But he still asked in an interested tone:

"Then tell what you know. Gods may not be able to see things that mortals cannot see."

In this regard, the witch has nothing to do, although this feeling is very tormenting.But she has no reason or condition for rejection.

At Heilong's insistence, the witch told Heilong about that period of history in detail.

As the witch said, she is completely ignorant of many key points.

Because when the clues were still there, she didn't have the corresponding knowledge and ability.When you have enough ability and knowledge to understand everything.

Don't say it's a clue, even the old capital is gone.

That makes the whole thing seem cloudy.

But it's not nothing. For example, Lilith feels that she has another sister.

Yulshika felt that with the addition of the witch, the invincible master will not be mentioned for the time being, but for them followers of the evil dragon.It is tantamount to a 'windfall' from heaven.

The girls were not worried at all about whether the witch would be forgiven.

This is not only because they have gotten along with their master these days, but they probably know that the evil dragon has always been extremely tolerant towards its subordinates.

As for the witch saying that she is a thief, she can only be said to be a fan of the authorities.

If the great evil dragon really regarded her as a shameful thief, how could a mere mortal live outside for tens of thousands of years?

Let alone the gods bound by the scales, but the evil dragon is the only god on earth!

His control over the human world is absolutely terrifying to the extreme, and his mighty Jedi can visit any piece of land in Middle-earth.

It is too easy for such an existence to deprive someone of his life.

In the eyes of the girls, the reason why the master would allow her to wander outside for tens of thousands of years is very simple:

The evil dragon has been waiting for his favorite saint to find her way back.

But thinking of this, the girls were a little curious, what happened to the first family member hidden in history—Brünnhilde?

The master's attitude towards her was too ambiguous.

miss?It seems to have.

guilt?There also seems to be.

In that glimpse in the evil dragon temple, the girls clearly felt a trace of sadness in the evil dragon.

But they didn't understand that since they cared so much about the first sister, why didn't they let her accompany them?

The girls didn't understand and didn't dare to ask.

As for Heilong, it was to let him know the outline of the matter.

Although it is horrifying that the original substance on him will be 'deprived' by that sacrifice.

But fortunately, that kind of ritual seems to have only been successful once in tens of thousands of years.

After knowing the general situation, the black dragon was thinking about how to deal with this purple beauty.

Killing her is definitely impossible.

Because the black dragon has trampled an ant to death for so many years!

Of course, he has no objection to killing those villains, and even supports the villain's bestowing heads.

But he didn't feel any violent aura from the witch, so he should be just a not-so-bad 'ordinary person'.

Let the black dragon kill such a person, he can't do it.

Then the next question is very troublesome.

There is an essence in the witch whose details are not yet known.

It is impossible for the black dragon to let the witch go out alone, but he has no way to take back the original essence.

etc?Is there really no way for me to recover the original quality?

Have I tried it?

It seems that there is no hey!

Heilong felt as if Watson had discovered a blind spot.

It's like Sherlock Holmes possessed!

At this moment, he completely forgot that the old god had clearly told him that they had nothing to do about it at present.

Ever since, the black dragon said to the witch:

"Put that little girl down."

The witch immediately put down Little Gold carefully, she had a premonition that her 'judgment' was coming.

Surprisingly, at this moment, she was not afraid anymore. Not only did her body stop shaking, but her heart also calmed down.

At this moment, the witch actually felt very relaxed.

After so many years, it is finally over!

Thinking of this, the witch slowly closed her eyes.He knelt on the ground obediently.Quietly waiting for the final verdict of the evil dragon.

Facing such a witch, the black dragon hesitated for a moment, and stretched out his claws towards her.

Pointing at a distance, and at the same time meditating in my heart:

"I will deprive you of your blessing!"

Chapter 1 Returning Yangon

Just after the silent recitation in his heart was finished, the witch pointed at by him on the opposite side suddenly twisted.

Just like the old TVs of the last century or even the beginning of this century, when the signal is not good, the screen and even the characters on the screen will be distorted from time to time.

On TV, the reason is naturally a signal problem, but on the Witch, it is not such a simple matter at all.

Compared with the gods, the girls received incomplete essence.

It can even be said that the girls did not obtain the original essence.

The original body is always on the black dragon.What the girls got was only a channel connected to the original essence of the black dragon.

Used to circulate power.

In normal times, the girls always have their upper limit of 'divine power' piled up for their daily actions and use.At the same time, there is also this power channel from the black dragon for emergency.

and recycling.

What the black dragon did was also very simple. He was recovering the power of the witch through that passage, and taking back the blessings bestowed by him.

All of this, normally speaking, should be completed under the watchful eyes of the black dragon.

But the black dragon has always been unwilling to admit his identity and accept those forces from darkness.

So he couldn't see it at all.

Can only be seen with the naked eye.

After he finished meditating silently.After seeing the witch distorted for a while.

The black dragon heard the roar from the witch, and saw the witch pass away.

That's right.It is passing!

The witch's whole body was like a black mist blown away by a strong wind, passing quickly in the sight of the black dragon.

Such a terrifying scene.Successfully scared the black dragon.

He never thought that getting back his power would make the witch like this.

The reason for this is also very simple, the girls are similar to the gods but different.

The difference is that they do not fully possess the original essence.The same thing is that they can't do without the original quality.

The essence and the gods seem to complement each other, but in fact it is the so-called gods who are asking for the essence.

Without the god, the original substance is still the superior original substance, as long as the quantity is enough, a god can be recreated at any time.

And if God loses his original substance, then he is completely finished.He doesn't even have the qualifications to be a mortal again.

Because of his soul, his body is all bound to the original substance.

All rely on the support of the original quality to survive!

The same is true for the girls, death does not exist for them, because their souls are always held in the hands of the black dragon.

As long as the black dragon wants to, they can bring them back to life at any time.

This is also the reason for Yulshika's resurrection.

But if the black dragon deprives them of their blessings, it is equivalent to a god being stripped of its essence.

Losing their original quality as a support, they can only have a tragic ending of being obliterated into slag.

Once the evil gods or righteous gods of the past were defeated, in order to prevent them from being reborn with the help of their original essence and faith, the winners would do something similar to this moment: strip the original essence!

To be more precise, it should be to remove everything from the essence of the gods.

This is the situation of the witch at the moment, and the black dragon withdrew her blessing.

He took back her power and cut off the channel in her body.

The two fundamentals of her existence: the recognition of the black dragon and the support of the original substance were both deprived together.

At this moment, what kind of pain the witch suffered, I'm afraid she couldn't tell.

Great pain, both physical and spiritual, came next.What frightened her the most was the feeling of knowing that she was 'disappearing'!

The Witch or Amelia Rangoon is losing the whole concept of being a person, or even being an object!

This is also the only ending after the gods fall.

Even the four dragon gods back then, even with the help of Brunhilde, they just let their own dregs—the last bit of obsession be detached.

The dragon gods themselves have long since disappeared.The only thing left is their names and deeds.

The huge change of the witch was naturally noticed by the girls.

Such an astonishing scene exceeded their expectations.

They all looked at their master in panic.

But limited by the angle, they could only see the black dragon's chin.

Because this situation can only be the decision of the evil dragon, so even if the girls don't understand, they can only suppress the thoughts in their hearts.

Watching everything silently.

Fortunately, one-third of the witch had disappeared.

The black dragon who could barely react finally shouted:


At this moment, the broken channel of the witch was reshaped, the lost power of the witch was returned, and the lost concept of the witch was recovered.

The black dragon may be so badass that even goblins can't bear to look directly at him, but his status is really unattainable.

Especially when it comes to girls' matters, as the master, he has the highest right to speak.

The witch did narrowly escape, but the shocking scene just now exhausted her energy.

The moment her body was reshaped, the witch couldn't hold on any longer and fell to the ground.

He fell on the golden princess.

The witch, who was dripping with fragrance and sweat, happened to face the profile of the golden princess.

The gold of the kingdom is sleeping soundly.

Seeing Princess Weiersi's sweet side face, the ruddy but decadent witch couldn't help but smile bitterly.

In the end, you are the most comfortable little guy!

But it wasn't over yet. Although the witch was physically and mentally exhausted, she still worked hard to get up from the golden princess.

Reluctantly stood up straight in front of the black dragon.Then bend over, side leg, stroke chest.

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