I saw this unknown knight climbed up the tower, raised his long sword and shouted loudly:

"They are by no means endless! If we can kill the first wave, we can kill the second wave, and the third wave! If we keep killing, we will be able to kill them all sooner or later!"

"In addition, everyone, don't forget that our hometown is behind us, and there is no way we can retreat! Hold on to the top of the city! Otherwise, I will be ashamed of the grace of the living people to support me!"

There are no long-winded arguments citing classics, but the truth has always been the more straightforward the more deafening!

The morale of the soldiers, which was not low at all, was raised to a higher level by this unknown knight.

The army in a state of frenzy resumed its firepower pouring on the Sea Clan.

No one noticed that after the nameless knight boosted morale.

He retreated silently from the top of the city, and disappeared into the shadow of a certain sentry tower.

If someone has seen the knight's appearance up close through the gap in the knight's helmet before.

You will be surprised to find that the face of this unknown knight is exactly the same as the statue of the god of war standing below the city!

In fact, if someone pays more attention to observe the surroundings, they will find it.

The leylines have already connected the city head invisibly, the forest is more smoky than before, the west wind has brought more abundant elements, and the mountains have blocked the communication of the Sea Clan...

The gods have also come to an end!


The gods quietly participated in the war.And the demons are waiting under the waste abyss under the leadership of the lava demon.

After they were incorporated by the evil dragon.Just wait here for the signal from the evil dragon.

After waiting for a long time, I didn't see any letter.

Just when many demons were thinking about whether to build a new nest here, the demons saw the lava demon standing up from the ground holding a magic sword and looking towards the sky at the top of the waste abyss.

Seeing this, all the demons had a thought.


Sure enough, when the demons looked at the sky, the divine power that sealed the demons in the waste abyss has dissipated!

In an instant, 10,000+ demons were boiling!

Finally, I can leave this place openly!

To be honest, since hearing the evil dragon say to let them go out, no demon has felt that the environment of the waste abyss is better.

Even before this, all the demons regarded the waste abyss as a paradise that even death would enter!

Demons are such creatures!

Countless head demons are frantically fanning their bat wings.

This shows that they are all in a state of great excitement at the moment.

However, none of the demons flew out of the waste abyss first, they were all waiting, waiting for the order from the lava giant.

The lava demon did not disappoint the demons either, or in other words, it is actually the one in the entire waste abyss who is most eager to go out and fight against the god enemy.

I saw the lava giant suddenly pull out its two-handed giant sword.

After waving towards the sky, there was a deafening roar!

Taking this as an order, countless phantoms rushed out of the waste abyss.

It rushed straight to the east like locusts crossing the border.

2 Thirty Chapters

The body as huge as a mountain was thrown away by a powerful external force. After flying high into the sky, it fell into the sea like a falling star.

It stirred up water waves thousands of meters high.

After a while, the giant that fell into the water suddenly bounced up from the sea.Another huge wave was brought into the air.

And uttered a roar amidst the countless roaring seas:


The octopus-like head is extremely humane, revealing endless anger and deep-seated fear.

Not long ago, he hit the evil dragon with almost the strongest trick in his life, but the evil dragon easily blocked it with a single wing.

Then it got close to him in an instant, and a dragon swung its tail and swept him into the sky.

Now He seems to be intact, but in fact he already has extremely serious internal injuries.

It is conservatively estimated that at least 700 of the more than 300 organs in the body were broken.

Four of his seven hearts stopped at once.

If it weren't for the gods, what really mattered was the essence and the soul, and the body was indeed extremely important, but it was not the dead spot.

Otherwise, with such a serious internal injury, He would probably have died, and was swept to death by the tail of the evil dragon!

It is hard to imagine that the gap between the two is so huge!

This is the debut battle after the fusion of the old gods, I thought it would be smooth sailing, I don't want to be so embarrassing!

Thinking about it carefully, half an hour ago, he was still in the sea thinking about what posture to use to step on the skeleton of the evil dragon to look domineering...

It didn't take long before he was slapped severely by the evil dragon.

The body hurts, the heart hurts even more!

How does this make Him not angry or afraid?

At this moment, the old god already had the intention to retreat, but he knew better that if he retreated today, he would really have to stay in the endless sea for the rest of his life!

Therefore, even if the evil dragon's strength is beyond imagination, even if he continues to fight, he is likely to be killed on the spot.

You can't go back, you can't go back!

Withdrew, their years of forbearance and planning became a complete joke.

Their long-cherished wish of attacking the sky has become a mirror image!

Therefore, the huge octopus heads of the old gods stared wide-eyed. This is the treasure they obtained by refining all their magic power before fusion.

Every pair of eyes placed in Middle Earth or even the Heaven Realm is a top treasure.

This is also their trump card for attacking the sky.

But they really couldn't figure out why such a powerful weapon was so easily blocked by the evil dragon?

According to their predictions, they who gathered in this way should have already surpassed the peak gods like the Platinum Dragon King and even the Evernight Goddess?

Why did you get a bloody blow at the evil dragon?

The old god who couldn't figure it out ran into the evil dragon with a fearless attitude in grief and anger.

They want to kill part of the infinite magic power accumulated in the three epochs.

Use this to injure the evil dragon and find a chance of victory.

It can be seen how angry and brainless the old god is at this moment.

He actually wanted to fight the dragon species in close quarters.

You must know that this is in the Age of Gods, but it is a taboo on the side of the evil gods, because those who have the courage to fight hand-to-hand with the dragon gods will die!

Even a dragon god like the evil dragon...

After all, it is also a dragon!

This point was remembered by the old god when he rushed in front of the evil dragon.

This made him cry out in his heart:

'It's over!I seem to have jumped into the trap of the evil dragon? ! '

As a result, everyone was surprised.

The big octopus actually managed to strangle the evil dragon's neck.And smashed it into the ground with the help of huge inertia.

Looking at the evil dragon that was smashed into the ground by himself.

The old gods, the righteous gods watching the battle, and even the evil dragon below were shocked!

Old God: What the hell, did I suppress the Dragon God in melee combat?

Zhengshen: Ah.Longlong was stolen, but it's a pity that the blood was locked!

Xielong: Damn, why didn't I type out any of the wonderful operations in my mind?

This astonishment didn't last long, because the evil dragon who reacted directly stood up vigorously and flew the old god out.

The old god who fell into the sea again finally confirmed one point at this moment:

Evil dragons really don't seem to know how to fight!

This was actually realized when he first knocked the evil dragon into the air, but this perception was considered an illusion because of the evil dragon's tail.

Unexpectedly, he just confirmed it.

The old god who stood up from the sea laughed wildly!

"Refendia, Refendia! Hahahaha! You really don't know how to fight, hahaha! Dragon God who can't fight! How funny!"

The almost maniacal laughter didn't last long, and was interrupted by a dragon's breath just as the words fell.

The laughing old god was blown away by the momentum of the dragon's breath again.

Countless pieces of flesh and blood danced in the sky, and then fell into the endless sea one after another, staining the nearby sea area with bright red.

The attack was fruitful, for the Old God, though not dead, did not rise again.

Instead, he collapsed in the shallow sea, spitting blood and covering his chest.

Of the [-] organs in the body, only a few dozen are still functioning barely, and only one of the seven hearts is still beating slowly.

If you were someone else, or even an old god who hadn't merged with the original essence, this would be a serious injury that could only wait for death.

However, for God, as long as he is not dead, he can recover!

The original quality is too perverted!

Therefore, although the old god was seriously injured at this time, he who discovered the "fatal weakness" of the evil dragon still smiled happily, even though he would spit out large pieces of flesh and blood every time he laughed.

The evil dragon, which breathed out the dragon's breath and severely injured him, flapped its wings and landed on the seashore.After carefully looking at the sea water under his feet, he looked at the old god with a little distress.

Black dragons hate water.

Even for him.Going into the sea to fight the old gods, if it is not necessary, Master Xielong really doesn't want to do it.

Seeing that the evil dragon had no intention of chasing him, the old god put down his hand covering his chest, and lay down in the sea with a contented expression.

He coughed up blood and said:

"You have power and don't know how to use it. I may not be able to deal with you in a short time, but if you keep using it up, I will win in the end!"

Having said that, the old god turned his head and glanced at the evil dragon on the bank with difficulty.

mockingly said:

"And my family members should have flocked to the city over there. With the number and strength of our sea clan, the current Middle-earth will not be able to hold back for long!"

"You actually care about Middle-earth, you care about those mortals, right?"

"How, are you impatient now? Want to kill me immediately so that you can save those stupid mortals?"

The old god is constantly teasing with words, trying to make the evil dragon's state of mind a problem.

The evil dragon will not use his terrifying power, but an evil dragon with such great power is really difficult to deal with.

That's why he wanted to find another way to see if he could use words to stimulate the evil dragon and let it reveal some undiscovered flaws.

To this, Lord Xielong also responded with a disdainful smile.

Just when he was about to tell the big octopus that he called a devil, he heard the big octopus say slowly:

"You don't need to rely on those demons. You only believe in them when you are insane. They can indeed block my family members for a long time, but what demons are best at is betrayal! Once you make them feel that the wind is not in the right direction, you who are keen on hunting The evil dragon of the devil. Will it really be a good master in their hearts?"

The evil dragon was horrified!

Yes, demons have no reputation at all!

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