Across the scale and an unknown distance, the arm of a god was corroded through concepts.

This kind of corruption ability is really shocking.

The old god looked at the left hand that was gradually being reconstructed.After moving his wrist, he turned his hands behind his back and looked at the gods seriously.

"Now, I can be sure that there are quite a few of you here who have handed over the dark essence that should be under their care to the dragon!"

"You were only thinking about it for a while, but now you can see the consequences! Do you have anything to say?"

The old god's gaze was like a torch, and all the gods swept by his gaze slightly averted their eyes.

The pollution shown by the black dragon obviously exceeds the performance extremes of the two original qualities of Khorne and Rage.

If we say that the active approach of the remnants of the evil god can also be explained as the automatic 'attraction' of the dark power.

The pollution that is displayed in front of the gods at this moment cannot be explained by one or two pieces of dark essence.

All this can only mean that the black dragon gathers a huge amount of essence far beyond the imagination of the gods.

For a while, the court was silent.

Among the gods, the most stable ones are the old gods and the gods of war.Both of them are recognized as honest people.

It is absolutely impossible for an accident to happen.

The original quality that they are responsible for keeping will never go wrong!

This is clear to all the gods.

In order to prevent the dark essence from being used by people to keep the evil god alive.After the gods won the war of gods, they have been guarding a portion of the dark essence according to their own essence characteristics.

But now, the dark essence that should have been closely guarded by the gods actually appeared on the black dragon!

At this moment, the old god's face was calm, and no one dared to think how much anger was hidden under that calm face.

But in fact.What the old god thinks is:

'Fortunately, I set it up well, and took the lead in attacking and took the initiative!Otherwise, if the investigation continues, the image I have worked so hard to build over the years may be destroyed in a flash! '

As for the fact that the black dragon really turned into an evil dragon, for some reason, the old god always felt that there was no need to worry.

Obviously that dragon is disheveled, stupid, and timid.A dignified ancient dragon is still afraid of pain!

But the thought of if the original substance was on him, it somehow made God feel at ease.

The God of War walked up to the old god, folded his hands on his chest, and looked at his comrades with heartbroken faces.

He felt like he didn't know these old friends anymore.

In the past, they fought side by side and experienced countless vicious battles against evil gods and their minions.

How majestic and upright the gods were at that time!

At that time, they were all partners who gathered together to launch a divine war against the evil evil gods for the sake of glory and justice.

Now, it has become like this.

There is no responsibility at all!

The promises of the gods seem worthless!

"I'm very sad, how arrogant you were in the past! Now you don't even have the courage to stand up and admit it! Don't you think that the friendship between our comrades in arms over the years is even this small, uh. Even such a monstrous event cannot be tolerated ?"

"Hey, my god, the more I talk about it, the more I feel that I can't just let it go!"

As God of War talked, he felt that the matter was too big, as if it was not something that could be let go in a few words.

Hastily changed his mouth halfway.

The gods were ashamed of what he said.

However, no one stood up...

The old god rolled his eyes, and when he was about to join forces with the god of war to attack, he suddenly heard the mother of the earth say:

"Responsibility can be postponed, the question now is what to do with the demons in the waste abyss!"

"Not to mention the loss of the evil god's residue, now Longlong is still below, and the group of demons have been frightened by him. They are desperately squeezing into the depths of the waste abyss! Once let go, the demons who have lost their source of food must fight to survive. There will be a lot of things going on in the Chaos Sea."

"Although the balance is stable in Middle Earth, we have to guard against it! Among other things, if some demons take the risk of responding to the call of the cultists and run into Middle Earth, then there will be a big problem!"

"Don't forget, although demons are very low in strength (compared to gods), they are creatures that cannot be tolerated in Middle Earth anyway. They are much stronger than outer gods in terms of destroying order!"

"One or two, you can ignore it, ten or eight is fine, but what if there are thousands of demons? Don't forget, the current Chaos Sea doesn't have so many remnants of order to support so many demons!"

"In the end, the demons who have nowhere to go will definitely try their best to break into Middle Earth and disrupt order!"

"Do you want our hard work over the years to be a joke?!"


On the top floor of the waste abyss, the black dragon stood up from the pool and looked at the ray of sky above his head.

He couldn't help muttering:

"It's thousands of meters to say the least! How can we go up here?"

The black dragon glanced left and right at his trembling wings.He sighed helplessly.

It's too embarrassing for the majestic Gu Long to get to this point....

After much deliberation, the black dragon still plans to look around at the bottom of the cliff, maybe there will be a path leading to the upper level.

Looking at the deep bottom, Heilong couldn't help thinking while walking:

'Although there are a large number of human soldiers stationed on it.Although his destination is the Tirisfal Glades near the waste abyss.Although this is also a place like an abyss.But here, it shouldn't be a waste abyss, right?Didn't see a demon after all...'

The black dragon deceived himself so much.

Chapter 38 Lead the way with glory!

The waste abyss is a terrible forbidden place full of demons, so the black dragon is unwilling to believe that he is trapped in the waste abyss even if he is killed.

He sincerely hoped that this place was just an ordinary ground seam.

'But is the person who helped me just now really a god?Didn't it mean that the gods are all high above the scales and cannot live in the world?Or, help me some archmage? '

Heilong thought about these things, and then he didn't pay much attention to the road under his feet.

He just walked forward on his own, not noticing that there was a fragmented 'hole' under his body at some point.This is a wormhole-like thing caused by the instability of the waste abyss space, which automatically connects the top and upper layers of the waste abyss.

When the black dragon didn't pay attention, he suddenly felt empty under his feet, and then the familiar weightlessness appeared.


The black dragon only had time to say shit, and fell from the top floor of the waste abyss to the upper floor of the waste abyss.

Fortunately, although the black dragon also appeared in the air this time, it was not at a height of a thousand meters before, but at a height of several meters.

Not to mention a huge black dragon at this height, even a sheep would not be a problem.

So after experiencing the initial panic, the black dragon stabilized his mind.

But accidents always come so suddenly, just when the black dragon's huge dragon body successfully landed.

Heilong heard a voice:


Then I felt my foot step on something.

At this moment, both the black dragon and the owner of the voice felt that something was wrong.I don't even have the courage to go back and confirm what I am stepping on (stepping on myself).

Black Dragon:

'No way, it can't be Devil's Tail, can it?Am I really in the abyss? '


'No way, it won't be the evil dragon stepping on me, right?Is this really the end of my life? '

At this moment, the thoughts of the demon and the black dragon were surprisingly in sync—they were both praying to the gods they knew, and praying that things would not be what they thought.

However, reality always backfires.

When the demon turned his head tremblingly, what caught his eyes was a huge black dragon claw and a huge body wrapped in thick scales.

When he saw this, the demon couldn't help but shuddered all over his body.It then looked up.

Sure enough, what I saw was a pair of huge golden vertical pupils!

The devil swears, it has never seen such a terrifying look in its life!

Those eyes stared straight at it, but the devil couldn't find a trace of it in those eyes.

It only feels a series of negative forces such as darkness, madness, destruction, lust, distortion, rebellion, etc. inside.

Obviously because of the huge number of them, each of them only occupies a very small part of the space in the pair of eyes.

Some even have only a trace.But the slightest bit of emotional power, in the eyes of the devil, is as incomparable as mountains and seas!

Demons are the new generation of demons born from the Chaos Sea in the old days.It did not follow the evil god like the predecessors of the Age of Gods.

I don't know what kind of appearance the evil gods are.

But it firmly believes that even among those legendary evil gods, none of them can be so terrifying!

Evil dragon, this is definitely an evil dragon!

That evil dragon that loves to hunt demons! ! !

He is right in front of my eyes!

what to do?what do I do?I don't want to die yet! ! !

Demons are creatures anyway. Although they are highly mysterious, they are destined to be special. They naturally have extremely high resistance to pollution from the dark essence.

Therefore, even if it looks directly into the eyes of the evil dragon, it can maintain itself.

After all, the so-called evil dragon is just a kind and harmless herbivorous dragon after all.

The black dragon has a powerful power that resembles the original dark side.But with a kind heart, he can't manipulate this power of doom at will.

Therefore, the pollution that can be shown is not complete.

So this demon is fine, so those mortals who have been in contact with the black dragon are also fine.

The former has ridiculously high resistance, while the latter is not qualified to be polluted.

On the other hand, the black dragon, when the demon was looking at him, he just looked down at the demon.

At that moment, there was indeed no demon in his eyes.

Because he is recalling his own life.

The black dragon is very weak, but his eyesight is not weak, he recognized what this dark creature was at a glance - a demon!

Twisted horns, human shape, a few meters tall, muscular, bat wings, pointed tail, still dark.

There is no need to run away, only demons look like this!

According to the limited cognition of the black dragon, demons are such crazy species that even righteous gods dare to pounce on them and take a bite.

It is the loyal minion of the evil god!

It is the natural enemy of order!

A terrifying creature that won't be intimidated by his name!

Therefore, the black dragon intends to take advantage of the last moments before his sudden death, to remember his own dragon life.

He is a man of the second life. In his previous life, he was a dead house, making a living by stocks and mining.No big money but very happy life.

This life is a black dragon, relying on the iron stomach of the dragon species that can eat almost anything, coupled with the natural ability to predict danger, he is also very happy.

However, this beautiful life is finally over.

As the last ancient dragon of the dragon species, he seems to have lived long enough.No loss, no loss, no loss——!

Ah, what a pity, I want to eat the delicious vegetables just harvested from the field again!

Heilong felt that he had almost remembered, so he raised his head and closed his eyes calmly, preparing to die.

But what was waiting was not the heart-piercing pain, but the trembling voice of the devil:

"Evil... Master Evil Dragon! Little one, you used to be a leader! You know this area very well, and you are willing to stand on your shoulders until you die!"

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