High elves are powerful bloodlines.And the elf royal family is the most among them.

Coupled with their long years of precipitation, every high elf is unimaginably strong.

Therefore, his blow brought out a long emerald green taillight in the air.

Then it exploded suddenly in the herd.

After a whole body of flesh and blood flew around, a large area was emptied out of the dense crowd of beasts.

With the bowstring of Nathaniel Windseeker.The thousands of elves he brought also pulled the bowstring.

The elves are the only race in Middle-earth that can have multiple roles for all members.

After all, even if they don't have the blood of high elves, ordinary elves are born with mithril power.Coupled with their extremely long lifespan compared to humans.

This allows the elves to make full use of their talents to learn more skills and take on more occupations.

Of course, dragon species are also fine, but their overall strength is too strong, and they basically disdain to learn other professions.

It is enough for a dragon to be a good dragon.

Thousands of arrows were thrown into the air, falling into the herd of beasts and into the eye sockets.

The elves didn't say any grandiose words.

But it proved everything with actions.

As the elves continued to throw bows and arrows, the morale of the coalition forces continued to pick up.

Finally, the coalition soldiers at the rest of the city followed the rhythm of the elves and began to throw bows and arrows and fire cannons.

After someone started it.

The six city leaders all started to counterattack.

In many cases, rhetoric is available, but practical actions are more feasible!

But the strange thing is that those twisted things still don't move.

This made the coalition army quite strange, but also very grateful.


The black dragon kept staring at the battlefield.

In this regard, he hesitated.

He didn't know whether to enter early or not.

The meaning of the goddesses is to wait for seven days and let the children work hard by themselves.

Now the situation is different.

After all, there is such a tricky thing as the twisted thing.

So, the black dragon looked up at the sky.I want to see if I can get some enlightenment.

But what he didn't know was that because his eyes were withdrawn, the twisted things who had been looking at the battlefield suddenly moved.

They were motionless before, and indeed they felt a shocking sight scanning back and forth in front of them.

The monsters in the sea of ​​trees are born with insufficient IQ.And they exchanged their few IQ and appearance for strength.

Without much rationality, they have a sixth sense far beyond the imagination of others.

So they just clearly felt the sight of the black dragon.

This made them dare not move, but as the black dragon looked away, their instincts instantly overwhelmed their reason and drove them forward.

Facing the black dragon's questioning gaze.

The gods are naturally watching.

After the gods looked at each other for a few times, they all looked at Mother Earth.

The robe is still in the hands of the black dragon, so if you want to contact the black dragon, you have to be the mother of the earth.

Mother Earth nodded.

With a wave of her plain hand, her characteristic soft voice was immediately transmitted to Heilong's ears.

"Dragon, please wait patiently!"

Heilong was overjoyed at first, then stunned again.

Some tangled questions:

"Can you really wait?"

The black dragon looked back at the increasingly intense battlefield.

Although the fort was still shrouded in great magic, the black dragon knew that this situation was only temporary.

Those twisted things will soon break through the big magic.Then swarmed before the head of the fortress.

At that time, I am afraid that thousands of people will die in battle every minute.

Black Dragon can't accept such a situation.

He is kind-hearted by nature, and he has been under a lot of psychological pressure these days.

Now he feels that he can't hold on anymore.

"It's cruel, but inevitable. Children rely too much on God. We have spent tens of thousands of years changing this situation. Now there is barely a trace of the weather we expected."

Heilong opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer.

But it doesn't matter, Mother Earth has already continued on her own:

"In Middle-earth in the Age of Gods, you will never find an unbelievers. Because the children are living in the cracks of the battle of Gods. Belief in God is their only way out."

"Whether it's the evil god or us, only by believing in one of them can we have the basis for living."

"After that, with the basics of survival, the children naturally expected more. Prayer has become the norm."

"At the beginning, we didn't notice anything wrong, but after the war of gods ended, when we looked back, we realized that our tolerance for children has fostered their greed and depravity."

"In their eyes, there seems to be nothing that cannot be solved by prayer. What they want or encounter, the first thing that comes to mind is not how to get it or overcome it, but to pray! Pray for God's response!"

"You know, at that time, I even often heard people praying to me, asking me to send a miracle so that they would do nothing. Get everything!"

"That's not right, obviously not."

"In addition, because the foundation of the world was shaken by the war of gods, we had to withdraw from Middle Earth in a hurry and came to the heaven, sitting on the scales and slowly stabilizing the foundation of the world."

"Of course, our hasty departure is also to let the children learn to be independent."

"For this reason, we began to continuously reduce the influence of our respective churches. We silently gave up power and land to the kings. Our churches no longer retain troops and territories, and the kingdom of God on earth has become a thing of the past."

"In our estimation, in today's Middle-earth, the church should not exist or have a huge influence."

"But, how smooth the process was at the beginning, how difficult it will be later."

"It's ridiculous, but the biggest obstacle here is us."

"God exists and is omnipotent."

"People, greedy. And awed."

Speaking of this, Mother Earth's voice paused.

"Today's situation is rare. Although the church exists, the children still believe in us. But many times, when the children have a certain purpose, they will spontaneously work towards it. Whether it is despicable or not Or sublime. That’s good. Because they’ve finally learned to rely on themselves instead of praying for a response from the gods.”

"So, Dragon. You know what. Once you break the agreement today, it's very likely that everything will change back to the original point."

"You don't think you are a god yourself, but you are a real god in Middle-earth. You must learn to live as a god. You must learn to see everything through the eyes of a god."

"At the same time, as I said before, sticking to it for seven days is already a huge concession. After all, even if you abide by the agreement, you will let people know that they still have God to rely on."

"The fledgling will eventually fly high, and blindly protecting it will only make it die young."

Mother Earth's words are very correct.

Even if it is extremely cruel inside.

This is justice that the black dragon cannot refute.

Ever since, the black dragon could only reply dully:

"I understand."

It was also at this time that the black dragon saw that the twisted things broke through the great magic.

Start to pounce on the city head.

Countless soldiers were thrown and crushed by them from the top of the city.

Unable to help, the black dragon asked again:

"Even for this, many, many people will die?"

"Otherwise, it will become a luxury to even have someone die!"

Mother Earth's voice was incomparably sonorous, this was the first time Black Dragon heard such a serious voice from her.

the end.Mother Earth's soft voice sounded again:

"This is not a trivial matter that will be forgotten at any time. This is the rampage of the tree sea, and the eyes of the entire Middle-earth are gathered here. Once you break the agreement, people will remember it thoroughly. This is a terrible beginning! "

"I want you to understand, Dragon, that true mercy is often cruelty."

Heilong was deeply shocked by this statement.

It was as if thousands of worms were crawling and devouring in his heart, and it was also as if thousands of war drums were beating.

There is boundless grief and boundless anger.

In the end, everything turned into lamentation.

The black dragon lowered its head as if giving up, and lay down on the ground.

The connection with Mother Earth was also severed.

The black dragon feels uncomfortable, how can the gods feel better?

They are all true gods who fought desperately for the lights of thousands of families on behalf of the gods!

If it's for yourself, then you can just give up the fight.Wouldn't it be nice to join the camp of evil gods and be a carefree and extremely revered god?

But they didn't, for the unrelated ones, they fought to the end and won.


As predicted by the gods and black dragons.

With the addition of twisted things, the war that was supposed to be a balance of power has become a one-sided disadvantage.

Even if Nathaniel Chaser took the remaining Twilight Rangers out of the city to counter-charge the first time the big magic was breached.

But it only slightly blocked the attack of the beast tide.

It was quickly submerged for most of it.Only a hundred or so elite guards were around Nathaniel Chasing Wind, barely surviving.

Failure is almost inevitable.

see.The witch who had been silently watching the battlefield turned around and looked at the owner of "Xiaomei".

asked softly:

"Master, do you want Yulshika to leave?"

In her opinion, the coalition forces have already lost, even though there are still two lines of defense behind them that have not been activated.

But it's useless, almost all the main force is here.How many people can escape back then?

At that time, how many people are willing to stay and fight?

Therefore, the witch concluded that the defeat of the coalition forces was inevitable.They won't last until dawn.

Facing the witch's question, the black dragon opened its golden vertical pupils.

Slowly got up, and finally looked at the magic mirror that the little girl was still maintaining.

Two of the six forts have already been taken.

Heilong sighed and didn't want to continue watching.

Too sad for him to notice.Following his observation, the movements of the twisted things hesitated for a while.

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