The other two should be his female companions, whose faces cannot be seen with masks on.

Only by their body shapes can they be identified as two girls, one big and one small.

The leader of the knights who opened the way at the front instinctively wanted to stop the approaching people.

But he suddenly had a thought:

These three people seem to have an extraordinary bearing, and their clothes are even more luxurious.

And he also heard that the evil dragon currently has two dependents, one big and one small.

The older one was the blood princess who single-handedly killed Wu Laxilu ten years ago.

The small thing is that he almost pushed Lothric's Nine Magic Princess by himself!

Thinking about it this way, isn't this just two girls, one big and one small, who just happened to meet? ? ?

That said.

The knight leader's throat throbbed and he swallowed his saliva with difficulty and looked at the man in black.

At this moment, the only thought in the head of the knight leader who was about to overflow from his armor in cold sweat was:

Should he kneel or should he run?

Chapter 136 The Surprised Change in the Sea of ​​Trees

When the black dragon led the girls and collided with the Yaken cavalry.

The tree-sea defense line far to the west of Yaken also ushered in an unforgettable scene for countless people.

Yaken experienced a storm in a sea of ​​trees more than ten years ago.

It has been rebuilding the defense line.Trying to turn that great line of defense back to the grandeur it was when the king was still alive.

This is not just a spiritual need.More is a strategic need.

When the sea of ​​trees is in a silent state, there will indeed not be a wave of monsters that can destroy everything.

Dozens of legendary monsters will not appear at once.

But this so-called silent state is relative to the sea of ​​trees when he ran away.

In most cases, the tree-sea defense line needs to face the endless invasion of monsters.

Although they will not be far away from the sea of ​​trees, the giant fortresses that make up the defense line of the sea of ​​trees cannot reach the word 'far'.

Therefore, for the garrisons of those giant fortresses, they cut down at least thousands of trees and no less than this number of monsters every day.

Yes, you have to deal with at least thousands of monsters every day.

And the general grade is not low.

Of course, it wouldn't be too high, otherwise, this line of defense wouldn't be just guarded by Yaken.

For example, dozens of legendary monsters appeared at one time in the Sea of ​​Trees Rampage more than ten years ago. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to appear.

Otherwise, the legendary monsters living deep in the sea of ​​trees would never be so far away from their circle of influence.

It is very likely that a giant castle will not see a legendary monster in the decades, or even hundreds of years, from its establishment to its destruction or abandonment.

Therefore, generally speaking, what the giant castle needs to face is only a group of monsters with huge numbers but low IQ.

Facing such an enemy, it is very easy for the Yaken army relying on the giant fortress to deal with it, but it is not enough to completely block the advance of the sea of ​​trees.

Because the real trouble in Shuhai has never been Warcraft.

It's the trees that grow so fast.

These tree species are obviously the same as the forest trees in other areas, but they have a growth rate far exceeding their kind.

How fast are they growing?

Let's put it this way, it usually takes more than ten years or even decades for a sapling to grow into a mature tree.

Some special plants are hundreds of thousands of years old.

And the trees in the sea of ​​trees only need one day!

The process from sapling to mature can be completed in one day!

This made the soldiers of the Shuhai defense line have to go out of the city every day to cut down those trees, so as to prevent these crazy trees from flooding the fortress.

As for why magic is not used to clean this up, it can only be said that how hard the magisters blasted the sea of ​​trees, the sea of ​​trees will grow as happy the next day.

Seriously, it can even make a sapling grow into a towering tree within a few minutes!

Therefore, during the tens of thousands of years of struggle against the Sea of ​​Trees, the ethnic groups in Central Earth could only delay the progress of the Sea of ​​Trees by building a line of defense.

Over the years, it's not that no one wanted to completely destroy the sea of ​​trees in the past, but no one succeeded.

On the contrary, it caused the Chinese to lose a large amount of land.

You know, the country that originally took root here is about twice as large as the current Yaken in terms of land!

People have completely given up on the idea of ​​destroying the sea of ​​trees.

After all, no one can come up with a practical solution.

If you really want to say something, say something that is not feasible.That one:

Let the evil dragon burn those broken logs!

The Burning Scar traversed the entire continent!

According to the research of Mozu and some anthropologists.The westernmost section of the Burning Scar used to be the territory of the Sea of ​​Trees.

As a result, when the monstrous dragon flames descended from the sky, destroying everything from east to west.

It also easily burned the small sea of ​​trees.

If this is the case, it is not enough to surprise people. What is really shocking is that the small burning mark has not been reoccupied by the sea of ​​trees so far!

You must know that the sea of ​​trees has a characteristic, that is, although it is constantly spreading outward.

But as long as the arrow is partially blocked, the rest will not advance.Of course, there will be no retreat!

This is the lesson and experience that people have learned through tens of thousands of years of practice. As a result, such blood and tears experience has lost its effect in the burning scar.

Therefore, people know that the dragon flame of the evil dragon can restrain the sea of ​​trees.

But what if you know this?

Is it possible to go to wake up the evil god who is enough to destroy the world for a sea of ​​trees that can still be contained?

Drinking doves to quench thirst is not such a game!

It's like cutting off your head to avoid discomfort because your toes are itchy!

Therefore, in order to better contain the invasion of the sea of ​​trees, the Yaken people spent hundreds of years connecting one giant fortress after another that was originally erected near the sea of ​​trees into a 'Great Wall'!

He also began to build more giant fortresses around the sea of ​​trees. The former king tried to use this stupid method of counting hundreds of years and thousands of years to find back the land that human beings left in the sea of ​​trees little by little.

And strangle this green devil little by little!

I don't want to, this glorious line of defense known as the Great Wall of Desperation has only been connected for a few years, and it was smashed by the sea of ​​trees.

The talented and generous King Yaken also died in it.

Now, what Princess Yaken wants to do is to erect this collapsed Great Wall again.

She wants to fight Shuhai to the death, but before that, she has to find back all the things Yaken lost for her husband!

The reason for moving the capital of Yakon to this place is for this.

This is why she stays here all year round!

Yaken's spine, which was almost broken along with the Great Wall of Despair, was pieced together bit by bit by the princess over the years.

Although the Great Wall Ren did not succeed one after another, the lost backbone of the Yaken people was recovered seven or eight times.

At least now, the Sea of ​​Trees, which had advanced tens of miles, was pushed back again by the Yaken people.

On this day, the soldiers of Yaken stepped on the thick ashes and set out to cut trees with special tools as usual.

In front of them is a simple line of defense composed of the brigade's magisters and elite knights.It is used to prevent the monsters from hindering the soldiers from cutting trees.

This is what soldiers have done countless times.

It can be done almost with eyes closed.

When they were talking and laughing and started working, some veterans were even thinking about whether to go back to rest after work, or go to work points in exchange for fine wine and blow a pot of wine.

In the end, they didn't wait for them to chop the sharp axes that were sharpened and cold.

All of a sudden, they heard a huge bell from inside the fortress, enough to spread across tens of miles.

Regarding this, some of the recruits who came nearby were still looking up in confusion.

And the veterans around them pulled these foolish rookies and fled desperately towards the fortress.

Those recruits may not know or remember this bell.

But these veterans are all too familiar, because the last time it sounded, it was 17 years ago!

Chapter 137 Beast Tide

Those veterans who escaped from the sea of ​​trees by chance will never forget them in their lifetime.

As a matter of course, before witnessing the storm of the sea of ​​trees, they heard the ringing bell in their ears, and they will never forget it.

For that is the death knell of hell!The roar of the devil!The groan of the dead!

For the witnesses of that disaster, the sound of the bell is a long bridge leading to Hades!

When the big bell rang, tens of thousands of monsters gushed out from under the sea of ​​trees!After that, tens of thousands of human beings died under the kick of Warcraft!

Veterans who died once but were forgotten by death thought that for the rest of their lives they would never have the chance to hear that terrible bell again.

Because according to the historical records, once the Sea of ​​Trees went berserk once, it would not run away again for at least the next hundred years.

This is also the main reason why Wang Hao wanted to push the sea of ​​trees forward without much resistance.

But now, this previously unbreakable iron law is lifted up and shattered by the ruthless reality.

But no matter how unwilling the soldiers were to believe this life-threatening fact, they didn't dare to stop, and instead became more and more annoyed that they couldn't run fast enough.

Among the soldiers fleeing towards the fort.

The veteran Stel, who had finally managed to save his life in Losric, was also holding on to the stunned new recruit like his fellow soldiers.

Stiles yelled at the recruits as he ran.

"What the hell. Are you still not back to your senses! Don't you want to live!"

The ignorant recruit suddenly woke up.

The recruit broke free from the veteran's hand, and followed the veteran at a loose pace.

The recruits looked up at the sky while running, and the sky on their side was still clear.But on the other side of the sea of ​​trees, there are dark clouds.

At the same time, the dark clouds covering the sky were constantly eroding towards them.

The recruit swallowed hard.

Said to the veteran with a vibrato:

"Secretary Stiles, then that one is the tree sea rampage?"

"Why do you still ask the hammer! Run!"

The veteran is about to be pissed off by the recruit, is he still in the mood to ask this at this juncture?

As a result, the recruit gave him an answer that surprised him:

"No, Shangbing, what I mean is that the two of us had bad luck! We were guarding Luo City before, but we encountered an evil dragon attacking us! Now we are guarding the sea of ​​trees, why did we encounter the sea of ​​trees and run away violently?"

Hearing this sentence, the veteran Stel, who was still running wildly, looked from afar at the huge fort that was gradually covered with khaki film and emerald green inscriptions.

This scene seemed familiar, but last time the two of them were on the sentry tower, this time they were outside the city.

He twitched the corner of his mouth, and smiled wryly:

"It's so fucking true! Ahhhh! Thieves, you're kidding me!"

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