"Brother, can I sleep with you today?" Wei asked Ning Ze suddenly.

"Wei?" Ning Ze looked at Wei in surprise. These days Wei is quite obedient, but today he suddenly asked him to stay.

"I want no breasts, no butt, brother really hates me?" Seeing Ning Ze's hesitant face, he sobbed immediately.

"Alas..." Ning Ze sat beside Wei helplessly, and then coaxed her to sleep.

"Brother?" Nasida suddenly opened the door and looked at the two of them.

"Nasida? Aren't you sleeping?"

"Brother, I also want to sleep with you." Nasida said pitifully.

"Well... big brother... I'm sorry..." The little sister who came with Naxida was very guilty, but she thought that she hadn't slept with Ning Ze for a long time, and Yan Fei had already gone back, so...

"I really can't help you..." Ning Ze stretched out his arms to hug Naxida and Xiaoyingmei, and was going to put the three disobedient girls to sleep one by one.

Chapter 272

At this time, inside a mysterious palace, Amon knelt powerlessly in front of the statue of the Red King, and she finally found the reason for her resurrection.

Because she is not the Scarlet King at all, but the clone of the Red King.

In the past, the Red King had anticipated his own defeat. In order to apologize and explain to Ning Ze himself after his death, he specially allocated part of his power and soul to create a clone. As long as Ning Ze touched any of the Red King's organs, the clone would activate .

It's just that even Chi Wang himself didn't expect that he would kill Ning Ze with his own hands when he ran away, and he didn't expect that the avatar had developed self-awareness during the changes over the years, and it was no longer her avatar, but another person .

"Impossible... Impossible... I am the Scarlet King... I am not the Scarlet King... No... No... I only have... Only this..." Amon kept mumbling while covering his head, watching The expression on the statue of the Red King became more and more resentful.

"Why!? Why did you create me! Why did you let me bear this pain for you!? I hate you! Red King!!!" Amon angrily punched the statue to pieces. She endured the guilt and pain, and was hated by Ning Ze.

"You want me to apologize for Ningze, right? Good! Look at me, in the remaining time, little by little! Take your most cherished Ningze..." As Amon spoke, the entire underground palace Turned into powder, the quicksand outside penetrated bit by bit, burying the entire palace together with its secrets.

"Ning Ze... the next one is you!" Amon looked at Sumeru City in the distance, feeling very complicated. No matter how much she hated the Red King himself, she really couldn't hate Ning Ze, but in order to get revenge on the Red King, Wang, can only do some very bad things to Ning Ze.

The next morning, Ning Ze came to the Grand Bazaar with Naxida as agreed, and Wei felt a little better, but she was still unwilling to talk.

"Wei, do you have anything to eat?" Ning Ze asked looking at the dull Wei.

"No, I just need to be by my brother's side, and brother doesn't care about me." Wei replied and continued to bow his head.

Ning Ze saw that although Wei was getting better, but still looked very decadent, he felt helpless, so he took the initiative to hold Wei's little hand, and then led her and the two little ones to go shopping.

Naxida is the God of Grass, as long as she appears in public, it is easy to cause a sensation, in order not to be disturbed when interacting with Ningze's brothers and sisters.

Naxida specially changed into the Liyuefeng costume that the little Yingmei could no longer wear, and asked Ningze to tie two buns on her head, and hide the eye-catching ears.

After doing all these things, Naxida seemed to be a different person, at least not quite getting used to the new gods yet. The people of Sumeru could no longer recognize that she was the God of Grass, and only regarded it as a child from a foreign country.

Xiaoyingmei wore the same style of clothes as Nilu. These days, when Xiaoyingmei went to play in the Grand Bazaar, Nilu always paid special attention to her.

Later, Nilu saw that Xiaoyingmei was very talented in dancing, so she began to try to teach Xiaoyingmei, and then found that Xiaoyingmei's talent was frighteningly good, and she could reproduce it perfectly just by watching her demonstrate it once.

So the highlight of this flower god's birthday festival is that Nilu and Xiaoyingmei dance together, but Xiaoyingmei wanted to surprise Ning Ze, so she didn't tell Ningze.

"Ah! Xiaoying, you are finally here!" Nilu suddenly ran to the side of the crowd, and held Xiaoyingmei's little hand very familiarly.

"Hello..." Ning Ze looked at Nilu in surprise. Although Xiao Yingmei often told him how nice sister Nilu was at the Grand Bazaar, Ning Ze didn't have extra time to go to the Grand Bazaar to take care of Wei, so This was the first time he met Nilu privately.

"Hello, my name is Nilu, and I'm a dancer here. You are the big brother Ningze that Xiaoying said, right? Nice to meet you." Nilu stretched out her little hand and said.

"Hmm... hello." Ning Ze looked at Nilu's clear eyes and gentle smile, and then looked at the expectant expression of the little Yingmei, and held Nilu's little hand.

"Xiaoying is very talented in dancing. She and I... ah! I mean, I hit it off with Xiaoying and I want to teach her how to dance... Would you like to?" Nilu asked tentatively. In the country of Sumeru, dancers are not a particularly noble profession, and are often despised by scholars.

So Nilu was a little worried that Ning Ze was like that.

"Huh? As long as Xiaoying is willing, I have no objection." Ning Ze smiled lightly.

"Is that so!? Thank you, Mr. Ning Ze, how long will you stay here? I want to... teach Xiaoying more, and you can watch it here too!" Nilu said excitedly.

"Uh...Okay, I just want to stay in Sumeru recently, so I will find time to visit the Grand Bazaar these days." Ning Ze nodded slightly, and then silently broke free from her little hand.

Because Wei, who was following him, had already started to get jealous, she hugged Ning Ze with both hands, looking like "Don't you want me?"

In the following time, Ning Ze went shopping with the three daughters, and sometimes bought any delicious desserts and toys for Naxida and Xiaoyingmei.

Wei, on the other hand, doesn't like sweets or toys, but stares blankly at the doll stand not far away.

"Do you want a doll?" Ning Ze asked softly.

"...I want to make a puppet by myself." Wei shook her head lightly, then took Ning Ze's arm, lest he suddenly disappear like the true meaning.

"That's it..." Ning Ze looked at Wei, and already had a plan in mind.

As the flower god's birthday festival gradually came to an end, Xiaoyingmei ran to the stage after saying something to Ning Ze, and then performed the last dance with Nilu.

The encounter between Xiaoyingmei and Nilu was perfect, and the combination of one big and one small two beauties was even more eye-catching, making the audience cheer uncontrollably.

Because of Xiaoyingmei's cuteness, many people wanted to get closer to her. For safety reasons, Ning Ze had to leave the Grand Bazaar with the third daughter in his arms.

On the way home, Xiao Yingmei asked with a little excitement and fear: Big brother, is my dance okay?

"Oh...it's great!" Ning Ze said to Xiao Yingmei. This omnipotent sister who can learn everything is sensible and well-behaved. With such a little angel by her side in life, she has no regrets.

After returning to the Jingshan Palace, because the three girls, including Wei Du, were stuffed with a lot of snacks, basically with a bulging stomach, Ning Ze stopped cooking, but secretly attacked from the three girls at night. Get up, and then take out a piece of dream wood to carve a doll for Weiwei.

For fear of disturbing others, Ning Ze returned to his room, and began to draw the outline of the puppet bit by bit.

Suddenly a black shadow flashed past, and Ning Ze, who had just reacted, was knocked out.

"Hmph! Since the Red King is dead, you can bear my revenge for the Red King!" the black shadow, Amon, said coldly, then picked up Ning Ze and left the Jingshan Palace.

In order to be able to insult the Red King, Amon chose the Red King's Mausoleum, and raised his hand to create a stone bed, and put the stunned Ning Ze on it.

"Is this the person Chi Wang dared not touch so far? Ning Ze..." Amon held Ning Ze's face in his hands, feeling an urge to kiss him.

"Things that even the Red King failed to do, I can do it now. Red King, Red King, who told you to create me and let me bear so much pain for you, now, I have to take back a little interest." Ah Meng Xin thought about it and tried to block Ning Ze.

"Is this the taste that the Red King can't ask for? It's unexpected, huh! Who is the Red King, you owe me so much, Ning Ze, don't blame me when you wake up, blame the Red King!" Amon After the first contact, he became more unscrupulous.

The small mouth gnawed at Ningze's neck like a watermelon, as if he was eating some delicious food.

"Phew~ I really like the smell of Ningze~" Amon buried his face in Ningze's chest obsessively, and fumbled with his hands dishonestly.

"Heh heh heh~ I have also encountered places that the Red King has never encountered before. You dead old thing, you will never have the chance to do so many things with Ning Ze in this life." Thinking that the Red King would not have the courage to die Amon felt very proud of having achieved this step.

"Huh? Is it Sister Yanfei?" Ning Ze woke up in a daze and opened his eyes. He thought it was Yanfei rubbing his chest muscles, and then saw Amon who opened his mouth and was about to nibble on him.


"Well...it tastes good."

Chapter 273 The Scarlet King Is a Dog

"Amon? What are you doing?" Ning Ze looked at Amon who was riding on him suspiciously.

"Me? I'm here for revenge!" Amon said as he gnawed on his neck again.

"Don't~ it's itchy! You idiot!" After being repeatedly licked by Amon's little tongue on his neck, Ning Ze gave Amon a shudder.

"Hmm...you actually hit me!?" Amon covered his head and looked at Ning Ze. It was clearly not her fault. Why should she take the blame for King Chi and be beaten by Ning Ze?

"Why are you crazy? Also, why did I come here?" Ning Ze didn't know that Amon in front of him didn't know Chi Wang, and thought that Amon just wanted to come and admit his mistake.

"Damn...why am I not willing to hit this guy..." Amon looked at Ning Ze who was about to leave very complicatedly, and then pressed Ning Ze on the stone bed with his backhand.

"You, uh..." Before Ning Ze could say a few more words, Amon blocked Ning Ze forcibly, stroking his hands skillfully.

"Ha~ha~" Ning Ze looked at Amon in surprise. Although Chi Wang liked to fight with him before, he never did it to this extent.

"Don't try to run away, you are mine until I am satisfied." Amon panted softly, greedily absorbing the smell of Ning Ze, and thinking of kissing her favorite man in front of the Scarlet King, Amon Getting more and more excited.

"What the hell are you... um!" Because of the huge gap in strength, Ning Ze could only let Amon do whatever he wanted, and refused to give up until the end of the morning.

"What's the matter with you?" Ning Ze looked at Amon with a confused face, kissing and biting him, as if he wanted to eat him alive.

"Revenge!" Amon said inarticulately. Under the influence of the Red King's memory, she couldn't hurt Ning Ze at all, and could only insult Ning Ze at the Red King's grave.

"Gudong~" After swallowing it with great effort, Amon wanted to kiss Ningze again, but was blocked directly.

"Give me a mouthwash!" Ning Ze pushed Amon away in disgust, kissing him without even cleaning the corner of his mouth.

"Don't you know what your identity is now!?" Amon was also happy to see Ning Ze who was disgusted. She brought Ning Ze here just to insult the Red King, and the mere senior family members are also qualified to resist?How could she be so arrogant to Ning Ze?

"Give me a mouthwash!" Ning Ze knocked Amon again with his backhand.

"Woo~" Amon, who originally wanted to force him, looked at the angry Ning Ze, and she was persuaded by the memory of the Red King.

"It's getting late, I'm going back, you... come back, rinse your mouth or something." Ning Ze looked at Amon with complicated and strange emotions.

The previous memory made him hate Amon, and he was pushed back by Amon just now. This feeling is weird. He has always been the one who took the initiative, but this time...

"You can kiss after rinsing your mouth?" Amon looked at Ning Ze who was wearing clothes, and silently found a reason for himself.

I hate the Red King, so I want to take away the man she loves to insult her, but if you want to insult the Red King, you have to make Ning Ze fall in love with you. I was extremely humiliated by myself.

The person I love the most has turned into someone else's shape, and it's still on her grave. I'm afraid Chi Wang will be pissed off.

"Why are you crazy? You weren't like this before!" Ning Ze looked at Amon, who seemed to have completely changed. The former Scarlet King would blush at every touch except for fighting. How could he be so proactive.

"I want to kiss!!!" Seeing that Ning Ze was angry, Amon rolled around on the stone bed like a sapo, as if he would not get up unless he was kissed.

"Chirp~ Satisfied?" Ning Ze gave Amon a helpless look, a little suspicious that the person in front of him was not the Scarlet King he remembered.

"Not enough face!" Amon glanced at the proactive Ning Ze, and felt that he had begun to let Ning Ze change into his own shape little by little, so he began to push forward.

"Go away!" Ning Ze just wanted to leave when Amon hugged his thigh.

"At least come to the other side~" Amon weakly requested.

"Chirp~" Looking at Amon who looked like a pug, Ning Ze didn't know what to say about her.

"I'll take you back!" Satisfied, Amon jumped off the stone bed, then carried Ning Ze back to Jingshan Palace in the way of a princess.

"Huh..." After confirming that the two little ones and Wei were still sleeping, Ning Ze breathed a sigh of relief, and then stuffed Amon into the bathroom to take a bath.

"I don't know how to take a bath, wash it for me!" Amon said righteously, and hugged Ning Ze's thigh without a bottom line, no matter how Ning Ze pulled it, he couldn't pull it off.

"Are you a dog?" Ning Ze put his fingers against Amon's nose.

"Wow, woof, woof! I'm your dog! Give me a bath!" Amon barked shamelessly.

"Six... To be honest, are you a fake Scarlet King?" Ning Ze couldn't hold back seeing Amon whose personality had changed drastically.

"Well... I am the Red King. I have liked you since a long time ago, but Gapal was there before, so I didn't... Now that Gapal is missing, I want to satisfy you instead of her." Amon After hesitating for a while, he still didn't say that he was not the real red king.

She was suddenly a little scared, if she admitted that she was not the Scarlet King, would Ning Ze not spoil her anymore.

"Tsk..." Ning Ze really had no way to break free from Amon, so he could only help Amon clean his body.

"Huh~" Amon sat on Ning Ze with his arms around his knees, feeling Ning Ze's attentive service. She really hated the Scarlet King.

Because of the reason of the Red King, she inherited the emotions and memories of the Red King, so knowing the death of Ning Ze and the Dacishu King, although she is not the Red King himself, she can feel the heartache.

And seeing Ning Ze's resolute eyes at that time, she was even more painful, all this is because Chi Wang created himself, but...

"I've rinsed my mouth, can I kiss you?" Amon asked, brushing his teeth and rinsing his mouth seriously. It feels good to be with Ning Ze, and this can also revenge Chi Wang and make her be cuckolded.

"Did you take some love potion? Or was your brain trapped by the door?" Ning Ze looked at Amon who looked expectant and was speechless.

"Please, I want to kiss..." Amon asked pitifully, the highest instruction given to her by the Scarlet King was to protect Ning Ze forever and never hurt Ning Ze, and Ning Ze's initiative was much better than her forceful one. up. ap.

The most important thing is that when he was in the Alliance of Four Gods, Chi Wang was very serious on the surface, but in fact he always wanted to be Ning Ze's dog in his heart. Some interactions between owners and dogs.

So Amon also inherited this, but Chi Wang very restrained his desires, while Amon has always followed the desires of his body.

"You... oh..." Ning Ze nodded his red lips helplessly, and then wiped her hair clean.

"You can wear my clothes later, remember, stay in my room first, don't scare Xiaoying and the others." Ning Ze told Amon while wiping, and then went back to the room to get the short-sleeved and long-sleeved clothes. pants.

After seeing Ning Ze leave, Amon secretly picked up the clothes Ning Ze put aside, then buried his face in it and smelled it.

"Is this the taste that the Red King has always wanted~ I was the owner of this dress just now... um... shasha~" Thanks to Amon's lack of a tail, otherwise it must be faster than the fifth-speed fan now.

Chapter 274 The Scarlet King Is a Dog Lick?

"Put on this and stay in my room later! Do you understand?" Ning Ze said as he handed a set of clothes to Amon.

"Yeah!" Amon nodded obediently, and then buried his face in his clothes, but Ning Ze's clothes had been washed by Wei, and there was only a faint scent of soap on them.

"You look...disappointed?" The corners of Ning Ze's mouth twitched slightly, he always felt that this Amon was too different from the one in his memory.

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