In addition to supplementing "Evil Dragon Studies", Black Dragon has also learned about the general situation in Middle-earth these days.

I have also heard about the Golden Princess: Wein's Princess.The one and only princess!

In order to avoid making mistakes, the black dragon quickly asked:

"You mean the golden princess?"

"Yes, master."

"The blond girl who was carried back by Lilith?"

"Yes, master. Is there something wrong?"

Yulshika was also a little surprised, why did the master seem to be completely ignorant of the situation?

Black Dragon didn't answer Yulshika's question immediately because he felt tired.

Although it was confirmed by the girl's clothing before that she must be a high-ranking nobleman.But he really didn't expect that girl would be Wein's golden princess.

Amelia Rangoon, you have really spoiled me, your master!

Heilong couldn't even imagine what would happen next.

But no matter how I think about it, I feel that the problem is very big. The dragon has robbed the princess. No matter how you look at it, the dragon or the country will die!


Yulshika asked worriedly again.

Heilong didn't want to answer this time, so he said perfunctorily:

"What do you think she is?"

she?Golden Princess?

What does the master ask this for?Yurshika couldn't figure it out, but she still expressed her opinion directly:

"Master, according to my understanding, this golden princess is a kind, but extremely capable and scheming 'Jiao Hua'. Maybe she has a very high mind, but her circumstances have determined her since she was a child. She will only be a little girl." Clever Canary. A naive girl who yearns for stage plays and storybooks. Of course, this is just my personal opinion, and you have to judge for yourself."

Heilong was listening absent-mindedly, but after hearing this sentence, he suddenly felt a flash of inspiration.

Wait, doesn't this mean that she is a traditional Western-style silly white sweet princess?

Black Dragon thinks he has found a suitable 'hero'.The golden princess couldn't let him throw the hot potato of cabbage back to Wein!

Just in case, the black dragon also took out the Dice of Destiny that he had just obtained.

A light toss, very good, perfect six points!

Chapter 1 I don't understand

Seeing this, the black dragon was overjoyed.

The dice of fate can predict the future good or bad for people through the size of the points.

It is a very convenient divination prop, of course, its actual function is far more than that.Most of the time, it is through the means of sacrifice to make it cast fatal points for the enemy.

You can also use sacrifices to forcibly change your luck.

It is a seemingly simple and tasteless fetish, but it is extremely powerful.

But the black dragon forgot one thing.

That is, how could the Dice of Destiny dare to give other points when facing Him who is half-walled with a collection of original matter...

In the same way, how could a mere one-tenth of the original essence of fate have a glimpse or even influence the future of the evil dragon?

An ant may shake a tree, but that's all.

The reason why the gods asked the black dragon to get the dice of fate was not to let him throw it for himself.Because he can only throw six points as the maximum number of points.

And it has no effect on the future direction.

In fact, although the Dice of Fate 'only' has one tenth of the essence of destiny, as long as they are willing to pay a huge price, even a god like the Sun God who has a complete upper essence.

Will have a headache about it.

This is also the secondary reason why the organization was willing to cast it.They tried to prepare themselves a weapon capable of killing gods.

But who would have thought that there are monsters like black dragons in the world.

The reason why the gods let the black dragon take away the dice of fate is to prevent this top-level divine object from being abused.It is also for the black dragon to be used by his dependents.

Instead of saying let yourself get started.

But it's no wonder the black dragon, after all, from the Age of Gods to the present, he is the only poor dragon who has been kept in the dark.

The gods did not speak clearly to him.

Surprisingly, Yurshika, who had been watching from the side, showed a puzzled look.

That dice that she can crush is really useful to the master?

After a while, this idea was interpreted by herself as: probably the master has some way to strengthen its ability or reduce its own influence.

Well, it sure is!

But what is the master going to do?It was the one who asked the golden princess and the one who rolled the dice of fate.

Ever since, the only chance for the black dragon to know the reality was missed.

Because of throwing the biggest six points, Black Dragon is full of confidence in his plan.

After a rough idea in his mind, the black dragon ordered Yurshika:

"Since she's awake, bring her here, I want to see her."

"Your will."

Yurshika immediately took the order to leave.

Soon, the golden princess who was still leaning on the bed saw Yulshika who had gone and returned.

"Why are you back?"

The golden princess knew that Yulshika would definitely come back, but she didn't expect it to be so soon.

Yulshika gave another gentleman's salute to the golden princess.

Then he explained his purpose:

"Your Highness, you have to go with me, my master wants to see you, now."

The soft and heroic tone sounds very pleasant.

But the content is irresistible.

Mortals have no right to refuse the summons of the gods.

The golden princess was taken aback for a moment, then smiled softly.

Stretching out her white and delicate right hand, she said to Yurshika:

"It is a great honor to be summoned. Then, Miss Knight, can you please carry me over?"

Yurshika bowed again and saluted:

"My honour, Your Highness."

Then he walked to the bed with a calm expression, and hugged the golden princess by the waist.

Little Lilith on the side frowned:

"Aren't your legs fine?"

The fact that the golden princess's leg disease has been cured long ago has never been known to the world.But in Lilith's eyes, whether a person's body is normal can be known at a glance.

The golden princess originally wanted to continue her cover-up, but then she laughed at herself.It's normal for others not to see it, because they have given up a long time ago, and they can deal with it with a little cover-up.

But it's too strange that Jiu Mo Ji couldn't see it.

So he told the truth:

"I'm not afraid of your jokes, but I really have weak legs."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at little Lilith resentfully, didn't you see your sister and didn't point out this matter?

Such eyes have no effect on Lilith, she just suddenly realized:


Yulshika smiled helplessly, hugged the golden princess and walked out of the room without saying anything.

When the maids guarding outside opened the door for her.The two well-mannered maids looked submissive and quiet.

The heart is actually very happy.

Princess Yanan was already more heroic than her appearance.

The first time people saw her, they were not amazed by her beauty, but by her vigor.

Compared with His Majesty the Emperor, who has been immersed in books all the year round, Yurshika is the most popular among the maids.

No way, she fits the temperament of Prince Charming and guardian knight too much.

Although she is a woman, but after thinking about it, isn't this better?

It is that in recent years, I have been hiding in my own room alone and melancholy.It made it difficult for many maids to meet each other.

Now such a 'prince' hugged a 'princess' in front of them.

How can this not make the maids who have nothing to do feel love in their eyes?

They have already made up their minds, and they will show off this matter to their companions when they return tonight after changing shifts.

It might be possible to entrust an artist to describe this scene for them and take it home and treasure it.

Life is depressing enough.How can I let my life be dull and colorless again?

Yurshika turned a blind eye to this, she knew what the maids were doing, she just felt helpless and funny.

And no idea what to do.

The Golden Princess is also keenly aware of this point. Compared with those young ladies of Wein, Yanan's royal maids are not worth mentioning in terms of self-cultivation.

It is very easy to be seen through.

But now her mind is in a mess, and she is kind-hearted, so she didn't say anything.

As for Lilith, because she was still young, she couldn't understand what the maids were thinking at all.

I just glanced curiously at them as I passed them.

You need to know that if the maids' thoughts are elsewhere, it is a very taboo thing.

To say that you are small is not doing your job properly, and to say that you are big is to criticize the superior.

They often end up being fired or even jailed.

If they met a ruthless master, they might have been hanged long ago.

From this point of view, although Yanan is a worshiper of the evil dragon, he is a fascist that everyone rejects in terms of international morality.

But in fact, Yanan is much better than other countries at least in terms of treating subordinates.

On the other hand, the document announcement that King Wein was going to visit the evil dragon had already reached Yanan's royal study.

Looking at the circular, the Blood Emperor felt confused.

Judging from the above, King Wein is going to redeem her daughter?

Because it was only mentioned above that King Wayne will come to visit the evil dragon in person in these two days, and it is also mentioned that he has prepared a "thin" gift for the great evil dragon.

Chapter 111 The Black Dragon's Good Plan

King Wein's choice was quite unexpected to the Blood Emperor.

He always thought that the old king, who had been fighting with him for ten years, would brazenly go to war after knowing that his daughter had been taken away.

It also used this as a push board to launch a war that would break out and spread to the entire Middle Earth.

But before he arrived first, King Wein's choice was to pay a lot of money to ransom him?

Although it was surprising, but when you think about it carefully, this is normal, the evil dragon is too powerful.

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