Yusuke Godai, he will definitely become such a man.It was really sad that his dad passed away.But it was at that time that he could become a man who worked hard for the smile of his mother and sister.

He's always working hard for other people's smiles, which is a beautiful thing, isn't it, that's what I think. "

Teacher Shenqi thought of the words he and Yusuke Godai said when they were young.

Speaking of this, Teacher Shenqi shed tears for her cowardice, even his students can do it, why can't he do it.Even if I didn't see Godai Yusuke today, the harvest is enough.

At this point, it was already night.

Teacher Shenqi is about to take the last bus home.

Just as Teacher Shenqi was about to climb over the wall and leave Tachibana Elementary School, he saw Godai Yusuke who climbed over the wall and came in.

As soon as the two met, they made a thumbs-up gesture that had already been agreed upon.

Yusuke Goshiro had a pleasant chat with the teacher and left here.

On the other side, a Xun looked at the old man with a slender face?/p>

This person, although the picture is a bit blurry, why does he look more and more like that person, but why is he driving a big truck there?Could it be that he knew the target of the dead unconfirmed life form 22?But why would he do this.

"Drip drip."

One Xun answered the phone, "One, there is important news, we have captured a human body that is suspected to be an unidentified life form."

Kaoru hurriedly walked towards the interrogation room Sugita Morichi said.

"One, this person insists that he is an unconfirmed life form."

As soon as he came in, Kaoru heard what Sugita Morimichi said.

Yiyi Xun also saw the captured man who was suspected of being a human body of an unconfirmed life form. He had a spider Gulangi tattoo on his neck.

However, that spider Gulangi has already been wiped out by Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa.

Yi Yixun sat across from the man, "Why do you say that you are an unconfirmed life form?"

"I didn't say anything. Ask me if I'm an unconfirmed life form, and I say I don't know."

The middle two man had his hands locked and looked towards the window of the interrogation room.

"is it?"

Yiyi Xun asked casually, and quickly flipped through the notes recorded by Sugita Morimichi and the others in his hand.

"It doesn't seem to be the case, troublesome guy."

Yiyi Xun did not find any information that could prove that this man was an unconfirmed life form.

"Dong dong dong."

It was Li Qinghe who knocked on the door.In view of Li Qinghe's experience in fighting unconfirmed life forms many times, the superiors decided to ask Li Qinghe to check whether this is an unconfirmed life form or a lunatic.

After Li Qinghe came in, a smoker wanted to ask him about his family's work. /p>

Li Qinghe grabbed his hair with a slap, and slammed it against the wall.

The others were taken aback and didn't even think about trying to stop them.

Li Qinghe threw the man against the wall, thanks to Li Qinghe's not being serious, otherwise the man would be dead with a single slap.

"Mr. Qinghe, stop, what are you doing?"

Yiyi Xun was the first to react and held Li Qinghe back.

"He is not an unconfirmed life form."

Li Qinghe shook off Xun's hand, and unceremoniously grabbed the man up.

"I didn't say that I'm not an unconfirmed life form."

There was resentment in the man's eyes.

"Oh, that's it."

Li Qinghe took out the gun and stuffed it into the man's mouth.

The others quickly pulled Li Qinghe back and kept the man away from Li Qinghe.

"So what if I am, you are also a member of the stupid human beings. There is nothing wrong with the living body, but just disappearing the worthless things from this world."

Seeing that Li Qinghe couldn't kill himself, the man intentionally provoked Li Qinghe.

"Detain him for a few days, but he is not an unconfirmed life form, he is not qualified. If I hit him a few times, if it was an unconfirmed life form, I wouldn't care at all.

There was hatred in his eyes.But no living body was confirmed, and there was only killing in his eyes.

Also, he wasn't enough to kill Matt. "

Li Qinghe left after speaking.

Leaving other people in a daze, what is Kill Matt? ?

Have you already Li Qinghe left?No, he just went to get the unconfirmed living body, the photo of the murder.

You can't arouse the atmosphere of the same hatred among the people around you. If you fight alone, you will be criticized by the superiors.It is better to fight alone than to fight together. The law does not blame the crowd.

Chapter 33 Being human is happiness

Li Qinghe held a stack of photos of Gu Langji's murder, more of which were Gu Langji's massacre of the police.Because after the death of the people, some of the bodies could not be found, so naturally no photos were taken.

For example, the human beings killed by the squid Gulangi are all turned into ashes, how can I find them?

Li Qinghe took the photo on the table in the interrogation room,

"One, you can take a look."

Kaoru also saw the photos placed on the table. Among those killed by Gulangji were young people, old people, and even children under five years old.

"You bastards, do you think that our police do nothing every day and let unidentified life forms go.

Then let me tell you, if it wasn't for us police who used flesh and blood to block those unconfirmed life forms, then there would be ten times more dead people than now.

Aren’t the police just human beings? They also have relatives and children. For those police officers who died, have you ever felt how heartbroken their relatives are? "

Li Qinghe put the photos of the sacrificed police officers in front of the man with the spider tattoo, so that he could take a good look at who it was and who was desperately protecting them.

"Isn't it because you are useless? If you are useful, there is no need to kill so many people, you guys who are vegetarians.

If the people who died were not human beings, but unconfirmed life forms, would they still die?What's wrong with being unidentified beings, they don't get sick, and they have amazingly powerful powers. "

Rao has such a good character like Yiyi Xun, upon hearing this, veins popped on his forehead.

"Why, you want to hit me, then come on, you guys, unconfirmed life forms can't deal with it, you will deal with innocent taxpayers."

Listening to the man's words, Xun's fist was clenched and then clenched again, he couldn't bear it anymore.

The tattooed man, seeing that what he said was effective, continued to shout, "Come on, come on, hit me, if you have the ability, kill me today."

Li Qinghe signaled Sakurai to take a smoke out.

After Yiyi Xun left, Li Qinghe slapped the tattooed man's three teeth directly.

"It's only 5 minutes, everyone can figure it out, just don't kill him."

Li Qinghe looked at the watch with a decent face, and it was after Li Qinghe made a demonstration.

The other police officers in the interrogation room also shot and beat the man.

"Five minutes should be enough."

It was the man who had been beaten who spoke.

"No, it's still a second away, continue."

Li Qinghe removed the battery from the clock in the interrogation room, and set back the time by a small division for 5 minutes.

"Whoops, whoops."

"Whoops, whoops."

Hearing the man's more and more exaggerated shouts, Yiyi Xun knocked on the door, meaning that it was almost enough.

Li Qinghe installed the battery and put it back where it was, "It's time, let's continue the interrogation."

After cleaning up the man, the police officers returned to their original positions and continued to interrogate the man.

But this man, like crazy, laughed hahaha, letting the nosebleed flow into his mouth.

Yi Yi Xun came in with a plate of materials.

"This person is an ordinary person named Mimo Uehara. To put it simply, he is the kind of person who can't do anything. Maybe it's because of revenge on society, so..."

One Kaoru pointed to Uehara Mimo's neck.

"You don't understand at all. No one understands me."

After laughing, Uehara Mimo seemed to return to normal.

"Why do we need to understand you. I'm not the roundworm in your stomach, why do I know so much about you?"

Li Qinghe asked amusedly.

"But you, are you the police?"

"We're the police, not your parents. We're adults and we're responsible for what we did.

The transcript has been completed, and I will go to the hospital to have a look.This place is very busy, because you are alone, and the research on unconfirmed life forms has been delayed for a while. This time, since you are a first-time offender, you will not be fined. "

Li Qinghe said coldly.

It was not the police station that Mimo Uehara came in, but the Joint Department of Unconfirmed Life Forms. If Mimo Uehara was identified as an unconfirmed life form, he would be executed immediately if he did well. Go to the lab.

So far, no unconfirmed life forms have been caught yet.This can be treated as a sample for understanding unidentified life forms.

The Joint Department of Unconfirmed Life Forms is far from the police station. If the responsibilities are the same, then why set up this department.

After Uehara Minori left, Yiyi Xun said, "I'm going to ask Chun Xiuyi to go and see this person. I don't quite believe what he said."

The reason why Uehara Shimo was given free treatment was to test his body and see how it was different from ordinary people.

Don't think that Yiyi Xun has a good personality, so he will easily let this young man go. In other words, everyone is an adult, and everyone should be responsible for what they do.

"This is natural. You must know that the blood of unconfirmed life forms is very close to that of ordinary people. You can't see anything without careful inspection."

Sugita Morimichi nodded in agreement. He had just hit Uehara Mimo, but he didn't make a move, and observed Uehara Mimo's performance from the sidelines.

It's a pity that Uehara Mimo didn't transform in the end.For Mimo Uehara, a guy who is suspected of being an unconfirmed living body, the police will not let him go just because of a piece of information.

Uehara Mimo is not mentally ill, nor is he a fool. It is not impossible for Gu Langji to pretend to be a human being.Gulangji can also be in human form at ordinary times.

Now it's just a change of environment to investigate Uehara Mimo.

After Uehara Mimo woke up, he slipped out of the hospital quietly, but he didn't know that there were many people following behind him.

"It finally came out, you bastards. I am an unconfirmed life form. Next, I will kill someone to show you."

Mimo Uehara cursed and said harsh words.

He didn't know what he said, Li Qinghe and Yiyi Xun heard everything he said.

Unconfirmed life form 23 appeared in front of Mimo Uehara at the right time.

It's really a coincidence, a complete coincidence.

"Linduo, you will be the first Linduo I kill."

Unidentified Lifeform No. 23 (Piranha Gurangi).

Piranha Grunji is good at water combat.Use the razor-sharp teeth and the spines on both wrists to tear apart the enemy, even the tough flesh of the No. 22 rhino monster can be easily torn apart.

He has an arrogant and cruel personality, and gets excited when he smells blood.It can also move at high speed on the ground, and only the blue dragon form can resist its speed.

"I, I, I am your admirer!"

This was the first time Uehara Mimo saw Gu Langji. He didn't know whether he was afraid or excited, so he didn't say a complete sentence.

"My admirer? What is that, forget it, just kill you."

The piranha Gulangi came to Uehara Mimo with a swipe, and the thorn on his wrist tore Uehara Mimo's neck.

Uehara Mimo fell to the ground clutching his neck.Uehara Mimo didn't expect that the perfect unconfirmed life form in his mind was indeed so barbaric. There was remorse in his eyes, and tears of remorse flowed from the corners of his eyes.

"Unconfirmed life form No. 23, Mr. Kiba, what are you doing?"

In Yiyi Xun's view, the piranha Gulangi's speed is so fast that people can't see it clearly.

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