Witnessing the growth of three of the seven gods, looking back at dusk, he finds that everything in the past has been turned into dust.

So Ning Ze can't lose anything he cherishes, just like he can't just walk away responsibly.

Chapter 279 A clone steals someone you like, isn't this a kind of

"Hoo... clone, I don't know why you resist me, but please remember, if Ning Ze is allowed to stay in Sumeru, he will definitely die!" Akhmar saw that Ning Ze said nothing If he could leave, he turned to warn Amon.

Although Amon hated the Scarlet King, she also loved Jiang Heng deeply. As long as Amon wanted Ning Ze to live, he would obediently take Ning Ze out of Sumeru.

As long as you go to other countries, no matter how crazy you want to come to Apep, you will not leave your own territory, right?

"Ning Ze, please, don't die, absolutely don't die!" Akhmar gave up control of the clone after saying this, and returned to Apepu's body.

"Honey, please come with me. I will take you to Liyue. There is Morax there, and you will be safe." Amon also put away his usual foolishness at this time.

"No... I want to stay here, because of Naxida, I can't leave." Ning Ze's attitude was particularly tough, this time when he came to Xumi, the nature has changed since he remembered the past.

Unless the Great Mercy Tree King is found and Naxida is guaranteed to be completely safe, Ning Ze must not leave Xumi.

"Then I can only...sorry..." Amon was about to make a move when he said that, but Ning Ze suddenly took out a mechanical unicorn.

"Amon, don't force me." Ning Ze lightly pressed the button of the beetle. At this moment, the entire time of Tivat came to an infinite stop.

Speedy Love (Only)

Effect [-]: The world's time is attributed to infinite and close to stop, so that the user falls into a special acceleration state, and the time is determined according to the user's upper limit. .

Effect [-]: When the user is dying, the user will be forced to return to the peak period, but the speed love will also be damaged after the last acceleration, and enter the repair state

"3 minutes... is enough." Ning Ze calculated the time bit by bit, and broke Amon, who was ready to go, into a sitting position.

Speedy Love can be used once a day, but it consumes a lot of physical strength. Ning Ze has just recovered to a low-level demon god these days, and it can only be used for 3 minutes.

"What is this...?" Amon looked at Ning Ze in disbelief. At that moment, she felt that she was being controlled by others.

"Why am I... sitting here!?" Amon immediately bounced off the bed, and then looked at Ning Ze warily.

"Now, can I stay?" Ning Ze shook Shen Suai in his hand.

If you don't do strenuous exercise, speed love can last for 3 minutes, but with the loss of physical strength, speed love will also shrink

"..." Amon looked at the determined Ning Ze, knowing that he had no way to stop him, so he could only nod helplessly in agreement.

"But! You must stay by my side. Apep is already crazy. I can't guarantee whether she can communicate."

"When necessary, you can leave me behind and take Nasida back first," Amon urged.

"I see, let's go to Nasida first." Ning Ze staggered and almost fell to the ground as he said.

"Forget it, I'll carry you." Amon looked at Ning Ze who couldn't stand still, feeling distressed and helpless. A princess carried Ning Ze to the Academy of Teaching Orders.

"Stop! Clone! There! It's not allowed there! I haven't even touched it!!!" Akhmar kept an eye out, and specially installed a clone perspective for himself, and then Akhmar collapsed.

Her avatar uses her body to do whatever she wants with the person she likes, even Ning Ze is voluntary!She has never experienced this kind of treatment!

"Shut up!" The irritable Amon directly yelled at Akhmar, and then found Nasida who was working hard.

Although she has always longed to green Akhmar, but now she has more important things to do than this, not to mention that Akhmar has been chattering in her mind, which is really too noisy.

"You!" Akhmar felt so aggrieved for the first time in his life, what is this?Wife is currently guilty?Oh, she's not a wife yet, but she's close, so this time it's me who loves me!

"Apepu..." After hearing this name, Naxida also became serious. The King of the Great Mercy Tree had promised to save Apepu who was tortured by forbidden knowledge.

But now that the Great Mercy Tree King is missing, Naxida also found this agreement through the code words left in the deepest part of the void.

"Now Apep has fallen into madness, if you want to save her..." When Naxida said this, she fell into deep thought. The ancient dragon is the strongest creature in Teyvat, if you just want to rely on strength to solve it.

Unless a strong man of Morax's level came in person, Amon, the weakened version of the Scarlet King, Ning Ze, who had just recovered from the primary demon god, and Naxida, a five-hundred-year-old child, would not be enough to put people between their teeth.

"Tomorrow I want to negotiate with her and bring some new friends with me." Nasida said seriously.

"new friend?"

"Brother, you have been entangled by Miss Amon recently. Xiaoying and I have met some through Lan Naluo in the past few days...maybe we can call them elemental creatures." Nasida explained with a smile, but this innocent The smile embarrassed Amon, who always felt that Nasida was mocking him.

"Clone! What the hell did you do!? What did you do to my Ning Ze!?" Akhmar asked excitedly, almost toppled Amon's head.

"It's so noisy, what else can I do to my dear? Isn't it just doing some things that should be done between husband and wife?" Amon said in a strange way.

"I did everything!? No! My Ningze..." At this moment, Akhmar felt the first major blow in her life. The person she had a crush on, the person she had never dared to touch, was actually taken care of by her clone , and even did everything, is this not a kind of...

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

"No, maybe..."

"Don't think about it, the ass is gone, my dear is really, she is not gentle to me at all." Amon understood Chi Wang's little thoughts best, and immediately broke her last fluke mentality.

"..." Akhmar, who was hit by Amon, fell silent, and then prepared to take the initiative to cut off contact with Amon. When she did this, she didn't regret it at all, because it was her agreement with Flower God .

But now seeing his loved one drifting away from him, Akhmar had to start to wonder whether the future would be better if he didn't use taboo knowledge.

After all... Ning Ze is a very small-hearted person who can only accommodate the one he loves. Perhaps, she is no longer worthy to be in it.

But... this is too unfair to humans trapped under the sky.

"Avatar... Are you ready?" Akhmar asked one last sentence before cutting off the suggestion.

"Be ready at any time, dear, he deserves better, and I'm just a small rest stop in his life." Amon replied nonchalantly, then embraced Ning Ze, and greedily inhaled Ning Ze's scent.

Chapter 280 This guy is just like me in this way

"This guy... is just like me in this way... He is obviously a female hooligan who has taken over the person I like, but you may be more suitable for Ning Ze than me." Akhmar murmured, her heart It is very big, loaded with the expectations of the flower god and the future of mankind, so she missed Ningze.

And Amon only has Ningze in his heart, so she will protect Ningze without reservation. In this regard, Akhmar thinks he is far inferior.

If there is another chance to do it again, she will still choose to gamble on the possibility of human beings, not only for the promise of the Flower God, but also for a better future for human beings.

But if she can return to Ningze now, then she will definitely be more clingy than Amon, sticking to Ningze 24 hours a day like a dog's skin plaster.

Because she has reached her limit, and she is too sorry for Ning Ze, even if she is whipped by Ning Ze every day, she would rather stay by Ning Ze's side.

"It's a pity...you don't have much time left." Akhmar shook his head lightly, and then used his consciousness to suppress Apep's body movements, lest she get close to human settlements.

After deliberation, the three of Ningze made an appointment to go to the desert together tomorrow. With the love of speed, even if Apepu really couldn't talk, they could escape with the two of them.

Moreover, Ning Ze also has a talisman in his hand, which can summon a rain of rock spears equivalent to Morax's full power, which Zhong Li secretly stuffed into Ning Ze before Ning Ze went to Sumeru.

After all, there was the tragedy of Guiliji in the past. Although Zhong Li has no objection to Ning Ze going to Xumi, he still needs certain means to save his life.

"Then take a good rest today, after all tomorrow's business is too important, especially you! Amon!" Ning Ze said, staring at the absent-minded Amon.

"Oh!? I don't agree!" Amon quickly protested, she could enjoy that little time, and keeping Ningze awake at night was more uncomfortable than looking at Chiwanglu.

"Huh?" Ning Ze glared at Amon. Although this guy said that you can't resist, in fact, except for the time at the Red King's Tomb, the owner of this guy was just a stalker and counselor. He became tough. If he said that, Amon immediately knelt down and admitted his mistake.

"Of order, dear..." Amon agreed to Ning Ze dejectedly. After confirming the relationship, she stopped being stubborn, and in order not to be hated by Ning Ze, she didn't even dare to stalk her.

"Brother, can I sleep with you today?" Nasida immediately seized this opportunity to ask Ning Ze, Amon's sudden joining was not a good thing for them.

"Yes, of course." Ning Ze hugged Naxida and rubbed her small face, which was smooth and tender, and Naxida's baby fat was very comfortable to the touch.

"Hey hey~" Although I really don't like to be treated as a child, Ning Ze is an exception.

"Send..." Amon hugged Ning Ze angrily, imitating him like Zeng Naxida rubbed against him.

In the evening, Ning Ze asked Xiaoyingmei to watch Wei, and then said that he had something to go out, hoping that Xiaoyingmei and Wei could obediently wait for him and Naxida to come back in Jingshan Palace.

"Well... okay, Xiaoying will be obedient, but big brother...you must come back soon!" Xiaoying hesitated for a moment, thinking that Ning Ze was exhausted because of the great compassion tree king, so she shouldn't cause trouble Yes, he obediently nodded in agreement.

"Xiaoying is the most obedient." Ning Ze said, and gave Xiaoyingmei a big chicken leg. In this family, the one who makes him worry the most is always Xiaoyingmei.

"Send..." Everyone looked at Ning Ze one after another, dissatisfied with his behavior of pampering his little sister.

"Wei, this is your favorite bitter gourd scrambled eggs, Naxida, this is your favorite sweet and sour pork ribs, Amon, this is your favorite fried beef." Ning Ze silently made up for the missing love for others .

But it's much better than when Liyue was. In the past, every time it came to festivals like the Moon Festival or the New Year, his kung fu of carrying water had to improve a little bit.

After finally finishing dinner, Amon originally wanted Ning Ze to help him take a bath, but Wei just sat on Ning Ze's body acting like a baby, and secretly gave Amon a funny face.

"Damn brat!" Amon bit his lower lip and cursed secretly. This little guy who wants to have no breasts, no butt and no butt dares to snatch her. If Ning Ze hadn't stared at her, what would Wei know about her height? It is called the suppression of Danshaya.

Seeing that Weidu had done this, Naxida also sat beside Ningze with an obedient face, while Xiaoyingmei first asked Amon if he wanted to take a bath, and sat on the other side after getting affirmation.

The three little ones are very well-behaved, sitting beside Ning Ze without making noise, but staying quietly.

Then they went to take a bath one by one, and Naxida had already notified Xiaoyingmei and Wei that they could go today, in order to prevent Amon from monopolizing them.

When going to bed at night, Ning Ze first hugged the youngest Naxida and the second youngest Xiaoyingmei, and then handed both sides to Amon and Wei, and fell asleep without doing anything else.

Wei and Amon shook their faces at each other at a distance of Ningze, and Wei's memories of the straggler period would be useful at this time.

Wei directly threw away the indecent gestures of various countries and the international general indecent gestures, directly coaxing Amon into a daze, not knowing how to counterattack.

"Wei? Are you still asleep?" Ning Ze, who was awakened by the noise, asked.

"I'm sorry, brother, I'm going to sleep now." Seeing that Ning Ze had spoken, he immediately turned into a well-behaved kitten and hugged Ning Ze, and finally gave Amon a mocking expression to end.

"Smelly brat!!!" Amon gritted his teeth and looked at Wei. This brat is really disgusting. If it wasn't for Ning Ze's relationship, she would definitely spank Wei on her lap.

"Amon and you too, go to sleep!" Ning Ze felt that Amon had heard the movement, and opened his eyes again and scolded.

"That's right, don't disturb my brother's sleep, if you have any objections, go out quickly!" Wei quickly echoed.

Then he said to Ning Ze with a cute face, "Good night, brother."

"Well, good night." Ning Ze replied softly, Wei is so cute now, she is obedient and obedient every day, and never makes a fuss. .

At first, I was worried that Wei would return to the way he was when he was a straggler, but now it seems, at least not in front of him.

"It's so disgusting!!!" The angry Amon didn't know what to do, he could only silently hug his share and go to sleep, thinking about the good memories with Ning Ze in the remaining time.

Chapter 281 Don't be sad, we just went home

The next morning, Ning Ze made their favorite breakfast for Xiaoyingmei and Wei, and then once again told Xiaoyingmei to take good care of Wei, and if he didn't come back, go back to Liyue to find Zhongli and so on.

"..." Looking at Ning Ze who left with Amonasida, Wei Wei always felt that something was wrong in his heart. The direction he was going was the desert, and it was a place that was strictly forbidden to be explored by fools...

"Xiaoying, do we want to..." After Ning Ze left, Wei asked Xiaoying sister if she wanted to follow secretly, so that if Ning Ze had something to do, they could also help.

"But big brother..." Xiao Yingmei began to hesitate after hearing Wei's guess, but she faithfully carried out Ning Ze's request and refused.

Only looking at Xiao Yingmei's appearance is also anxious. She heard about Apepu when she was a fool. It is no less than the existence of demon gods, and even stronger than most demon gods. Apep, then...

Ning Ze on the other side, under the acceleration of Amon, has come to the leadership of Apepu, followed by a few talking mushroom beasts.

"This place..." Ning Ze looked around anxiously, the wind and sand attached to the taboo knowledge hit his face with pain, and the sandworms that sprang out from time to time also annoyed everyone

"Here we are..." Nasida said, looking at the pair of milky white eyes in the wind and sand.

"Apepu, we're here to talk." Nasida looked up at Apepu. The heart of the oasis left by the King of Mercy Tree and the elemental creatures is her confidence, but whether it can be completely eliminated is unknown. up.

"The heir of King Dacishu? What are you doing here?" Although already crazy, Apep has not lost his ability to communicate, but he is extremely resentful towards the three people in front of him, especially Amon, who is exactly the same as the Red King.

"Apep, we are here to rescue you." Naxida stretched out her hand and summoned the heart of the oasis.

"Rescue? I don't need to be rescued, especially you, the successor of the Great Mercy Tree King. Back then, the Great Mercy Tree King and Amon were just existences, but relied on the majesty of the sky to claim to be the lord of this place, and you, let alone It's a tiny speck of dust in an instant!"

What I need is to destroy you useless humans and gods together! "After hearing the word rescue, Apepu's emotions immediately became agitated, and the surrounding yellow sand became more violent.

"Look carefully, and watch me turn the human beings you, the Great Mercy Tree, and Amon sheltered together into powder and completely bury them under the yellow sand." Apep summoned hundreds of sandworms to surround the three of them , the atmosphere immediately became tense.

"I know you hate humans and gods, but why can't you put down your hatred for the sake of your people..." Naxida said calmly. Mature gods.

"Put it down temporarily? The successor of King Dacishu, even if you successfully healed me, then I will not be grateful to you!" Apepu said indifferently, but the yellow sand gradually softened, obviously because Naxida Talk about moving.

It doesn't matter if she dies, but in the world of her body, her people have been tortured by forbidden knowledge for too long.

But she didn't want to accept Nashida's help. She had witnessed too many battles between Gu Long's two battles and the returned Dragon King's battle with the First Throne.

Even she herself can only live in the wind and sand, constantly adapting to the terrain of the desert. This kind of humiliation has accompanied her for thousands of years, so she hates the laws of heaven and gods.

"Now!" Suddenly Apep's eyes turned golden, and his voice became Akhmar.

"Akhmar! What do you want to do?" Apep angrily snatched control of her body. During the conversation with Naxida, she couldn't help but relax her mind and think, resulting in her body being taken away by Akhmar.

"Ning Ze, please be sure to live..." Akhmar said softly, and then Apepu's body suddenly opened a hole.

"Quick! Let's go in!" Amon and Akhmar were connected, so he naturally knew what she was thinking, and also knew that this was the only chance to enter Apep's body.

"No! Don't come in! You can't!!!" Under Apepu's angry voice, three people and a group of elemental creatures entered Apepu's body.

"Huh..." After seeing the three people entering, Akhmar relaxed. What she can do now is to help Ning Ze inside her body, even if the possibility is very low.

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