Do not pull out the city.He will never go north!

But ah, since the kings established Lothric for 7000 years, this city that is close to the evil dragon has been safe and sound.

This makes people curious and frightened.

You know, many people think that this city will never be built, and the evil dragon will never allow this fortress city that provokes its majesty to be completed.

As a result, she was not only built, but also survived intact for 7000 years.

The evil dragon seemed unaware of her existence.

This makes people unable to understand. Could it be that the evil dragon has been sleeping in Mount Astas all the time?

If you can't understand it, you can't understand it, and you still have to do what you should do.

Every year after the establishment of Lothric, the kings will send troops to station and provide massive material support.

Because it was built jointly by various ethnic groups, the dominant ethnic group in this city has changed several times over the past 7000 years.

At first it was a human, then it became a dwarf, then an orc, and now it is back in the hands of humans.

The current Losric garrison has 3 troops.

There are not many people, but they are elite soldiers whose average strength is at the Mithril level.

Most of them are from the Royal Guards of different countries.The rest are also veterans who have come down from various battlefields.

The officer was also a master of the lapis lazuli rank for the last time.

Among them, there is no lack of generals of the fine steel level.Even in order to strengthen the defense of Lothric, the kings also recruited many steel-level adventurers as supplementary strength.

The leader of this city is the head of the seven great sword masters who are famous in the mainland—Longshou Ornstein.

There were only three known fights in Ornstein's life, and all three were victorious.Although it was a tragic victory and his records were not many, no one underestimated him because of this, and instead became more and more awed.

Because his opponents in the three battles were pure-blooded adult dragons!

Three adult dragons were planted in his hands, two of them died and one was injured.

Hence the name - Longshou.

It was also for this reason that Ornstein was arranged in Losric.Naturally, this includes the hope that he can block the evil dragon in front of the portal of Middle-earth when it goes north and continue its glory.

The kings never relaxed their guard on Lothric, but nothing happened for so long.

Naturally, the defenders were quite relaxed.

There is also a saying in the army-go to the front line for meritorious service, and come to Los Angeles for retirement!

Los Angeles, that is a rare happy place!Not to mention the high salary, it is also very safe. You don't have to worry about the weird sea of ​​trees, the vicious demons, and the desperate sea people here.

There is no need to worry about the rest of the conflicts, the only threat is the evil dragon that has been sleeping.

What a great place, you can get money just lying down, and you can also accumulate capital to brag about in the future.

I was the one who guarded the evil dragon back then!

Comfortable to think about.

The result.Something happened today.

The legendary great evil dragon, Lord Revendia, was "wrapped" by his own family.


From the perspective of veteran Stel, today is another good day.

Just finish the post of this group of watchtowers.He can get off work and go out to be high.

There are too few good days when there is only one whistle or a white whistle a day.

He is different from those young soldiers who came from "noble" sons, he is a veteran of many battles who came down from the Shuhai defense line.

I thought I was transferred because I contradicted my boss and was going to die, but I didn't expect to come to Los Angeles, a great place!

'I blamed you wrongly, Lieutenant, you turned out to be a very good person!It's just that my brain is not very bright, and I want to go deep into the sea of ​​trees...'

Veteran Stel shook his head thinking about these things.

At this moment, the recruit who was sentry with him suddenly asked:

"Soldier Stiles, do you think this magic map is broken?"

The magic map is a precision magic device used to detect the magic response in a wide area.As long as it is still within the period of use, theoretically there will be no problems.

Stiles guessed that the recruits didn't understand or someone fiddled with the last post and messed it up.But it's not a big problem. Each watchtower has two magic maps, one for use and one for backup.

So he walked over casually.Then, looking at the huge red dot displayed on the magic map, he frowned.

"It must be broken, right?"

"Oh. Did I just say, how could such a big red spot appear!"

Just when the two thought they had grasped the situation.

They heard a heavy and long ringing of a big bell.

"When the big bell rang, it should be that some important person came, and he wanted to lecture and line up, right? We are sentinels, so we shouldn't worry about it."

As soon as the recruit finished speaking, he heard the second bell ring!

The two looked at each other, seeing the astonishment in each other's eyes.

At the same time, they secretly prayed in their hearts to the gods they knew not to ring, not to ring.

But people are like this, what to be afraid of.

The big clock rang the third toll!

There is a big clock in the central tower of Los Angeles, and the whole city is communicated through the bell.

among them.

The sound of the big bell signifies the gathering of the spare people in the city.

The two ringing of the big bell means that a strong enemy is coming or a major geological disaster has occurred.

And the three ringings of the big bell only mean one thing - the attack of the evil dragon!

Hearing the third bell, the recruit collapsed and fell to the ground.Even if he is a powerful person in the upper rank of Mithril.

The legend and horror of evil dragons are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

He fell on the ground and saw through the window that the sky was gradually covered by a layer of multicolored film.

That's a legion-level magic defense technique - don't break the wall.

At the same time, as the multicolored film slowly fell, the top of the watchtower above the head also began to light up golden runes one after another from top to bottom.

Legion-level magic defense and city defense runes were activated.

All of these have shattered the last illusion of the veteran Stier - this is just a drill and so on...

Even the city of Los Angeles can't use these for exercises, it's like using nuclear bombs for earth exercises...

After realizing that this was not an exercise, the veteran Stel was also unsteady and almost fell.

The evil dragon is not the outer sea of ​​trees with insignificant lethality!

'Tuanwei, I didn't expect that I still misjudged you. You are really not a good person! '

But a veteran is a veteran after all. After a short period of depression, he immediately came back to his senses, gritted his teeth, and kicked the recruit.


"If you don't want to die, prepare for battle with me! Quick, push out the magic cannon!"

The recruit just woke up like a dream, and followed the veteran with stiff hands and feet to launch the magic cannon.

Such a scene is happening in many places in Los Angeles at this moment.

Chapter 4 Before the War

Amidst the bells ringing throughout the city, Longshou Wengstein also walked out of his mansion under the guard of the generals.

It seems that he is very old, and his thin body makes it easy to doubt whether he can still pick up a sharp knife to kill the enemy.

But everyone who knows him will not have this doubt.

Because he is Longshou Wengstein, the head of the Seven Great Sword Masters of Middle Earth!

As long as such a character doesn't really fall down, no one can underestimate his strength!

"Ong Stanley, the magicians have confirmed the information that the evil dragon has really recovered! Hurry up and order the battle! Don't delay!"

Seeing the old man suddenly stop at the door of the mansion.The general on the side spoke eagerly.

Onnstein slowly raised his hand in response. At this moment, he really wanted to order the entire city's troops to abandon the city and flee immediately.

He is the head of the seven sword masters and enjoys the name of Dragon Hunter.Its own strength is far from being judged by simple fine steel grades.

His superb inspiration was warning him frantically—an invincible monster was approaching!

The instinct of life made him want to run away, and at the same time, he didn't want the soldiers to die in vain.

But when the sound was about to come out, his throat rolled a few times, and he swallowed it back.

Because he is a soldier, all the people in this city are soldiers.

Soldiers can die in battle, but they must never flee without fighting.

Not to mention that he was deeply favored by Wang En.The persistence in his heart made him never abandon his duties.

Thinking of this, Ornstein is determined to fight to the death!

Moreover.The fate of deserters is much uglier than death in battle.

Lives and reputations are all ruined.

It's just that after making up the determination to fight to the death, what surrounds my heart is the lightness of relief, which is indescribable bitterness.

The end is extremely contradictory.

After today, there will be no Longshou, let alone Luocheng.Middle-earth will also be Doe.

Ornstein had anticipated this outcome.

"Mr. Onstein?"

The generals are asking aloud.

Ornstein is the supreme commander of Los Angeles.Many things cannot be done without his orders.

Now that the enemy is at hand, how can we not be in a hurry?

You know, it's an evil dragon that's attacking!

A terrifying monster with countless evil deeds in the Age of Gods!

No one knows how strong the evil dragon will be in the new calendar era.

But they all know that if they don't hurry up, the evil dragon will hit the door!

At this moment, a group of soldiers ran past them in a panic, and one of the soldiers didn't know what was going on, so he bumped directly into Onstein's body.

This made the little soldier turn pale with fright.

tremblingly said:

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Mr. Ong Onstein!"

Looking at the bewildered soldier, Ornstein didn't blame him.Just waved his hand to signal that it was okay to let him go down.

Xiaobing was overjoyed, and was very grateful to leave to chase his team.

As a result, the little soldier who had just turned back was suddenly stopped by Ornstein.

"Wait, soldier."

The little soldier turned around blankly:

"Is there anything else Mr. Onstein wants?"

Ornstein ignored the urgent pleas from the generals to face the battle, but stepped forward with a complicated expression and took off the soldier's helmet.

Looking at the young face in front of him, Ornstein asked with a trembling voice:

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