"I thought there would be some surprises. It seems that if I want to fight to my heart's content, I have to cultivate my empty self first. I hope he can accompany me to have fun, and it would be best to collapse the world."

Daguba's smile gradually subsided, and in his hand was a blood-dripping spirit stone that belonged to the dead bat Gulangi.

Sleep could have imagined that, having already reached the level of Ge's strength, Daguba took out the confident bat Gu Langji with only one move.

Ignorant people are really scary.This is especially true when you hand over your ignorant thoughts to others.

After the death of Bat Gulangi, Dacuba said, "You don't even know what real power is."

The body of the white-haired bat Gulangi was left behind.

The death of the bat Gulangi was soon discovered by a line of unconfirmed life forms.

In order to calm down the anger of the people towards Kuoga because of the last incident as soon as possible.

Kaoru attributed the unconfirmed life form No. [-] to Kuraga.

Coupled with some of the media's ability to act according to the wind, the attack on Kuoro has once again become smaller.

In a hotel.

Kiba Qinghelou looked at Rose sister, and listened to the news that the unconfirmed life form No. [-] was killed by Kuuga and did not cause any casualties, so he sneered.

Sora, my current enemy, is there any Gurangi that can be dealt with without a nuclear explosion kick?

There is no more, and the weak Gulangji has been eliminated step by step.

"I didn't expect that he would become a power point slave because of the enhanced strength of the zero fragment, and was finally killed by Dacuba."

Regarding the death of the bat Gulangji, Kiba Kiyokawa still has some regrets.He really beat the bat and Gu Langji accepted it.

Sister Rose: "The power of Da Cuba is not so easy to grasp.

Da Cuba's spirit stone does indeed contain huge energy, and it is relatively easy to absorb.However, the abilities inside all belong to Dacuba.

I know oa's character, he will definitely not lose himself because of the sudden increase in strength.He was influenced by Dacuba's power, so it is different from usual, I originally wanted to ask you to solve his problems this time."

Only then did Li Qinghe understand why the number zero fragments collected by the little bat would be so easily handed over by others. It turned out to be like this.

Dacuba's Yamadam spirit stone contains Dacuba's consciousness, once he absorbs it rashly, he will be attacked by the ideas contained in Daguba's energy.

"Is there any other way to obtain the power in the Daguba Lingshi without sequelae?"

Li Qinghe asked casually, and he didn't even think that Sister Rose really told him.

Sister Rose "There is only one way, smash his spirit stone again, and then kill Da Cuba.

I hope you don't make a move, I know Gulangji of Ge level is not your opponent.

But Gu Langji, who is at the Ge level, is also not the opponent of Da Cuba.I don't want you to confront him directly. "

Sister Rose earnestly advised Li Qinghe not to take action against Da Cuba.

"I just wanted to attack him, but I was too busy to take care of it. Besides, I never regarded a lunatic as my opponent.

Da Cuba, if there is a need, it is enough for me to deal with it, and I don't need to intervene.Rose, do you want to see other worlds? "

"Other world?"

Seeing Gao Leng's rose showing a puzzled expression, Li Qinghe explained, "It's an ancient world. In that world, there will be a war between humans and gods."

"You mean, another world?"

Fortunately, Sister Rose has a strong ability to accept new things, and she immediately understood what Li Qinghe said.

"Yes. The battle between humans and gods in that world has become more and more intense. Of course, not only we will go, but the gods of this world will also go.

Black God, come, don't hide yourself, come out."

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, Sister Rose was surprised to see the Black God tear open the space and come out.

This is the God of Linduo?

Sister Rose couldn't wait to know more of Li Qinghe's secrets. When a woman's curiosity arose, the aloof personality instantly collapsed.

Li Qinghe had seen it.

The first words Hei Shen saw Li Qinghe said,

"Your strength has become stronger again."

"Each, each other. You have also become a lot stronger."

Li Qinghe and Heimian looked at each other face to face.

Chapter 85 Persuasion

"Are you going to take her out of this world with you?"

Li Qinghe asked.

Sister Rose nodded, she is not stupid.She vaguely guessed that the Black God might have reached an agreement with Li Qinghe to no longer manage the world, which meant to give up on the world.

Sister Rose thought a little wrongly. The Black God will not give up on this world. He is the creator god of this world. This world is very important to him and is his foundation.He decided not to give up on this world.

He just gave up on the humans of this world.

When the plan is completed, the human beings in this world will face the revenge of nature, and the entire earth will return to the environment thousands of years ago.

And the Black God who has obtained the resources of the New World will further improve his strength.

The Life Unit was not confirmed.

This time, we solved the unconfirmed living body No. 43, which is quite beautiful.Therefore, the higher-ups once again gave a verbal reward to Xun, telling him that he must closely cooperate with his subordinates to complete the task.

Among the high-level discourses are those who let Yi Yixun continue to adopt the identity of the self-corps and change to the identity of the police.

For the discord between Yi Yixun and the police officers below, the top management is very happy to see it.

They had been worried before, whether Xun would unite the entire Union of Unconfirmed Life Forms to fight against them in the end.

Don't worry now, anyway, ordinary people have no effect on unconfirmed life forms.They are all waiting for the true end of the Unidentified Lifeform event.

When, the unconfirmed life body event is over, when can I go to arrest a Xun.

Yiyi Xun was very helpless, the above said so, what could he do.

He had to make do with the task.

This time Kaoru once again launched a meeting to deal with unconfirmed living body incidents.

"The body of unconfirmed life form No. 122 was found in Zicheng County, suspected to be killed by No. [-], and the bodies of other unconfirmed life forms were found in Shanxing County. The total number of unconfirmed life forms killed is [-].

So far, we have not discovered the true identity of Zero, which is a deficiency of our work.I hope everyone can overcome all difficulties to protect the safety of citizens and dismiss the meeting. "

Yiyi Xun saw the police officer under him, yawning and wiping away tears, as if he hadn't woken up, and he ended the meeting early.

One Xun also understands the current shortage of police officers.These new police officers lacked a sense of responsibility, maintained law and order, and caught thieves and thieves. They did a good job.

But when it comes to unidentified life forms, they become very passive.Xun Yiyi understands his subordinates' fear of death.After all, they came back temporarily.

Although the self-military team is famous, it has not experienced the baptism of war for hundreds of years. Except for marksmanship and physical fitness, it is far superior to ordinary police officers.

In other aspects, such as the details of the investigation of the case, the trial of the criminals, and the communication with ordinary citizens, they are not only inferior, they are really specialized in the field.

Those transferred from the team, they just want to do a good job in the police industry, and they need a long period of time to adapt.

But in the age of unconfirmed life events, where there is extra time for you to adapt.The students of the police academy all graduated ahead of schedule to deal with the incident of unconfirmed living bodies, and other temporary employees can only catch ducks on the shelves.

After the others left, Shi Shan saw Xun Yiyi and said, "But in the past year, Sora only killed forty Gulangji."

Shi Shan saw it and said worriedly.


Yiyi Xun knew that Number Zero had awakened about two hundred Gurangji in total.

Originally, he was worried that other Gulangji would come out and make trouble.

But now Zero has killed more than 100 unconfirmed life forms.

It also made him less worried.

Yi Yixun guessed that so far, for some reason, Zero may still be killing other unconfirmed life forms.

But what Kaoru and Ishiyama didn't expect was that all the unconfirmed life forms killed by No. [-] belonged to the shell level, and they couldn't compare with the unconfirmed life forms killed by Yusuke Godai.

"One thing, you must pay attention to safety. Don't fight directly with unconfirmed life forms. Once you have an accident, those people below will definitely not rescue you."

Shi Shan saw that he looked down on those timid team members very much.

"I know, you go to work."

Yiyi Xun casually responded with a few sentences, it seemed that he didn't take Shi Shan's words to heart at all.

Shi Shan stomped his feet when he saw it, and left angrily.It's really not a good heart!

On Li Qinghe's side, he had already begun to transfer people who were quite close to him.

For example, Sakurako Zedo, Kiki Asada and Beiu have all been forcibly sent to the 555 world.

Li Qinghe had a faint sense of crisis. This kind of crisis did not come from others, but from this world.From the looks of it, the Black God seems to have left his own backhand in this world.

This is forcing yourself to leave.

Li Qinghe faintly realized that this sense of crisis was caused by the Black God on purpose. Could it be that he was afraid that he would run amok in his world?

Of course, Li Qinghe did have this idea.Li Qinghe let the Black God know the world of Wu Gengji at the beginning, for what reason, isn't it just to plot this world?

Naturally, Li Qinghe would not give up on the world of Wu Gengji either.

However, the black dragon in the Wu Gengji world is still very strong.There is still a long time to wait for the child of the world to develop, and Li Qinghe doesn't want to wait that long.

Besides, who can guarantee that Wu Genghui, son of the world, and Li Qinghe are of one mind.

Then simply take advantage of the time when Wu Geng has not yet grown up and his potential has not been tapped, and carry out the decisive battle in the world in advance.

If possible, it is best to set the world at once.

Naturally, Li Qinghe would not refuse such a good thing.

Li Qinghe believed that the Black God thought so too.

It's just that there is too much attention on Lang Tianguang's body.

A large part of the research weapons of the United Department of Unconfirmed Lifeforms was developed by her, and some of these weapons have not yet been tested on unconfirmed lifeforms.

Whether it's high-level people or Sora, they can't do without her.

Li Qinghe is also very greedy for the core of the new generation "belt" plan of high-level research!

But this plan, the emperor's apology is exhausted and the weapon is lost [bran frame?/p>

Therefore, Li Qinghe needs to be more powerful than others?/p>

Li Qinghe also went to meet Natsume Mika in person recently.

I haven't seen her for quite a while, Natsume Mika's body, between her brows and eyes, reveals an aura called a queen.

"Shijia, what have you been up to lately?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"Ah, why are you willing to contact me?"

Shijia jumped onto Li Qinghe like a little raccoon.

Chapter 86 Selection

"Your manpower is almost ready."

Li Qinghe asked.

"Yes. Why, do you want to use those people under me?"

Natsume Mika asked.She was curious, and Li Qinghe asked her what she was doing.

"Well, it seems that he is almost ready."

The news that Li Qinghe got from Natsume Shika was the official confirmation of that old Black God, and now he was just waiting for the opportunity.

But what opportunity is he waiting for? You must know that he is not Li Qinghe, he does not know Li Qinghe's understanding of the world of Wu Gengji.

Li Qinghe barely understood the plot that would happen there, but what about the Black God?

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