Chapter 96 Little Girl Time

The old god left immediately after speaking, without giving the black dragon a chance to ask.This made Heilong speechless.

Why did you go so fast this time!

He didn't ask many things!

This is not much different from last time!

That is to say a few things to him, and the third one seems to be effective for the current black dragon.

The other two seem useless.At least for him now, it has no practical effect.

But since the old god said it, let's find time to take a look.

Anyway, there is nothing important to do recently.

The black dragon first took a look at the head of the temple who was specially placed on the chair by the old god to fall asleep.

After confirming that nothing happened, he walked out of the temple slowly.

After seeing the girls, the black dragon asked straightforwardly:

"Endless Corridor, have you heard of it?"

The old god said that there was a nice gadget inside, so he took it when he had the chance.Black Dragon is still full of heart.

Anyway, it's kale!

It doesn't cost anything.The only question is whether it is owned or if there is a way to get in.

As for why he has no impression of this, it is quite normal. He has been kept silent for many years and only recently came out.

There are many things that China does not know.

Lilith really wanted to show off in front of the black dragon, just like a child who likes to show off his newly acquired knowledge in front of adults.

The sad thing is that all she knows about it is a place name and a few legends that I don't know the truth of.

After all, she was a child raised as a sacrifice. In order to ensure her pure heart, those slave traders would not teach her these "miscellaneous learnings".

Speaking of which, it was also thanks to Lilith's 'good' talent and appearance in the eyes of those slave traders.

So much so that her initial position was to be a 'sacrifice' to a great existence.So I lived a good life since I was a child.

Otherwise, it would be hard for the Black Dragon to imagine how difficult Lilith's life would be.

Because she didn't know the details, Lilith had no choice but to pout.

This caused Heilong to feel helpless.But also very interesting.

Little girls, they have to be innocent to be cute.

Anyway, the black dragon's main question was not Lilith but Yursika.

Sure enough, Yurshika, who was placed high hopes by the black dragon, did not live up to his expectations.

As soon as he asked the question, the princess with the same name as the head of the regiment told the information she knew like a treasure.

"Master, the Endless Corridor is a treasure house that was originally arranged by Ula Shilu near Cabbage. It contains all the collections of sages and great mages of Ula Shilu, as well as various magic pens and orphans. In this era, it can be said that It's a sanctuary for magicians!"

"But thousands of years ago, this great treasure house was lost in the shadow world in the outbreak of a sage. Since then, it has never been seen by the world. Over the years, various forces have tried to find it In that endless corridor, everything failed except one row."

"Are you going to visit the Endless Corridor?"

Speaking of this, Lilith, who was pouting at herself and sulking at herself, immediately smiled and jumped directly in front of the black dragon.

"Master, master! If you want to go to the endless corridor, I can help! It is a miracle constructed by a magician, although it is in the shadow world now. But as long as it is in the magic category, I can definitely find it!"

The blessing or evenly distributed original quality that Lilith received was the original quality that represented magic and the unknown from the care of the old god.

That is a source of quality that has never been obtained by anyone, and that is why there is no such thing as a god of magic.Magic is also an inferior structure for divine power.

In fact, in the original original conception, magic was a gift He prepared to give to children.It is a fundamental force that runs through the entire world.Once developed to the depths, there may not be no possibility of competing with divine power.

At the same time, it should have been a normal essence that can be used by righteous gods.

But what's ridiculous is that because of the magicians' pursuit and exploration of the unknown, plus they created a god of magic for themselves-Ayla "unauthorizedly".

At the very beginning, there was no problem for the magicians to pray to Ella, but gradually the magicians who thought highly of themselves were no longer satisfied with the present.

They become greedy and crazy, and even their prayers are full of materialistic desires.So much so that the greed from the human heart pollutes this ownerless essence.

Therefore, this unowned but evil essence was also classified as the essence of evil gods.Leave it to the care of the old gods.

Then the old god who was worried that he would not be able to withstand the temptation was thrown to the unlucky black dragon again.Inexplicably, the black dragon evenly distributed it to Lilith.

If this high-ranking primordial quality can be fully developed, Lilith's strength will definitely surpass that of Brunhilde back then. Even the Sun God, who represents the ultimate light and possesses all the brilliance, may not be able to. World War I.

It's a pity that the little girl has only developed a little magic-focused essence up to now.Not only has the magic side not been figured out, but the unknown side has not even been 'touched'.

Even so, it is quite easy for Lilith to find the endless corridor.

After all, the basis of that thing is all magic.And Lilith is the god of magic in another sense-Ayla.

Seeing the little girl being so active, the black dragon was naturally very happy. If its claws were not too big, it would even want to touch Lilith's head.

Because it's so cute!

In his previous life, Heilong felt that there are three great things in life: one is to sleep with Sister Yu's long legs on his pillow, the other is to touch Lolita's head to see the scenery, and the third is to rest on Sister Yu's leg to touch Lolita's head!

Unfortunately, as an otaku, he has never realized any of them...

Is it half done now?

Well, it seems that there is no loli, after all Lilith is considered a girl.

Forget it, it's nice to watch the girls anyway.

But if possible, I still hope to go back to the good life of sleeping, eating, eating and sleeping.

What's going on in my mind is a mess.But Heilong didn't stop talking.

"Well, if Lilith thinks about it, I'll leave it to you. How long will it take to find it? Tell me first, Lilith, if you can't find it, I won't go. This is a test for you!

As Heilong spoke, he suddenly felt that his skin was getting thicker.

I can't help but lament in my heart, life is forcing me!

Speaking of which, what kind of gadget is the old god talking about?

He said it was a divine object, wouldn't it be very dangerous?

Thinking of this, the black dragon didn't want to go again, but the little girl Lilith had already constructed one after another beautiful dharma rings in front of her.

The whole person also spread her hands and floated in mid-air, and countless magical elements gathered around her in substance.

And Lilith herself is also sacred and inviolable at this moment.

Her long black tied hair also lost its restraint at this moment.Messy yet aesthetically pleasing, it fluttered above her head.

Lilith's original pair of blue eyes released an astonishing blue light at this moment.

Seeing Lilith like this, the people around couldn't help but think of a word:


Chapter 97 Gods and Witches

Seeing Lilith working so hard, the Black Dragon swallowed back the words that had already reached the mouth of his throat.

The little girl worked so hard, but he suddenly regretted it.

No matter what the old god thinks, he won't hurt him.

You shouldn't have to worry.... right?

With Lilith's lift-off, the endless corridor that had been lost for thousands of years also began to vibrate violently in the shadow world.

On a high mountain outside Cabbage City, the witch who was still holding the golden princess slowly stood up from the rock where she was sitting.

Her gaze was on a small plain outside Cabbage City.

At this moment, in the eyes of the purple-black witch, what she saw was not the small plain, but a huge circular corridor floating in the black and white world.

It was a miracle constructed by the first generation of thirteen sages with magic.

It is also a holy place in the minds of magicians for thousands of years.

But in the eyes of people at the level of a witch, it's just passable.

The miracles created by mortals are always inferior to the gods.

Miracles are the greatest miracles in this world.

The witch gently stroked the golden princess' cheek to hide her fear.

She is about to meet the supreme being, the 'lord' who has indulged her for tens of thousands of years.

The witch knew that she was just a thief, not an orthodox evil dragon family like Lilith.

She didn't dare to hope that she could be forgiven, all she wanted was an end.

It is true that she is extremely afraid of death, but at this time she is even more afraid of that kind of suffering.

She has been tortured by this kind of torment for tens of thousands of years, and her pain far exceeds the pain caused by the curse.

"I didn't expect that little girl to grope for her blessing so quickly?"

She can also be regarded as half an evil dragon family member, half an evil dragon saint.

For blessings, the witch is quite knowledgeable.

After tens of thousands of years of research, the witch figured out part of the truth about blessings with guesswork and speculation:

The saintesses of the other gods will indeed be protected by the main god, and some of the most powerful ones will even be assigned a four-winged or even a seraph to follow them.

Then there is a trace of power from the main god, that is to say, they will be given a small amount of original quality.

That's really a very small bit.

According to the Witch's research over the past ten thousand years, she is sure that even the most favored Dragon Goddess can't get too much essence the size of a fingernail.

Compared with the original quality of the four dragon kings or the four dragon gods, it is less than one-thousandth.

But these evil dragon family members are different, what they obtained seems to be an astonishing "whole copy" of original quality!

Even if this matter is the Age of Gods, if it is said, it will probably be regarded as a lunatic.

Even the witch herself found it unbelievable.

But if this is not the case, she can't explain her terrifying power so strong that even the outer gods have to bow their heads.

Adding what she knew about Brunhilde, Lilith, and Yulshika, plus her, that's a full four copies of original quality!

A god actually holds at least five copies of the essence in his hand?

Even so, whenever the witch looked at the mountain of Astas in the south, she would still tremble uncontrollably from the fear of the monstrous god.

The stronger he is, the more he understands the horror of the evil dragon.

The witch felt that she might have known the evil dragon's greatest confidence in ignoring the gods - the evil dragon must have a considerable amount of essence in hand!

She declined that this number is conservatively estimated to be nine copies!The upper limit is thirteen copies!

Otherwise, it would not be possible to have such divine power after the four original qualities were separated.

Because the blessings I have received are generous to terrifying, or a portion that is enough to make mortals ascend to gods.

So it is extremely difficult for them to fully grasp it.It can only be explored slowly through the passage of time.

How much you can master at the beginning depends on how good each of you is with this original essence.

Among the four of them, the one with the best compatibility should be Brunhilde, because she seems to be able to fight several evil gods as soon as she gets the original essence.

Then, it should be her or Yulshika.I don't know who it is, after all, I haven't played.Haven't observed it closely either.

Can only speculate from the record.

The one with the worst compatibility is undoubtedly the little girl Lilith.

Because she hit a Lothric and almost overturned.

But among the four, Lilith is the one with the most grandeur.If it wasn't 100% sure, the witch couldn't believe that a subordinate could stand on top of the master without being blamed!

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