I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 981

I felt that my eyes were slightly blurred.

Xia Juan couldn't believe it.

But suddenly he was enlightened.

She turned around in a hurry, covering her emotions and face.

Holding the He Li book in his arms.

Xia Juan ran like a wolf, turned around and started walking like a runaway prey.

"If you leave this door..."

"Don't come back in the future."

Hearing footsteps behind him, his heart trembled.

Ye Ning closed his eyes, as if he wanted to force himself to death, and suddenly spoke coldly.

His heart gradually tore apart after the words fell.

Little by little.

I was trembling with fear, trying to retain the last trace of something.

Just the footsteps that stopped abruptly.

After being silent for a long time, he still slowly stepped on the threshold and walked to another section.

It's like another world.

An elk that doesn't look back, chooses to be killed, and will not turn around.

That is the dignity she represents.

That was the face she couldn't give up and give up.

He is a noble and arrogant child of aristocratic family, and he is stubborn who will never admit defeat.

nor will...


The Heli book in his hand has been uncontrollably pinched into a piece of waste paper.

Xia Juan felt a burst of dry mouth.

The salty rain can't irrigate the trance fields.

She walked out step by step like a walking dead.

Leaving Ye Ning and the girl who was stunned in place behind.

Step by step, he stared straight ahead.

Holding and leaving the book, he walked towards the outside of Ruchang's mansion.

She finally got her wish.

She was free and became a free Xia Juan again.

She can go anywhere and be lawless.

She is all over the world, and she can no longer worry about anything.

But...why can't I just be happy?

The door opened in front of you.

Under the crystal shaking, it became more and more blurred.

In the end, it became total.

A piece of warmth floated in the eye sockets.

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"Sister Xia!"

"Sister Xia?!"

Never thought that such a thing would be found.

Nannan hurried to the door of the room.

Looking at Xia Juan's numb and petite back, he was not in a hurry.

Leaving step by step.

But there is no meaning to stop.

Nannan was so anxious that she hurried to Ye Ning's side.

"Young Master Ye! Young Master Ye!"

"How did you get along with each other?"

"Master Ye, did your daughter do something wrong and made you angry?"

"Master Ye, tell me!"

"Master Ye? Ye..."

Seeing that Xia Juan was about to leave the mansion.

But Ye Ning in front of him kept his eyes closed and stood motionless.

As soon as the girl gritted her teeth, she could only turn around quickly.

"I'm going to chase sister Xia back!"

After she finished speaking, she ran to the door in a hurry and was about to catch up.

But an unprecedented cold and ruthless voice.

Make her stop abruptly.

"Do you want to leave too?"

"from now on……"

"Who is going to stop...Xia Juan."

"Whoever, leave with her!"

In the trembling voice.

Contains anger, contains sadness, contains unwillingness.

There is also a hint of regret.

It's just that there is no way out.

I...are destined to be just a loser.

It's just that this day has arrived earlier.

That's all.

"Master Ye, I..."

Was reprimanded by Ye Ning.

The girl was so frightened that she couldn't speak for a while.

This is her from before to now.

The only time I saw Yeoning get angry.

This made her submissive for a while, unable to speak.

"You go down."

The body that seemed to be standing still slowly raised his hand and waved it.


The corner of his mouth twitched, wanting to say something more.

But in the end, Nannan could only look at Xia Juan who had disappeared and left.

He looked at Ye Ning in front of him again.

With a sigh, he lowered his head and left in fear.

The door closes slowly...

The light in the room was completely lost with the closing of the door.

It turned into a burst of coolness, setting off the eerie desolation of the whole room.

Ye Ning's eyes didn't move, his pupils looked at the nothingness in front of him.

There was a burst of anger in my chest, and I couldn't hold it back anymore.


A mouthful of blood finally burst out from his chest.

The moment he reached out to support the table and sat down, it overflowed from the corner of his mouth...


The weather is cloudy and cloudy, and heavy rain is coming.

"Why is it raining suddenly...?"

"Hee hee, old woman, isn't this just like your temper?"

"Okay! How dare you say that I...!"

The playful and warm couple of vendors packed their things while chatting and laughing.

Xia Juan couldn't listen to all of this.

The Heli book in her hand was now crushed into a pile of waste paper by her.

She stared at everything in front of her numbly and blankly.

Until now, he has not slowed down and moved forward step by step.


Another twisted bolt of lightning tore apart the turbulent clouds overhead.

"It's raining……"

He raised his head and looked at the raindrops that suddenly fell.

Yin Bo sighed helplessly.

He shook his head, and was about to close the shop and go back to rest.

But in the dark shadows of night and clouds.

He turned his head and swept away.

Seeing a face made him stop suddenly.


Doubt appeared on his face.

Yin Bo frowned, wondering if this was his illusion.

After all, it's raining again at this time...

Staring into his eyes, he turned his head suspiciously.

In the rapidly falling rain.

Xia Juan held a pile of crumbs in his hands.

His eyes were open, red from the rain.

Unhurriedly walked towards him...

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