"Don't you wait for Mr. Misugi?" Li Qinghe asked.

Bing Chuancheng nodded, "No, I think I already have the answer through the conversation with Mr. Qinghe."

After Bing Chuancheng left, Li Qinghe cleaned up the table and went to the kitchen to clean the tea set.

In the park, a man was running when he suddenly heard something behind him, so he turned around and looked.

A crow unkon has come close, and its speed does not slow down at all.


The man fell to the ground without a sound.

At Misugi's house, Shoichi Tsugami, who was cleaning the tea set, felt a strange tinnitus.

There unkon appeared.

Before even turning off the faucet, Shoichi Tsugami rode his motorcycle out at the fastest speed.

On the way Tsugami Shoichi went to the induction site, the crow Unkon, who has the advantage of flying, has come to a playground not far from the park.

At this time, the maintenance workers of the playground are checking the equipment.

Even though the equipment had stopped working, he still heard a harsh sound.

The maintenance worker turned his head and saw a black shadow rushing towards him.


The body fell to the ground.

"Are you still a step late?"

Witnessing the end of his life with his own eyes, Tsugami Shoichi couldn't help but feel angry.

This guy, damn it!

Outside the amusement park, Shoichi Tsugami stopped the motorcycle and walked towards the crow unkon.

The belt appears and transforms into an agito earth form.


The crow Unkon looked over, it didn't show timidity, and it was already invincible if it could fly.

Dive down from a height.

Sho Tsugami leaned to the side to avoid the blow.

"It's really annoying to be buzzing and flying in the sky all the time."

The armor changed from gold to red, and he took out a fiery red knife from his belt.

agito, flame form.

In an instant, vision and hearing were greatly enhanced, and the flight path of the crow Unkon was captured.

After a few rounds, Tsugami Shoichi has roughly mastered its attack style.

When the crow unkon swooped down again and head-butted Jianyg, Shoichi Tsugami was already waiting for it in place.


The two sharp corners on the hilt of the flame saber spread out into six, and then cut it forward with a single sword.

Flame cuts.

It pierces through the center of the crow's unkon's head.

I saw Unkon's body burning in the air, and then exploded.

Sho Tsugami turned his head and glanced at the body of the maintenance worker, then turned around and rode away on the motorcycle.

Abandoned warehouse.

Ashihara Ryo woke up from a coma.

"You have been in a coma for three days."

The voice of the boy in black came from the side.

"Who are you? Where is this place?"

Wei Yuanliang, who just woke up, subconsciously touched his head.

Then, his pupils dilated unconsciously, looking at the backs of his hands.


The next moment, the black-clothed boy came over, stretched out a hand, and a powerful light burst out.

This person is the Black God.

Wei Yuanliang suddenly discovered that the original old hands gradually returned to their youthful state, and finally turned into their original appearance.

"who are you?"

The way Ashihara Ryo looked at the young man became different.

Is this the ability to heal?

The boy didn't answer, turned around and went downstairs.

The black-clothed boy came downstairs, but before he could make any further movements, a burst of white light erupted from his body again.

"That is……"

Wei Yuanliang, who looked downstairs through the window, was surprised, and saw that after the white light dissipated, the boy in black had grown into a young man.

Liang watched the changes in the dark power in shock, and suddenly, a sense of irritability rose in his heart for no reason.

It was because he was disgusted with the young man in black downstairs, as if the relationship between them was inherently hostile.


The body suddenly became uncontrollable, and the power in the body was raging everywhere, wanting to vent.

Ashihara Ryo's body was covered with a layer of green armor.



The glass was instantly shattered and scattered all over the ground.

The young man in black looked at the movement upstairs and smiled.Although this power is not as good as agito, it is already good.

If that person is found, the power of Gills will definitely be useful.

The next moment, Wei Yuanliang appeared downstairs, with two spikes growing from his heels, and rushed towards the young man in black.

One raised his leg violently and smashed it down hard.

gills heel paw!

"Gills? It's really rare, but are you so afraid of me? Speaking of which, thousands of years ago, Agito Asia had the most awakened people, but the potential was the lowest."

Seeing Wei Yuanliang's transformed state, Hei Shen still looked calm and calm, seeing the other party rushing towards him, he did not dodge or dodge.

Ryo Ashihara landed on the shoulder of the young man in black.

Immediately afterwards, a bright light appeared, covering the figure of the young man.

In a blink of an eye, the place was empty.


Wei Yuanliang turned back into a human body, a little puzzled, "Why? Why did I attack him? He just saved me!"

He suddenly lost control and made such an unexpected move, even he himself didn't quite understand it.

What Bitter Cool doesn't know is that the contradictions and conflicts between Agito and Hei Shen are engraved in the bones of his memory.

This is the genetic memory left by the White God. As long as humans have absorbed the light of the White God, they will feel irritable, violent, and disgusted when facing the Black God, and want to attack the Black God.

Police Headquarters.

meeting room.

After watching a few videos of agito fighting unkon, the officers said

"Miss Ozawa, you mean to let us cooperate with the police and Agito?"

"Exactly. Since the two sides are facing a common enemy, why can't they unite with each other?"

Ozawa Chengzi said.

"This is absolutely impossible, Agito's identity has not yet been confirmed, and a few videos alone may not be able to prove that he is on the side of us humans.

Didn't the police also regard the number two as our partners?But what happened?No. [-] started massacring human beings. Before confirming the identity of Agito, I think it's better not to draw conclusions lightly. What do you think? "

Toru Hojo on the side said.

"Then Mr. Hojo, has he ever seen Agito harm humans? But it is already an established fact that Agito has dealt with Unkon."

Ozawa Chengzi said tit for tat.

"Okay, what do you think of Glacier?"

An officer stopped the quarrel between the two and turned to look at Makoto Bingchuan.

As the assembler of the g3 system and the person who has had the most contact with agito, Makoto Bingchuan's opinion cannot be ignored.

"I agree with Miss Ozawa's statement, agito must be fighting for human beings."

Bing Chuancheng solemnly said that the fact that the other party had saved him several times was enough proof.

"Well, you can try to contact, but you still have to be vigilant before you fully confirm the other party's position."


Hikawa Makoto and Ozawa Chengzi showed smiles on their faces.


Toru Hojo wanted to say something more, but the officials had already made up their minds.

Get out of the meeting room.

"Seeing Hojo's distraught face makes me feel very happy!"

Ozawa Chengzi said, then seemed to remember something, looked at Bingchuancheng and said, "But, can Mr. Bingchuan really contact Agito?"

"I'll try my best."

Glacier Cheng did not give a definite answer.

Misugi's house.

"Mr. Hikawa? Are you here to see Teacher Misugi again? But he is not at home now."

Tsugami Sho, who was weeding the vegetable field, turned his head and asked when he saw Makoto Hikawa.

"No, I'm here to find Qinghe."

Glacier walked over and said.

"Looking for him? Is he cooking now?"

Shoichi Tsugami said that he managed to sleep late today, and when he woke up, he found that there were a lot of things waiting for him to do.

"Let me help."

Glacier said.

Sho Tsugami glanced at him, the Hikawa Makoto in his memory should not be very good at this kind of thing. .

Watering the spinach should be fine though, right?

Thinking in this way, Shoichi Tsugami handed the watering can to Makoto Hikawa, and pointed to the place where spinach was grown.

Chapter 121 Join forces?

Just at this time, Li Qinghe came out after cooking and saw Bingchuancheng watering the vegetable garden.


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