The young man took out the weapon that looked like a door panel.

Sit cross-legged.Lay across your lap.

Calm down and try to connect with this magical weapon from the first generation.

He knew he was facing a mortal situation.

But he wanted to hurt the evil dragon if he could.

Even if it just scratched the scales.

Now that he has inherited the extremely honorable title of Dragon Fighter.

So please at least let him leave the title with a more respectable ending.

The first generation injured the evil dragon, so the last generation can too!


There is no obstacle for the dragon group to go south.This is basically inevitable.

Because no one would be crazy enough to find trouble with dragon species or even evil dragons at this juncture.

Because such an ending can only be a dead end.

Undoubtedly a dead end.

Right now, Middle Earth has no power against the gods.

There are no obstacles along the way, and the speed of travel is naturally very fast.

After all, it is a dragon species that has dominated the sky for tens of thousands of years.The flying speed far exceeds the imagination of ordinary people.

Once upon a time, there were many powerful beings in the sky, including Chimera, Golden Feathered Giant Eagle, and even angels and demons.

But in the end, only the dragon species can firmly occupy the top spot.

The most important reason here is the extremely fast speed.

But Middle-earth is big, very big.

Even if the dragons walked almost in a straight line, it took a full eleven days to fly from the gathering place to the capital of Yanan King.

Then it will take three or four days to go from Yanan King's Capital to the vicinity of Mount Astas.

This is why Mount Astas is closer to Middle-earth.

If it is farther away, such as at the southern seashore, it is not surprising that it took eleven days to fly.

As the only vassal state of the evil dragon at present.

Naturally, the Yanan people were preparing for the dragon group early on.

Because most of the people in China are worshipers of evil dragons, the fear and awe of evil dragons do not exist in Yanan.

People walked out of the house spontaneously to help the administrative officials arrange various decorations.

When Lord Xielong flew to Yanan with his group of dragons, he saw the completely new capital of Yanan from a distance.

There are welcoming crowds and waving colorful flags everywhere, as well as dragon banners that are almost all over the capital.

The Dragon Banner jointly produced by Yursika and Lilith naturally handed over the style to Yanan.

This scene, even the group of dragons, is a novelty to watch.

Because along the way, although all the leaders made way for him, they blew the ritual and music.

However, this is the first time I have seen someone like Yanan King's City welcome them.

This reminded the dragons of the old stories they had heard in their childhood.

When the dragon species was still in harmony with the various races.

Every time a group of dragons goes out to fight, not only the tribes on the ground will send out a large army to follow.

Cities and ethnic groups along the road will also send off dragon species as they do today.

In that crazy age of the gods, although the war was crazy to the extreme, the emotions at that time were also boiling to the extreme.

It can often make people very hot-blooded.

But the world changes, the past is really the past.

I didn't expect to see a similar scene again today.

There is almost no need for the evil dragon to say, many dragon species have naturally conveyed to the elders that they want to go down and have a look.

Seeing this, several elders said they gave it to the evil dragon.

It was the plan of the evil dragon to stop here.

So, a dragon cry.

The group of dragons immediately stopped flying forward, and slowly gliding downward.

They all stopped at the open space that Yanan had prepared long ago.

At this moment, the dragon looked at the man curiously, and the man also looked at the dragon curiously.

Some courageous children even squeezed through the crowd and got out from under the wall of soldiers besieging the city.

But it was quickly brought back by the knights on the second floor.

Regarding this, the soldiers were helpless, while the knights were amused and angry.

Yanan is a country that has undergone great purges. Nowadays, Yanan, from the army to the administration, is basically dominated by civilians.

Naturally, the knights and soldiers who were born at the bottom had no reason to compete with children.

However, there is always an accident in everything. A few little ones actually used the side wall of a sentry tower to bypass the soldiers and knights and ran directly to a black dragon.

Maybe the children didn't expect that they saw such a big guy when they climbed up from the edge of the sentry tower.

They were frightened and sat in place.

It is normal for children to be frightened by the black dragon's bloody maw.

What's unusual is that the black dragon was also taken aback.

That's right, it's the black dragon that the elders and the evil dragon thought was hopeless...

During the jump, the ground trembled slightly, and the children also jumped up from the shock.

Then, their eyes became wet, and they all burst into tears.

It was only when I noticed that the expressions of the knights here changed drastically, and they were about to step forward to take the children away.

Surprised to find that the black dragon actually approached several children.

Immediately, the atmosphere in the audience was silent.

A few knights who wanted to step forward could not advance or retreat.

Go, it seems that it will cause the dissatisfaction of the dragon species, if you don't go, you can't let go of those children.

After all, black dragons have always been considered the most brutal branch of dragon species.

The most massacred city is the black dragon species.

However, this time it was the Yanan people who were nervous, and the dragon species didn't feel much.

Because everyone knows what kind of virtue that black dragon is...

Sure enough, the black dragon anxiously circled around the children.

Just now he was curiously looking at the crowd opposite, but he didn't notice what was behind him, but when he turned his head inadvertently, he was shocked to find that there were a few more people around him.

The black dragon, who had never been in such close contact with a human being, was taken aback on the spot.

Fortunately, there are a few children.

The black dragon quickly suppressed its beating heart.

Then, seeing a few wailing little guys, he became sad again.

He's really not good at coaxing children!

The clan does not allow him to bring children.

Obviously, there are only a few adult dragons of the black dragon species still in the clan.

After much deliberation, the black dragon had a flash of inspiration, and then took out a few Sorkins (the mainstream gold coin before Dwarf Gold, which basically only existed in the collection of dragon species since the old days).

Carefully put it in front of the children.

"Don't cry, don't cry, look, look, it's gold coins! Shiny gold coins!"

If there's anything that soothes a dragon's heart, it's gold coins.

Chapter 192 A Familiar Weapon

Therefore, the black dragon also took out gold coins to appease the children.

It seems that the gold coins have made a difference, and the children really stopped crying.They may not understand the value of gold coins when they are young.

But they can understand the person who will give them something, how can he be a bad guy?

It is estimated that these few children can get the gold coins from the hands of the dragon...

This harmonious scene eased the stiff atmosphere.

The crowd broke out into cheers far more enthusiastically than before.

Many people even set off magic fireworks.

For a moment, the entire capital was extremely lively.

This can be regarded as a long-lost grand event in the capital of Yanan after the Great Cleansing.

But in such a grand occasion, a not-so-harmonious voice resounded through the crowd.

"The evil dragon Refendia! I, the contemporary dragon fighter, hereby challenge you! This battle is a matter of life and death!"

In an instant, everything was silent.

The cheering crowd was at a loss as they were squeezed out of the way by the army.

Crowds of soldiers stepped on in neat steps, holding their guns and shields high and surrounded them.

A large number of knights also jumped on their horses one after another and drew their sharp blades.

It is divided into two parts, one is at the rear, that is, before the dragon group and after the blood emperor.

The other one was directly in front of the young man.That is, in front of the soldiers' gun shield formation.

In addition, there are groups of troops that are constantly marching towards here.

The dragon species stared at the human bug with unkind eyes.

They spread their wings one after another, propped themselves up, and gathered behind Lord Xielong.

The three girls also stood in front of the evil dragon immediately.

As members of the evil dragon family, they have the duty to eliminate the enemy.

However, the three girls also have different thoughts.

The little girl just wanted to kill this ignorant bug as soon as possible.

The two older girls looked at the young man in astonishment.

The title of Dragon Fighter is really shocking.

Yulshika was looking more at the young man.

She felt that this young man was so weak.So weak that it doesn't deserve the title at all.

Amelia stared at the strange soldier on the young man's back.

The weapon gave her a very uncomfortable feeling, as if its purpose was to hunt them.

No, no, this weapon exists to kill gods!Resist Kamui!

It can't be wrong, it must be the weapon of the first generation of dragon fighters.

The murderous soldier who wounded her great master!

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