"Dishiya..." Looking at the heroic Dishya, Dina Zedai felt a little embarrassed, and smiled apologetically when facing Ning Ze.

She is very grateful to Ning Ze for the healing potion. Every time she takes it, she can feel a lot better, at least temporarily becoming an ordinary person.

"It's okay, I'm very grateful for Dixia's introduction. I bought a lot of good things this time." Ning Ze said with a smile. He has already bought all the souvenirs for this trip, and he can distribute them to Liyue Walnut and other friends and relatives.

"I love what you say. Next time I go shopping, I will definitely take you with me." Dixia smiled triumphantly, and then pulled Dina Zedai to bid farewell to the two.

"Goodbye, Mr. Ning Ze." Dina Zedai said softly, and then went home with Dishiya, who had a big bag and a small bag.

"Well, goodbye." Ning Ze waved lightly, and then prepared to go back to Jingshan Palace.

Thanks to Naxida's care, except for those who lived in the Jingshan Palace, not many people in Xumi knew that Ning Zeshi lived in the Jingshan Palace, otherwise a bunch of gossip would definitely quarrel.

Chapter 292 Nilu and Sweets

"Humph~" Ning Ze walked towards the Grand Bazaar humming a long-lost song. Xiaoyingmei's dancing posture became more and more beautiful, and her popularity soared wildly. Many of them began to call themselves Xiaoying's dog.

However, anyone who tries to get close will be whipped away by Furry's tail. After all, only Ning Ze is unwilling to be Furry's father, but Xiaoyingmei does not refuse to be Furry's mother.

It's just that it feels weird to have such a seniority, so Xiaoyingmei asked Rongrong to call her sister again.

"Big Brother!" Xiao Yingmei, who had just stepped off the stage, ignored the fans who had been blown away by Furry, and came bouncing in front of Ning Ze.

In Xiaoyingmei's psychological ranking, Ning Ze will always be number one, her sister will always be number two, and then Hu Tao, Zhong Li, Rong Rong, A Ren and others will be tied for first place.

But if something happens to the first two, especially Ning Ze, the little Yingmei will run away completely. Unlike the traveler at the beginning of the plot, the runaway little Yingmei can hit the ancient dragon Apepu at will.

Who is Apep?Zhong Li had to call out for the existence of grandma when she saw her, and Ning Ze even suspected that if Xiao Yingmei was willing, Sky Island could be praised now.

Combined with what Kong said about Xiaoyingmei becoming smaller, what did Xiaoyingmei merge with before she became smaller?If there is no accident and split, I am afraid Sky Island will change its owner.

But all of this has nothing to do with Ning Ze, Xiaoyingmei is Xiaoyingmei, and before she really grows up, Ning Ze thinks it is his duty to take care of her.

"Xiaoying~ Did you learn how to dance hard today?" Ning Ze lightly tapped Xiaoyingmei's forehead, which broke the hearts of all the fans.

"Yes! Yes! Xiaoying was praised by Sister Nilu again today!" Xiaoying said quickly, afraid that Ning Ze would not praise herself.

"Mr. Ningze is here again!" Nilu, who followed closely behind, greeted, seeing the little Yingmei who was desperately acting coquettish and cute, wishing to stick her body to Ningze for a moment.

Xiaoyingmei is really obedient, but there is a distance between her obedience. Every time Xiaoyingmei comes to dance, Nilu will try to bribe her with rice round towers, and then pinch her face or something, but she will always be polite by Xiaoyingmei. No, not even holding hands.

Later, Nilu understood that although Xiao Yingmei looked innocent, she was actually very smart, but only when she faced Ning Ze would she completely let go of her guard.

"Miss Nilu is really troublesome these days. Why don't I treat you to dinner today?" Ning Ze asked softly. But the flower god in the flower can be said to be two people.

In Ning Ze's impression, Hua Shen is a very melancholy and extreme woman, who often looks up at the starry sky alone. Ning Ze also tried to communicate with her, but every time Hua Shen forced her to leave.

But what is undeniable is that Flora did bring joy to the desert, but what is hidden under this tenderness and happiness is a long-planned plan.

Flora pursues death, and she never loves anyone, because fairy lovers lose their bodies, but Flora maintains a beautiful appearance and body until death.

It would be better to say that since she was walking on the earth, she had planned her own plan, sacrificed herself to obtain forbidden knowledge, and then let human beings use the dark power of the dragon king to fight back against heaven to completely become independent from the gods.

It's just that this plan is very dangerous. From Achmal to Kerriya, and then from Karriya to the latest Apep, forbidden knowledge has not brought positive results.

If I had to say something, it should have put Tianli to sleep, otherwise how long has it been since Xiaoyingmei's big sword was thrown down last time, and Tianli hasn't moved at all.Read the book

Generally speaking, Ning Ze and Akhmal are very familiar with Japar, but they are only nodding acquaintances with Flora. If you have to choose between Flora and Nilu, Ning Ze will not I don't hesitate to choose Nilu. Although the Flower Goddess is very beautiful, she is really too fake.

The relationship between the four people in the rumors is shameful and hard to look at. The pure rumors, the so-called alliance of the four gods, Ning Ze and Japar are lovers, and Akhmar is guided by the plan of the flower god. To be honest Akhmar is the only one who gives his feelings completely.

"Huh? Are you inviting me!?" Nilu asked in surprise.

"Well, I have something to do these days. Xiaoying often disturbs me in the Grand Bazaar, so if I want to treat you to a meal, Miss Nilu, I will treat it as a thank you." Ning Ze said politely.

"Is that so... Can you give me some time? Because I still have a performance." Nilu thought for a while and said.

"Well, I'll wait for you." Ning Ze nodded lightly, and was led by Xiaoyingmei to sit on the seat of relatives. Seeing that Ning Ze was also coming, Rong Rong wrapped her arms around Ning Ze's neck.

Under the eyes of countless people who wished to cut Ning Ze into pieces, Ning Ze watched the last performance of Nilu today with a calm face, and then the three of them left the Grand Bazaar together.

Along the way, many people greeted Nilu, and even took the initiative to send some things, which shows how popular Nilu is usually.

"I'm sorry, I have a lot of things." Although Nilu kept refusing, the enthusiastic neighbors and friends directly gave it to Nilu, which made it impossible for Nilu to chase after him or not. She could only express her embarrassment with an apologetic face. .

Ning Ze looked at Nilu who was holding a bunch of things, and offered to help her share some, because Ning Ze had been to many countries, and Nilu often asked about foreign dances on the way.

Ning Ze was holding something in one hand and Xiao Yingmei in the other, and then began to recall the things he had seen on business trips before.

"In terms of Mond, I happened to see a lady named Splash Rider dancing. To be honest, she danced really well. Unfortunately, I peeked at the back and was discovered. She chased me all the way from Longji Snow Mountain to Fengqi. Land." When Ning Ze said this, he couldn't help but think of the girl waving a big sword and shouting revenge.

"There is also a nun from Mond, her name is Barbara. To be honest, I think Nilu's dance is more beautiful, but Barbara is cuter."

"As for Dao's wife, I met him a few times because of work, but at that time I was busy entertaining, and didn't pay much attention to dancing, and there was Fontaine's..." Ning Ze said as he walked, and Nilu was fascinated by it. .

"To be honest, Nilu, your dance is so beautiful, why don't you try touring? I remember Dolly mentioned it?" Ning Ze asked suddenly.

"Oh!? I, I can't do it, my dance is not mature enough, and I just want to dance in the Grand Bazaar..." Nilu waved her hands repeatedly to refuse.

Ning Ze looked at the shy Nilu, and knew that she was afraid that she might disappoint everyone if she didn't dance well enough, so she stopped asking, and turned to the topic of Nilu's favorite sweets.

"Um...Mr. Ningze, what is the taste of the bird egg roast and Liyue's tofu flower that you just mentioned? Is it easy to make? By the way, does the apple pie have to be Monde apples?" From a certain distance, Nilu began to salivate just listening to the taste of food described by Ning Ze.

The sweet and sour apple pie, the egg tarts that are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, the soft and sweet roasted bird eggs, and various foreign delicacies made Nilu, who was originally very resistant to leaving Sumeru City, feel a little yearning.

Chapter 293 Dolly's Treat

"Oh, oh, hello, brother Ningze!" Suddenly, Dolly jumped out from a corner and greeted Ningze happily.

"Dolly? How are you and your sister doing?" Ning Ze responded softly.

"It's okay, my sister has been talking about my brother recently, saying that she wants to visit you, but I can't find where my brother lives, so I can only stay here for a while!" Dolly complained with her hands on her hips. She only remembered I found Ning Ze's residence in Liyue, but forgot to ask Xumi's residence.

Moreover, in order to avoid Ningze's peaceful life from being affected, Naxida intentionally shielded Ningze's existence with the Heart of God.

But this kind of shielding is weak. If it is a stranger who can't say a word to Ning Ze, he will usually turn his head and forget Ning Ze's existence. For example, Nilu and Dolly have communicated with Ning Ze. And those who have a certain connection will not be affected.

Therefore, even if the people assigned by Dolly have seen Ningze, they will forget it as soon as they turn their heads. On the surface, it seems that Dolly and a group of people are looking for Ningze, but in fact there is only Dolly alone...

"I, I live south of Jingshan Palace..." Ning Ze told Dolly about the original residence that Naxida had arranged for him, and then said that he went to dinner with Nilu, wondering if Dolly would like to come together.

"It's easy to say, my brother has already spoken, so of course I'm going, I'm going to treat you today!" Dolly said, patting Pingping's chest, and then led everyone to a certain high-end restaurant in Xumi.

When she just entered the interior, Nilu felt a little uncomfortable, she silently lowered her head and followed Ning Ze, trying not to attract the attention of the people around her.

"Don't worry, everything is up to me." Seeing Nilu's embarrassment, Ning Ze took the initiative to comfort her.

"Hmm..." Nilu nodded lightly, and her restless heart calmed down a little. Although she was not very used to coming to this kind of place, she was very comfortable getting along with Ning Ze just now, so Nilu began to trust him subconsciously. Ning Ze.

Dolly skillfully called the restaurant manager to open a box for her, and then ordered a few dishes that were expensive just by their names.

"You can order whatever you want, just eat, I'm treating you today!" Dolly said holding the menu. This restaurant was originally her business, and it was originally to satisfy her own appetite, so the high price brought together skilled chefs from all over the world. .

Then Dolly thought of some way to make money, so she started to publicize this gimmick, saying that you can eat all over the seven countries here, which attracted many people who wanted to travel, but couldn’t travel because of work or other reasons. Patronize.Read the book

"Really... can I order casually?" Nilu immediately turned to the dessert section, looked at the various desserts above and swallowed heavily, then looked at the price and swallowed heavily, eating here Ton's minimum consumption is enough for her to dance in the Grand Bazaar for a month.

"Don't worry, just eat today." Ning Ze said with a smile, he and Dolly are not short of money, so it's no big deal to treat Nilu to a meal.

"That's right, I'm treating you today, girl, go ahead and eat!" Dolly said with a mature look, she once had a plan to create a Sumeru version of the idol according to the standard of Mond's Barbara.

Then start touring, with her Dolly's financial resources and marketing methods, coupled with Nilu's dancing and talent, wouldn't Mora roll into the pocket?

But the director of the theater at the Grand Bazaar refused on the grounds that Nilu didn't want to leave Sumeru City, and her attitude was so tough that she had no choice but to give up the idea.

This time I ate with Ning Ze mainly because I wanted to accompany Ning Ze and try to persuade Ni Lu by the way, what if it works?

Although Dolly and Ning Ze both said to eat it, Nilu hesitated for a long time, and finally only ordered an uneaten and cheap Mond Pizza.

Seeing this, Ning Ze ordered apple pie, egg tarts, roasted bird eggs, and some sweet food according to Nilu's expression on desserts just now.

"Is...is this too much..." Nilu asked looking at the pile of uneaten desserts on the table. Simply, she has always had enough for the concept of money. Like this kind of luxury experience, she Never thought about it.

Ning Ze and Dolly looked at each other with a smile, and then once again persuaded Nilu to eat with an open stomach.

Under Ning Ze's explanation, Nilu hesitantly moved the knife and fork to cut a piece of apple pie, and then lightly took a bite.

"Oh! Good time!" Nilu said while holding her small face, the crispy shell on the outside and the sweet and sour apple filling inside are just right, every bite is full of happiness.

Looking at the happy Nilu, Ning Ze was also affected by her emotions. He cut off a piece of apple pie and put it on Xiaoyingmei's plate, with a gentle smile on his lips.

"Thank you, big brother~" Xiao Yingmei first thanked Ning Ze, then cut out the apple pie and tasted it carefully, and decided to learn how to make it for Ning Ze next time.

Ning Ze himself didn't eat much, and most of them were fed to Xiaoyingmei and Nilu. He is already a starving existence. Although he has the habit of eating three meals a day, Ning Ze prefers eating Do it for your family and watch your family eat.

"Huh~ I'm so full..." Nilu said while covering her swollen belly. Generally, dancers need to maintain their figure, but Nilu is born to eat so she doesn't get fat. The greatest joy of every day is thinking about what dessert to eat today.

But it was the first time for Nilu to experience such a rich dessert that she had never eaten before.

"Then I'll go out and pay the bill first." Ning Ze said and got up to pay. Although Dolly repeatedly said that she was a treat, Ning Ze knew that it was useless to refuse, so he might as well take the initiative to pay first, so Dolly has nothing to say up.

It's just that Ning Ze had just left, and the manager who was in charge of opening the box just now said that he didn't need to pay, and they belonged to Dolly.

"Heh heh heh~ Brother, you are too polite! I even said that I am treating you today." Dolly sat on the chair and shook her little feet. The manager is waiting outside the door.

"Eh..." Looking at the triumphant Dolly, Ning Ze sat back in his seat awkwardly. Since the exhaustion disappeared, he couldn't help but relax.

Chapter 294

After dinner, Ning Ze helped Nilu carry her things back to the Grand Bazaar.

Nilu first expressed her gratitude to Ning Ze, and then began to seriously write messages.

"Do you always do this?" Ning Ze asked curiously. ap.

"Well, after all, everyone likes my dance, but I don't want to bother them too much, so every time I write a message to express my thanks, and then return the things." Nilu explained.

"Nilu...you are such a good girl." Ning Ze looked at the serious Nilu and said, after so many messy things, now Ning Ze sincerely feels that a girl like Nilu is more comfortable to get along with.

"Huh? Thank you for the compliment." Nilu scratched her face in embarrassment. In her impression, Ning Ze was a gentle and knowledgeable big brother.

Ning Ze took the initiative to help Nilu write the message together, and then chatted with Nilu with her little sister in his arms. Through Ningze's mouth, Nilu knew a lot of things, such as the towering wind statue of Mond, the huge keel on the snow mountain, Barbatos, the wind god who does everything but business.

Liyue's special attraction, the fairy girl who subdues demons and demons, the fairy who is especially good at chatting, and the rock king who doesn't pay for food.

There are also Orobas of Inazuma, General Raiden, God Sakura...

Nilu looked at Ning Ze's eyes with little stars shining. Although she didn't see it with her own eyes, she could imagine those things just by listening to Ning Ze's description.

It's just that the friendly interaction between the two was clearly seen by everyone in the Grand Bazaar. When did their Nilu get so close to a man they just met?

Moreover, this man is so good-looking, speaks so well, and looks like he has a good family background, and he is such a gentle gentleman when he gets along with Nilu...

After chatting almost, Ning Ze bid farewell to the reluctant Nilu. After all, there are three demon gods waiting for him to go back. Although he has not forgiven them yet, there is no overnight feud with his lover, but Ning Ze wants to see them What else can I do.

"Goodbye, Mr. Ningze!" Nilu waved her small hand to bid farewell to Ningze. Being with Ningze made her very comfortable, especially the foreign stories that Ningze told, which made people who thought they would never leave Xumi in this life. Nilu felt a little yearning.

After watching Ning Ze and Xiao Yingmei leave, Nilu bounced back to the inside of the Grand Bazaar, but this time everyone in the Grand Bazaar had complicated expressions.

"Mr. Judt? Mr. Hushang? Mr. Farhad?" Nilu looked suspiciously at the men who were hugging and crying bitterly. She had only left for less than a minute, right?Why did everyone in the Grand Bazaar become like this?

"Nilu..." Zubair looked at Nilu with a complicated expression. After all these years of getting along, he already regarded Nilu as his own daughter, but the current appearance of this biological daughter is obviously...

"Everyone...what's the matter?" Nilu asked with her head tilted. She didn't understand why everyone was feeling uncomfortable, so she took the initiative to step forward to comfort her.

And after Ning Ze returned to the Jingshan Palace, he saw a situation that was beyond his expectations as expected.

"Welcome back, master, do you want to eat first, or take a bath first, or ~eat~me~" Amon, who was wearing a maid outfit, seduced.

"..." Ning Ze looked at Amon, who was dressed as a Mond maid, and then at Akhmar, who was squatting in a corner and covering his face, regretting resurrecting Amon.

"Take a bath first, I've already eaten outside." There's no need to save dinner for me and Xiaoying.

Ning Ze said and handed the coat to Amon, and then asked Xiao Yingmei to stay on the sofa for a while, while he went to the bathroom to take a shower.

"Sha~ Sha~" Amon hugged Ning Ze's coat and kept taking deep breaths. Akhmar, who was watching, was almost pissed off. She, Akhmar, has been criss-crossing Xumi for so long, how can her avatar have no ambition at all? No.

"Do you want to have a couple?" Amon asked as he handed the coat to Akhmar. She knew Akhmar's thoughts too well, and she said she didn't want her body but was very honest.

"Sha~siha~" Just like that, the original two people slapping together turned into two people slapping together. Xiao Yingmei didn't care about the perverted behavior of the second daughter, but hugged Fuzzy.

But after a while, Rongrong came to Akhmar timidly. She liked Akhmar's elemental power very much. It tasted hot, exciting and delicious.

"Bite." Akhmar knew that Rongrong had a lot to do with Ning Ze, and she didn't care about the elemental power, so she simply reached out her hand for Rongrong to bite.

"Thank you, Sister Akhmar." Rongrong said obediently.

"Rongrong, how do I treat you?" Akhmar saw that Rongrong already trusted him, so he sneaked up to her ear and asked.

"Very good! Better than Wendy, as good as Sister Zhongli!" Rongrong said seriously.

"Then sister, I would like to ask you one thing, will you help?" Seeing that Rongrong had already said that, Akhmar continued to ask.

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