guilt and self-blame.

The emotion that had been suppressed deep in her heart was constantly vented because of the alcohol, making her look like a lunatic.

Seeing Xia Juan crying like this, Xia Huaimu murmured that he was sorry to his parents, and frowned slightly.


Xia Huaimu opened his mouth, Madam Zhou nodded, hesitated for a while, looked at Xia Juan worriedly, and then stepped aside.

"Juan'er, don't drink so much in the future."

Xia Huaimu's fingers condensed and tapped on Xia Juan's neck.


A sour taste rushed to the throat in an instant.

Xia Juan felt his back arched in an instant, and he spat out with a "wow".

"This child... is really..."

Madam Zhou shook her head distressedly and angrily, and helped Xia Juan to sit down.

"You two, help the young master back to the room to rest."


The two servants who were standing by nodded and were about to come up to help Xia Juan.

"Mom, let me come."

Xia Huaimu glanced at Xia Juan thoughtfully, and finally the corner of his mouth raised slightly.

"Father, mother, it's getting late, I think you should go back and rest quickly, I'm a little tired too."

"then you……"

Mrs. Zhou looked at Xia Huaimu, and looked at him suspiciously.

"I sent Ah Juan back to the room, and then went back to rest. I have been away for so many years, and I should make up for the fact that Ah Juan, the younger brother, has not fulfilled his sister's responsibilities."

Xia Huaimu smiled, looking at Xia Juan with a trace of apology in his eyes.

But many are curious.

Chapter 116 Two Things

"Second Sister...I'm a man...do you know? I dream of becoming a man who stands up to the sky!"

"Ye Ning! You kill a thousand swords! We are not finished!"

"Why...God? Why do you want me, Xia Juan, to become..."

Xia Juan stumbled, if not for Xia Huaimu's support, he would have flown out and fell to the ground.

He put Xia Juan on the bed, took off his shoes, covered the quilt, and Xia Huaimu sat quietly by the table, looking at Xia Juan.

"Juan'er, you...what are you hiding from us?!"

"Since just now, I have felt that something is wrong. Baihe has only been in contact with me and the master. When other people approach... especially men approaching, Baihe will definitely fly into a rage and hurt others!"

"But just now..."

Thinking of Xia Juan's surprise and curiosity when he sat on it, Xia Huaimu found it strange.

"Also, Juan'er has made a breakthrough in cultivating the Nine Heavens Xuanming Strength, so she was reborn from the cocoon, so she can be healthy as a normal person..."

"But what is the connection between these?!"

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