Lilith is no longer on me, and I am worried that I will fall into the trap by myself.

So I asked Lilith if I could teleport there.

In the end, Lilith said yes.

He also happily carved a super large teleportation array on the ground!

I remember later, as soon as I walked in, there was a burst of blue light, and then I ran to the sky here!

"What about Lilith and the others? And what exactly is this place?"

"Why were there so many soldiers just now? Did I run into a certain military camp?"

The black dragon has realized that the cause of everything is a problem with Lilith's teleportation array.

But the biggest problem now is where is this place, and how to meet Lilith and the others in the future.

But speaking of it, Heilong once again realized how terrible his name was.

Such a large camp, which was obviously stationed by heavy troops, did not even make a symbolic resistance after seeing him.

It ran away with a crash.

At first, he thought he was going to die.

But at that time, because he suddenly appeared in the sky, he had worked very hard just to keep himself from being thrown to his death.

It is very difficult to fly to other places.

So when he just 'fall' off, he was very flustered looking at the densely packed soldiers around him.

Normally speaking, if a dragon appeared in a military camp, it would definitely be a fierce battle.

So at that time, the black dragon thought of a series of methods in order to save his own life.

But being trapped by his own strength, he all used his reputation to bluff others.

Fortunately, his name is better than imagined.Without him saying a word, the soldiers were all scared away.

It was also at this time that the black dragon noticed the ruined abyss under its feet.

Looking at this abyss that spans more than ten miles and is about [-] meters wide, the black dragon suddenly thought of it.

'Could this be a waste abyss? ! ! '

What exactly the ruins look like, the black dragon really doesn't know.He had indeed been to the abyss, and he had escaped from it.

But the abyss at that time was a super crack in the ground thousands of kilometers long and hundreds of miles wide!And there are all kinds of weird and unpredictable twisted elements all the time.

Although the place here looks quite spectacular, it is too rubbish compared to the abyss.

But considering that Waste Yuan was hit by God War.And the gods are quite contrary to common sense.

It's normal for the abyss to become like this.

That's why the black dragon wondered if this place might be a waste abyss.

After realizing that there was probably a waste abyss below, the black dragon quickly retreated tens of meters.

I heard that the waste abyss is full of demons and various distorted spaces.

There are also very terrifying residues of evil gods running rampant inside.

If he fell in, with his current strength, he would probably be gone.

Besides, even if this is not a waste abyss, it's just an ordinary crack, so big that you can't see the end at a glance.He's going to fall, and probably gone.

His wings have been tossed just now.Now it's sore.

If you want to rely on this to fly, you basically don't have to count on it.

In short, regardless of whether this is the waste abyss or not, just stay away from it!

But there are some things that you won't find if you don't want to ignore them.

At the moment when the evil dragon retreated.The remnants of the evil gods who had been kneeling under the waste abyss ran away!

They frantically rushed towards the ray of sky above their heads.

At that moment, the countless divine powers entrenched in the sky above their heads were all suppressed.

If the black dragon is still on the edge of the ruined abyss at this time, he will find that the darkness that blocked his line of sight just now has completely faded away.

Everything below can be seen clearly.

That was a sign that the means of the gods left on the waste abyss began to exert their full force.

This means that the defensive measures have drawn all their strength to fight against the impact of the evil god's remnants.

There is no room for even a trace of blindfolding.

The pressure of that divine power is extremely astonishing. At this moment, the top layer of the waste abyss, except for those evil god residues.Nothing else. .

The moment those demons recognized the evil dragon, more than half of them ran away.Now there are not even one left.

Only the remnants of the evil gods were left to fight against Kamui.

Kamui is indeed the means left behind by the gods, after the initial stalemate.

Gradually suppressed the evil god remnants and began to force them downward.

The gods still don't intend to clear up these residues.They also need the Remnants of the Cthulhu to stabilize the Abyss so that the demons can be "locked" in.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the remnant of the evil god Khorne blatantly exploded with a howl.

The huge impact not only suffocated Shenwei's pressure, but also successfully broke through Shenwei's blockade.Crush the surrounding cliffs.

At that moment, countless gravels were wrapped in loess and smashed down the waste abyss.

The black dragon above did not escape this disaster either.Successfully slid to the waste abyss along with the collapsed cliff.

At this moment, the gods in the sky could no longer sit still.

"My dragon!"

"Hurry up, use Shenwei to push the dragon back!"

"It's hard to control, it's across the scale!"

"You trash, get out of the way and let me come!"

"Wait, look, those residues?!"

I saw the black dragon falling all the way down the waste abyss amidst the terrified wailing.

Wherever they passed, those evil god residues turned into a burst of black fly ash and flowed into the still howling black dragon.

Even the majesty left by the gods gradually became distorted and depraved the moment they were touched by the black dragon.Then they were sucked by the black dragon together.

The Cthulhu Residue is always an object born out of the Cthulhu's Essence.They are except for the hatred of the evil god before he died.

The most left is the longing for the original.

That kind of longing even surpassed the hatred all over his body, and became something instinctive.

And the evil dragon carried the dark essence 'thrown' down by the gods.

That's why Fei Yuan ran over after the evil dragon went south.But because of the intervention of the gods, it stopped in Tirisfal Glades.As for why something happened to Lilith's teleportation array, it was because the essence of the black dragon was also longing for 'completeness'.

Now, with the evil dragon approaching gradually.

That instinct once again manipulated them to the top floor, and impacted the aura of the waste abyss.

Finally successfully returned to the original quality!

The remnants of the evil gods have fulfilled their sad wish.

It's just poor Heilong.Innocent blame.

Chapter 35 The Unlucky Demons

When he found himself falling, Heilong's heart was broken. He never thought that the ground under his feet would be so unbearable.

If you say it breaks, it breaks!

Don't give the dragon a chance to react at all.

Because it was too flustered, the black dragon didn't even notice the black matter flying around.It's just that it's the darkness caused by the failure of the sun to shine down.

Feel the increasingly obvious sense of weightlessness in the body.

The black dragon flapped its wings hard.Attempts to reverse this downward trend.

Now he doesn't want to be able to fly up, he just wants to be able to glide all the way to the end without being dropped to death.

But because of the previous emergency landing, the black dragon's wings were extremely sore, and even in such a critical situation, it still couldn't lift its strength.

Fortunately, after Black Dragon struggled hard, he managed to keep his body upright.It's not like the head is down and the tail is up at the beginning.

This allows him to flap his wings better.


The demons didn't really leave the top of the Abyss.They still stayed a little bit below.

They all want to find out the situation above, and the evil dragon is right above their heads, and they are really in a panic.

If you don't know whether the evil dragon is coming for them, it is estimated that many demons will not be able to sleep when they go back.

No way, the evil dragon hunted too many demons in the Age of Gods.So much so that the deterrent power of evil dragons is even greater among demons than those powerful righteous gods.

Although righteous gods also deal with demons.But after all, they will not specifically attack demons like evil dragons.

Besides, when demons and righteous gods meet, they basically follow their own evil god Caidong.Zhengshen has his own riches to deal with.

Unless one's own boss is beheaded on the spot by the righteous god, it is rare for the righteous god to chase the demon to fight.

In the battle of gods, the opponents of demons most of the time are those angels and legendary beasts loyal to righteous gods.Then there is the army of believers of the righteous gods.

But the evil dragon is different, this guy is not only a powerful pervert, but also specializes in picking on demons.

And because the evil dragon is in the neutral camp, whenever a demon is hunted and killed by the evil dragon, the evil gods they belong to also choose to endure.

No evil god is willing to push the evil dragon to the side of the righteous god.

As a result, a strange image was created. In the Age of Gods, the evil dragon could hunt and kill demons at will as if entering no man's land, as long as he didn't trouble the demons under his command in front of the evil god.The evil gods will not trouble the evil dragon.

In other words, no one who can beat the evil dragon is willing to make a move.

Not to mention those who can't beat it.Going up is free.

Therefore, the vicious reputation that the evil dragon has killed for so many years is really frightening.

The waste abyss is not a cliff in the traditional sense.She is divided into many layers.

Each layer presents different landforms and sizes according to various construction needs or the preferences of the evil gods it belongs to.

Later, because of the war of gods, each layer was broken into pieces, and thus entangled together.

An extremely distorted demiplane was formed.At this time, the waste abyss can no longer distinguish which layer is which layer in detail.

It can only be divided into top layer, upper layer, middle layer, and deep layer according to the general landform and spatial characteristics.

The deep layer is the territory of the evil god remnants.It is also a forbidden place.

The upper and middle floors are the main residences of the demons.Because the top floor has divine power, no demons are willing to approach it.

The top floor just now was not like this.She was originally a 'bottomless abyss' thousands of miles long.It was arranged by the evil gods to block the grassroots troops on the side of the righteous gods.

But with the outbreak of the God War, the infinity of the top layer was destroyed, coupled with the erosion of Middle-earth over the years.So much so that it shrinks into an ordinary big crack.

It is still possible to get in and out, but it is no longer as spectacular and magical as it used to be.

Originally, from the top floor to the next floor, a series of passwords and spells were required to be cast together.But because of the war of gods, the top floor became a piece of junk.

A mage or a strong person who knows a little bit of space knowledge can easily go from the bottom of the top floor to the next floor.

Everything on the top floor can often be passed down through various breaches.

At this moment, the demons entrenched here heard the most terrifying sound in the life of demons—the roar of the dragon!

It's not that demons have never fought dragons before, and even fought many times. After so many years of fighting, in the battles between demons and dragons, except for those battles where ancient dragons participated, demons are basically winning.

No way, who let there be more demons than dragons?

So under normal circumstances, the emotions that the demons would express in the face of the dragon's roar would be excitement and bloodlust.

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