Looking at the clerk who was a head taller than himself.

Even Master Xielong, who is invincible in the world, was involuntarily dumbfounded.

"all these are?"

"Well! My respected master, these documents are all the official cases and various detailed work reports when I replaced you in guarding the Underworld over the years. Please read it!"

The Valkyrie lowered her red eyes and knelt quietly in front of the evil dragon with her hands folded.

Her voice was calm and demure, and it looked like no one could see her as the same person as that crazy woman who dared to challenge the two camps of righteous gods and evil gods at the same time.

But in fact, Valkyrie's heart is far less calm than she appears.

Because she found that her master's attitude towards her was very strange!

It is neither comfort to the excellent family members nor disappointment to the incompetent.

But unfamiliarity and doubts!

Such a discovery made the Valkyrie extremely disturbed.

It's just that the family member's sense of responsibility made her never show this anxiety.

Lord Xielong didn't see the Valkyrie's uneasiness, he just looked sadly at the huge amount of documents in front of him.

After swallowing hard, he carefully asked:

"No briefing?"

The voice of the Valkyrie's answer was very pleasing to the ear, but the content was not so beautiful:

"My respected master, these are already simplified."

Well, from the Age of Gods to the New Era, so many people have died, so many people have been extradited, it is quite normal to simplify and still have such a number!

Master Xielong, who realized that he could not resist and escape, could only bite the bullet and read these documents.

Seriously, it's harder than fighting!

Just like that, the evil dragon looked up the documents while the Valkyrie knelt down respectfully and waited for instructions.

While flipping through the documents, the evil dragon peeked at the demure and kneeling Valkyrie and thought:

'It's fine if you haven't figured out the various problems before, but why did Brunhilde suddenly appear?He also said that he guarded Hades for three whole eras?She, shouldn't she be made up by me? '

Yes, in the memory of the evil dragon, the only thing he knows about the Valkyrie named Brunhilde is the fit dog in the previous life and the nonsense with the girls in the ruins of the abyss.

He really couldn't understand why a Valkyrie really appeared!

Looking at the scroll of documents in his hand.Lord Xielong had the idea of ​​giving it a try.

Close your eyes slightly and meditate in your heart:

'I want to know everything, I want to know everything! '

After meditating in his heart, Lord Xielong tentatively opened one eye, and was disappointed to find that the things on the document were still unchanged.

Seeing this, Master Xie Long could only sigh slightly.

It just so happened that this document was almost finished, so he was about to put it down and move on to the next volume.

Although I don't know the relationship between the Dragon of Death and Hades and him, but since he is involved and it seems like that, let's work hard.

Then, Master Xielong discovered that the mountain of books in front of him had disappeared at some point!

Also gone are the Valkyrie and his cave.

Appearing all around is the endless night and mountains!

Then there is the fierce mountain fire roaring down the mountain!

"what's the situation?"

Standing on the top of the mountain, Lord Xielong looked at everything with a dazed expression.

Before he could think about the situation carefully, the Death Dragon who emerged from the darkness heard a faint cry.

According to the reputation, it was a girl sitting in the flames and howling.

Poor girl sitting beside countless corpses.

Attracted by the girl, the dragon flapped its wings and landed cautiously.

Although he didn't know the situation, the evil dragon felt that he couldn't ignore the child.

As the oldest dragon, even if he was careful, his landing brought huge vibrations and noises.

When Long Fei came, the girl also looked up.

The golden vertical pupils and bright red pupils met each other at this moment.

For the girl, at this moment, only this pair of indescribable golden eyes are left in her world.

As for the evil dragon, it was at this moment that he recognized the girl.


The girl's appearance was obviously exactly the same as that of the Valkyrie.

It's just that the girl in front of her is younger and weaker than the Valkyrie.

He looked at the dazed girl under him.

Lord Xielong seemed to understand something.

He looked up again.There is no moon in the sky, and there is no limit on the ground.

There is no movement in the mountains, not even the wind.

The sound of the fire that was still gurgling just now also stopped when the girl stopped crying.

This is not reality!

Not now!

The evil dragon fell silent.

There was a long, long silence.

The girl also remained silent, neither daring to speak nor to leave

For some reason, the terrifying-looking giant dragon in front of her didn't give her any sense of uneasiness.On the contrary, there is a kind of warmth that can't be strictly lingered around him.

This attracts girls.

After a long time, the huge dragon lowered his head and asked with some hesitation:

"Little girl, are you willing to be my subordinate? Are you willing... are you willing to guard the lifeless Hades instead of me?"

The girl nodded without hesitation in response to him.

Although he didn't speak, the determination and joy in the girl's eyes made the evil dragon fall into greater silence and embarrassment.

He couldn't bear to put the huge mission that might belong to Him on this young, poor little girl.

However, if it wasn't for Brunhilde.The evil dragon couldn't be sure that nothing would go wrong in Hades within three eras.

It is even more impossible to guess what terrible butterfly effect will be born as a result.

He couldn't see through the layers of fog, and couldn't afford to bet on a bad move.Therefore, we only dare to accept the history that has already been arranged.

This time, the evil dragon lowered his head and looked at the girl carefully.

After looking at it for a long time like this.

The evil dragon stretched out its left claw and gently placed it on top of the girl's head.

"I bestow my name on you as the master of the underworld! You will patrol the underworld in my name! May the first god, our father, protect your way!"

After doing all this, the girl woke up amidst the wailing of her companions.

In her eyes, there are countless hovering and raging demons!

The evil dragon returned to his cave or Jade Throne.

Gently put down the paperwork in your hand.

Master Xielong bypassed the mountain of documents.

Under the puzzled eyes of the Valkyrie, he walked to her side.

With an extremely complicated emotion, he stroked the top of the girl's head.

"It's hard work. And I'm sorry!"

Suddenly, the girl cried.

Extra Story: Alternate Saintess and Saintess

In the huge temple, a female priest wearing a white floor-length dress and a hood walked slowly among them.

This is a huge temple that feels vast even if a dragon is in it.

Therefore, it took this human female clergyman quite a while to reach her destination—the statues of the gods—without blessing any miracles or divine arts.

At the end of the temple, there are five altars and four statues.

Standing in the middle is Brunhilde, the guardian goddess of Hades.

On her left is the successor of Chaos - Amelia.

The one on the right is the guardian of the kingdom of God—Jurshika.

And Lilith, the master of magic on the left of Amelia.

These are the four saintesses of the only earth god—the evil dragon.

As servants of the evil dragon gods, they are saintesses, goddesses and servant gods.

Of course, it also has its own followers and has become a branch belief of the evil dragon belief.

However, because of their special identities, there are still quite a few differences in their performance from the servant gods of the Age of Gods.

For example, servant gods have their own temples and beliefs independently.

The girls, on the other hand, tied each other together and became the faith of the saint.

In other words, the four goddesses merged into one belief.

This was unimaginable in the past.

But with the strength of the evil dragon and the approval of the girls, this has become a reality.

This temple is the largest holy goddess temple that is famous in the whole south and even in the middle of the earth.

The root cause is this female priest.

At this moment, she did not pay homage to the statues of the four saintess like other priests did, but she glanced at each of them and stopped looking.

He just looked at the empty altar with a complicated expression.

This is a great blasphemy for ordinary people, but for her, it is the most ceremonial way.

Because, that empty altar was prepared for her.

She is a potential one in the Saintess Faith.Also known as the Golden Princess.

However, in today's Middle-earth, the title of Golden Princess Weiersi is not used by many people.

People prefer to call her the alternate saint.

In the bishop's classics of the saint's faith, it is almost a certainty that Weiersi will become the new saint.

Just to see when the Most High nods his head.

Not only believers think so, but even the four saintesses have the same opinion.

Their elder sister, Brynhilde, had even settled on her title - Holy King of Middle-earth.

It seemed that the Priestess intended her to rule all of Middle-earth.Of course, only a few saintesses know this so far.

Obviously, the Lord Evil Dragon should be informed, but the Priestess intends to take it as a surprise.

So the evil dragon doesn't know either.

But for some reason, the alternate saintess Weiersi always felt that she would always be an alternate saint.

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