"Heisong, you should know that if you want to become a member of Gorgom, you must not misplace it, and read it for your contribution to Gorgom.

I've given you several chances, but you haven't grasped them, which disappoints me so much. "

The great priest Darom pointed to Professor Heisong and said.

Professor Heisong couldn't say a word, he could only close his eyes and wait for death. Heisong desperately hoped that someone could save him.

But I also knew in my heart that the hope of someone saving me was very small.Heisong also wanted to seek Li Qinghe's help, but Professor Heisong was suddenly caught by Golgom this time.

Professor Heisong didn't even have a chance to contact Li Qinghe, so he was caught here, waiting for execution.

The eyes of the great priest Bihume began to gather light, ready to launch, a red figure jumped onto the execution platform, making Bihume stop the execution.

"Sword Saint Birginia, what are you doing?"

While talking, the great priest Raohm sent out a light beam aimed at Professor Heisong.

"Hmph," the swordsman Birginia blocked Bir's shield in front of the light emitted by the high priest Raohm, and reflected the light in other directions.

"Birginia, what do you want to do, save him?"

High Priest Darrom asked. .

The swordsman Birginia didn't say much, and proved his idea with actions, and easily cut the chain that locked Professor Heisong with Bill's sword.

"What do you think? Lord Priest, I think Professor Heisong is still useful, so can you hand him over to me?"

Chapter 40 Black Pine Escapes

Juggernaut Birginia's defiant appearance angered High Priest Darom.

"Impossible, that is the person we are going to execute, how could he be taken away by you."

The great priest Raohm took the lead in objecting.The other two priests did not speak, acquiescing to Raohm's approach.

"Oh, so great priests, how do you explain the Kamen Rider Delta I met, you don't say that you don't know it."

Sword Saint Birginia asked back.However, after he saw that he had said the Kamen Rider dleta, the faces of the three priests all changed, and he also guessed that the three priests also suffered a lot from Li Qinghe.

"We know it, but that's okay."

The tone of the high priest Raohm became less aggressive than before. The high priest deliberately concealed Li Qinghe's actions in order to intimidate the sword saint Birgenia, and it was obvious that he succeeded.

But this matter was brought up by Juggernaut Birginia, and the three priests were still wrong.

"Then, I will take Professor Heisong away."

Juggernaut Birginia left with Professor Heisong.

The great priest Darom could only grit his teeth and say, "Please do what you want."

Let Professor Heisong leave with Juggernaut Birginia.

The great priest and the others obediently let Professor Heisong leave because they were wronged.

"Black pine."

Juggernaut Birginia brought Professor Heisong to his private base.

"Master Birginia, the Sword Saint, what orders do you have?"

Professor Heisong bowed down respectfully.

"The reason why I saved you is because I think you are worthy for me to save you. I need your help to play a play. If it succeeds, you will stay with me in the future. Of course it fails. You know the end better than me." .”

Sword Saint Birginia said sternly.

"Yes, I must obey your command."

Professor Heisong quickly agreed. Heisong had just come out of the shadow of death, and now he was still afraid. Hearing what the swordsman Birginia said, he naturally agreed immediately, fearing that he would be slaughtered if he answered too slowly.

After Li Qinghe sent Bihuum away, he returned to the tea room on a fighting eagle.

"Mr. Qinghe, why are you only coming back now? You're so worried about me."

Seeing Li Qinghe's return, Yueying Yujiali hugged Li Qinghe excitedly.

When Li Qinghe was in the tea room, he still couldn't feel Li Qinghe's role, but Li Qinghe only left for a day, to be precise, he didn't return to the tea room all night, and everyone's hearts were tugged.I'm afraid that Li Qinghe will be in danger, you must know that Li Qinghe's injuries are still not healed.

"Where is Kotaro Minami?"

When Li Qinghe returned to the tea room, he found that only Nan Kotaro was not in front of him, and everyone else was there.

"Senior, Kotaro was worried about your safety and went out to find you."

Qiuyue Kyoko replied.

"I'm fine. I met Golgom doing bad things when I went out. In order to stop Golgom's conspiracy and save the people caught by Golgom, that's why I'm coming back now."

Li Qinghe didn't even bat an eyelid when he told a lie.

"Then what was the result? Did the senior stop Golgom's plot and save those who were captured by Golgom?"

Katsumi Kita asked expectantly.

"I disappoint you. Although I succeeded in stopping Golgom's plot in the end, I couldn't rescue those who were caught by Golgom on their backs. They were all killed."

Li Qinghe once again cast the blame for killing Damen Ming and his son on Golgom. Anyway, Golgom did many bad things, and this one or two is not bad.

"Hateful Gorgom."

When Qiuyue Kyoko heard Li Qinghe say that Golgom had killed those they captured, she thought of her brother Akizuki Nobuhiko who was also captured by Golgom. What is going on now?Is it still alive.

After Li Qinghe explained his whereabouts last night, he returned to his room.For Li Qinghe's remarks, Yueying Youjiali felt a little skeptical.

Because of the smell of other women from Li Qinghe, Yueying Yujiali became suspicious.But since Li Qinghe didn't say anything, Moon Shadow Yugali wisely didn't ask, so just pretend it never happened.

On the way Nan Kotaro went out to look for Li Qinghe, he found a figure running for his life in a panic.

"Isn't that Professor Heisong, a member of Gorgom?"

Nan Kotaro recognized Heisong's identity at a glance, but Heisong in front of him looked very embarrassed, his clothes were torn and his body was walking unsteadily.

Kotaro Minami grabbed Professor Kuromatsu who was about to fall to the ground.

Professor Kuromatsu looked at Minami Kotaro with gloomy eyes, "Minami Kotaro, help me, I finally know that Gorgom is a terrible organization, I escaped from there, so I was hunted down by Batman. Please, save me." help me."

As soon as Professor Kuromatsu finished speaking, his body fell into Minami Kotaro's arms.

At this time, the bat monster hovered in the air and seemed to be looking for something, Nan Kotaro quickly took Professor Kuromatsu to hide, avoiding the bat monster's search.

"You're so badly injured, I'll take you to the hospital."

Although Kotaro Minami knew that Professor Kuromatsu might be lying to him, Kotaro Minami's fraternity towards human beings and worry about Nobuhiko forced him to believe what Professor Kuromatsu said, and believed that Professor Kuromatsu had changed his face and started a new life.

Kotaro Minami stopped his motorcycle, found a taxi and drove towards the hospital.

Minami Kotaro was on the back seat of the car, "It's strange that there is no Batman following him, but there is a strange aura around him.

There is a strange feeling from just now, and is there a hospital in this kind of place?Kotaro Minami looked in the rearview mirror and found that the taxi driver he was riding had turned into a ghost monkey.

The ghost monkey stopped the car and grabbed Professor Heisong, and Nan Kotaro opened the car door and dragged the ghost monkey out.


Nan Kotaro was not in love with the fight, and directly threw the ghost monkey monster to the ground with a single move. He stepped on the ghost monkey monster body with his foot. Flying ghost monkey monster.

Then he immediately returned to the car and drove towards the hospital with the "comatose" Professor Heisong.

Nan Kotaro sent Professor Heisong to the hospital, and told Li Qinghe, Kyoko and the others about his encounter with Professor Heisong.

Li Qinghe just said to be careful, but Akizuki Kyoko and Kida Katsumi insisted on coming to the hospital because of Akizuki Nobuhiko.

"How's the black pine?"

Akizuki Kyoko asked eagerly, not because Akizuki Kyoko cared much about Professor Kuromatsu, but because Professor Kuromatsu probably knew the location of Akizuki Nobuhiko.

"He's gone to sleep and looks tired."

Kotaro Minami glanced at the sleeping Professor Heimatsu through the crack of the door, and left Professor Heimatsu's ward with light steps.

"I want to ask him about Nobuhiko."

Katsumi Kida said in a crying voice, and Akizuki Kyoko next to her nodded, as if she also wanted to know about Nobuhiko Akizuki's recent situation.

"Golgom may come to attack at any time, you go away, leave the matter of Nobuhiko to me, go home first."

Minami Kotaro persuaded Akizuki Kyoko and Kida Katsumi to leave first.


Katsumi Katsumi wanted to say something else.

"Don't worry. Go back and wait for my news."

Minami Kotaro let Katsumi Katsumi and Kyoko Akizuki leave.

"Although Professor Kuromatsu said that he has turned from the dark to the bright, he cannot let down his vigilance and must always be vigilant. Besides, in order to rescue Nobuhiko, we can only find clues from Professor Kuromatsu."

Just as Minami Kotaro turned around, a puff of irritating gas suddenly came out from under his feet, and Minami Kotaro fell down feeling uncomfortable while clutching his chest.

"Professor Kuromatsu, you've done a good job. You can work under me from now on. But Kotaro Minami is really stupid. I want your life."

After the smoke cleared, Juggernaut Birginia appeared in front of the unconscious Minami Kotaro.

"Thanks to your plan, I just followed the plan."

Professor Heisong said humbly.

"Okay, Professor Heisong, I will remember your contribution, you can leave. Leave this to me."

Juggernaut Birginia let Professor Heisong leave.However, what he didn't know was that after leaving the hospital, Professor Heisong didn't go to the base of Juggernaut Birginia, but went to a public phone booth to make a call.

"Hey, who is it?"

in the tea room.

Li Qinghe just came out to admire his fighting eagle, while Qiuyue Kyoko and Katsumi Kida were still on their way back to the tea room.

Li Qinghe picked up the phone.

"It's me, Heisong. I have something urgent to report to you."

Professor Heisong was very happy when he heard that it was Li Qinghe who answered the phone.

"What's the matter? Tell me."

Li Qinghe said.

"Minami Kotaro inhaled Golgom's special hypnotic gas and is now unconscious, probably executed by Swordsman Birgenia in order to prevent Minami Kotaro from being killed.

I asked several doctors to check my ward. On the way to my ward, I will definitely see the unconscious Kotaro Minami, which should stop me for a while.

I am now hunted down by Golgom and want to seek your protection.The Great Priest and the others are going to kill me. If the Sword Saint Birginia fails this time, he may also take his anger out on me. "

Professor Heisong did this because he wanted to survive.

"Well, I see. You are waiting for me at the hospital. After I go to solve this matter, you can follow me."

Li Qinghe told Yueying Yugali to take care of the tea room, and Li Qinghe left on a fighting eagle.

Juggernaut Birginia saw that Kotaro Minami was in a coma, and happily drew Bill sword.

"Let's see who can save you this time."

"Hey, who are you?"

A sound of scolding came from behind the sword saint Birginia. These doctors stopped Professor Heisong's words. At the door of Professor Heisong's ward, they just saw someone holding a sword trying to plot evil against the people on the ground, so they hurriedly stopped him.

"Since I want you to die, no one can save you."

In order not to let himself be discovered, Juggernaut Birginia turned around and cut the body of a hospital closer to him with his sword. .


The hospital whose body had been cut open screamed and died.

Chapter 41 Rescue Minami Kotaro

The other doctors ran away, but they were killed by Bill's sword wherever they could run.However, the screams from these doctors caused the security guards in the hospital to rush here quickly and surrounded the Sword Saint Birginia.

"We have called the police, put down your weapons quickly."

A dozen security guards surrounded the Sword Saint Birginia, and one of the security guards secretly dragged Minami Kotaro away from the ground.There were many patients and their family members surrounding the area, which allowed Minami Kotaro to escape from the sight of Juggernaut Birginia.

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