At this time, Morpho Haiyun finally came to his senses, using clku's ability, and finally stood up with one hand on the ground.

However, when he got up, he found that Tiandao Shuzi and Tiandaowei had surrounded him one after the other.

Tiandao Shuzi and Tiandaowei raised their feet and kicked Haiyun Shandie's neck one after the other.

Immediately afterwards, Tiandao Shuzi and Tiandaowei retracted their feet, turned and left.And Haiyun Shandie exploded after the mother and daughter of Tiandaoshu turned around and left.

Looking at Morpho, the goddess of joy.

If the ice butterfly is not damaged by the nuclear explosion, it can also undergo a second molt.But now his strength is not one in ten.Naturally, it is impossible to perform a second molt, after all, the body cannot bear the burden.

So Bingdie also knew her physical condition, so she could only resist.But fortunately, the goddess of joy under the second molt, Morpheus, did not use the special ability of clocku.

It should be due to his lack of strength, otherwise the goddess of joy, Morpho Butterfly, would also kneel after shedding her skin for the second time.

Fortunately, the goddess of joy Morpho can escape the attack of the goddess of joy.

Even so, the Zerg ruler struggled to support the pursuit of Morpho, the goddess of joy, waiting for an opportunity to fight back.Ice Butterfly did not expect that there are such powerful Zergs on the earth.

But only Morpheus, the goddess of joy, knew his state at this time. Originally, he had only one chance to fight in his life.But the time for a battle is limited.Moreover, after forcibly molting his skin for the second time, the energy consumption in his body was even more serious.

It’s not that the goddess of joy, Morpheus, insisted on shedding her skin again, it’s because he is in the state of moulting, and in every aspect, Bingdie needs to defeat Bingdie in a short time. Once his limit is reached, it’s time for him to die .

Now the goddess of joy, Morpho's injury, became more and more serious with the passage of time, and he was almost unable to suppress the injury in his body.

At that time, Bingdie defeated.

Looking at the battle of Kamen Rider Kickunch, he has integrated the Kicking Locust and Boxing Locust systems, and a thick layer of defensive armor gradually appeared on the outer layer of his body.

And Monarch Butterfly was pressing on Kamen Rider Kickunch, punching Kamen Rider Kickunch, but did not notice the change of Kamen Rider Kickunch.

After the defensive armor slowly covered the whole body, especially the head, Kamen Rider Kickunch ignored the attack of the Monarch Butterfly.

Kamen Rider Kickunch raised the Monarch Butterfly with one hand,

"How is it possible? How is it possible to have such a strong force."

Monarch Butterfly's feet were off the ground, and was thrown aside by Kamen Rider Kickunch's hand.

Kamen Rider Kickunch ignored Monarch Butterfly's inquiry, and muttered to himself: "You insulted my brother's body, you have to die, you have to die."

After talking about Kamen Rider kickunch, red light appeared in his eyes, and the power in his body became stronger and stronger.

With one punch, Monarch Butterfly crossed her arms, trying to block Kamen Rider Kickunch's attack.

However, after this punch, both of Monarch Butterfly's arms were shattered and fractured.


The power of this punch was not only that, it also severely disabled Monarch Bandie.

Chapter 33 Shibuya Battle Nine

Kamen Rider Kickunch went to the pit where the Monarch Butterfly was, and grabbed the Monarch Butterfly.

"Forgive me, spare my life."

Monarch Butterfly completely disregarded his noble Zerg status, and began to ask Kamen Rider Kickunch to spare his life.

But Kamen Rider Kickunch turned a deaf ear, and threw the Monarch Butterfly in his hand heavily to the floors of the surrounding ruins.

Then Kamen Rider Kickunch continued to walk to the floor, ignoring the obstacles in front of him, and went straight to the dying Monarch Butterfly lying in the ruins.

"Do not kill me."

Monarch butterfly doesn't want to die.

But his death was not decided by him, but by Kamen Rider Kickunch.

"it's time."

Kamen Rider Kickunch punched Monarch Butterfly's head hard and was knocked off with one punch, falling off his neck.

However, Kamen Rider Kickunch still didn't let go of his anger, and punched down again, punching a big hole in the body of the dead Monarch Butterfly.

After dozens of punches, Monarch Butterfly's body was smashed into pieces by Kamen Rider Kickunch's fist.

And the Blue-tailed Emerald Butterfly, who chose Li Qinghe as the target of battle, became a strange "existence" in Li Qinghe's eyes when he saw that there was one in Li Qinghe who did not threaten human beings.

It doesn't know that what Li Qinghe transforms into is Kamen Rider Delta.

But I chose them all, so naturally I didn't regret taking the medicine.

The Kamen Rider delta transformed by Li Qinghe hadn't transformed for more than ten years. Thinking of warming up his lower body, Li Qinghe didn't use the super speed state.

The blue-tailed emerald butterfly didn't know Li Qinghe's strength, so it tried to stretch out its claws towards Li Qinghe's head. Li Qinghe bent down, missed the attack of the blue-tailed emerald emerald butterfly, and got close to him at the same time.

With a back fall, the blue-tailed emerald butterfly stood up. Li Qinghe had already drawn out the Satan sword, and nailed the emerald blue-tailed emerald butterfly to the ground with one sword, firmly.

"It's really boring, and it's over in one go."

Li Qinghe clapped his hands and took out the deltahone.

"Hammer of the Fallen Angel."

Li Qinghe used delta's knight kick, passed through the blue-tailed emerald butterfly and died.

The big red-patterned butterfly who was fighting Norio Mishima was not feeling well at the moment, and if he was mentally inattentive for a while, he would be poked a few holes by the hornet native.

Seeing that this situation continues, the big red-patterned butterfly will definitely be defeated, so she deliberately exposed a flaw for Norio Mishima to see.

Norio Mishima found the trap of the big red phoenix butterfly, the bee needle on his fist pierced the big red phoenix butterfly and looked at himself with a proud look.

"You've been tricked."

The wings on the back of the big red-striped swallowtail butterfly moved, and the bright pigment on the wings turned into toxin and poured on Norio Mishima's body.

Norio Mishima felt the burning heat on his body, as if his body was on fire, he couldn't help rolling all over the floor.

The big red-patterned swallowtail thought that she had the chance to win, so she stepped on Mishima Norioo's body,

"It's so hot", said the big red-patterned swallowtail butterfly, and immediately retracted her feet.

"Almost forgot, once the poison on my wings is touched by others, the body will burn itself until death.

Instead of letting you die so painfully, let me detoxify you. "

The paws of the Great Red Swallowtail butterfly reached for Norio Mishima's head.

But he didn't know that the bee needles on Norio Mishima's fist could be fired from the body.

"Shushu" twice.

The bee needle on Norio Mishima's fist pierced the big red phoenix butterfly and fell to the ground unwillingly. Before he died, he regretted that he had said too much. If he was given another chance, he would never pretend to die like this .

It really confirms the saying that the villain dies because of talking too much.

But this opportunity will definitely not be left to him, so the four insects sent by the big red-striped swallowtail butterfly to attack the protozoan side were all wiped out, and only the ice butterfly was left. I didn't expect my subordinates to be wiped out so quickly .

The reason why the four molting insects were wiped out so quickly was because they survived the nuclear explosion and their strength was affected.On the other hand, when they arrived on the earth, they did not have enough time to adapt to the environment of the earth, and they could not fully exert their strength, but only a part of it.

Therefore, several zergs did not use Clocku's special ability, but only fought in the normal moulting form.

Naturally, they died quickly, and their strength was much worse than that of the molting worms that had lived on the earth for several years, so they were quickly wiped out.

It didn't play a role in entanglement of the protozoa. If it was useful, it would be to kill Norio Mishima.

So in general, at present, only Li Qinghe, the tree of the heavenly dao, and the only existence of the heavenly dao are left.Of course there is also the Kamen Rider Kickunch who has lost his mind.

After Kamen Rider Kickunch beat the Monarch Butterfly into plasma, he looked up and found two zerg that were killing each other.

For Kamen Rider Kickunch, Zerg is the enemy who killed his brother, and if he is an enemy, he must die, die.

At this time, the battle of Morpho, the goddess of joy, has also reached a critical period.

The goddess of joy, Morpho, has reached her limit. He knows that as long as he gives himself a little more time, he can catch up to Bingdie, who has been avoiding him, and can hardly suppress his injuries, almost at the same time.The goddess of joy Morpho stopped, and a small blood hole appeared on her body.

"I'm sorry, I tried my best."

After the goddess of joy, Morpho, apologized to Jagumar in front of him, she closed her eyes, and the corpse was still standing on the ground.

The goddess of joy, Morpho Butterfly, has reached her limit, her standing body can no longer move.The Zerg ruler, Ice Butterfly, spat out a mouthful of green blood, which had condensed into ice cubes before landing.

After Bingdie spit out a mouthful of blood, she felt much better.Turning around, he looked at Jaguma, who had been trying to sneak attack him.

"It's you next."

Jaguma turned around and wanted to leave, but how could the Bingdie let her go, and instantly came behind Jaguma, with a claw inserted into Jaguma's body.

"I won't let you die."

Knowing that he had no hope of surviving, Jaguma wanted to blew himself up.

"Self-explosion? Do you think it's possible?"

The other claw of the ice butterfly pierced Jaguma's head, absorbing the energy and memory belonging to Jaguma from the head, trying to suppress his injury for a while.

If it weren't for being the ruler of the Zerg and having the obligation to protect the population, the Ice Butterfly would be sleeping like other Zerg now.

But the responsibility is the responsibility, and the ice butterfly did not avoid it, and took on the important task of reviving the Zerg. .

Not long after Ice Butterfly absorbed it, she felt a new attack, an attack from Kamen Rider Kickunch who temporarily fused the Kicking Locust and Boxing Locust Rider systems.

As if opening the hook, with a punch, Bingdie immediately dodges, but blocks Jaguma's body in front of her.

Chapter 34 Shibuya Battle Ten

Kaguma's body was hit by Kamen Rider Kickunch and turned into pieces.

"Huh? Damn guy..."

Jaguma's body was smashed to pieces by Kamen Rider Kickunch, making the Zerg ruler Ice Butterfly very angry.

"You are dying."

Before the Zerg ruler could do anything, Kamen Rider Kickunch did it first.

"rider kick."

Kamen Rider Kickunch used a knight kick, kicked one of Ice Butterfly's paws and gathered it into a fist, collided with Kamen Rider Kickunch's knight kick, and the two hit each other, causing a wave of air.

Bingdie didn't move at all, and pushed her fist forward, instead causing Kamen Rider Kickunch's knight's kick to be bounced back to him, and Kamen Rider Kickunch's own force from being kicked by the knight was transmitted back along his feet.

Kamen Rider Kickunch was thrown aside by his own strength.But Kamen Rider kickunch did not stop, but continued to use "riderunch" (knight punch).

Kamen Rider Kickunch's two attacks hit the same fist of Ice Butterfly.


Kamen Rider Kickunch's fist collided with Ice Butterfly's fist, making such a sound, it is unknown who was injured.

But Cong Bingdie put away her fist, shook her hand, and gasped at that fist.

And Kamen Rider Kickunch patted his fist, "How about it, does my fist hurt you?"

Bingdie looked at Kamen Rider Kickunch unhappily, without hiding the murderous intent in her eyes.

"The first time you intentionally reduced the intensity of your attack, paralyzing me and making me relax, and the second time you attacked me with all your strength, I have to say that your plan succeeded. However, I can defeat you even with one hand."

Bingdie is very proud of her strength, she has the capital of pride.

Bingdie instantly came to the back of Kamen Rider Kickunch.

"Be careful."

Li Qinghe reminded Kamen Rider Kickunch to notice that Bingdie's claws scratched across Kamen Rider Kickunch's back obliquely and drew a three centimeter long scar.

Sparks flickered where Kamen Rider Kickunch's body was scratched.And the strength of Bingdie's hand also sent Kamen Rider Kickunch flying aside.

And Li Qinghe also ended the battle, took out the Satan sword and Bingdie spit out pieces of ice skates from his mouth, and they were all blocked one meter away from Li Qinghe.

When Li Qinghe knocked down the skate that was flying towards him, Bingdie appeared in front of Li Qinghe.

"Your weapon is good, it should be given to me."

Bingdie tried to grab the blade with one hand.

"Then try it."

Li Qinghe was not at all worried that the Satan sword in his hand would suddenly become extremely corrosive from the blade in Bingdie's hand.

But Yu Bingdie pulled hard, and he was about to snatch the Satan Sword from Li Qinghe's hand.

Fortunately, even though Tiandao Shuzi who came over felt threatened towards Bingdie with a golden scimitar, he believed in his intuition and decisively gave up the Satan sword that took Li Qinghe.

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