For a while, no one dared to go up and interfere with this group of excited old men.

Being kicked is a small matter, but if an old man lay down angrily because he was dissatisfied with being disturbed, it would be a big problem.

These old men are not top assassins like them who have been tortured both physically and mentally.

It's just a group of old men in their seventies and eighties with half a foot buried in the ground.

If one doesn't go well, it's really gone.

At that time, I will really suffer so much that I can't tell.

I had no choice but to wait on the side in embarrassment.

As for the old men, they are also unprecedentedly excited at this moment.

Many of them are concurrently studying evil dragon studies.Because the evil dragon is currently the only immortal in Middle-earth who 'has the opportunity' to meet, his knowledge and meaning of existence have a very high impact in all aspects.

The development of Middle-earth is not continuous progress.Rather, it reached its peak in the Age of Gods, but fell to the bottom in the old days, and the New Era is an era where everything is regained.

Therefore, the knowledge of the immortals plays a decisive role in technological revival and cultural archaeology.

Therefore, nearly [-]% of the scholars in Middle Earth have studied or majored in evil dragon studies.

After all, the evil dragon is not only a god, but also an earth god who has survived since the age of gods!Besides, in most of Middle-earth's history and various old technologies, evil dragons have more or less participated.

For example, the evil dragon once destroyed the ancestral oven of the alpine dwarves, leading to the loss of the water forging method...

His significance in the academic world is far greater than that of other immortals.

For these scholars, meeting the evil dragon is a great opportunity.

And being able to hear the evil dragon's description of the ancient times, especially the lost history, is even more a good thing to wake up from a dream with a smile.

God disdains lying.So what He said is true!

Not only does it not even need textual research, but it can even use the words of the evil dragon as absolute evidence to deduce some historical mysteries.

Now, what they heard was what they dreamed of—the dragon's own words about his temple and a lost history that no one knew.

At this moment, many old people burst into tears.

A long time ago, some scholars wanted to go to Mount Astas to find the evil dragon to demonstrate some opinions or seek some lost technologies.

But either he was held down by his lord or king, or he was invited to drink tea by the church.And then let the descendants of the dragon fighters block it at the foot of Mount Astas.

So to this day, to prove the evil dragon has always been empty talk and slang - you are so sure, so daft, you have asked the evil dragon!

It can be seen how deep the scholars' obsession with the evil dragon is.

This is also an understandable thing. If you hear the truth in the morning, you can die in the evening.

This is a famous saying that can be applied to any seeker in any world.


Looking at the two girls who looked forward to him, Heilong had no choice but to prolong the bragging that was originally planned to end in a hurry.

He really didn't expect that these two girls would be so interested in his affairs.

But what did he have to say?How to graze year after year, day after day?

In other words, does anyone really believe that Xielong is actually a vegetarian?

There should be no normal people believe it, right?

Alas, what happened in these years, so that such a harmless good dragon like me was poisoned by rumors and turned into an evil dragon!

The great evil dragon lord feels very hurt.

However, he continued to speak incessantly.

"That was in the middle of the Age of Gods. The dragon gods other than me had just died in battle at that time. Ah, this is not long for me, but it should be more than 1000 years for human beings."

"The dragon gods who are the main force of the righteous gods are all killed in battle, and the power of the evil gods is almost at the peak of the sky. Only the east and the small half of the south are still in the hands of the righteous gods."

Wein Scholars.Hearing this, Qiqi let out an exclamation.

"Let them find a way to find a temple item that can identify the age. With that, we can determine the period when all the dragon gods died in battle! This is a major advancement in the study of the history of the Age of Gods!"

Heilong paused, then continued to make up half-truths and half-false words:

"At that time in the south (at that time no one moved towards the current evil dragon collar, so the south does not refer to the current evil dragon collar), that is, the generation from Yanan to Yaken, it was originally the Platinum Dragon King (a dragon species) God)’s sanctuary. However, the Platinum Dragon King died in battle under the attack of the evil god Khorne and the night.”

"The south that lost its asylum was immediately cursed by the evil gods and invaded by their minions."

"A large number of forces and believers following the Platinum Dragon King were massacred in that invasion. Although they relied on the support of the master of the underworld and other righteous gods to barely block the impact, they were gradually unable to support the remnants under the impact that lasted for thousands of years. The forces began to move towards the east in a planned way. Trying to reach the final control area of ​​the righteous gods."

"It was also at that time that I met a group of refugees. They were being hunted down by thousands of demons."

"No, that's not a chase, it's a game, a game of cat and mouse!"

"I was disgusted by the behavior of the demons, and they just ran into me. So I shot and defeated the demon brigade. And because of this, I got the worship of those refugees."

"Although I left afterwards, they did not enter the Eastern God-controlled area as planned, but continued southward to build this temple for me."

Speaking of this, the evil dragon touched the pool next to him with a little sense.

"Obviously I can't protect myself, but I used precious resources on such useless things. It's really..."

The second daughter was fascinated for a while.

That was the magnificent age of the gods!

The age of the gods, where the master and the gods are playing games!

If they could follow their great masters in that great era, they would surely leave a strong mark in history!

Seeing that the second daughter was convinced of this, Hei Long breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

Chapter 55 The Surprising Truth ([-] words)

He was worried that the girls would have doubts, but he didn't expect the second daughter to have no doubts about it, and instead she was fascinated by his story.

This made Heilong quite proud, no wonder others like to brag!

It turns out that it's such a cool thing to be believed to be awesome!

Compared to the older Yurshika, Lilith is a little girl at heart, and this child's growth problems are really too big.

She was obviously a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl.But her mind is about the same as that of a seven or eight-year-old girl.

Seeing that the black dragon did not continue, Lilith said anxiously:

"Master, master, what's next? What's next?"

This is also the voice of the rest of the Wein scholars at the moment.

'Say it, say it!This is lost history!Every word lost is a huge loss in human history! '

Black Dragon couldn't refuse, because it wasn't a big deal.Black Dragon is a good dragon, very easy to talk to.

He will agree to normal requests, even not so excessive ones.

So he had to continue to make up.

"They placed this temple on the top of the mountains in the south. I once watched her brilliance in the northern sky. The light was extremely dazzling!"

Having said that, the great evil dragon raised his head and looked towards the main hall.

There was a great minaret there that still stood.

This is the best preserved building of the temple.

Lilith and Yulshika also looked over.

Unlike the black dragon who saw nothing, in their eyes, they saw more scenery:

Not to mention the tide-like magic power, the most dazzling thing about the minaret in their eyes is the broken golden ball on the top of the tower.

Although the golden ball has been broken, it still floats in mid-air and complements the falling fragments.

There are not six basic elements on the sphere, but pure divine power.

It was not only the second daughter who saw this, but also the Wein people and the gods.

The difference is that both the second daughter and the Wein people thought it was the protection of the evil dragon.In other words, the evil dragon did not care about this temple or these followers as he said.

And when the gods saw this ball formed by the condensed divine power, they almost all stood up subconsciously.

"What is the divine power on that ball!?"

"It can't be wrong, it's His divine power."

"Who are you talking about?"

The goddess of luck who ascended to the gods at the end of the Age of Gods felt very overwhelmed by the language of the predecessors.

I can't understand what the seniors are saying at all!

The Earth Mother and other gods who ascended to the gods in the early and middle period of the Age of Gods turned their heads to look at the younger generation, and then blurted out their names one by one:

"Platinum Dragon King!"

"Crimson Dragon King!"

"Dragon of the sky!"

"Dragon of Void Sight!"


After hearing the answers from the seniors, Lady Luck was even more confused.

After saying these names, the gods also fell into strange consternation as they looked at each other.

They all have one meaning in their eyes:

Why do you think it's him?

Then they all looked at it, and carefully examined the golden ball. After a while, they also doubted their own opinion.

"It seems to be the Platinum Dragon King?"

"No, it should be the Dragon of Void Sight!"

"How come the more I look at it, the more I think it's a sky dragon?"

"Ah, to be honest, I think it's the Crimson Dragon King!"

The gods fell silent again.

All the gods looking down on the mortal world were so stunned, let alone the Wein people.

Scholars almost fought over the floor-to-ceiling mirror.

"Such pure red divine light is clearly the legendary Scarlet Dragon King!"

"Bah, I can feel the warmth seeping into my heart just by looking at it. This is obviously the Platinum Dragon King!"

"Nonsense, I felt that gaze from the void, this must be the Dragon of Void Sight!"

"Hmph. A group of fools, can't it explain the situation because it has been floating in the air? This is clearly the divine power of the dragon in the sky!"

The more they talk about it, the more gunpowder they smell, and it looks like they are about to fight.

The assassin's deputy, who was watching here, hastily stepped in.Shifting attention, he said:

"You have mentioned all the dragon gods, but this is the temple of the evil dragon. I wonder if all the elders can explain this problem for me?"

The deputy's words seemed to have an effect. One of the oldest old men straightened his collar, raised his head and said to the assassin's deputy:

"A lot of research is needed on this point, but as far as I know, there was a saying that the original essence of the dragon gods was not obtained by the evil gods!"

"What is the original substance, I don't think I need to explain it to you?"

The assassin's deputy nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

"Well, that's right. The general idea of ​​that statement is that the four dragon gods are the main force to resist the evil god in the early and mid-term. In order to prevent their original essence from being taken away by the evil god after they die in battle, they make the opponent stronger."

"So I developed a top-level dragon magic. It is said that this magic can disperse the original essence and return them to the world when they die in battle!"

Before the old man finished speaking, he was interrupted angrily by another old man.

"Nonsense, what kind of dispersion is that? It's obviously transferring your original essence to the rest of the dragon species, so that the dragon race can always have five...four dragon gods!"

Without waiting for the first old man to refute, then the old man continued to say:

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