For the elders.Being able to rely on racial talent to join the ranks of orthodox ancient dragons is already extremely lucky.

As for the throne of the dragon god, they never even thought about it.Because that is blasphemy!

The existence of Dragon God can only be those four!

It seemed that he realized that he had said something wrong.Facing the questioning and roaring of the elders, Bakalo showed signs of retreating for the first time.

But that's all.

He quickly pouted his neck again and said:

"The outside world is advancing rapidly. If we don't make changes, we will only be abandoned by the times and perish!"

What Bakalo said is correct, the tribes of Middle Earth in the New Era are gradually abandoning the age of gods, even the gods, and are trying hard to walk out of their own way.

The process is always faltering.But they are definitely moving forward.

This is a crisis that only the young and strong can see.

Whereas the elders and other conservatives here, this point is ridiculous.

"Hmph, what a joke, whether it's the Age of Gods or the old days, monkeys who can only hide behind our dragon species, why do they have to go to a position where the dragon species can only look up?"

That's right, whether it's the Age of Gods or the old days, the dragon gods and the dragon species led by them are at the forefront.

The worst hit was also the dragon species.

"That's prejudice. What you see is not the truth, but an almost stubborn prejudice against past glory. No, it's arrogance! This will only destroy us!"

These words instantly heated up the atmosphere at the scene.The young and strong dragons spread their wings and roared loudly in support of Bakalo.

The conservatives, on the other hand, kept scratching the ground, slowly accumulating low growls.

In the end, it was Bakalo's unintentional words that ignited the fuse:

"Besides, don't we still have a Majesty? That Majesty is in Middle-earth at the moment. As long as we get the support and authorization of that Majesty, the dragon species will definitely rule the Middle-earth!"

As soon as these words came out, Bakalo knew something was wrong.

Sure enough, the blue dragon who was the leader among the elders directly rushed down.

In an instant, he pinched Bakalo's neck with his sharp claws.

In a voice that was extremely cold and extremely angry, he said:

"He is a god, but not our god! He is the traitor of the dragon breed!"

Chapter 179 I Come to Announce the Coming of Our Lord

The elder's voice echoed throughout the cave.

This time, the elder who brought along the real fire successfully suppressed all the voices.

Whether it is the young and strong faction or the old-fashioned dragons, they all fell silent at this moment.

Dragonborn have always respected the strong.

The elders are the strongest at the moment.

At the same time, they are also the only pillars of the dragon species since the old days.

Almost the entire ethnic group has slowly developed to today under their care.

You know, there were only a dozen or so dragon species left after the Dragon Hunting War.

If it wasn't for an ancient dragon who desperately protected the only remaining dragon egg at the last moment, and handed it to the blue dragon elder without any danger.

God knows how many dragon species there are today.

Maybe the dragon race will still exist.But thinking about it, there should be many branches of the dragon species completely extinct.

For example, the green dragon and the silver dragon were barely pulled back by relying on a few dragon eggs.

The red dragon species has completely disappeared in history.

Because in that year, not only the adult dragons of the red dragon species were all killed in battle.

Not even a young dragon or a dragon egg is left.

This shows how brutal the fight was at the beginning.

It is also because of this that the elders are extremely hostile to the evil dragon.

In the old days, although the Outer Gods were powerful, the dragon hunting war was in full swing.

As the only god on earth, the evil dragon who is naturally above everything.

As long as he is willing to stand up, it doesn't even need him to do anything.As long as He is willing to say a word, he can completely rewrite the situation.

Because he is a true god, he is far from being comparable to those outer gods who have divinity but no god core.

The elders could even have envisioned that scene.

Regardless of the period of the Dragon Hunting War, as long as the evil dragon came out and made a statement.

Most of the followers of the outer gods who lost their original beliefs because of the departure of the gods will immediately defect.

The name of the orthodox god and the only earth god is better than the name of the outer god whose origin is a mystery.

How can the Outer God without minions fight against the dragon species who still have several ancient dragons in the end?

And ah, the elders remember even more, at that time.

Many fellow dragons and even some ancient dragons have lost their confidence in fighting because of the evil dragon's indifference.

Those compatriots can't understand why the evil dragon, the last dragon god, can be so cruel?

Even the survival of the ethnic group can be ignored?

The dragon species at that time seemed powerful, but in fact they were extremely fragile.

Because dragons are used to gathering under the leadership of gods.

As strong as an ancient dragon, it cannot replace the role of the dragon god in the dragon species.

If the dragon species at that time could have a leader with high enough prestige from the beginning, the Outer Gods would really have nothing to fear.

The dragon species of the age of gods is more fearless than the undead.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the dragon species to rely on the four dragon gods to block the three gods on the side of the evil god and the sea of ​​vassals.

However, the evil dragon has never stood up, so that the spirit of the dragon species has collapsed by more than half.

Obviously, as long as He can stand up and say a word, everything can be restored.

But he didn't, the evil dragon remained silent from beginning to end.

For this reason, the Outer Gods were all ecstatic and uneasy.

No one could figure out the evil dragon's intentions.

I heard that after the end of the dragon hunting war, the Outer Gods have been hiding in the headquarters of the altar to prevent possible crazy revenge from the evil dragon.

Therefore, because Alpha, the strongest outer god, couldn't bear this kind of waiting that seemed to be about to die, he went to the waste abyss, trying to recruit the demon army who was very difficult to deal with the evil dragon.

As a result, the final card of Outer God was thrown at Waste Yuan.

Elder Blue Dragon looked at Bakalo who was struggling constantly.

Slightly taken aback, then quietly loosened the grip in his hand.

Today's dragon species, there is not a single one that he watched and grew up.

How can he bear it if he really wants to be ruthless?

However, Bakalo did indeed commit a big taboo.

He is still counting on the evil dragon!

Count on a traitor who has given up his dragonborn!

Didn't he know that it was because of the expectation of the evil dragon's return back then that the dragon species suffered countless losses?

There is no hope without despair.

The elders have a deep understanding of this.

In those days of the dragon hunting war, countless nights and countless dragon species all burst into tears after waking up because they saw the evil dragon returning to the clan in their dreams.

There used to be five gods of dragons.

Among them, the four His Majesties are real His Majesties. They left the Dragon Seed with their own deaths for the sake of the Dragon Seed and the pride of the Dragon Seed.

The last one is a shameful traitor.

He abandoned the dragon species!

No matter what reason he has, he has abandoned the dragon species!

There is no doubt about it.The dragon species will never forget!

The blue dragon elder looked up at the dragons.

All the dragon species caught by his eyes bowed their heads in awe.

As mentioned earlier, basically every dragon here was grown up under the watchful eyes of the blue dragon elders.

He is the elder of all dragon species.

"I can accept that you question the family rules because of your worries about the future. But please remember, I will never allow you to mention that traitor again!"

"I don't allow you to have any expectations of him! The gods of the dragon species are only those four majesties! And they can only be those four majesties!"

After finishing speaking, Elder Blue Dragon loosened his hands and let go of Bakalo.

Turning his back, he said coldly to Baccaro:

"There is one more expatriate quota, you can take it and leave here."

After a pause, the blue dragon elder turned his head and said to the earth dragon Bakalo with a lonely expression and a gentle tone:

"Son, you can go and see for yourself. The outside world may indeed be catching up, but the dragon species is a rare species, if you don't hide, it will really only be destroyed by the greed of outsiders."

"We gather together, even if we are really found by greedy humans, I believe there is enough time to move to a new gathering place calmly."

"And separate, will be defeated by greed and arrogance."

"You say we only know how to bask in the glory of the past."

"This is too wrong. How can the dragon species have any past glory? It's just a group of displaced refugees."

"What we do has only one purpose. That is to ensure the continuation of the dragon species. For this reason, we can accept a lot of compromises and helplessness."

Speaking of this, even Elder Blue Dragon, who was naturally difficult to express his expression, was slumped visible to the naked eye.

"Go, child, remember to protect yourself outside, and don't underestimate the greed and power of human beings."

"Even if you can't get any news back, you must protect yourself. Too many of our companions have died outside. There is no need for more."

"Of course, if you don't want to go out, that's okay, just stay."

This time, Elder Blue Dragon really planned to leave.

It's hard to imagine that a dragon species that is an immortal species will be as depressed as the blue dragon elder.

I saw him hunched over, walking towards the exit alone.

Bacaro looked worried for a while, but didn't know what to say.

It was also at this time that an extremely soft and pleasant voice came from the entrance:

"I want me to come and announce to you His coming!"

Chapter 1 Eighty

Immediately, the eyes of nearly three hundred giant dragons in the arena all looked over in unison.

In other words, how oppressive are the three hundred legendary powerhouses who started from Ornstein?

But no one spoke.All the dragon species just looked at the entrance quietly.

The blue dragon elder was even more slumped than before, and turned around with a surge of energy all over his body.

He passed away calmly.

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