In the Age of Gods, the gods often died and lived again, and lived and died again.

The concept of death is too thin for them.

Even the Mother Earth who was in charge of the aftermath said that she had never seen this palace before.

That's for sure, this is definitely not the palace of the evil god!

At least not the palace of the thirteen evil gods back then.

"But if it wasn't for the palace of the thirteen, how did this palace run into the waste abyss?"

The Goddess of Nature, who still had the sign of the Goddess of Scrap, made a sound of surprise.

"Compared with how it ran into the waste abyss, I'm more curious whose palace it is."

The voice of the old god is thought-provoking.

"Can we start with the layout? Every god's palace has its own characteristics. It is very easy to identify."

"No, I saw it just now. But this palace doesn't have any outstanding features."

"It's not that it has no features, but it doesn't have the features we are familiar with. It doesn't seem to be the palace of the gods."

"You mean, this abandoned palace is the palace of some mortal king?"

"It should be. Otherwise, if this is the palace of the gods, there is no reason why we should not recognize it."

"In this case, it makes sense, but why does this palace have such a reaction to the dragon and suddenly appear in the ruins?"

"It should be the original quality of the dragon. As for why it appeared in the waste abyss, I don't know."

The black dragon has an extremely large dark essence, which can easily corrupt any highly mysterious object.

So in theory, as long as the enchantment that protects the palace is sufficiently mysterious, it is the object of corruption by the primordials.

"With all due respect, the scene just now doesn't look like the enchantment has been corrupted by the dark essence."

The master of Hades opened his mouth after deliberation.

He has almost no bright spots among the gods, so he is not too sure about his own words.

"That's right, I don't think it's because the enchantment has been corrupted. If I'm not mistaken, it seems to disappear after confirming the identity of the person who came."

The old god also agreed with the view of the master of the underworld.

"So, that palace is Longlong's palace???"

Lady Luck cried out in surprise.

This is unbelievable.

But after exclaiming, I feel that this is not something to be surprised at.

Thanks to them, Longlong's name really stinks to grandma's house.

But in contrast, the power of the evil dragon is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Out of the worship of the supreme being, it seems not surprising that the automatically derived followers of evil dragons build palaces for their master evil dragons.

Even based on this point of view, it can also explain why this palace appears here.

Because the evil dragon is here, it is only natural that the palace of the evil dragon is here!Not to mention that this is the waste abyss with the most unstable spatial properties.

This is not something difficult to understand. Although Longlong is very good at himself, it is because of his circumstances, in terms of mystery and recognition of the world.

Dragons are really evil dragons!

He really is a dragon god!

And it is the closest to the original god.

You know, apart from dragons, none of the other gods has such a huge amount of essence.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is half original.

With such a high divinity and honor, it is not surprising that anything happened to him.

As for why this palace is so dilapidated, it is easy to understand, after all, it has been so many years.


Of course, the black dragon didn't know that this was his palace, he always thought it was some evil god's palace.

He was also worried that there was some killer move of the evil god in it.

At this moment, he is proceeding cautiously in the palace.

After advancing in this caution for a while, he felt relieved.

Instead, he looked at this incredibly huge palace.

"My dear, this palace is really big!"

Although the black dragon is good, he is an ancient dragon who has lived from the age of gods to the present no matter what.

The average adult dragon species is extremely large in size, and he is even bigger than the adult dragon species.

As long as he raises his head, he can be higher than some smaller city walls.

But even if he is like this, he is quite small in this palace, just like the size ratio of a normal person to a normal palace.

"I really didn't know this was the palace of that god."

The evil dragon had seen the palaces of the gods before, but none of them could be as large as this palace in his memory.

After all, most of the gods are the size of normal humans, and the palaces prepared for them will not be too big.

You can't let the boss of your family walk from the gate of the hall to the god's seat, it will take a long time.

Or go out and take two steps to use magic.

That's outrageous too.

Chapter 49 Face it all!

Most of the gods in the Age of Gods came from mortals.

They also retain the habits of most people.For example, if it is not necessary, they are still used to walking on both feet.

And like this giant temple here.

Basically, they are prepared for those gods who are already huge, and that god loves such large buildings.

But in the memory of the evil dragon, none of the thirteen evil gods entrenched in the abyss is such a giant existence, and I have never heard of anyone who likes giant temples.

The black dragon didn't think there was any problem, it was just a private design of some evil god.

Such things are plentiful in the Age of Gods.

As a result, as he was walking, he saw a stone statue standing in the courtyard.

It was a dragon that spread its wings and roared towards the sky!

Heilong immediately walked up curiously to check.

After watching it for a long time, I casually sent out a sentence of emotion:

"It turned out to be the palace of the Dragon God, no wonder it's so big, but the dragon sculpture is too ugly! Hahahahaha!"

In this regard, all the gods in the sky showed strange faces.

Seeing that the black dragon is a god of the dragon species, he didn't have much awe. How can we say that everyone is of the same kind, and they are also dragons of the same era, so they are naturally closer, and as far as the black dragon's memory is concerned.

The gods of the dragon species were all killed in battle in the middle of the Age of Gods.

After that, the only ones left of the dragon species who can hold the field are the ancient dragons.

"But why did the Dragon God's palace appear in the ruined abyss?"

After laughing, the black dragon became curious again.

He remembered that the dragon gods were all on the side of the righteous gods, and he had never heard of anyone turning to the evil gods.

After so many years, although the reputation of the dragon species is getting worse and worse, when it comes to the dragon gods, they will always praise them from the bottom of their hearts.

Because in the early and middle period of the Age of Gods, the main force to fight against evil gods was the dragon gods.

Now it is in the place where the evil god is entrenched in the waste abyss, but he saw the Dragon God's palace.

It really made him curious.

Under this curious trend, the black dragon stretched out its claws and touched the statue.

Then, starting from the place he touched, the statue quickly cracked countless lines.Then it turned into powder under the stunned expression of the black dragon.

"what's the situation???"

"Are all statues for gods so untested?"

Although Black Dragon thought this statue was ugly, he never thought of destroying it!

No matter what, they are all statues of the same kind!

As a result, who would have thought that it would break when touched.

Under normal circumstances, wouldn't this kind of idol have no problems for millions of years?

Could it be that the environment of Waste Abyss corroded it?

Yes, it must be so!

After much deliberation, the black dragon finally managed to 'exonerate' himself.

The gods in the sky can see clearly.

The old god stroked his long beard.smiled and said:

"There is really no need for a statue that is not recognized by the deity."

"Speaking of which, this statue is indeed a bit ugly. No matter what the dragon itself is, its shape is much more attractive than this stone statue."

"After all, it has accumulated so much original quality, and it is still the oldest dragon. Its appearance is really impressive."

"I really don't know who carved it back then."

"Wait, don't you think it's weird?"

"What's so strange?"

"This palace should have been prepared by the evil dragon believers, but are the evil dragon believers who evolved spontaneously capable of building such a huge temple?"

The words of the sun god immediately awakened the gods.

Yes, such a huge temple, even if they have been running the church for many years, it is difficult to build it by themselves.

What's more, the followers of evil dragons who are almost like floating roots?

You must know that the 'evil dragon' has never developed and operated beliefs!

As for the evil dragon personally participating, that would be even more nonsense.

Others don't know what the black dragon is like, don't they know?

What's more, although the black dragon of the age of gods also has the original quality, it is definitely not as exaggerated as it is now!

Even if he really ended up in person at that time, it was impossible for him to build such a majestic temple silently.

"What's the situation with this temple?"

"Could it be a creation of the old days or the new era? At that time, our monitoring of the human world was weak. Dragons also had abnormally powerful accumulations of primordial matter. If the evil dragon believers of that era used something to obtain It is not impossible to build such a huge temple with the support of those original substances. It is like the demons borrowed the 'evil dragon dragon flame' 2 years ago."

This is the most reasonable guess at present, but all the gods have a feeling in their hearts - this palace is definitely a creation of the age of gods!

Because although this temple does not have prominent features.However, the aesthetics of the Age of Gods can be clearly seen from the construction techniques and layout.

In other words, the builder of this palace must have been built by someone from the Age of Gods in the Age of Gods.

Otherwise, there would not be such an authentic 'Age of Gods aesthetic'.

When the gods doubted the origin of the temple.

The guilty black dragon has already left the courtyard, and he is not going to leave the temple.

After all, it is the palace of the dragon god, and even talking about relationships is half of his territory.

No matter how you think about it, the Dragon God's palace is better than the ruined abyss outside.

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