Trying in vain to control the massive demons and terrifying evil god remnants entrenched in the waste abyss.

So as to achieve the goal of dominating China.

The ideal is full.But normal people know this is too stupid.

The demons born from chaos are creatures that even the evil gods cannot fully grasp anyway.The evil gods can only barely suppress the creatures with strength, what do you mere humans use to tame them?

Some even say that Demons and Outer Gods are a source, since they're both extremely twisted beings anyway.

It's just that the Outer Gods don't know why they have extremely high divinity. If it wasn't for the lack of God Cores, the Outer Gods might be a new batch of evil gods!

As for the evil god residue, it is even more impossible, if the demons can still achieve a certain degree of cooperation through the exchange of interests.

That evil god residue is a complete disaster.Because they are just residues, without intelligence and unable to communicate, they will only instinctively attack all moving creatures other than themselves.

In this situation.It's really stupid to provoke them.

That's why the Blood Emperor stationed a large number of troops near the Tirisfal Forest, in order to prevent accidents in the waste abyss.

Originally, in his prediction, Londor must have an accident because of the development of the waste abyss.At that time, he will be able to follow the example of the annexation of Urazilu, and send troops from Tirisfal across the border to occupy Londore.

At that time, Londor will inevitably fall into international isolation because of the incident of Fei Yuan.It is justifiable for him to send troops to crusade!

As for the demons and evil god remnants in the waste abyss.He didn't think it was a threat.

Because the country where Londore was founded had tried to develop it before.Without exception, their plans failed.Whether it's demons or the remnants of evil gods, they don't care about them at all.People who went in were often caught and beat teeth.

Because there was no return for a long time, the king at that time ordered the closure of the waste abyss, bombarded the entrance of the waste abyss frantically, trying to collapse the entrance.As a result, the demons inside poured out of the waste abyss like a tide on the night of the bombing.

Kill the retreating army outside.

But the demons retreated before dawn, those demons who were held back by the reinforcements who rushed over.But when the sun shines on the body, it will be wiped out.

At this point, people know the biggest limitation of the Abyssal Demon.

They are afraid of the sun, and they don't seem to be able to leave the waste abyss at will, otherwise there is no reason why they don't come out to have fun at night.

Well now, the evil dragon actually said that there are things that the evil dragons are interested in in the Tirisfal Forest, which he thought was safe!

He didn't know what that thing was, but based on experience, the evil gods were basically interested in super dangerous things!

Chapter 30 The Rampage of the Residue of the Evil God

Thinking about it this way, I was actually jumping back and forth on the verge of death invisibly!

In the aftermath, the Blood Emperor ordered the local garrison to retreat for thirty miles.

The reason why they didn't withdraw completely was that apart from worrying that Londor's army would cross the border, it was also because he didn't mean to wait and see.

The evil dragon is about to go to Tirisfal Glade, and the potential threat may be eliminated automatically by then.

At that time, there may not be no opportunity to continue the original plan.


On the other hand, the black dragon is ready to go to Tirisfal Glades.

Standing on the square, the black dragon spread its wings.

Then Lilith jumped on his back.This startled Jurgen.

"Lilith, what are you doing! Come down!"

Lilith also came on the back of the black dragon before, but Yurshika couldn't see it because of the blood emperor.

So she never knew that Lilith dared to ride on the master's back!

Compared to the terrified Yurshika, Lilith is very strange.

In the eyes of this girl, this is really not a problem.

"Sister, what are you talking about. Master is going to Tirisfal Glades, what are you doing down here? Come up quickly!"

Seeing that Lilith didn't take this seriously at all, the Black Dragon didn't respond either.

Yulshika had a keen sense that something was wrong, so she turned her head and asked her master, the evil dragon, in surprise.

"Master, master, master?!"

To the black dragon, this was nothing. He didn't think it would have any effect if Lilith was by his side or on his body.

After all, Lilith is a little girl.

The black dragon tilted his head and glanced at the puzzled Lilith.

Then he said:

"Well. It's really not a big deal."

The black dragon thought Yulshika would stop there.But don't want to.

Yurshika, who has always acted like a little daughter-in-law, is surprisingly tough on this matter.

"No way!!!"

"Lilith, come down quickly! And the master...Master. I know you are tolerant to us, but you can't be so arrogant to Lilith! This is your face!"

It was the first time that the black dragon heard Yurshika speak so loudly, and was shocked by Yurshika for a while.

"Lilith, come down quickly! If you really treat me as your sister! How can you, as a servant, ride on the master's body?"

Hearing this, Lilith pouted and jumped down.

"Sister Yurshika, what are you thinking?"

Lilith, who was forced to get off the dragon, protested to Yurshika in dissatisfaction.

"Followers are servants. We are naturally inferior to the master. We are just the servants of the master! How can the servants be on the master's body? That is disrespecting my master!"

"Lilith, you are so capricious, what do you want the world to think of our master?"

Lilith became even more dissatisfied after hearing this.

"We are the master's servants. Everything about us, such as our souls and bodies, belongs to the master. How can you stick to the worldly views? As servants, we should naturally be by the master's side all the time!"

"That's by your side, not on your master!"

Yulshika was going crazy.

Lilith's lack of common sense made it difficult for her to understand that it was a very outrageous thing for a family member to ride on the master's body.

"Lilith, your behavior, in terms of common sense, is simply outrageous!"

"What's so outrageous about this!"

"Have you ever seen believers of the gods ride on the statues of the gods?!"

Yulshika finally found a suitable explanation.

As soon as she exited, Lilith froze.

Hesitantly said:

" doesn't seem like it will?"

"That's right! No! The master is a god to us! How can the real body of a god be desecrated by a servant?!"

The black dragon was hesitant to persuade the fight, but seeing Yurshika gradually taking the initiative, he gave up his plan.

Lilith lacks common sense due to her environment.

It would indeed be a good thing if she could be made to realize this point!

Yulshika's argument worked.Lilith's face became more and more frightened.

"Yes, is that so? According to common sense, what I did was wrong?"

"Of course, it's so wrong! How can a servant be on the master's body?"

"But, but, the master didn't say anything!"

"Master can even forgive me for such a great treason, how can you blame yours... In short, although the master is tolerant, as a family member, as a servant, we must not cross the line!"

Yurshika educated this suddenly extra younger sister with earnestness and earnestness.

In addition to being reserved, she was afraid and ashamed of Lilith before.

Because she is a betrayer, and Lilith is a family member who is rooted and young.

He has always served his master.

It's different now.Although he still harbors deep guilt for the evil dragon.But for Lilith, all that remained was the headache of being ignorant of her sister.

After Lilith listened, she lowered her head and dared not speak.

Seeing that Lilith finally realized her mistake.

Only then did Yurshika let out a long breath.

After a while, she was surprised again, she said that Lilith was wrong in front of the master.Isn't that also saying in a disguised form that the master who indulged Lilith was wrong?

Quickly jumped up and turned around in the air, with a plop, he smashed his head on the square.

The enchanted white jade slabs were smashed into spider web-like fragments.

"I'm extremely sorry master, little girl, my little girl is so forgetful, please punish me master!"

Seeing her sister kneeling, Lilith also smashed down.

With a plop, another 'spider web' appeared on the square.

"Please also punish Lilith for her ignorance! Master!"

Black Dragon:


"Get up, I don't care about these things. Now, get up. We have to go to Tirisfal Glades!"

Looking at the two girls, one big and one small, Heilong suddenly thought of it.

Am I taking care of my dependents or my children?


Deep in the waste abyss.

In a crumbling palace.

A large group of demons rushed out of it.

These terrifying monsters are all looking at their former 'lair' with horror on their faces.The palace, which was originally incomplete, was completely destroyed at this moment.

In addition to smoke and broken stone pillars, most of them are corpses of various demons.

The dark poisonous blood of the demon even sprinkled all over the palace, firmly and slowly corroding the walls of the former palace of the evil god.

All of this is because of the huge figure that is walking in the palace.

That is the residue of the evil god!

The demons who ran out in a hurry flew in the sky, reluctant to leave for a long time, where is their lair.

It was a territory that I had fought with other demons for a long time.

I really don't want to just give up.

But the evil god's residue, they can't beat it at all.

The leading demon said with a depressed face:

"Why did the residue of Khorne appear here? Shouldn't it be in a deeper layer? How did it come up?!"

Chapter 31 Devil's Sorrow

Residues of evil gods are the most unwelcome hosts even in Waste Abyss.

Because they are all the 'fragments' left after the evil god was killed by the righteous god.There is no sanity and logic at all.

But because it is from the evil god itself, and it was the evil god before death, it is full of destructive desires, and it will be madly hostile to all moving things other than itself.

In addition, although the remnants of the evil god are only the fragments of the evil god, no matter what you say, they all come from the evil god.It is still a fragment of the thirteen great gods who survived various wars.

They all have extremely high divinity and power.Normal mortal creatures basically have no ability to fight back in front of them.

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