He said in an elder tone:

"Go back, boy, if your ancestors were alive, he would have you alive too."

Mr. Xielong finally remembered the origin of the so-called fierce weapon just now:

It was thrown out of the earth after he settled in Mount Astas and used to polish his nails for a long time.

You see, the round hole under the door panel, which is quite huge compared to a human being, is used by him to hold the sharpening claws.

Because he didn't dare to go out, this kind of iron sheet, which is more suitable in size and shape, has always been his favorite.

But then he accidentally cut his paw.He threw it away in a moment of annoyance.

It turned out to be nowhere to be found.

Unexpectedly, it was rumored to be a murderous soldier who could kill gods and dragons...

Chapter 195 Origin of Dragon Fighter

As for the truth about the dragon fighter, Mr. Xielong also inexplicably saw it just now.

The south has been ceded by the Outer God since he ran there.

Even after all the Outer Gods were wiped out, this point was accepted by all the tribes in Central Earth.

Because the word "evil dragon" is enough to exchange for the whole south.

Whether it is humans or dwarves, or intelligent races such as elves and orcs, they all silently stayed away from the south.

And blocked access to the south.

In theory, the South was isolated from the rest of the world.

But in fact, because of the perennial wars in China and the earth, the people's lives are seven or eight out of ten.

Therefore, even every Middle-earth kingdom expressly prohibits people from going south.

And there are extremely severe punitive measures for this.

But if people really can't see the hope of living, then they will inevitably rise up and resist.

Therefore, once a large-scale melee broke out in Middle-earth.A considerable number of refugees will find ways to escape to the other four directions.

Among them, not a few fled to the south.

It's just that very few succeed.

After all, there is an evil dragon sleeping in the south, and the countries have always been strictly guarded against it.

Few refugees were able to escape the line of defense, and even fewer were able to take root after escaping the line of defense.

The original ancestor of the dragon fighters is also a member of the fugitives.

But at that time, the first-generation dragon fighters were just ordinary people mixed in with the refugees.

When the refugees crossed the line of defense, although they successfully crossed the line of defense guarded by elite soldiers with the help of domestic chaos.

But he was bitten by a cavalry team sent by the defense line.

The cavalry was ordered to clear all the refugees.

Although this is just an order that cannot be verified due to the situation.

But the commander of the cavalry took it seriously.

Has been leading the troops to bite refugees.

And in order to prevent the refugees who mixed with many deserters from dying, they have been chasing but not attacking, slowly nibbling away.

Give hope, but don't let go.

Under such circumstances, the refugee team actually fled all the way to the vicinity of Mount Astas.

They are also the first refugees ever to escape here.

However, at that time, the refugees who had been tortured by the pursuers were almost exhausted.

Basically, everyone gave up and went on the run.Just lying on the ground as if dead, quietly waiting for the cavalry to come forward to harvest their lives.

Put an end to this incomparably destructive exile.

In this situation, the first-generation dragon fighters were not prepared to accept their fate.

Fearful of death and cowardly, he left the refugee team alone with heavy steps.

Then, it seemed, fate directed.

Or the favor of the goddess.

The first generation of dragon fighters saw the 'vicious soldier' ​​in a pool of water.

Contaminated with the blood of the evil dragon, it is a heavy weapon held by the gods all the year round!

Even just looking at it from a distance, the first generation can feel that amazing sense of oppression.

So, at this moment, the first generation of dragon fighters came up with an amazing idea:

He wanted to use this artifact to scare off the pursuers.

Dive into the pool and pick up the artifact.

From the evil dragon's point of view, this process was very brief.

But in fact, only the first generation himself knows what he has experienced from the moment he entered the water to the time before he got the artifact.

Later, he just said these few words to his wife with great fear:

"I seem to have fallen into purgatory, burned by karmic fire for countless epochs."

"I don't know how I persevered. The only thing I remember is that I walked on numb and broke."

"When I woke up, I was already lying on the shore dragging the artifact."

But such a record, because of his wife's indifference, there is no written record to circulate.

The only one who can know is the evil dragon who can read the memory of the world.

In short, the first generation got the nail clipper from the evil dragon.

If this was the case, the legend of the Dragon Fighter would not have spread so widely.

Because, in that case, the only people who will pay attention here are the refugees who never plan to go back, and the pursuers who will inevitably keep silent if the pursuit fails.

The real reason for it to enter the sight of the entire Middle-earth is the evil dragon Benlong.

When the first generation of dragon fighters fell asleep.

The great evil dragon is also sleeping.

However, he slept so deeply that he couldn't tell whether it was a dream or reality.

At that moment, the evil dragon dreamed back to Weiming, fighting fiercely with all his heart.

Because I was always taught how to write dead characters.

So much so that anger arose in my heart, linking the original essence.

The entire middle-earth was shaken by turning over and flicking his tail while sleeping soundly.

Among them, the south is the most!

Hundreds of nearby mountains have collapsed to varying degrees.

If it weren't for the mechanism left behind at the beginning, I am afraid that the mountains in the south would all be shorter than one head.

Originally, this should have been judged by Middle-earth as the largest natural earthquake in history.

In the end, the news of the bloody battle of the dragon fighters came from the south.

In addition, the source of the earthquake is indeed near Mount Astas.

And the nail clipper was indeed stained with the blood of the evil dragon.

In addition to the timing of the appearance of the first generation of ghosts and gods.

After adding up many coincidences.

The Dragon Fighter was born!

Middle-earth is boiling!

There are actually mortals who can stand shoulder to shoulder with gods with flesh and blood!

Then, the most interesting thing here is the two parties involved in the original dragon fighter and the evil dragon.

It is the only one who does not know the specific situation.

Because the process of mastering the artifact was too tormented, the Dragon Fighter fell into a deep sleep after success.

When I woke up, I thought it was an earthquake, God help me.

Coupled with the fact that the information on the refugee side was behind, it made it widely known that he would not know about this incident for the next ten years.

As for the evil dragon, let alone, he has been staying at home, and he didn't know everything until today.

As for the origin of the Dragon Fighters family, it is naturally still a question of the first generation.

The original intention of the first generation was just a temporary strategy to retreat from the enemy.

It never occurred to me that I would push myself to the altar.

The most terrible thing is that he himself is really a parallel importer.

No great strength, no superior skill, no seasoned experience.

Just an ordinary mortal.

And a good bit of luck.

With the fame of the dragon fighters, the countries of Middle-earth even accelerated the pace of the truce.To find him.

Hope to get enough benefits from him.

A mortal who is comparable to a god is worth money no matter how you think about it!

In order not to be debunked, it will cause unimaginable consequences.

The first generation can only continue to compile:

But this time he has learned a lot, and he directly blamed the evil dragon for the reason why he behaved like a mortal.

It is said that the evil dragon has deprived him of his strength, his experience, and his skills.

and his name.

Intentionally or unintentionally, Xielong actually appreciates his opponent.So as to save my life.

And in order to prevent his descendants from being involved in the endless struggles of Middle-earth, he also said that he and his descendants will always be stationed on Mount Astas.

Be the first gateway to humanity.

Unexpectedly, those descendants after him are more outstanding than each other, and truly shoulder the glory of the "descendants of dragon fighters".

And the 'mission' of guarding the evil dragon!

Chapter 196 The Movement of the North

Mr. Xielong, who knows the cause and effect, is in a very complicated mood now.

Because for him, this matter is really inexplicable from beginning to end.

Lying down at home, he suddenly became a famous actor in a major historical event.

It's okay to stop here, but later, because of this, an extra group of people watched his door every day.

Thinking that if he dared to come out, he would give him a knife.

What's the matter with this Nima?

But thinking about it carefully, it seems to be a good thing, at least, those people are showing him the door?

After all, otherwise, it would be their responsibility for the dangerous people to go up the mountain.

Thinking about it this way, Lord Xielong realized that he still had to thank them? !

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