I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 990

The hand holding the teacup was slowly put down in an instant.

Xia Juan frowned.

Amidst the doubts, he finally walked out of the cabinet puzzled.

"Ali, what happened?"

Xia Juan frowned and looked at Ali at the front desk of the store.

"I don't know...it seems to be something...something came back."

Ali scratched her hair.

There was a hint of confusion and mischievousness on that youthful and energetic face.

came back?

Suddenly, my heart seemed to be hit hard by these three words.

Xia Juan suddenly realized something.

But she couldn't believe it.


Is he... back?

A sudden tremor in his heart made Xia Juan's body tremble, and he couldn't help but tense up.

"Well... Anyway, it has nothing to do with us."

"Oh yes...I...I'll go out for a while..."

"Because Uncle Yin told me yesterday that there is... a guest invited me out to meet today..."

"You...you know...it's just...in short..."

"I'll go out first!"

Pretend to know nothing, look stupid.

Xia Juan smiled awkwardly at Ali, and said something that he didn't know what he was talking about.

Then I couldn't hold back anymore.

in a hurry.

One hundred thousand urgent.

He ran towards the gate of the city.

"Step aside!"

"Damn...why is it so crowded..."

"Step aside!"

Rushing into the crowd, Xia Juan pushed away those who stood in front one by one with a ferocious face.

She managed to get into the front row.

At the same time, I heard the discussion beside me.

"I heard that the prince's right-hand man, Mr. Ye Ning, led the remnants of the army to attack the enemy army, and the opponent was defeated steadily!"

"Great! I knew the prince would be able to drive away those bullshit enemies!"

"The second prince is just as brave!"

There was an endless stream of beaming discussions in my ears.

Xia Juan listened to the cheers for the victory.

After hesitating for a long time, she finally raised her head little by little and looked at the returning army before her.

In the dense army, there are strange faces.

What about him...

Where is he?

With a glance, he couldn't see the familiar figure.

Xia Juan couldn't help but feel a twinge in his heart, feeling inexplicably nervous.

She stood still, staring at every soldier who came in.


She stood there quietly for a long time, but she never saw...

that person……

Should he...?

My heart was pounding at this moment.

Xia Juan felt a tightness in her chest, and became restless a little bit impatiently.

It's ridiculous that she is the one who disdains gods and Buddhas the most.

At this very first moment, I couldn't help saying "Blessing of the Bodhisattva" in my heart...

Afterwards, Xia Juan was also stunned.

She never thought that she would care so much...

Even saying something so absurd and ridiculous to her.

But also at the same time.

The crowd beside him suddenly exploded into a roar of boiling excitement.


Who is here.

Chapter 945 Happy

Xia Juan trembled violently.

The shouting around her made her understand something in an instant.

She wanted to look up and see him.

But she was also afraid that the moment she looked up, it was him she saw.

Man is a very contradictory animal.

It is also an ever-evolving, ever-evolving animal.

Xia Juan felt her heart beating violently.

She couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

When everyone clapped their heads and laughed.

Only she... was alone with her head down, thinking about something.

Everyone raised their heads, and only one person lowered their heads. This was something that was easy to highlight.

It's a pity that the waving hands of the surrounding people covered Xia Juan's figure.

When Ye Ning glanced over, he only saw a bunch of rejoicing people.

He smiled lightly and continued to look forward.

But among the crowd, there still didn't seem to be the figure he was looking forward to.

Maybe at the beginning... it was really my own illusion.


Don't force it to stay.

He blinked, and then pulled out a triumphant smile for everyone to see.

Ye Ning rode forward step by step on the horse.

Soon, only a back was left behind.

He didn't know.

Among the crowd he swept past.

Under that waving arm.

A pair of eyes were thankful, happy, and focused on himself.

Be careful after the entanglement in your heart lasts for a long time.

Xia Juan finally took a deep breath and looked up.

She saw Ye Ning's profile just turned away.

That... is him.

Sure enough it was him...

At that moment, Xia Juan didn't even notice it.

She had an uncontrollable smile brimming with simplicity and purity.

Just like all the people around me.

She couldn't help grinning, like the last blooming flower in early autumn.

The news that the army of the Xian Dynasty returned in a big victory spread quickly throughout the capital.

Prince Qi Xiunian and Second Prince Qi Xunran received a major award from Emperor Qi Chenlong.

Ye Ning also became a smash hit.

Xia Juan didn't need to find out, he knew it.

That once pair of sympathetic and worried eyes.

After the day of triumph turned to envy and celebration.

There is also inevitably jealousy.

The boss of the pawn shop, Jin, even ran over to celebrate Xia Juan.

It is said that Ye Ning has made great achievements now, and he will definitely have a bright future in the future.

Xia Juan just nodded without answering.

Ali asked about Xia Juan, who seemed to be very happy recently, always smiling.

Xia Juan would also be puzzled, pointing at himself.

"Do I have it?"

With a smile, she wondered if she was happy?

Am I... am I that happy?

What are you happy about?

Later, Xia Juan had even more smiles on his face.

People will find that she is no longer as worried as she was some time ago.

Nor would I just sit there blankly, not knowing what to think.

She got busy with all sorts of things.

It seems to have become the energetic Xia Juan again.

Her mood has been good.

Inexplicably good.

But Xia Juan refused to admit that he was in a good mood.


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