In the chaotic age of the gods, the death essence was divided into three parts for unknown reasons.

One copy is in the hands of the master of the underworld on the side of the righteous god, another copy is in the hands of the lady carrying the lamp on the side of the evil god, and the last copy is in the hands of the 'evil dragon'.

Because according to the legend, the great evil dragon is the original dragon, that is, one of the dragon gods, which is different from the four dragon gods who come from the flames, from the sky, from the gaze, and from the earth.Evil dragons come from death and come from the underworld!

So He also holds a share of death essence.And it is the largest and most complete of the three original qualities.

Later, the death essence belonging to the evil dragon was 'given' to a certain girl who followed him.

Then, after the girl extradited the last obsession of the four dragon gods, she followed the instructions of the great evil dragon to guard the end of the underworld for him.Extradite the afterlife of hundreds of millions of dead souls.

Chapter 57 The Gold of the Kingdom

At the end of the underworld, in this 'heaven and earth' place, there is only eternal scarlet and mist.

In addition to these unchanging scenery, the most numerous here are the countless dead who are numb and moving forward.

They spontaneously formed a long dragon, which seemed to traverse countless miles, and there was no end in sight at a glance.

Their starting point cannot be seen far away, but their end point is close at hand.

It was an endless scarlet sea.

The sea is as silent as the Dead Sea, the dead walked into her arms silently, and she accepted everything silently.

This is the place where the dead turn to the living.It is also the birthplace of the legendary evil dragon.

It is said that the dark and ominous dragon reversed life and death, violated the original, climbed up from the sea of ​​reincarnation with death towards life, passed through the underworld, came to the middle earth, and despised the world.

In this place, if there are any exceptions, then of course there are.

It was a tall altar.There are countless knights lined up on the altar.

They wear pitch-black battle armor, hold sharp spears, have firm eyes, and their hearts are like mirrors.

Loyalty is life, duty is soul.

This is their truest portrayal.

On the altar, there is a giant dragon statue that is exactly the same as the sculpture in the courtyard of the evil dragon temple.

There is a throne under the statue, and on the throne sits a tall figure with white hair and red eyes.

She is Brunhilde, the first kinsman of the evil dragon.The gatekeeper at the end of the underworld.

Originally, this white-haired and red-eyed beauty had always been serious and unsmiling for thousands of years, but today, she smiled after a long absence.

The white-haired beauty raised her slender left hand high under the statue.

"I heard the master's call, and I also felt a new power. It seems that my master has regained a piece of original quality! My master's ambition is still going one step further!"


The righteous gods are worrying about Brunhilde's trace.

The Wein people made a fuss about it.

It's not like any new evil dragon family will change the status of the kingdom in Middle-earth.

After all, with the appearance of the evil dragon, the kingdom has no status to lose.Anyway, the evil dragon is always on his head.

The reason for their quarrel is very simple. It is purely because the scholars are arguing about it.

Some scholars believe that such important historical discoveries should be published.Another part thinks that this should be kept in books, and only a small number of people can observe it, because there is no reason to cheapen outsiders.

The assassin's deputy looked at this group of uncles insulting each other and had a headache.

It's not his turn to participate in the bickering of these people.But it's not good to just let it go, for fear that they will escalate from verbal struggle to physical struggle.

This is not a joke. At an academic conference last year, a brawl broke out among scholars.

The reason is said to be that they had a disagreement over the origin of the evil dragon.

Some people think that evil dragons, like the original dragons, evolved from the world, that is to say, they believe that evil dragons come from the underworld.

Others insist that evil dragons are promoted from ordinary dragons.

Then the masters of the two factions became impatient because they couldn't convince their opponents. After one of them threw a cup tremblingly, a conflict broke out between the two sides.

Although no one died that time, quite a few scholars were lying in bed for several months.It directly led to the suspension of several major Wein projects due to lack of professionals.

Indirectly caused Wein to lose millions of dwarf gold.

Every old man here is a master in his own field.The weight of the argument is much heavier than the people at that academic conference.

If anything happened to them, the Assassin's lieutenant felt that he would probably be able to die and apologise.

Fortunately, at this moment, an extremely clear and pleasant voice came over.

"Grandfathers, why are you arguing? This is not in line with your identities!"

The assassins and clerks were startled, and quickly knelt with their backs.

The old men stopped after hearing the words, tidied up their sleeves, and put on a kind face.

"His Highness Weiersi has come down!"

"It's my dear little Weiersi!"

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just a normal bickering!"

Seeing the quiet old men, the assassin's deputy secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Then he looked up carefully at the person coming.After a flash of regret flashed in his eyes, he immediately lowered his head.

In the direction everyone was facing, there were three people.

Two maids standing humbly, and a princess with a gentle face.

The maids, the attendants of the Wein royal family, naturally have extremely high requirements in terms of grooming and education, so they are all tall and slender, with beautiful faces.

If they were placed in the outside world or even in other places in the palace, these two maids would be first-class beauties.

Even when it comes to their identities, they are also the first daughters of high-ranking nobles, born nobles.

It's a pity that their elegance and status have become the foil of Princess Weiersi at this moment.

This princess of Wein has extremely smooth and flowing golden long hair, which is simply pulled into a bun in terms of hairstyle selection.The rest let it flow naturally behind the master.

This didn't make it look slovenly, on the contrary, it made it more lively.

Her eyes were as bright as pure gold.

Those golden eyes seemed to always have a hint of a smile, making everyone who saw it feel like a spring breeze.

The rest of the facial features are also favored by the gods, which are extremely symbolic and attractive.

She is Wein's Princess Weiersi, also known as the kingdom's gold.

But such a beautiful woman suffers from a natural disability like the jealousy of heaven.

She lost feeling in her legs from birth, so she couldn't stand upright and walk like ordinary people.

You can only sit in a wheelchair for the rest of your life.

Even in this world of magic and even gods, there is no cure for her chronic illness.

You can only use some tricks to make it 'stand and walk'.But the princess is weak, and even the most gentle magic of light cannot last long.

So she spent most of her life in a wheelchair.

Seeing the arrival of this sick beauty, the old men who had been arguing with each other immediately retreated.

For this poor princess who never puts on any royal airs and likes to accompany them, these bad old men love them from the bottom of their hearts.

If it wasn't for Weiersi's high status, they might really want to call her a granddaughter.

Although it is impossible to call granddaughter, in front of Weiersi, the old men still pay attention to their status, and they all hope that they can be called a respected 'grandpa' in Weiersi's eyes.

Chapter 58 Princess Weiersi

Princess Weiersi's life has been rough enough, and they don't want her to see any unscrupulous things.

Obviously a person who grew up with a golden key in his mouth and was destined to be happy, but he suffered from such a stubborn disease.make it so incomplete.

So everyone who knew Princess Weiersi would subconsciously let the poor princess see her beautiful side.

It is said that this is also a signal from King Wein.

King Wein has never owed anyone in his life. He is worthy of the previous kings, and even more worthy of the country.But I feel extremely indebted to my own daughter.

Especially for a child born with a disability, even if she has a bad personality, as a princess, she can be respected and forgiven by people, but her temper is extremely gentle.

The personal maids in charge of Princess Weiersi's daily life changed seven or eight times intermittently due to various reasons.

There were more than seventy people in total, but every resigned maid highly appreciated Princess Weiersi's gentleness and kindness, whether it was at a private tea party or at a public banquet.

According to the narratives of the maids, it can be known that the princess has never questioned anyone, nor has she even had a gloomy expression.

She seems to have been smiling since she was born.

Among the folks, Princess Weiersi's reputation is even more amazing.

When she was young, she persuaded her father and king to shoulder the responsibilities of the seventeen orphanages in the capital.

In girlhood.He is further responsible for the operation of public welfare institutions such as nursing homes and welfare homes.

Using this as a springboard, she directly took over the operation of Wein's public welfare organization after she became an adult.

Therefore, in Wein King's Capital, no matter the children in the orphanage, the elderly in the nursing home, or even the disabled in other welfare institutions, they could see this princess from time to time.

Her actions are far from superficial.Instead, it has truly integrated into the lives of the poor.

She can laugh and play with the children, chat with the elderly, and talk and laugh with the disabled.

What Princess Weiersi did for the poor was not only spiritual care, but as a princess of the Wein royal family, she also inherited the excellence of her parents.

Even when she was young, she was able to manage everything in the orphanage in an orderly manner, whether it was daily expenses, donations from various channels, or the needs of children, she could properly handle them.

It's hard to imagine that a little princess can handle such complicated things.

This kind of ability has also grown with her age, and now she even manages the public welfare organizations in the entire kingdom.She can be calm and breezy.

Her excellence even made the various 'assistants' sent by King Wein a joke.

What the princess can do in half a day by herself, but the assistants will spend a day or more...

The gold of the kingdom, literally.

Because of her excellence, some bad rumors even spread among the people - the king intends to depose the crown prince and let the princess become the queen of Wein.

In this regard, the crown prince was silent.King Wein dismissed it.The princess also laughed dumbfounded.

Wein's national conditions doomed the emergence of a queen.Even if a new king is selected from a collateral line, it is impossible for a woman to come to power.

If there is a real possibility, it must be that both the collateral and direct lineages are dead, leaving only women.

There are deep reasons for this, which I will not mention here.

In short, Weiersi is indeed perfect as Princess Wayne.

Because of this, with the arrival of Weiersi, the scholars immediately fell silent.

Seeing the crappy remarks of the old men, Princess Weiersi could only smile wryly and shake her head.

"You are still like this, but please pay attention to your body, Weiersi is still waiting to continue to listen to your teachings!"

The tutors of the royal family are naturally masters in their respective fields, and they are well-deserved masters.

"So what exactly did you find?"

Weiersi turned to ask curiously.

It was also at this time that the assassin's deputy reacted belatedly.

"Your Highness, why are you here?"

Because the other party was a good child, Princess Weiersi, the assassin's deputy didn't even ask why the princess appeared here at the first time.As long as the princess got the password from His Majesty the King.

But now that he thought about it, he realized something was wrong.

This is the kingdom's secret location, and ordinary people cannot get close.

Even if it is the crown prince, it is impossible to enter and leave the place where their stronghold is at will.

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