At the same time, with the whereabouts of this corpse.

The golden giant sword began to dissipate little by little, and what dissipated faster than the giant sword were the two corpses of the ancestor of the Outer God.

Black and golden particles are intertwined with everything, constantly flying into the sky.

Then disappeared into the air again.

The evil dragon still watched everything indifferently.

Finally, with the complete dissipation of the corpse and the giant sword.

Three halos of different colors slowly precipitated in the air.

In the end, they all flew towards the evil dragon.

In this regard, he finally took action, but he just stretched out his right paw indifferently, and grabbed the three halos casually.

Throw it into your mouth.

Finally, the golden vertical pupil blinked.

The original indifference disappeared immediately, and all that remained was shock and bewilderment.

Chapter 171 The Underworld

For Heilong, everything just now was a very amazing experience.

He clearly remembered what he was doing.

I also clearly remember the experience at that time - ignoring everything.

From the beginning to the end, when I got the three copies of the original quality, there was a little ripple in the dim sum lake.

After that, there is no fluctuation.

This feeling made the black dragon feel scared.

Because he knew it was him.

But this kind of self is too strange and frightening to the dragon.

In addition, it may be due to psychological factors, after swallowing the three original essences from the ancestor of the Outer God.

Heilong always felt a dull pain in his stomach.

He remembered that the ancestor of the Outer God was an Outer God from another world, that is to say, the three original essences belonged to another world.

God knows if it will conflict with that part of the essence in his body.

In short, Heilong is in a very gloomy mood now.

After sitting on that big mountain for a long time.

The black dragon sighed slowly, and flapped its wings to fly to the northern part of the sea of ​​trees.

He felt that there was where he was going next—the graveyard of the dragonborn.


With the death of the ancestor of the Outer God, the collapse of the tree sea became more and more rapid.

Up to now, the sea of ​​trees basically has no intact place.

There are large pieces of collapsed and broken wood chips and scattered branches and leaves.

And a large number of monster corpses.

However, in this boundless ruins, there is a small valley that is still intact.

Here, the corpses of nearly ten thousand dragon species are piled up layer by layer.

Thanks to the powerful physique of the dragon species, even if they have been dead for tens of thousands of years.

The most rotten ones still retain the integrity of their bones.

More of them are the terrifying appearance of flesh and blood like Sirius.

There are still a few corpses that are still lifelike, as if sleeping.

The plundering of nutrients by the ancestor of the outer gods was not on the material level, but on the ethereal spiritual level.

What He plundered were the two concepts of 'existence' and 'aliveness'.

So even though Sirius' body had been thrown into the sea of ​​trees, it still retained considerable strength.

This is because the ancestor of the outer gods did not plunder the power of the dragon species.

Of course, He also needs nutrients in the material sense, but this demand is far lower than the former.

Strength is directly proportional to the strength of the concept, so the powerful dragon species will be targeted.

As for why not go to trouble with the demons.

There are so many points:

One is that there are too many demons, hundreds of thousands of them.Although there are no ancient dragons, there are even more difficult evil god residues.

And for the ancestor of the Outer God, killing the ancient dragon is considered a profit, after all, it is a complete and powerful creature.And the residue of the evil god.This thing itself is a defective product.How do you expect to recover the cost on them?

You can't suck anything if you kill it!

The second is that the Waste Abyss itself is very special, it is a demiplane entrusted to Middle Earth.Here, Libra is not a strong constraint on the gods.If you get angry, it is very possible to descend from the gods.

If the ancestor of the Outer Gods was alive, it would be easy to say to the Upright Gods, but after he died, the only 'Outer Gods' in appearance outside.There is no doubt that he will lose to the righteous god who has the original quality.

Third, demons are creatures anyway.The last sons of the world, as they should have become the 'new humans', before they failed to ban the 'old humans'.

To Middle-earth, they are a cancer.Mere existence can disrupt the existing order of the world.

After all, their task is to create a new order.

Such existence is naturally not recognized.They are inherently conceptually weak.

So in the concept of existence, a hundred demons are not as many as a dragon.

And if the ancestor of the Outer God wants to be resurrected, what he needs is to steal the concept of the Middle-earth creature itself to resurrect from the dead.

After all, it is dead in its world.Completely dead.

If it wasn't for accidentally falling into Middle Earth, the concept of life and death would be blurred.It has long since turned into a pile of powder.

Therefore, what it has been doing for so many years is only one thing: stealing the concept of survival of Middle-earth creatures to overwhelm its concept of death.

Naturally, no one wants to chew on the tasteless piece of waste abyss demon.

This is the luck of the devil, but the misfortune of the dragon species.

Even in the old days, the dragon species still had such a large number of ancient dragons.

It is also unable to resist the protracted grinding battle of the Outer Gods.

It can only be worn away bit by bit by water.

The layers of dragon corpses in this valley are proof.

Originally, in this dragon species cemetery.

There are many existences like Sirius.

But most of them collapsed with the passage of time and turned into a pile of dead bones again.

In the end, Sirius was the only dead man left in the entire cemetery.

This is good, otherwise it will only make it more difficult for the black dragon.

Wait until the black dragon flaps its wings and flies to this place.

The layers of dragon corpses in the valley really made him speechless for a long time.

He could only land in front of the valley and stare up at the mountain of dragon corpses.

After experiencing the initial shock, anger, helplessness, and sigh.

The only thing the Black Dragon is thinking about right now is how he is going to take them home.


As I said before, in Middle Earth, the souls of the dead belong to Hades. This rule was originally established and no one can defy it.

All the souls of the dead will involuntarily go to the underworld and embark on a long journey of reincarnation.

After Sirius completely let go of his obsession, he naturally drifted into the underworld.

When the deceased enters the underworld, whether he wants to or not, he will gradually forget everything, and then silently move towards the sea of ​​death.

However, if the deceased was strong enough during his lifetime, the speed of memory fading will be much slower.

This made it possible for the gods to bring the dead back to the world.

That is, the failure rate is very high.

After all, most of the original substance is born to be at odds with Hades.As soon as you come in, you will be suppressed naturally.

Strength is greatly impaired.

Under such circumstances, it is too difficult to accurately find one's target among the endless dead.

Not to mention, before the memory of the target fades away, and how to bring the target back.

As an ancient dragon, Sirius is naturally strong enough.

Therefore, when he opened his eyes and saw Hades, he could still clearly recall everything.

But that's it.

The laws of Hades are primordial and tailor-made.No matter where the dead go, they will eventually go to the sea of ​​death and reincarnate.

After taking a look at the scarlet world, Sirius shook his head, and calmly headed towards the sea of ​​death.

Dragon species are actually very orderly.

It's just that their understanding of order is different from that of ordinary people.

So as a dead person who should have come down a long time ago, Sirius only has peace with Hades.

It's just that this peaceful state of mind was quickly broken.

Because he saw an altar, a very huge altar!

Chapter 172 The Backward News

How big is this altar?

It's so big that you can't see the top at a glance, and you can't see the side at a glance.

But the miraculous thing is that when you glance at it, you can clearly see the statue standing on the top of the altar.

Sirius knew exactly whose god it was.

Because he had just met the deity of the statue.

Sirius knew that the original name of the evil dragon was the dragon of death.

Because he came from the underworld, a powerful dragon god born from death.

However, Sirius really didn't know that there would be statues and altars of evil dragons in Hades.

After all, the death essence was inexplicably divided into three parts, one part was in the evil dragon, one part was in the lady carrying the lamp, and one part was in the master of the underworld.

In Sirius' imagination, the power of the underworld should be divided into three parts, and the lady with the lamp has fallen, so only the evil dragon and the master of the underworld are left.

However, according to the master of the underworld, these so-called gods of death actually have very little control over the underworld.

Because, in most cases, the original rules are acting autonomously.

Therefore, Sirius has always thought that the evil dragon is in the underworld, at most it can be like the master of the underworld without being naturally overwhelmed by the underworld.

Able to walk freely and use the laws of the underworld to fight against the enemy.

Unexpectedly, this Dragon God actually has an altar in Hades!

Sirius looked in amazement.

Then something even more unexpected happened.

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