However, they didn't shout any slogans, they just knelt down on the ground in fear, and at the same time stared at the evil dragon with extremely terrified eyes.

As long as there is something wrong with him, the 10,000+ demons here will run away in an instant!

Evil dragons and demons are really afraid of killing to the bone!

Although even the evil dragon himself doesn't know what the hell this evil dragon is keen on chasing and killing demons.

see this scene.

Mr. Xielong was obviously very surprised. He originally thought that he would have to fight for a while to talk to these demons.

As a result, it was fine if I didn't see a single demon along the way.

Why is it such a scene when it reaches the deep layer?

And what is the lava giant who knelt down first?Why do you look like you know him very well?

Because I really don't understand the situation.

Lord Xielong didn't speak in a hurry.

Just quietly looking at everything.Want to guess what clues.

This is a pain for the demons, they are already afraid of the evil dragon.Now such a class is undoubtedly a huge mental torture.

But besides being tortured, what else can they do?

Didn't you see that the demons closest to the exit dare not move?

What else can they do with those who are far away from the exit?

Of course I suffer!

And I have to thank Master Xielong for his grace of not killing...

In this way, the demons waited like a year for a long, long time.

Only then did the evil dragon open its golden mouth:

"I am the evil dragon Refendia!"

The sound is not loud, but in this deep layer of incomparable silence, it spreads far and far!

"I'm here. Just for one thing."

Hearing this, all the demons pricked up their ears subconsciously, and everything that will happen next must be related to their fate!

"Follow me! Give me everything you have, this is the only survival value for you second sons!"

"Remember, from now on, your lives are just my currency!"

Chapter 215

Your lives are just my currency.

These words reverberated throughout the depths of the waste abyss for a long time without stopping.

All the demons were dumbfounded.

They all looked at the evil dragon and the god in disbelief.

"What did he just say?"

"It seems to say that you want to rule us?"

"how is this possible?"

"What is he thinking?"

For a moment, all the demons were unbelievable.

The evil dragon has been keen on hunting demons since ancient times, and now it suddenly says that it wants to bring them under its jurisdiction?

No one thought there was anything wrong with the evil dragon saying such powerful words.They are just wondering why the evil dragon, who has always been at odds with demons, is suddenly willing to stop.

I can't all follow you, you still kill demons at will, right?

Listen to the whispers of the demons below.Master Xielong once again made his own voice:

"Don't doubt it, because this is the will of me, the evil dragon Revendia!"

As soon as the evil dragon opened his mouth, there was no demon screaming in an instant.

They all shrunk their necks subconsciously, looking at the approaching god in awe.

After a long time, there was still a bold new generation of demons asking cautiously:

"Your Majesty Refendia! You, why are you doing this?"

After finishing speaking, the whole demon curled up.

Following the evil dragon's gaze, the other demons around it also retreated one after another.

Looking at the frightened and trembling demon, the evil dragon didn't hide anything, and said everything in detail:

"I'm going to fight the old gods. For this, I need your power. You are the most well-preserved powerful force in the entire Middle-earth after the Age of Gods."

"I can tell you clearly that you will be at the forefront. Once I find out who dares to take half a step back, I will burn it to ashes."

"However, you will also get extremely generous rewards!"

"You can rest assured about this. God doesn't bother to lie!"

The glory of the gods is the greatest guarantee of their credibility.

No one would think that a god would violate the promise he made.

Even if.This god is an evil dragon.

Everything today is really too magical for the demons.

Seeing that the evil dragon was serious, the demon gradually suppressed the fear in his heart and carefully raised his head.

They looked at each other suspiciously.

They are all thinking about the deep meaning hidden under the divine will of the evil dragon.

Some courageous ones started to ask at this moment.What do they end up with.

"Your Majesty, may I ask, what do you plan to give us in the end?"

Talking with demons is basically inseparable from interests.

This is their nature.It is also the main reason why they cannot become the dominant race in Middle-earth.

The last son, can only be the last son.

Mentioning this, Lord Xielong hesitated a bit, and finally said with great care:

"The reward I offer you is that your lives, the complete waste abyss, and the endless sea far away from Middle-earth can be divided among you."

For such a reward, to be honest, Master Xielong is not sure whether he can satisfy the demons.

Because, compared to the evil gods of the Age of Gods, his asking price seems to be too low.

But for the demons, for this group of demons who have been imprisoned in the waste abyss for almost their entire lives.

Not two sentences in advance, the last sentence is really a big temptation!

At this moment, the demons really moved.

There has been a far more lively interaction with each other than before.

But the next moment made them boil even more.

Because he felt that his asking price was too low, Lord Xielong added another price:

"In addition, in the depths of the endless sea, there are gaps in the world everywhere. Even you can smash the rules and obtain the residue of order."

For demons or creatures anyway, the key to survival is the residue of order.This is something far more important than freedom!

Because the demon really can't live without it.

Suddenly, all the demons boiled up.

Now they can't wait to go out and tear up those old gods immediately!

To be honest, since the Age of Gods, they have never been afraid of anyone except evil dragons!

Even righteous gods dare to pounce on them and take a few bites.

Not to mention those old gods who were driven into the endless sea by the gods long ago!

Looking around, there are screaming demons everywhere.

Lord Xielong knew that his goal had been achieved.

Nodding in satisfaction, he stretched out his hand and pressed it to stop the demons:

"I have other things to deal with, you wait here for now! On the day of the war, I will take you out!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around contentedly and walked towards the upper floor.

This time, facing the evil dragon.

The demons all knelt on one knee.

After two generations, the new contract was finally signed!

The demons are satisfied, and so are the evil dragons.

Master Xielong, who flew out of the waste abyss, felt that he had already mastered the army of demons, so he should have a good chance of winning.

That is, the main force of the God War in the Age of Gods, a demon of the third species along with dragons and angels!

At this moment, Mr. Xielong is extremely pleasing to the eye.

Until, on his way back to Mount Astas, he saw a temple.

Seeing Lord Evil Dragon in the temple, his dragon face immediately collapsed.

It's not that I hate the gods so much, it's just that I don't know how to face them.

But the next thing has to be discussed with the gods.

It stands to reason that going to Wasteland to recruit demons should also be discussed with the gods first.

But the awkwardness in his heart still made him go to Waste Abyss first.

Now see this unknown temple.

Lord Xielong knew he should go there.

Sighing, he turned around and glides towards the temple.

Then, it fell slowly in a large mess. Obviously, these things on the ground were left by the panic of the people who were here just now.

Seeing this scene, Lord Xielong sighed again.

His reputation might really be in jeopardy.

Shaking his head, he stepped up the steps of the temple.

Somewhat unexpectedly, this temple built in the dense forest outside the city is not only unexpectedly huge, but also has a clear elf style.

If nothing else, it should be the temple of the Goddess of Nature or Mother Earth.

This really surprised Long. After all, although these two are famous goddesses, they are gods of elves after all.

I didn't expect that there would be such a huge temple of the elf goddess in the human-controlled area.

Go into the temple.No clergy were found, nor was there any flag representing the faction that had clergy stationed here.

Obviously, this is a completely public temple.

In other words, this is a temple that is completely oriented to believers and tourists, and everything is taken care of by believers and even tourists.

This is a brand new model emerging in the new era.

It seems that the gods did it to downplay the religious authority and theocracy.

This was unthinkable in the old days and the age of the gods.

When the evil dragon lowered its head and carefully climbed into the cathedral in the temple.

Only then did he realize that the projection of the goddess of nature was already waiting here with a smile on her face.

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