"Ke Lai? What's the matter?" Farusan immediately calmed down and asked.

"Well, my friend in Mond gave me a few tickets for the concert tour, with food and lodging included, and said that he wanted to get together in Liyue. Neither the master nor the disciplinary officer had time, so I thought Ask Senior Falusan if you can go with me..." Ke Lai said with some embarrassment.

"Is that so? Well, it seems that in order to save Ke Lai's face, I will reluctantly go there." Farusan reluctantly agreed, and then secretly asked Ke Lai if he would like to come to her to study.

Ke Lai was so frightened that he shook his head again and again, and his body, which had just recovered from the demon scale disease, turned around and ran away like an arrow.

Chapter 303 I have a friend

In Mond City, in the Church of the West Wind, the only one who returned to the Fools as a straggler was walking nearby.

According to Wei's original plan, she should first get to know Hu Tao when she went to Xiangshengtang in Liyue, and then return to Dao's wife on the specially made boat in Fool's House.

But as soon as she arrived in Liyue, Wei encountered the first difficulty. When she found Hu Tao in the wild, a good Qiuqiu camp was blown into a big hole, and then she followed Hu Tao to the trap.

Although it was released quickly, Wei knew very well that if he hit himself just now, he would be blown into flying ash.

The second difficulty was that Wei found that her character was not compatible with Hutao, so she could only communicate with her sincerely. After explaining her life experience to Hutao, Wei declined Hutao's invitation and planned to ask a lady to help her return to Daowife.

It's just that I just found the lady, and Wei found that the lady's temper is exceptionally gentle. According to what she said, Her Majesty the Empress has already come to Liyue and proved that her identity is fine.

But for Wei's request to go to Dao's wife, the lady refused, because the young master's mess, now Liyue can use not many fools, she can't distribute people to Wei.

This is the third difficulty.

Now there are only two choices, the first one is to wait for the relationship between Zhidong and Liyue to ease, and the lady has extra manpower to help Wei send Dao's wife back.

The second one is to replace the doctor and temporarily station in Mond City. After waiting for about half a month, he can return to Dao's wife.

Wei is very clear that she can't avenge the doctor now, and she must endure and accumulate enough strength to deal with the doctor and all his slices without bothering Ning Ze.

So Wei agreed, and temporarily waited for the doctor's handover in Mond.

It's just that in this place of Mond, there are no acquaintances, and there is nothing interesting in the Goethe Hotel, so you can only wander around the city.

"Forget it... After all... I was also watched by God... It's really funny..." Wei stood at the door of the West Wind Church and hesitated for a while, and first told the passing West Wind knight that there was a sneaky person nearby. Peeping, and lied about cleaning the leaves, and then went straight to the confession room, ready to try the so-called confide in others.

"God, I'm guilty." The relieved Wei no longer cared so much about the difference between gods, people, and dolls, and she was indeed guilty, but what she wanted to talk about was not about revenge, but about other private things.

"Anyone will be guilty. Excuse me, can you tell me about it?" The gentle female voice replied, and it was Barbara who was on duty today.

Because she promised Dolly's Tivat tour, Barbara will go to Liyue tomorrow. In order not to embarrass the other nuns, Barbara and Rosalia have transferred classes.

Wei Wei could tell that the person opposite the confession room was a little girl, and a wicked smile immediately appeared on the corner of her mouth, she thought of a funny thing.

"I... have different feelings for my brother, I can't suppress it, I can't control my love for him, I don't know what to do!" Wei Wei said painfully, as if he was trapped by love.

"Hey!? Miss across the way, don't worry, please... Please speak slowly." Where did Barbara hear such an explosive thing, her mind went blank, and she could only calm Wei down first.

"I'm sorry, my body can't control myself anymore. My brother cared about me very much and brought me a ray of light when I was the most vulnerable and helpless. I couldn't bear it anymore. I I'm even addicted to his smell! And... and..." Wei knew that she was hooked when she heard Barbara's voice, and immediately pretended to be excited and said a lot of things that could not pass the trial.

In this way, under Wei's narration, the originally innocent Barbara knew many things that she had never heard of, even though most of them were made up by Wei herself.

After saying something nice and leaving Westwind Church, a dazed Barbara came out of the confession room. There were too many, too many messy things.

"So... can people touch there?" Barbara couldn't help thinking, her pure heart had already added a little bit of ink under Wei's evil taste.

"No, no, no! I can't think about this kind of thing, but... can people really touch it? That lady doesn't sound like she's lying to me..." Barbara recalled the only vivid description just now, half-true The half-fake plot made it impossible for Barbara to find a loophole.

After hesitating for a long time, Barbara decided to find someone to confide in. This person must be older than her, have great power, be devout to God, and it is best to be an acquaintance. It would be even better if they have been with each other for a long time But that's all.

And this person is...

"Rosalia! I have something to tell you!" Barbara found Rosalia who was drinking in the tavern, although Rosalia seemed indifferent and didn't care about anything.

But Barbara could tell that Rosalia was actually a very gentle person. Several times when Barbara went out, she could see Rosalia helping others.

As for why she didn't look for her sister, it was mainly because she was embarrassed. When Barbara was very young, her parents' marriage broke down. Qin followed her mother in Gurnhilde, while Barbara followed her father in Westwind Church. .

Although the two are sisters in name, although they care about their relatives very much, although they always want to get in touch more.

But Qin has too much work, and Barbara is too shy, and the two can only maintain this state of twisting.

Of course, there is the most important thing, Rosalia is tight-lipped.

"Huh~ Barbara? What can you do with me?" Rosalia said as she glanced at the malicious drunks around her, frightening them sober up, fearing that Rosalia would physically sober them up.Read the book

You know, the last person who tried to molested Rosalia had become an aunt from an uncle.

"There are so many people here that it's not suitable for chatting. I know a place. Come with me." Rosalia said, holding Barbara's little hand and walking towards the church.

The two went straight to the confession room, and then Rosalia hung a sign outside that it was under repair, and then sat in the nun's seat.

This is where she sleeps lazily, because the confession room is not very useful, and most people tend to choose to "Barbara rush!" to relieve stress.

Over time, the confession room has become a place for a few people and some outsiders who want to be lively. Rosalia likes to come to the confession room to sleep when she is working.

Usually, you don't meet two or three in the whole day, but you can get a good night's sleep and not be nagged by Sister Rosalia, isn't it beautiful?

Barbara sat in Wei's original position and hesitated for a long time. She really wanted to directly explain why she was looking for Rosalia, but this kind of thing...

Finally, Barbara confessed to Barbatos in her heart, and then said: "I have a friend..."

Chapter 304

"Mr. Ning Ze, is that Liyue over there?" Nilu leaned against the railing of the bed and asked, it was her first time to take a boat and come to Liyue for the first time.

"Ugh..." Dishiya beside her was crazily vomiting out unknown objects. She was indeed a lion with a blazing mane in the desert, but she couldn't super-evolve into a sea cat at sea. She had some landlubber potential and was repeatedly Tortured, I have to vomit two or three times a day to feel comfortable.

"Well, that's the port." Ning Ze responded, and then thoughtfully gave Di Xiya red ginger. This pungent snack can relieve vomiting.

"Thank you...thank you..." Dixia rinsed her mouth with water first, and then took the red ginger and bit into it, and the feeling of vomiting disappeared for the most part.

"Oh oh oh~ Nilu, are you here? We're going to meet Miss Idol of Mond later, you have to be more careful then!" Dolly came bouncing to the deck.

Relying on Alice's relationship, Barbara readily agreed to the plan of the Tivat tour, which is Liyue located in the center of Tivat.

Dolly has already made a plan. If the tour performance makes a lot of money in Liyue, then she will invest heavily and increase the advertising fee by three or four times. Wouldn't Mora flow like turning on a faucet?

"Then I have to go home first, and after you have finished the exchange, come to the Pastoral Hall to get together?" Ning Ze nodded and said, he hadn't seen Walnut for two months, and he didn't know that his perfect fit staff was flat-chested. What happened to the sister who asked.

"Boom!!!!" Suddenly, there was a violent explosion sound. Ordinary people might not be able to hear it, but Ning Ze could clearly perceive that this was the magic staff he gave to Hu Tao! ! !

At this time, Liyue's Yaoguang Beach and the development rights of nearby sites have been bought by Hutao, and the seaside resort has been developed in a decent manner.

It's just that Hu Tao neither chose to find the Qianyan Army to clean up the monsters, nor did he find workers to repair the hidden reefs of the Shaking Beach. The main art is explosions.

Because this time Hutao is indeed doing business, not to mention that there are not many people living near Yaoguangtan, even Keqing can only turn a blind eye.

"It's so comfortable~" Hu Tao lay on the beach and sighed. This time, she gathered all the relic guards near the beach together, and then used the explosion magic to blow it up.

"Hallmaster Hu..." Zhong Li on the side gently wiped the wet hair with a towel. Hu Tao's explosion magic can crack even her jade shield in full Yanshen state. I really don't know Ning Ze How is it made.

"Oh? Zhong Li, tell me, it's almost time now, right? Why hasn't my brother come back yet? Doesn't that really mean that my brother has handled the matter almost?" asked Hu Tao, who was picked up by Zhong Li.

"He's already back. If Hall Master doesn't go back and wash it up quickly, I'm afraid that Ning Ze will see you ashamed." Zhong Li said helplessly.

"Oh!? Then hurry up! I don't want my brother to know what I've done recently..." Hu Tao urged with her staff in her arms. She has been bombarding these days, and now Hu Tao fully understands why that little sister likes it. Fried fish.

When the two returned home, Ning Ze was already sitting in the living room and counting the books.

"Liyue wasteland development rights, [-] million moras!? Yaoguangtan development rights, [-] million moras!?" Ning Ze looked at the two bright red payments on the ledger with a confused expression.

These days, Zhongli's retaliatory consumption and Wendy's binge drinking seem to be drizzling.

Compared with the internal background of Xiangshengtang, this money is not much, but how can Xiangshengtang, who is in the business of dead people, develop real estate inexplicably?

Could it be that Hu Tao thinks that Wuwangpo is not enough for people to be buried, and plans to develop a clean cemetery in the mountains and a villa-style cemetery by the sea?

Thinking that this is indeed something that his sister might do, Ning Ze didn't have much emotion. To him, Mo La is just a number and it's not just a joke. ap.

Before his death, Mr. Hu entrusted Hu Tao and Ning Ze with the Hall of Rebirth. In theory, Ning Ze also owns half of the property.

The Hall of Rebirth was born longer than Liyue Port itself, and if the wealth accumulated over time was thrown away, the Seven Kingdoms would all be affected.

It's no wonder that Zhong Li chose to come and go to the Shengtang for retirement, because he was so rich, but the hall masters of all dynasties were obsessed with funerals, so they didn't reveal it.

But Ning Ze never used a penny of the past life hall, and lived on the money from his work and selling potions.

And Walnut usually doesn't have much expenses, so the half-price show operation of the second monument, although it seems to be a loss at first glance, but Xiangshengtang still makes some money.

"Brother!? Are you back?" Hu Tao's lively voice came from outside the Hall of Life. She had already learned that Ning Ze was back through the mouth of Miss Ungrateful?

According to Ning Ze's habit of inspecting the interior of the Hall of Rebirth, it should be...

"Brother, I know I was wrong." Hu Tao knelt in front of Ning Ze and admitted her mistake. Ning Ze was not at home, and she was too bored by herself, so she could only use the burst magic to relieve her mood.

"I see, I didn't blame you." Ning Ze looked at the poor Hu Tao helplessly, what else could his sister do?What's more, he doesn't care about the money.

"Hmm..." Hu Tao nodded again and again, then looked at Ning Ze eagerly.

"Why don't you get up?" Ning Ze looked at Hu Tao in surprise, thinking that Amon, who was sleeping on his bed, was on Hu Tao.

"Well, brother, please help me. I just finished blowing things up and I don't have the strength." Hu Tao explained with a guilty conscience.

"Thin." Ning Ze gently picked up Hu Tao and weighed it for evaluation.

"Hehehe~ It's not good to lose weight... Ouch!" Hu Tao felt aggrieved while clutching her knocked head.

"Don't you look at how much weight you weigh? You don't have much meat in the first place, and you're still thin!" Ning Ze reprimanded in distress, guessing that it must be because he is not in the Xiangshengtang, and the walnuts will not be able to eat well.

"Hey hey hey~" Hu Tao stuck out her little tongue. Although it felt weird, her brother was not only not angry, but also felt sorry for herself, which proved that his brother still loved her.

"Really...you just can't grow up..." Ning Ze reluctantly carried Hu Tao to the sofa, and then went to the kitchen to cook a meal for her.

"Grow up? I want to, too, I've always wanted to~" Hu Tao whispered to herself, and she will really grow up in a year, and then she won't pretend to be scary, every day Holding Ningze and not letting go, make a dog skin plaster that is stickier than dog skin plaster.

"Sister Hutao? What do you think?" Xiao Yingmei, who had just helped Akhmar and Amon clean up the room, asked.

Although the second daughter repeatedly stated that it was fine for them to sleep in Ningze's room, they were still dismissed by Ningze.

"Ah!? Oh...Xiaoying...Xiaoying!?" Hu Tao looked at Xiaoyingmei who was older than her in a daze, isn't it right?Although Sora had already explained it to her, it was too strange!It was obviously a small one before, but now it is bigger than me.

Chapter 305

"Walnut, walnut? Walnut!?" Ning Ze looked at the autistic Hutao with a little surprise. After Hutao returned to the room, he looked at the innocent little sister and asked her to stare at Akhmar and Amon first. Zhong Li explained the reason of the matter.

"No need." Zhong Li shook her head lightly, she knew very well what Ning Ze was like, and also knew that this matter was very complicated, so there was no need to make it difficult for Ning Ze.

"Speaking of which, is there anything going on recently?" Ning Ze didn't force it, seeing that Zhong Li wasn't interested, he asked about his absence from Li Yue.

The two chatted for a while, and finally the topic returned to Gui Zhong and Ruo Tuo. After learning that Apepu could help Ruo Tuo get rid of it, Zhong Li, who didn't care about Apepu before, became interested.

"Based on general rationality, this little girl is an ordinary person, right? But if you take a closer look, she is indeed an ordinary person." Zhong Li rubbed her chin and looked at Apepu. It was also the first time she saw Gu Long. Transition to the period of Dragon King.

According to Apep, whenever the Dragon King passes away, Gu Long has the opportunity to replace the Dragon King, but the premise is that the elemental power is strong enough and survive the weakest transition period.

The transition period is generally based on the creatures around, mimicking the same appearance, but no matter how mimicked, the ancient dragon itself is very weak.

For example, when Apep was on the boat these days, he was either touched on the head by Nilu or pinched by Dixia. Even Dolly teased her with snacks, as if she was a group favorite.

Although Apep resisted at first, but looking at the desserts and juices offered to humans, he would reluctantly allow them to overstep.

But if Akhmar goes, Apep will bite her desperately. Last time Akhmar wanted to tease Apep, but was chased and killed by angry Apep from the bow to the stern.

In the end, Apepu, who couldn't run, sat down on the deck and wailed loudly. It was better for Ning Ze to coax him. In the end, Akhmar was bitten by Apepu for a long time. Although he didn't even leave any teeth marks, Apep still proudly called this event "The Grass Dragon's Revenge".

"You're almost done! Please look at me! I'm not dead yet! Look at me!!!!" The end of the side yelled frantically. After Ning Ze came back, he first greeted her, and then stopped ignore her.

"After all, I have something here that may make you return to human form, but... something may happen." Ning Ze glanced at Apepu who was eating candied haws. Became a child.

When she first disembarked, she still felt uncomfortable with the environment in Liyue Port, and she insisted on walking close to Ning Ze, for fear of being left alone. It wasn't until Xiaoyingmei bought a bunch of candied haws that she became obedient.

"What is it!? Show me quickly!" After all, he said curiously, and then half of his body appeared on Liuli Lily. ap.

Ning Ze took out the super nutrient solution plus version, which is like a fast-forward button for plants, and one drop is worth 2000 years of growth.

"Fall on me! I can feel it! This thing is of great use to me!" After all anxiously urged, her instinct was frantically warning that she must get what Ning Ze was holding no matter what.

"Huh..." Ning Ze took out a dropper and sucked a drop, and then dripped it on the flower stamen of the glass lily. In an instant, a breath of demon god level erupted. This kind of terrifying power cannot be detected by humans, but it is hidden in the market and in the mountains. Immortals are different, and even faintly feel a sense of familiarity.

"Plop!" The lady who had just taken a shower and was about to take a rest today was kneeling in the bathroom. After all, the breath has an affinity for immortals, and after all these days, all the descendants of immortals behind her have been marked, so if No accidents happened to Mandrill, but to a lady like Solstice Winter Executive, the breath of the end is tantamount to murderous aura.

"My Lady Queen! I want to go back to Winter!!!" The lady yelled frantically in her heart. Last time, she was almost fooled by Ning Ze into signing the contract, and now she was too scared by the breath of the demon god. Who is in Liyue? Whoever loves to come, she doesn't want to stay any longer.

"Not enough! One more drop!" After all anxiously urged, she already felt that she was going to break that damned curse, only one drop of super nutrient solution plus was missing.

Seeing this, Ning Ze first glanced at Zhong Li, and after getting her approval, he took a drop with a dropper and put it on the stamen of the Liuli Lily.

As the second drop fell, the flower of the glass lily withered immediately, and at the same time, the stamen in the center formed a fruit, which gradually grew bigger and bigger. Finally, the fruit was about two meters high, in front of Ning Ze and Zhong Li. split.

"Hahahaha! I'm back after all!!!" After all, he walked out of the huge fruit with his hips akimbo, and then looked at Ning Ze and Zhong Li's dumbfounded expressions in surprise.

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