"Thank you Mr. Ning Ze, I... will think about it." Nilu said in her final farewell.

Ning Ze nodded slightly, then handed the chocolate to Nilu.

"When you were in the Grand Bazaar just now, you don't have to, but now you are not a dancer, so you must accept it." Ning Ze shook the chocolate in his hand, and then stuffed it into Nilu's hand.

"Thank you..." Nilu didn't refuse this time, but took the chocolate calmly and gave Ning Ze a gentle smile.

"See you tomorrow! Mr. Ning Ze!" While speaking, Nilu left with chocolates in her arms.

"Big Brother?" On the way back, Xiao Yingmei couldn't help pulling Lan Ningze, there was one thing she was curious about just now

"What's the matter, Xiaoying?" Ning Ze replied in a particularly good mood. There is nothing more comfortable than chatting with a beautiful girl and being able to touch fish and lie down by the way.

"Why did you call sister Hutao Taotao just now?" Xiaoyingmei asked.

"Eh...Xiaoying, don't tell sister Hutao, in fact, Hutao was very clingy when she was a child, and you have to call her Taotao to be obedient."

"At that time, Hutao was small, fat, and naughty. She had to be hugged by me to sleep every day. Speaking of which, when she was a child, she knocked her head because of reading while standing on her head. She hugged me and cried for a long time before she recovered. " Ning Ze recalled, the little guy who was crying and fussing in the past has now become a qualified hall master of the Hall of Rebirth.

"Ah chirp!" Hu Tao, who was in the interrogation room, sneezed, she didn't care about wondering who was stabbing herself in the back, and looked up at Ke Qing who was opposite.

"Oh, Keqing..." Hu Tao just wanted to get close, when she saw Keqing staring at her, like an angry kitten, fierce and cute.

"Sister Keqing~I know I was wrong~I have already bought the development rights of that land~so this is not a crime~" Hu Tao said pitifully.

"Are you developing it? Look at what these are!?" Keqing took out a few photos and asked sternly. It turned out that there was an abandoned land, and there were so many people around Qiuqiu that there were basically no businessmen willing to develop it.

As a result, Hu Tao ran over to buy the development rights this morning, and there was a huge explosion at noon. Keqing was so frightened that he immediately called dozens of people to check, for fear that something might happen to Ning Ze's sister.

Then I saw Hu Tao and Xiangling lying near the big pit, and the rice cake beside them was still "Hmm! Hmm!" dragging the two girls onto the trailer.

"So... You used this thing to blow up a big hole?" Ke Qing looked at the staff in surprise. At first glance, it looked like a walking stick, but upon closer inspection, it was indeed a walking stick inlaid with a ruby.

"This is a good thing my brother sent me!" Hu Tao said triumphantly. She knew that Ning Ze loved her and knew that she was bored to death recently, so she specially sent this good thing here.

According to Ning Ze's description, even an immortal can't handle this thing, so wouldn't she become an immortal even if she rounded it up?

"Xiao Ze...has he not come back yet?" Hearing Hu Tao mentioning Ning Ze, Ke Qing couldn't help asking.

"Hmph! He said there are still some things to do there, so he has to stay for a while! I don't know if he met another girl!" Hu Tao said angrily.

"..." Ke Qing looked at the angry Hu Tao and was silent for a while. Before, everyone thought that Big Dipper was the one who hid the most and stabbed the most hard.

In fact, she was the one who hid the deepest and was stabbed the hardest. She was obviously the one who came first, whether it was acquaintance or together, she was also the first one there.

Chapter 298

"Welcome back~ dear~ do you want to eat first~ or take a bath first~or~eat~me~" This time the maid who opened the door changed from one person to two people, Akhmar and Amon were the same They maintained the new trick they had just learned: "Seduce."

"Boom! Boom!" Ning Ze covered Xiaoyingmei and Rongrong's eyes with one hand, gave the two girls a punch with the other hand, and then told Xiaoyingmei and Rongrong to go back first.

"If you dare to let Xiaoying learn bad habits, then just wait and lie down with Hua Shenyuan!" Ning Ze threatened, as if his true intentions were the only ones. Xiaoying is an absolute taboo for Ning Ze. Before he really grows up, Ning Ze will try his best to be her guardian, protect her, and accompany her, even at the expense of his own life.

"Yes!" The second woman kneeling on the ground behaved well and looked very well-behaved, but after Ning Ze left, Amon asked Akhmar's plan b in a low voice.

"No rush, let's have dinner first." Akhmar said and got up to prepare dinner, while Amon went to put the bath water for Ning Ze.

When Ning Ze took a shower and finished his meal, Akhmar offered a cup of hot tea and looked at Ning Ze expectantly.

Although Ning Ze was a little strange, but what Akhmar could do to him, he took a sip of hot tea, and then a strange feeling came up.

"Hmm..." Ning Ze gave Akhmar a hard look, and then told his little sister and Naxida to go to bed early, while he went back to the room with Akhmar and Amon.

On this day, Akhmar knew that the medicine should not be used casually, let alone for Ning Ze, otherwise he would cry to death.

The next morning, Ning Ze looked at Akhmar and Amon who were hugging each other, then turned and left the room, thinking that the lesson this time could make the two daughters know their mistakes, right?

After leaving the room, Ning Ze was immediately entangled by Rongrong, but Rongrong was eating something in her mouth, it should be dessert from her appearance.

"Big brother, I made breakfast! And..." Little Yingmei ran out of the kitchen wearing a small apron. Although she still looks like a grown-up, she has already started to smell like shit.

"Oh~ so many times~" Nashida held her small face and made two voices, obviously Japar also thought it was delicious.

"Apple... pie?" Ning Ze looked at the half-empty apple pie in surprise. The sales this time were much better than Nilu's.

"Well, I saw that big brother had a great time eating at sister Nilu's, so I made it specially this time!" Little Yingmei nodded slightly, and poured another cup of hot black tea for Ning Ze.Read the book

"I've checked how to pair Mengde's apple pie. This kind of black tea under the Longji Snow Mountain is the best to relieve your tiredness. Brother, if you don't like to eat too sweet, just eat a piece. I wrapped shrimp wontons! It's big One of my brother's favorite breakfasts." Xiao Yingmei ran back to the kitchen to get wontons while talking.

"Xiaoying..." Ning Ze hugged Xiaoyingmei and gave a fierce smack, this kind of little angel is really great.

"Hey hey~ big brother~" Xiao Yingmei smirked and hugged Ning Ze's neck, her favorite is big brother.

In addition to Ningze's wontons, Japar and Nasida's apple pie, and fluffy chicken drumstick rice, Xiaoyingmei also made fried noodles for Akhmar and Amon to wrap veal, and everything was delicious. .

"Come on, Xiaoying, open your mouth." Ning Ze gently blew on the hot air of the wonton, tested with his lips whether the temperature is right, and then fed it to Xiaoyingmei.

Xiaoyingmei is so obedient, she considers everyone, but she just doesn't take care of herself, and she gives herself the same type of shrimp ravioli stew as Ningze's.

"Ah~" Xiaoyingmei opened her small mouth and ate it in one bite. Because the wonton was too big, her little face was bulging, and her red mouth was wet under the juice. Look It looks very cute.

"Brother..." Naxida pulled Ningze pitifully, wanting to get Ningze's attention, she looked quite different from her usual self.

"Lord Dacishu King, please don't use my body to do this kind of thing." Just when Ningze was about to feed, Naxida suddenly said angrily, obviously it was Japar who acted cute just now.


"Hey, what do you mean!?"

"The meaning of the wind god Barbatos~"

"Please don't say these things that I don't understand!!!"

Looking at Nasida and Japar, who looked like stand-up comics and duos, Ning Ze was both amused and helpless, and then handed the wonton to Nasida's mouth.

"Ahh~" Although they were arguing just now, seeing the wontons approaching, Naxida immediately ignored the protest of the Dacishu King and swallowed them in one gulp.

"Come on, it's Xiaoying again." Ning Ze ignored Japar who was crying and fussing, and turned to feed Xiaoying again.

It wasn't until noon that Akhmar and Amon helped each other out of the room while disgusted. It was too scary. They had already deeply understood the price of making Ningze angry.

"Evil..." Although the two seemed very harmonious, they actually refused in their hearts.

After all, the two look exactly the same, and even their thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes towards people are very similar, and they really know each other.

If you have to talk about the difference, it is that Amon is weaker and has no bottom line, while Akhmar is stronger and straight.

"Know it's wrong?" Ning Ze asked.

"Got it..." the second daughter said pitifully.

"Do you still dare?" Ning Ze asked again.

"Don't dare, I won't dare again." Akhmar said weakly.

"You two, face the wall and think about it!" Ning Ze said sternly, but after this incident, the second daughter should not do any strange things anymore, right?

After solving this matter, Ning Ze and Naxida came to the World Tree again. Because the King of the Great Mercy Tree needs to reshape his body, the Heart of God has been used as an energy supply device to maintain the stability of the World Tree.

"Huh..." Looking at the body that was exactly the same as that of Nasida, Gapal heaved a sigh of relief. The new body was about to grow. As long as she regained the original body shape of the Great Mercy Tree King, she would no longer have to stay in Nasida's body. inside.

Thinking of his loss of majesty in front of Nasida these days, Gapal felt a headache, and he could only hope that after recovering his body, it would recover a little bit.

"Lord Dacishu King..." Naxida looked at the body that was exactly the same as her own, which was a little complicated.

"What's the matter?" Gapal looked at the complicated Nasida and asked.

"If I grow up, will I be exactly like you?" Naxida frowned and said, she didn't want to be a substitute for Japar, because Ningze said that Naxida is Naxida and will always be Ningze's Good sister.

Chapter 299 Akhmar: "Let me see!"

"Of course it's different!" Japar said firmly.

"Because they are all extensions of the world tree, we all look the same when we were young, but according to different situations such as experience, personality, mentality, etc., we will change in adulthood." Gapar explained.

"Is that so..." Hearing Japal say this, Nasida was a little comforted. Amon is essentially another Akhmar, so her grudge against this identity is only as long as Akhmar keeps her alive. The setting is too short, causing her to know that she can only live for less than half a month when she wakes up.

Now Akhmar helps her reshape her body, and secretly pinches Danshaya, so she is alive again.

But she is different. Naxida has always been regarded as an inferior product of the Great Mercy Tree King, so she has always been very mindful of being regarded as the Great Mercy Tree King in her heart, and strives to live as the moon instead of the sun.

Coupled with the fact that she has been disliked by the sages all these years, Nasida has actually always had a bit of inferiority complex.

That's why Naxida likes Ningze so much, because in Ningze's heart, Naxida is Naxida, Japal is Japal, they are two people

"Brother!" Nasida suddenly pulled Lan Ningze's clothes, and stretched out her little hand to hug her.

"What's the matter~ my little baby~" Ning Ze gently hugged Naxida in his arms. Naxida's body was softer than Xiaoying's, with childish baby fat, and her face was very comfortable to rub against, making Ningze often Can't put it down.

"Hmm..." Gapal looked at the two who acted like a baby and was a little jealous, and then thought why he was so jealous of Nashida?That rounding up is also her daughter!

"Okay, in a few days Japal will be able to regain his new body. At that time, let's pay homage to... the flower god." Gapal opened his mouth, but did not say the real name of the flower god.

"Yeah." Ning Ze nodded slightly, then left the World Tree with Naxida and Japal in his arms.

Glancing at Akhmar and Amon who were still facing the wall and thinking, Ning Ze showed a satisfied expression and asked them to get up and have breakfast.

"Big brother, where are we going today?" Little Yingmei asked Lan Ningze.

"Hmm..." Ning Ze stroked his chin and thought for a moment. Nilu needs some time to think. His going now will only affect Nilu's own judgment. It just so happened that Dolly invited him to El Casazale Palace. Why don't you go now? trip.

After explaining to everyone for a while, Ning Ze went out with Xiao Yingmei, and he would never take Akhmar or Amon to go shopping.

The reason is very simple, one is the Red King himself, and the other is the Red King's avatar, but if any of them reveal their identities, the people in the desert will definitely make a fuss.

Then his idea of ​​being an ordinary traveler and playing in Xumi for a month will be ruined.

Besides, if something ugly happened to these two idiots, it would be his face. After all, these two bastards have no dignity at all.

Akhmar was not angry either, and decided to go out for a walk after Ning Ze left. When she left, Sumeru City had not yet been established, and the forest was not as lush as it is now.

When she came back, Japar disappeared, Ning Ze hated her, and even her avatar greened her. If it wasn't for Akhmar's mentality is good enough, if it wasn't for Amon's support, Akhmar estimated that his The rest of my life will be alone in the desert until I die.

Akhmal followed Ning Ze's path. She knew that Ning Ze wanted to travel as an ordinary person now, and if she followed, it would only affect her.

But Akhmar didn't know the internal structure of Sumeru City, so he could only wander around, and finally came to the Grand Bazaar in a daze.

Just at this time, it was Nilu herself who appeared on the stage. Akhmar was fascinated by the costume of Flora, but he didn't regard Nilu as Flora, but just wanted to complain about a few things that didn't fit Flora's costume.

In this way, Akhmar watched a dance with his face propped up, then ignored the uncle who was trying to stop him, and came to Nilu.

"Ma'am, what's the matter with you?" Nilu looked at the serious Akhmar without any stage fright, and asked Akhmar calmly if he was okay.

"Your headgear, it's not right." Akhmar pointed to Nilu's headgear and said.

"Huh?" Nilu looked at Akhmar suspiciously. This set of clothes was made by her imitating the clothes of the God of Flowers. Even sophisticated scholars couldn't find many shortcomings.

"Come with me, I'll tell you..." Akhmar involuntarily pulled Nilu to leave. Zubayer wanted to stop him, but he couldn't do anything when he felt the kingly aura suddenly emanating from Akhmar. any action.

"It's okay, Mr. Zubair, I think this lady just has some opinions about me, and I will come back later." Nilu comforted before leaving.

She could see that Akhmar meant no harm, but his actions were too misleading.

Everyone who watched Nilu leave looked at each other. These days, Nilu was either tricked out by that man named Ning Ze, or pulled away by an inexplicable woman. They were all afraid that Nilu would not come back one day.

"Still... why are you still standing there!? Hurry up and find the 30-member group!" Zubair shouted after recovering, mobilizing everyone to find Nilu and come back.

Akhmar went straight back to the Jingshan Palace, making Nilu people stupid. Although she had been expecting the God of Grass to comment on her dance, she had never thought about coming to the Jingshan Palace.

After returning to the Jingshan Palace, Akhmar took out all kinds of cloth and accessories, which were the inventory before Aru's demise, after Akhmar came out of Apepu's body.

He once made a special trip to collect some special products whose production methods have been cut off. As for Aru Village, Akhmar also visited once.

He also chatted with a girl who claimed to be the guardian of Aru Village. Seeing that the series of human beings with whom he was most closely related still existed, Akhmar gave him a shield with the power of the Red King and a The treasure map to build a country's wealth was handed over to the girl and left.

The Scarlet King is dead, now only Ningze's dog... Bah bah bah!Ningze's wife Akhmar and Ningze's dog Amon Ra.

For the Red King, the name is not important, but Ning Ze used to call her Akhmar before, so she is more used to this name. As for the name of the demon god Amon Ra, it is given to the avatar.

"Oh? This lady? What are you going to do?" Nilu looked at Akhmar, who was touching her cinnabar with both hands, feeling very uncomfortable, always feeling weird.

"I'm helping you measure the size!" Akhmar replied, and then touched Nilu's lower abdomen. She is not interested in women. As for the rumors that the Red King and the Flower God are partners, Achem Er expresses serious protest.

She just got closer to Flora. Flora doesn't love anyone at all, otherwise she would have lost her body. The two are just an ideal cooperative relationship. Flora uses life to create opportunities for Akhmar, and Achemal You are a pioneer, creating a godless world.

Of course, all of this ended after Ahru was destroyed. Now Akhmal only wants to be Ningze's dog... Bah, bah, bah!wife.

"You can use a ruler for that kind of thing!" Nilu felt strange for a while. She was dragged into the Jingshan Palace for no reason, and then was measured by a strange lady. It was so strange!

"A ruler is not as accurate as a hand!" Akhmar explained confidently, and then slid down...

"Be obedient, it's just the last point, let me see!" Akhmar said impatiently, what bad thoughts could she have?She just wanted to help Nilu make a set of 100% restored Flower God clothes.

Recently, she has been free enough to sniff Ningze's personal belongings for a day.

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