I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 987

But she had no time to take care of it.


How can it be? !

Something happened to Qi Xiunian's army? !

The whole army collapsed, fire fell from the sky, and the valley was besieged...

How...how is it possible? !

The eyes suddenly trembled uncontrollably and kept beating.

Xia Juan's body shook suddenly.

She gasped, feeling stiff all over at this moment, as if she couldn't control her body no matter what.

Breathing seems to have become an unfamiliar skill at this moment.

The swollen and oppressed heart made Xia Juan couldn't help lowering his head for a moment, reaching out to press his chest.

I couldn't breathe for a while.

"Then...then what should I do?"

"I heard that the prince's army is going away and scattered, and I still don't know what happened!"

"Then... the enemy won't come over, right?"

"Don't worry about that, I heard that the second prince rushed over with the army overnight, and has already beaten the enemy to pieces..."

The sound that can be heard by the ear.

It's like a valve is constantly tightening and getting smaller and smaller.

In the end, it completely turned into tinnitus.

It was as if everything in front of him suddenly exploded.

Becomes a ray of light that suddenly closes all vision.

At this moment, Xia Juan lost any reaction and thinking.

She even stood there abruptly, motionless.

Those past, those trivial, those bits and pieces.

At this moment, it did not emerge at all.

in mind.

Only a complete blank was left.

Completely blank.

It turned out to be real shock and horror.

It is in an instant.

There is not even a chance to give you even a trace of regret and pain.

The exhaustion accumulated in the body seemed to finally burst out at this moment.

The pain accumulated in the past half a year, suffocated in the chest.

It also roared suddenly at this second, ready to come out.

The breath in the body scrambled into a ball, and the blood rolled, heading towards the heart.

Xia Juan couldn't help but pursed her lips, feeling a slight pain.


Slowly coming back to his senses, he has already noticed the sudden anger and chaos in his body.

Xia Juan subconsciously took a step forward.

But his body lost his balance as if he could no longer support it.


His fingers caught the curtain of the shop the moment he fell.


Xia Juan tore the curtain and fell to the ground, his blood flowed backward for a while, and the breath in his body was completely chaotic.


He walked in with a serious face.

Just as Yin Bo raised his head, he heard a bang coming from ahead.

When he looked over, he saw Xia Juan lying on the ground in an instant.

"It happened!"

His expression changed, and he hurriedly carried Xia Juan to the cabinet of the shop.

It aroused a lot of discussion and sympathy from passers-by.

Yin Bo has no time to worry about other things.

A slap suddenly landed behind Xia Juan, using magic power to forcibly calm Xia Juan's messy breath.

"Miss, are you alright?"

"You were insane just now, if you miss one more step, you..."

"Yin Bo..."

Slowly let out a breath.

Xia Juan felt that his raging aura had finally subsided gradually.

Only then did he have the strength to gradually open his eyes, and looked at Yin Bo wearily.

"Uncle Yin, he..."

"No... nothing..."


A look of unnatural embarrassment flashed across his eyes.

Xia Juan seemed to suddenly recall something.

Forcibly swallowing the words he was about to say, he turned his head and did not dare to look at Yin Bo.

But the opposite.

He withdrew his hand, but Yin Bo already understood something, and couldn't help blinking his eyes.

"Miss, uncle, he..."

"He is skilled in martial arts, so he should be fine."

"The front line is too far away now, we don't know the situation on the front line, it's better..."

"It's better not to think too much, so as not to go crazy like today..."

Worried but lowered his head, he gave Xia Juan a lonely look.

Yin Bo also already knew about Qi Xiunian's army being trapped and disbanded.

He wanted to find an opportunity to talk to Xia Juan properly.

It's just... how can he control the gossip in the capital.

There was a moment of silence, and I felt that my lady's breathing was a little short, and she was still confused.

I don't know how long it took.

Xia Juan suddenly smiled and shook his head stiffly.


"I know……"

Qi Xiunian's army broke up and disappeared...

Does he... also...


It has nothing to do with me, right?

Blinking his eyes hard, he let himself control his turbulent emotions.

Things like going crazy...it's really ridiculous...

After that day, people in the capital were panicked.

The news from the front line said that Qi Xiunian's Baisheng army was under an inexplicable attack and was in chaos.

So Qi Xiunian and Ye Ning broke into the enemy army, took the lead in capturing the leader of the opponent, and beheaded him.

But also at the same time.

A huge fireball suddenly fell from the sky above the place of great battle, besieging all the way out.

At this time, Qi Xunran, who didn't know it, brought the army to support him.

However, the three armies were completely scattered and completely plunged into chaos...

As for the situation of the battle, no one can be sure.

Xia Juan also felt that he didn't need to know.

Anyway... that has nothing to do with me.

She always thinks so.

But she always makes tea at the door of the shop.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, I listened to everyone's version.

Some people said that Qi Xiunian and Ye Ning died in the sea of ​​fire.

Some say they were dispersed by the army and disappeared altogether.

Others say they were badly wounded and captured by the enemy...

Countless versions made the hand twitch from time to time when making tea.

He even dropped the teacup to the ground with trembling hands many times, causing ripples to splash around.

Xia Juan found that his heart was in a mess.

I have never felt restless, even if I am busy.

looking at the book.

His brain had already flown to other places, and he was in a daze for a while.

She did find that she was worried every day, concerned about the real-time battle situation.

She also found that she couldn't seem to sit down for a moment.

Always worried about something, restless.

But she... refused to admit that she would care about this matter.

Six months……

Even according to the previous agreement, they should have had nothing to do with each other long ago.


But myself, I still see those pairs of sympathetic and worried eyes every day.

Then he showed a forced smile.

Then a person walked to the counter silently, listening to all the news.

Even intentionally or unintentionally breaking things.

Then he crouched down, allowing himself more time to "accidentally" inquire about a lot of information...

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