After Hu Tao chanted the incantation, a huge red fireball fell from the sky, turning the entire Qiuqiu camp into ashes in an instant.

"Ah..." Xiangling stared at the big hole in front of her, dumbfounded. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never believe it. This is really an attack that humans can launch?

"Lululu!" Guoba hid behind Xiangling and shivered. It was once a demon god, and it knew better. If the fireball hit him just now, he would definitely die.

"Huh~ It's so cool!!!" Hu Tao yelled while lying on the ground, the feeling of pulling out all her strength and releasing it was no less than being held back by Ning Ze with jelly.

"Walnut... this... this is...?" Xiangling pointed at the big pit and stammered, not knowing what to say.

"My brother gave me a great gift, isn't it?" Hu Tao said proudly.

"Okay... so amazing..." Xiangling finally choked out this sentence.

"Lululu!" Guoba nodded again and again.

"Do you want to try it? It's very cool!" Hu Tao asked.

"Huh? I... Me?" Xiangling took the staff, and then stammered, recalling Hu Tao's incantation just now.


As soon as Xiangling's words fell, a huge fireball twice smaller than Hutao descended, adding a small hole on top of the original big hole.

"Ah~ so tired~ but really comfortable~" Xiangling lay on the ground and sighed.

"Right, right? Er... I'll trouble Guoba to take us back later." Hu Tao looked at Xiang Ling who was lying flat like herself.

She was looking for Xiangling because she was afraid that she would not be able to go back, so she wanted her to take her back?

"Lululu!?" Guoba looked at the second daughter on the ground in a daze, how could it move its back with such a small body.

Chapter 287 Mom and Dad

"You two, don't hang out in this kind of place next time, if you encounter a monster... you will die a miserable death." Mandrill flew towards Liyue with one hand holding a walnut and the other hand Xiangling, and kept reprimanding the two daughters for their nonsense.

"Lululu!" Mandrill, who was holding the staff behind his back, nodded repeatedly. The second daughter was lying on the ground upright. What did it do with a cute and harmless but edible bear?

"Hey hey hey~ I'm sorry~ let's talk about it! Great Sage Conquering Demons, you are quite familiar with my brother, right?" Hu Tao was very familiar.

"I'm not very familiar with each other. We've only met a few times." Mandrill said flatly. Recently, I don't know why, but I always feel very uncomfortable in my heart, as if someone is going to replace me.

"Oh, aren't you familiar?" Hu Tao looked at Mandrill curiously. Every time during festivals, Ning Ze would go out secretly and have a tryst with a girl.

At that time, Hu Tao, who was still trying to pretend to be coquettish, followed secretly, but after seeing that Ning Ze was with Mandrill, she went back with confidence.

After all, she is a fairy. Hu Tao, who was young and ignorant at the time, thought that it was impossible for a fairy to be a mortal. In the end, Gan Yu and A Ping taught her a lesson.

"I'm a little familiar... Nod your acquaintance..." Mandrill hesitated for a while and said.

"Is it just a nodding acquaintance?" Hu Tao smirked and leaned in front of Mandrill. She dared to tease Gan Yu, let alone Mandrill.

"Ouch!" Mandrill ignored Hu Tao, and after throwing her and Xiang Ling into the Hall of Resurrection, he tentatively searched for traces of Zhong Li and Ning Ze, and when he found that they were not there, he turned around and prepared to leave.

"Lululu!" Seeing Mandrill put his hand on his neck, Guoba hurriedly indicated that he would come down, and then returned to the Hall of Life with his staff in his arms.

"Hmm..." Looking at the three girls lying on the sofa, although she really wanted to visit Wendy, but thinking that there were still many things to do, she turned into an afterimage and left.

"Wendy, where are Zhong Li and Rongrong?" Hu Tao pressed Wendy's body and asked.

"Zhong Li has something to go out, I don't know about Rong Rong...don't pressure me!"

"I don't want to either! But I have no energy!!!"

At this time, Xu Mi on the other side, Ning Ze who had already woken up got up from the bed, looked at the gradually setting sun outside, and calculated that it was almost time for Zhong Li to arrive.

"Huh~" After taking a deep breath, Ning Ze walked out of the room. Only Wei and Xiaoyingmei were sitting in the living room, and Weizheng was concentrating on writing some book, while Xiaoyingmei was giving advice.

Ning Ze tiptoed to the back of the second daughter. He wanted to take a closer look, but Xiao Yingmei suddenly turned around and hugged him.

"Big Brother! You're awake!" Xiao Yingmei happily rubbed against Ning Ze.

"Brother! You actually peeked at my writing?" Wei Wei thumped Ning Ze twice angrily.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to disturb you when I see my beloved sisters are so serious." Ning Ze scratched his head and explained.

"Big brother, are you hungry? Would you like me and sister Wei to cook for you?" Xiao Yingmei put her chin on Ning Ze's stomach, her round face looked very soft, which made Ning Ze angry. Couldn't help rubbing it.

"Xiaoying's face... so comfortable~" Ning Ze, who was still a little tired at first, recovered a lot after seeing Xiaoyingmei, and rubbed Xiaoyingmei's face wantonly with his big hands.

"Big Gege, you don't have any porridge." Xiao Yingmei let Ning Ze pinch her cheeks with an obedient face, but she who was originally complacent because of Ning Ze's words just now was unhappy, and gently pulled Ning Ze with her small hand.

"Wei's face is also very comfortable!" Ning Ze rubbed Wei's little face with one hand, but compared to Xiao Yingmei's childishness, Wei is relatively more mature, but his mentality is too dependent on himself.

If Ning Ze and the familiar people were not around, Wei would immediately turn into that vicious bitch.

"Boom!!!" Just as Ning Ze was enjoying the dependence of his two younger sisters, there was a sudden violent explosion at Jiang Zhu Mo Mountain.

"Tsk..." Ning Ze walked out of the Jingshan Palace in a hurry, and after briefly explaining to Xiao Yingmei and Queen Wei, Ning Ze headed for Jiang Zhumo Mountain at full speed. He was too familiar with those two elemental forces.

Why did Zhong Li and Akhmar fight! ?

When Ning Ze arrived, Zhong Li was already preparing to summon Tianxing, and Akhmar also picked up the scepter and magnified it several times. Those who didn't know thought the two were playing baseball.

"Stop!!!!" Ning Ze yelled.

Following Ning Ze's arrival, the two girls, who were already on edge, immediately withdrew their momentum and walked towards Ning Ze.

"Why are you fighting?" Ning Ze asked helplessly. One of the two girls is the strongest demon god of Liyue, and the other is the strongest demon god of Xumi.

"Ning Ze..." Zhong Li looked at Akhmar in surprise, his expression becoming more and more strange.

"Big Stone, I didn't expect to see you here." Akhmar spoke first.


"Hmph, didn't you say you were already dead? It seems that your life is unexpectedly hard." Zhong Li replied rudely.

"What's going on?" Ning Ze asked in a daze,

"Let me tell." Zhong Li took the initiative to explain.

In fact, after the defeat of the Dragon King's return and before the Demon God War, Akhmar was driven down as a descendant of the sky, and the flower god was also a sacrifice abandoned by the Sky Island, so the two compared Ningze, who was born and bred, with the Dacishu Wang is more intimate.

But Chi Wang was still young when he was kicked out, so he didn't know too much about the inside story, and Zhong Li was the sky star who was relegated, so Akhmar and Zhong Li had actually met each other before the Demon God War .

It's just that Akhmar came to Sumeru, and Zhong Li went to Liyue. Both of them were busy with their own affairs, so they didn't contact each other again.

"So... what's in the sky?" Ning Ze asked. He had always been curious about who the person who caused the world to reincarnate, and even once suspected that it was Tianli himself.

But there is still no real answer. After all, the king said that that person has long been replaced. Now she may be someone close to him, or Tianli, or even a slime.

"..." When it came to this question, the two girls fell silent in a tacit understanding, obviously not wanting to mention the past.

"Forget it, let's go back first..." Ning Ze didn't embarrass the two daughters, and led them back to the Jingshan Palace. There was one thing he had prepared for too long.

Now is also the time to open the last shackles and find out the truth about the life and death of King Dacishu.

Chapter 288

After everyone left, Furry sneaked out from behind the tree, watched the direction the three left and moved his nose, confirmed the scent of Xiao Yingmei, and then flew to Jingshan Palace.

"Big brother..." Xiao Yingmei looked at Jiang Zhumo Mountain with a worried expression on her face. Although she could feel that it was Zhong Li's elemental power, if something happened to Ning Ze again, it would be difficult for her to guarantee that she could calm down.

If it was a world without a big brother, then she would rather let this world disappear.

"Mom!!!" Just when Xiaoyingmei was worried, Rongrong who came one step ahead threw herself into Xiaoyingmei's arms.

"Hairy? Why are you here?" Little Yingmei looked at the hairy who was entangled with her in surprise, and stretched out her small hand to gently stroke her big head.

"I miss my mother and father so much, so I secretly came here with Sister Zhong Li." Rongrong explained excitedly.

The reason why she didn't show up in Jiang Zhu Mo Mountain was mainly because Zhong Li would say that although Ning Ze would definitely favor her, Rong Rong could clearly distinguish between favoring one person and favoring two people.

"Rongrong, what did you call me just now?" Little Yingmei asked suspiciously, when did she become a mother?If she is the mother, isn't the father...

"Dad is dad! He is my most important person." Rongrong said happily.

"Is that so?" Little Yingmei, who was not in a good mood at first, became happy. Although she had always been looking forward to having children with her big brother, it would be nice to have a furry now.

"Xiaoying, let me go... Rongrong!? Why did you follow me here!?" Ning Ze was a little puzzled looking at Rongrong who was acting coquettishly with Xiaoyingmei.

"Uh... Dad! Welcome back!" Rongrong looked at Zhong Li, who had an ugly face, and immediately flew into Ning Ze's arms to act coquettishly, for fear that Zhong Li would say anything about herself.

"Father!?" Akhmar looked at Ning Ze in disbelief. She really didn't expect that Ning Ze even had a child! ?

"..." Ning Ze smiled wryly to help Akhmar explain Rongrong's origin, and then taught Rongrong not to call him father. After all, his physical age is only in his twenties. Ze wasn't ready yet.

"Why!?" Upon hearing what Ning Ze said, Rong Rong immediately became anxious, thinking that Ning Ze didn't want her anymore.

"No, what's your real name, Rongrong?" Ning Ze asked softly.

"Ning Yixue." Rongrong sobbed.

"Yeah, Rongrong is my younger sister, but she has the same surname as me~" Ning Ze kept comforting Rongrong, after all, it was really strange to suddenly become a father or something.

Under Ning Ze's comfort, Furry's mood calmed down a little, after all, it's good to have more brothers without a father.

"Zhong Li, did you bring the Heart of God?" After coaxing Rongrong to be quiet, Ning Ze asked Zhong Li.

"Well, I brought it." Zhong Li took out the heart of God and said, this thing is very important to fools, but to Zhong Li, it is just a restraint.

"Phew..." Ning Ze took the Heart of God, silently feeling the rich elemental power in it, and Mao Rong beside him was drooling, wanting to swallow it in one gulp.

"Ning Ze, do you want to..." Akhmar knew what Ning Ze was thinking. The last time the Great Merciful Tree King appeared near the World Tree, and now that he has obtained the Rock God's Heart, he wants to completely lift the restrictions on the World Tree. .

"Well, let's wait for Nashida to come back, she should have felt it too." Ning Ze nodded slightly, with a hopeful expression on his face.

Afterwards, everyone waited for a while in front of the Jingshan Palace, and Nasida and Amon hurried over.

"Let's get started, Nasida." Ning Ze took out the heart of God and said.

"Hmm..." Naxida nodded slightly, and then a strong grass element burst out from her body, successfully enveloping Ning Ze and Furry who rushed over.

"Rongrong!" Ning Ze felt helpless looking at Rongrong who was entangled with him, so he had to tell her not to wander around later.

"Yeah!" Rongrong nodded obediently, expressing that she would be obedient.

The two and one dragon came to the inside of the World Tree again, and after passing through the familiar passage, they came to the World Tree.

Nashida forcibly lifted the seal of the World Tree with the power of the two hearts of God, and then looked at the most important lesion, which is the most serious problem of the World Tree since the disappearance of the Great Mercy Tree King.

As long as it disappears, the demon scale disease, the dead zone, and most of the people suffering from forbidden knowledge will be relieved.

"You are finally here." As the final seal was lifted, another Nashida came out from the lesion.

"Japal..." Although he looked exactly the same as Naxida, Ning Ze could tell at a glance that this was the Great Mercy Tree King.

"Ning Ze, you are finally back. Sure enough, my calculation is correct. Even if you died in the past, you will come back sometime in the future." Gapal looked at Ning Ze obsessively.

When the Scarlet King ran away, she spent too much effort to suppress the taboo knowledge. If she could have helped Ning Ze a little at that time, it would not have caused Ning Ze to be killed by the Wufeng Sword.

"I... I'm back, should you come back? Let's go together, Naxida, Akhmar, Amon, let's go together, okay?" Trying to play the emotional card to stay. .

"Is Akhmar? Is she back too?" Gapal smiled bitterly. Her best friend killed her lover. You can imagine how painful she was.

"The Great Mercy Tree King..." Naxida stared blankly at Japal. The object she had been following was right in front of her.

"Naseda? It seems that you and Ningze get along very well," Gapal held up Nasida's small face, and looked at his child with loving eyes.

"500 years ago, the Six Gods went to Kanria, and I was ordered by heaven to stay behind the World Tree, but at that time the taboo knowledge caused the entire Sumeru and even Tivat to collapse, so in order to completely eliminate the taboo knowledge, I broke down the purest world tree. of the branches that created Nacida."

"And I... I am hiding in the World Tree with all the forbidden knowledge. I have been waiting for your arrival, child." Gapal said, stretching out his finger and pointing Nashida's forehead.

"It's time for the Great Mercy Tree King to disappear completely." Gapal looked at Ningze guiltily. He had just met him, but he wanted to say goodbye to Ningze, so he could only ask Naxida to take good care of Ningze instead of him.

"Ahhh!" Just when Gapal wanted to explain the method to restore the World Tree to health, he couldn't bear it and threw himself into the lesion of the World Tree.

She was not a native creature of Tivat. This thing is a cancer to the locals, but it is a great tonic to her.

"Rongrong!" Ning Ze stretched out his hand to grab Rongrong, but how can Rongrong, who is already known as Little Morax, be able to grab it casually?

In the end, everyone just watched the taboo knowledge being absorbed and completely disappeared from Tivat.

"Uh..." Gapal, who had already prepared to bid farewell, looked at Rongrong in a daze, as if she didn't have to die?

Chapter 289 Embarrassment

Forbidden knowledge, once the dark power that the dragon king Nibelungen, who was suspected of being the second throne, fought against the first throne, Tianli, was also obtained by the flower god at the cost of his life. Pep, and even Tivat's central world tree have been plagued by terrifying forces.

The former Kanria also fell into an uncontrollable desperate situation because of this, and finally the whole country fell into extinction.

This kind of power, which can be called a nuclear weapon, is like delicious food in front of Furry, and it absorbs most of it with its mouth open, and even makes her grow up several times.

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