With Li Qinghe's clues, Yuko's location was quickly found.

"Report to the commander, Yuko is now with No. [-], who we have been secretly monitoring. Yuko found the last key last night."

His subordinates quickly handed over the information about Yuko to Li Qinghe.

There are also some black technologies in this world. In order to obtain these black technologies, Li Qinghe focused on monitoring those who mastered them.

No. [-] is the person who has mastered the special black technology. The black technology controlled by No. [-] is an anti-gravity magnetic cannon made using the principle of the earth's magnetic field. The anti-gravity magnetic cannon is extremely powerful and can kick against bck knights who have not yet evolved to rx Comparable.

And once the research is successful, then wearing it on the Leo Knight can make up for the lack of firepower of the Leo Knight.

In order not to disturb No. [-]'s experiment, Li Qinghe asked people to protect him silently, waiting for his experiment to succeed.

"In this case, then get back the anti-gravity magnetic gun in advance, and get back the three keys by the way."

Li Qinghe looked at the above information and said.

"Hey, Mr. Qinghe, during the time I was away, you worked so hard. What are you looking at?"

Nagata Yuka happened to be back from a trip today, and Li Qinghe was going to greet her in person, but a communication request from Princess Galonia interrupted Li Qinghe's original plan.

"Yuka Nagata, you came just in time, take a look at this."

Li Qinghe passed Yuko's information to Nagata Yuka.

After Nagata Yuka finished reading, she looked at Li Qinghe suspiciously.

"You don't have thoughts about that woman, do you?"

"Of course not, go and get it back with me, you go and get back the anti-gravity cannon on number two. I'll get back the key in Yuko's hand."

Li Qinghe talked about his plan.

"Okay, let's get started."

Nagata Yuka said very simply.

Nagata Yuka moved ahead of time, and Nagata Yuka led a small team of Leo knights to surround Professor No. [-] Aihara.

Professor Aihara took out his magnetic cannon, pointed it at the Leo knight who came, and fired directly.

"Boom" sound.

The Leo knight in front of Professor Aihara was blown to pieces.

Professor Aihara fired the cannon repeatedly. Although it was called a magnetic cannon, the magnetic cannon was small in size, about the same as an ordinary rifle, and could be controlled with one hand.

All the Leo knights approaching Professor Aihara were blown up.

"It doesn't matter whether it is life or death, don't capture it alive."

The reason why so many died was because Nagata Yuka didn't believe in the power of the magnetic cannon at first, and wanted to capture Professor Aihara alive.

After such an order was issued, Knight Leo hit Professor Aihara's hand holding the magnetic cannon with a single shot from the accelerated light gun.

Professor Aihara's magnetic cannon fell to the ground, but before he could pick it up, he ran away.

"Dad, Daddy."

Professor Aihara left his daughter and son behind and fled.

"This is the anti-gravity magnetic gun. Didn't you say it's not finished? It seems that Aihara has already finished it. He must have found out that he was being watched, so he deliberately pretended not to finish it. Interesting guy."

Nagata Yuka played with the extremely powerful magnetic cannon.

"Sir, what are they going to do?"

Knight Leo next to Yuka Nagata pointed to Professor Aihara's daughter and son, who were shivering in the house.

"They are still useful, take them away."

Professor Aihara's son and daughter were all captured by Nagata Yuka.

Professor Aihara thought he could escape, but as he was walking, a bullet pierced through his right thigh.

"Ah." A voice.

Professor Aihara suddenly fell down.

"Run, run again."

Nagata Yuka stepped on Professor Aihara wearing high heels.

"I almost missed it. I didn't expect you to abandon your own daughter and son."

Nagata Yuka asked his subordinates to bring out Aihara's son and daughter.

"Shinichi, Keiko."

Seeing his son and daughter being controlled, Aihara said in pain.

"Professor Aihara, hand over the design of the anti-gravity magnetic gun. I think you will cooperate, don't you?"

Nagata Yuka took out a gun and pointed it at the heads of Shinichi and Keiko.

"I'm sorry, Shinichi, Keiko, forgive Dad, this technology cannot be handed over to bad people."

Although Nagata Yuka threatened him with the lives of his son and daughter, Aihara remained indifferent.

"Dad, you did the right thing, don't be at the mercy of the bad guys."

Keiko saw that Nagata Yuka wanted to threaten her father with their lives, and said loudly.

"is it?"

Nagata Yuka took out a pistol and pointed it at Professor Aihara's eyes.

"I look forward to hearing your refusal. If you don't agree, I will not kill your son or daughter, but you. I will wait for your reply."

When Nagata Yuka's fingers were about to be snapped off, Professor Aihara was so scared that he wet his pants.

"I'll give it, I'll give it to you, don't kill me. No, kill me."

Seeing Professor Aihara's spineless expression, Nagata Yuka turned and left in disgust.

"I've already done it here, I don't know what's going on with Mr. Qinghe."

Nagata Yuka got the design drawing of the anti-gravity magnetic gun from Professor Aihara.

The progress on Li Qinghe's side has not been as expected. The woman named Youzi has superb driving skills, can also fight, and is carrying an anti-gravity magnetic cannon.Li Qinghe naturally thought that it might be given to her by Professor Xiangyuan, so it means that the anti-gravity magnetic cannon has been completed, but Xiangyuan has not made it public, saying that he has fallen into a bottleneck. .

After discovering the Leo knights brought by Li Qinghe, Yuko preemptively killed the two Leo knights with an anti-gravity magnetic cannon, and fled on a motorcycle parked by the roadside.

Li Qinghe rode a fighting eagle and followed Yuzi closely, and Li Qinghe had already used the helicopter. On the only way in front of Yuzi, there would be soldiers to stop her and not let her leave.

Chapter 98 The Betrayal of Kotaro Minami

Yuko looked at the pursuers who were chasing after him, took out the anti-gravity magnetic cannon and fired three shots at Li Qinghe. Li Qinghe dodged flexibly with his keen intuition, and the Leo knight behind him was hit. Explode directly.

What Li Qinghe needs is the key to the demon world in Yuko's hand, and there is no difference between Yuko's life and death.Li Qinghe slowly stood on the motorcycle, ready to jump over when it was close to Yuko's motorcycle, but Li Qinghe finally waited for the opportunity, and was knocked down by the monster robot Galandoli.

All the Leo knights behind Li Qinghe got off their motorcycles and surrounded Li Qinghe.


Li Qinghe pushed aside the monster robot Galandoli, and naturally other Leo knights went to fight him.

Li Qinghe saw that the woman Youzi had taken advantage of this opportunity to escape.


Li Qinghe looked angrily at the monster robot Geirandoli who hindered his plan.

In the past, he was the one who obstructed Kleiss' plan, but this time he was actually thwarted by Kleiss.

"How dare you obstruct my plan, courting death. You have offended me. Transform."

Li Qinghe transformed into Kamen Rider Delta, drew out the Satan sword, and inserted the sword into the body of the monster robot Guerandoli from behind.

The monster robot immediately hugged Li Qinghe, the self-explosion system on his body was activated, and the sound of beeping sounded, Li Qinghe felt life-threatening.

Li Qinghe Shushu cut off the arm of the monster robot holding him with two swords.

"Boom" sound.

The monster robot Galandoli blew himself up, and his plan to drag Li Qinghe along with him failed.

Li Qinghe frowned as he looked at Galandoli who blew himself up to be a waste.

"Why would Clexis send someone to stop my plan?"

Li Qinghe tried to see something from Guerandoli, but finally gave up.


Li Qinghe saw in the distance that he had arranged in advance to intercept Yuzi, and another explosion occurred.

Li Qinghe felt an ominous premonition, "Go ahead and have a look."

Li Qinghe quickly rushed to the explosion site with Leo Knight.

Li Qinghe saw the corpses of the soldiers of the Holy Dragon Group lying all over the place, and some of them were torn apart.

Li Qinghe closed his eyes, and felt the breath of other people, the enemy is still there!

"Be careful."

Just as Li Qinghe finished speaking, a door next to him was knocked flying, flying towards Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe smashed the gate into pieces with one punch.

A small group of Leo knights in front of Li Qinghe formed a battle formation.

"Da da da." The voice came.

Li Qinghe saw a silver-white figure with green eyes walking towards Li Qinghe step by step.

"You are Shadow Moon"

Li Qinghe looked at the figure in front of him, and it merged with the figure of Yingyue who had disappeared long ago.

"That's a name from a long time ago."

Li Qinghe saw that Yingyue admitted it, and Li Qinghe also felt that Yingyue's aura was very strong, at least as strong as Haitang Naoya.

"Did you kill these people?"

Li Qinghe pointed to the corpses of the soldiers of the Holy Dragon Group on the ground.

"Those people were killed by me. They are too spicy, not my enemy. Finally, I waited for you."

A hint of excitement appeared in Yingyue's eyes.

"Do you want to use me as a whetstone?"

Li Qinghe shook his hand, and took out the Satan sword.

"In that case, let's go. Super speed."

If Li Qinghe didn't make a move, it was fine, and when he made a move, he used all his strength.

This is the first time superspeeding has appeared in the world of Kamen Rider bck, and Shadow Moon is honored, and it can be said that it is a fateful encounter.


Li Qinghe appeared in front of Yingyue, but before Yingyue could react, Li Qinghe used the Satan sword to chop Yingyue aside.

In the very short time when Shadow Moon fell, Li Qinghe attacked thirteen times in total.


Shadow Moon fell heavily to the ground.


Yingyue did not expect Li Qinghe's attack to be so weird and so fast, exceeding Yingyue's expectation.

"Shadow Moon, are you sent by Klexis?"

Li Qinghe stepped on Yingyue's body.

"So what if it is, so what if it's not, kill it if you want to kill it."

Shadowmoon showed an expression that you can kill if you want to.

"Oh, go to hell then."

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