Li Qinghe knew that Mishima Masato wanted to spy on him through Takatori Lotus.

Li Qinghe turned a blind eye to the surveillance of Gaoniaolianhua, because Gaoniaolianhua was surrounded by a whole team of ant soldiers.Especially Liang Hua (9527), who is very at odds with Gao Niaolianhua, the two have been competing with each other.

Liang Hua entangled Gao Niao Lianhua by himself, and Gao Niao Lianhua couldn't get away to monitor Li Qinghe.

Liang Hua was so interested in Gaoniaolianhua, of course it was Li Qinghe who instructed Liang Hua. Gaoniaolianhua was sent by zect headquarters to test the entire zect combat organization composed of the Longyuan country team.

Li Qinghe's team is called the Glory team.The missions are similar to those of the Phantom Squad, in that they are all responsible for dealing with troublesome zerg.

The team name submitted by Li Qinghe was soon certified.

Li Qinghe asked Yingshan Yazi to send someone to deliver the belt to the head of Tiandao. The head of Tiandao hadn't had a belt for more than a year, so he didn't need to think about it, but he knew that he was uncomfortable.

Li Qinghe didn't go to the head of Tiandao, but went to the tree flower of Tiandao first.Tiandao Shuhua is not in school at this time, but is working part-time in a coffee shop, or skipping class to do part-time work.

Li Qinghe parked his luxury car at this coffee shop, and when the waiter opened the door, Li Qinghe got out of the car.

Li Qinghe strode into this coffee shop,

"Do you have an appointment?"

Li Qinghe shook his head, "Give me a private room."

Li Qinghe stuffed a wad of r yuan into the waiter's trouser pocket, "Please ask Shuhua to serve me."


The waiter left, after muttering on the counter.

"Tiandaoshuhua, go to private room 306, there are new guests there."

Tiandao Shuhua put down her work and hurried to the 306 private room.

"Dear guest, what would you like to drink?"

This is the first time for Tiandaoshuhua to serve customers in a private room.Customers who can come to the private room must have a high status.

Under normal circumstances, Tiandaoshuhua is not qualified to enter the private room to serve guests, and some of them are served by other waiters.She has also heard about the service in the private room, she can only hope that this time the guest is not that kind of person.

Tiandao Shuhua needs money very much. In order to protect her, the director of Tiandao was severely injured by Zerg a few days ago. She is now lying in the intensive care unit and needs a lot of money every day to be hospitalized.

The money that Li Qinghe gave her has been used up in the operation for the Director of Heavenly Dao.

In desperation, she even sold the villa she lived in. If it wasn't for a very beautiful big sister who paid her a part of the money, the Director of Heavenly Dao wouldn't be able to stay in the hospital now.

Hospitals all over the world are generally black, even in island countries.Although the treatment technology in island countries is more advanced, it can also cost more.

Tiandaoshuhua wants to earn more money, so she has been absent from school for a month.

Tiandao Shuhua can choose not to go to this private room, but she needs this opportunity.

So Tiandao Shuhua cleaned up in the bathroom, and then opened the door of the private room of 306 to go in.

Because of the politeness of the waiter, Tiandaoshuhua came in with her head down and didn't look up at the guests, which was impolite.

"Let's have a cup of Longjing."

A rough voice sounded, it was Li Qinghe who deliberately changed his voice.

Shuhua was stunned when she heard this sentence, and the worrying thing still happened. This is where there is tea in the coffee shop.

It seemed that this guest belonged to that kind of lustful guest.

But when things came to an end, Shuhua could only bite the bullet and say, "Sorry, guest, we don't have this service here."

"Well, that's it. Then have a glass of Heavenly Dao Tree Flower."

Shuhua resisted the desire to rush out, and slowly moved to Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe jumped on the forehead of Tiandao Shuhua.


The moment Shuhua rubbed her head, she saw a person she was thinking about day and night, and she saw Li Qinghe looking at her with a half-smile.

"You bad guy, you don't count what you say, you haven't contacted me for more than a year, you liar. You still teased me when you came back."

The moment Tiandaoshuhua saw Li Qinghe, all kinds of emotions came together and exploded.

Tiandao Shuhua cried and patted Li Qinghe.

"I also just came back from Longyuan Country, and I wanted to give you a surprise when I came back, so I went to school to find you first, but your classmate said that you haven't come to class for a few days.

I will go to the principal myself and intercede for you, otherwise you would have been expelled long ago. "

Li Qinghe's treatment of Shuhua is more of a doting of the elders for the younger generation, but he watched Shuhua grow up.

Li Qinghe shook his head with a smile, "I wanted to give you a surprise, but you actually gave me a surprise."

"Well, can I ask you to borrow some money? I will try my best to pay it back, as long as you don't dislike me, I am willing to give me..."

In the second half of the sentence, Shuhua spoke in an extremely low mosquito-like murmur.

After hearing what Shuhua said, Li Qinghe couldn't help but laugh. If he had to say which woman he was least interested in, it would be Shuhua.

Li Qinghe took out a check with no amount written on it.

"As much as you need, just write as much on it, go, don't work here."

"Yes, but my salary has not yet been settled..."

Li Qinghe pulled Shuhua out of private room 306.

Li Qinghe came to the counter, "Call your manager, and now settle Shuhua's wages."

The service personnel who can work at the counter are naturally not low-minded, and all kinds of people pass by every day, so they naturally have a pair of sharp eyes.Of course, it can be seen that Li Qinghe is good.

"I can pay Tree Blossom without a manager coming."

The staff took out the wages and found the tree flower.

"Tiandao Shuhua, I work 22 days this month, so it counts as one month."

The person in charge of the counter generously handed over Shuhua's salary to Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe handed it over to Tiandaoshuhua.

Shuhua couldn't believe it. The person in charge of the counter just now is the financial staff of this coffee shop, and he likes to deduct wages the most.

And the other waiters at the counter all looked at Tiandao Shuhua enviously. In their opinion, Shuhua had already gotten rich.

After all, Shuhua has only worked in a coffee shop for a few months, so she doesn't know much about the consumption of private rooms.

In the private room, even if you don't drink tea, you have to spend money, and you spend money by the minute.

The private room that Li Qinghe just entered is the best place in the entire coffee shop.So just for the time Li Qinghe spent talking with Shuhua, Li Qinghe's expenses were enough for Shuhua's salary for a year. .

Maintaining a good image in front of customers is conducive to promoting the continuous operation of coffee shops.Naturally, he was very generous in front of Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe brought Shuhua to Shuhua's school.

Chapter 122 The Passionate Tree Flower

"Come on, I'll take you to the classroom."

Shuhua thought that Li Qinghe would take her on a date, but Li Qinghe brought her to school.

"Study hard and make progress every day. Skipping classes will be addictive, so if you want me to visit you often, then you should study hard."

Shuhua pouted, "Okay, but you have to send me into the classroom. Otherwise, I will stay by your side this time."

Li Qinghe touched Shuhua's head affectionately, "I really can't do anything about you."

Li Qinghe felt the warmth in his hands, and saw that Shuhua was holding his hand.

Li Qinghe entered the school holding Shuhua's hand, and personally sent Shuhua into the classroom.

Li Qinghe picked a time to come, it happened to be the end of get out of class time.

"Shuhua, you're here."

"Shuhua, is that your boyfriend? He's so handsome."

Students who already have tree flowers see tree flowers.

"Okay, don't be naughty."

Li Qinghe's image of a gentle big brother immediately attracted the surrounding female students.

Shuhua seems to want to prove her ownership, so she sticks close to Li Qinghe.

"Then you should come and see me more."

Li Qinghe said helplessly: "Take a good class. I'll pick you up at noon. Don't stay in a hotel. It's not safe and there are too many people."


Shuhua jumped up happily when she heard that Li Qinghe would come to see her.

After Li Qinghe sent Shuhua back, he went directly to the hospital. This public hospital has been taken over by Shenglong Company.

Li Qinghe entered the ward and saw the Director of Heavenly Dao who was still in a coma, "I think as the sun god, you will not fall down so easily. Wake up, my good grandson."

Li Qinghe tied the belt that belonged to the Director of the Heavenly Way to the Director of the Heavenly Way.


Director Tiandao seemed to sense his belt, and shouted out the transformation in a coma.

Li Qinghe couldn't understand at the beginning why the gatack belt in the plot could save Kaga Meixin, whose heart was pierced.

Looks like the belt is healing, "Is my belt back? Great. Ahh!"

Director Tiandao regained consciousness from a coma, and the infusion bottle on his body was shattered by the roar of Director Tiandao.It can be seen how excited Tiandao Director General is.

Only then did Director Tiandao realize that he was still lying on the bed. Director Tiandao slowly recalled that when his sister Tiandao Shuhua was attacked by zerg larvae, Director Tiandao fought against the zerg in order to protect his sister.

Without his transformation, he couldn't beat the zerg, not even the zerg that hadn't shed its skin.

So the head of the Tiandao was seriously injured, and the head of the Tiandao still missed his sister under the serious injury.

What he didn't know was that after he was seriously injured and unconscious, the red ant team from Shenglong Company happened to patrol there and drove the zerg away.

It was because the zerg was too cunning. When it saw the red ants of Shenglong Company, it turned around and ran away without any hesitation, which allowed him to escape successfully.

Director of Heavenly Dao woke up from his memories, and he saw Li Qinghe standing in front of him.

"Kiba Kiyokawa, did you save me? Thank you. I will definitely repay you for saving my life."

Li Qinghe nodded, "It seems that after this life-and-death crisis, you have grown a lot. You are worthy of this ordeal."

"Now that you are in good health, you can go back."

Li Qinghe was already on his way to the hospital and redeemed the house that Tiandao Shuhua sold.

Director of Tiandao wanted to ask Li Qinghe something, but Li Qinghe had already turned and left.

The head of the Heavenly Law lifted the transformation,

"Partner, I won't leave you this time."

The Director of Heavenly Dao tightly grasped Jiadou Zector.

At noon, Shuhua was waiting for Li Qinghe at the school gate early. In order not to break his promise to Shuhua, Li Qinghe naturally drove to pick up Shuhua.

"Get in the car."

Tiandao Shuhua got into Li Qinghe's sports car under the envious eyes of his classmates.

After Shuhua sat in the co-pilot seat, Li Qinghe said with a smile:

"Shuhua, I have two good news for you."


"The first good news is that your brother has recovered and has been discharged from the hospital."

"That's great."

"Another piece of good news is that I've already bought back the room you've dealt with at a low price. You don't need to live in the hotel any more. In this way, you and your brother will have a place to live."

Although Shuhua didn't know how powerful Li Qinghe was, she also knew that Li Qinghe had paid a lot for herself.

Shuhua suddenly hugged Li Qinghe, "Don't leave me, okay, I want to be with you."

"Shuhua, let go first, okay, are you driving?"

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